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Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 8:23 pm
by Vutall
Daily Spellcasting Training

After the morning duties are completed, a handful of sensei gather the shugenja and bring them to a small secluded part of the parade ground on the southern portion of the complex. They begin the lessons by first going over prayers that can entice the kami, as well as specialized words or terms that a normal rokugani would not know, but make it easier to converse with the Kami. Then, they ask each student to attempt to use their prayers to locate a kami in the area, commune with it, and then manifest it.

NOTE: Monks are NOT spellcasting, but this event represents their inherent mystical ability to interact with the elements. For rules purposes, they can use the three spells as if they were a shugenja. ((YOU DO NOT GAIN SENSE, COMMUNE, OR SUMMON OUTSIDE OF THIS EVENT))
This is a repeatable event, and will happen over multiple days. Each day, you must select a Ring to use, at which point, you may not use that ring again for this event. Players should make a note in their Personal Forum with a topic called "Daily Spellcasting Training " and note which days they used each ring.

Characters with Seven Fortunes Blessing may only use their blessing for one roll per event.

Characters who have the following disadvantages have the following penalties:
-Elemental Imbalance: The TN penalty listed for the disadvantage is +1 instead of +5 during this event
-Wrath of the Kami: If you succeed on the Summon for the element of this disadvantage, it deals 1k1 damage to you before being calmed by one of the sensei.

Only characters with the Monk or Shugenja school tag may enter this event

In order to complete the training, you must do the following:

Select a ring to use (not including Void), not using the same ring you have already selected before for this event.

Then, make a Meditation/Void check at TN6. If you succeed, you gain that ring as a bonus to your rolls for this event.

Then, you must complete the following steps in order:

(To cast the spells, you roll Ring+1, keeping ring, plus the bonus from the Meditation check as detailed above)

Sense, using the element of the ring you selected at TN5.
Commune, using the element of the ring you selected at TN6.
Summon, using the element of the ring you selected at TN7.

  • -For each step you complete, you gain +2 Dojo points
  • -If you complete all three Shugenja steps, you gain +1 to Spellcrafting (Shugenja Only) or Meditation (Monk Only). You may only gain this reward once.
  • -If on the Sense roll you have a roll explode twice, you gain the Friend of the Elements advantage for the element you are using.
  • -If on the Commune roll you have a roll explode twice, you gain the Friendly Kami (Shugenja Only) or Chosen by the Oracles (Monk Only) advantage for the element you are using.
  • -If on the Summon roll you have a roll explode twice, you gain the Elemental Blessing advantage for the element you are using.
  • -At the end of the event, you gain a permanent +1 to the Mental and Physical traits associated with the ring you are using. You may only gain this reward once per Trait.
  • Special: On the final iteration of this event, if you have passed all rolls in at least 3 of the 4 events, you gain the Friend of the Brotherhood Advantage

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:00 pm
by Kuni Yotsuo
Attending the training as required, Yotsuo focuses on fire during the first session. His understanding of the ring of fire is deepened before participation by centering himself and bringing fire into ascension in his body and mind. He goes through the motions as explained by the sensei in charge of the training and shows himself to be capable enough to understand the basics of how the elemental kami function.


D2 Dragon, Spellcasting Training: Fire, Meditation / Void, TN 6: 4d10o10k2 15
D2 Dragon, Spellcasting Training: Sense, Fire + 1 / Fire, +1 from Meditation, TN 5: 2d10o10k1+1 9
D2 Dragon, Spellcasting Training: Commune, Fire + 1 / Fire, +1 from Meditation, VP +1k1, TN 6: 3d10o10k2+1 23
D2 Dragon, Spellcasting Training: Summon, Fire + 1 / Fire, +1 from Meditation, VP +1k1, TN 7: 3d10o10k2+1 12

+6 dojo points, +1 rank of Meditation, +1 Intelligence, +1 Agility

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:19 pm
by Asako Saburo
You are Isawa
You will not make an ass out of yourself...
You will not make an ass out of yourself...
You will not make an ass out of yourself...
You will not make an ass out of yourself...
You will not make an ass out of yourself...

Saburo knelt down into meditative posture, his mind focusing in on one of his most deficient elements. Air. Sensei told him that his air was lacking, which led to his troubles in breathing exercises. Over and over again, it was drilled into him to breathe deeply. Breathe in the air, exhale the air. Finally, after an effort, he could feel the center, feel the air that was around him. His fire dampened just enough for him to fractionally be able to home in on the proper words, the proper state of mind.

And so he began with the prayers. In straightforward succession, each was performed until the air swirled around his hands, flowing upwards as he did his very best not to be fascinated by the Kuni's conjuring of the flickering flames. He was here to fulfill his deficiencies. He would demonstrate his mastery in due course. Today, he would show that even deficient, he was capable. He was Isawa. He would not fuck up.

He would also not breathe a visible sigh of relief when he didn't fuck up. That would be unseemly, to imply he hadn't been sure of this.

Ring Selected - D2: Air (1)
Pertinent Rolls:
Void-Meditation: 6 - Success on the nose. +1 to spellcasting rolls
Sense Air: 8 - Success
Commune Air: 12 - Success
Summon Air: 8 - Success

Final Result: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Reflexes/+1 Awareness

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:46 pm
by Mai
Mai is nervous. She is going to show her skill with fire. Not her worse element. But not her best either. She manages to center herself.

The first takes place. She closes her eye and senses the source of fire even though she is too far away to feel the heat. She can hear the whispers of the kami though. She walks over to the flames and sit.

She then begins talking to the kami. She can appreciate their quick with.

Finally, she begins to think of the what it means to be a Mantis. The honor of a Clan that takes pride in how human it is over a founding kami. With that, she began her next task. She had never manages to summon a flame before. Until now. Fortune favors the mortal man.

Ring: Fire

D2 Dragon: Meditation/Void: 3d10o10k2 15

D2 Dragon: Sense/Fire+1: 2d10o10k1+1 18

D2 Dragon: Commune/Fire+1: 2d10o10k1+1 6

D2 Dragon: Summon/Fire+5 (Strength of Honor): 2d10o10k1+5 11


+6 Dojo Points

+1 Spellcraft

+1 Fire Ring

Note: Read the regular Honor Roll rule, not the optional, but still pass with a 7 due to a 6 and +1.

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 1:23 pm
by Yogo Otoko
Otoko was not quite what you would call brave. She was, instead, stubbornly fatalistic in her views. That meant that she would do the hardest thing first if she needed to. That meant, in her case, trying to talk to the Water kami. They'd never liked her, for whatever reason.

Today though, they let her be. Thank the Fortunes. They even cooperated!

D2 - Water (1)
Meditation = 7 (Pass, +1)
Elemental Imbalance roll w/ SoH = 16 (Pass)
Sense = 15 (Pass)
Commune = 8 (Pass)
Summon = 18 (Pass)

+6 DP, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Strength and Perception

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 3:58 pm
by Kitsune Setsuna

  • As Setsuna slowly ambled along with the other students, he was lost in thought. The boy had been up all night long, having kept watch, but it seemed uneventful and thus had not done anything. After a fine breakfast, it was time for his Daily Spellcrafting Training, which he was eager to do after showing off his ability to speak to the water mikokami just hours before.

    Unfortunately that meant he would not be able to summon them because he'd used his water spell slot, so that would have to wait another day. His voice was quiet but clear, almost melodius as he began to recite the prayers that the mikokami liked the best. If they liked him before, surely they would love him after this. Before long, it was time to put the knowledge to the test. The silvery haired teen landed into a neat plop on the grassy ground, meditating, seeking answers from within as to what would be best. The mikokami of the air seemed to dance around his hair for a moment, though more likely it was just a breeze, and those incarnadine red eyes sprang open. He knew what had to be done, and they would help him accomplish his task.


    A clap as his hands pressed together in front of him, and then he withdrew the spell scroll he would need. The spirits had guided him, and he would obey. After last night's performance he would have attempted water, but he didn't have the spell slots for it anyways. This was a much better plan. As he read from the scroll and added in his newly found knowledge from the lesson, a spark went off in his mind and he swiveled, looking across the parade grounds. A lantern. A hop up to his feet, and the teen quickly abandoned the rest of the group to approach it. It was mounted up higher on the wall, so he hopped up and latched onto the stone, climbing a few steps up and then he was level with it. A peek inside it's paper walls, and he could see just the faintest hint of an orange glow among the ashes, the mikokami not long for this world.

    "It will be okay; you are a good wick," he whispered quietly to the spirit, delicately balancing the whole like, three feet up on the wall, to not lose sight of it for a second. The sense scroll had been put away, and it was a simple matter to use one hand to whip out the second scroll, to commune with it. Once more he began to quietly incant to the mikokami; what did it need? It needed fuel, sustenance, or it could not go on much longer. It had faithfully watched over the dojo for many months, but was neglected and soon would sputter out. Setsuna was determined to not let that happen. The scroll returned to it's home, and he pulled out a small bit of paper that he had drawn upon, nothing serious, just a sketch of a fox, smaller than his hand. It was gently placed atop the ashes, but he could still see the orange. Too weak to even eat, he knew what to do next.

    Still hanging on, pale hand going even paler, the last scroll was withdrawn. Quiet and clear as ever, he began to call out to the mikokami within the lantern, saying the words it needed to hear. Each sentence he could see it glow, just a little brighter, stronger. It touched the paper, and when he finished, the paper instantly caught ablaze. The fire was summoned, now at proper strength (a bit stronger than the lantern needed, admittedly) and crackled loudly as it feasted. The boy would hop down, and alert a nearby guard that the lantern would need more fuel soon, but was otherwise very satisfied in how the day's lesson had turned out.

    Meditation/Void TN6, unskilled
    D2 Dragon Meditation/Void TN6, unskilled: 2d10k2 9 adding AIR ring for a bonus of +1

    Sense - Spellcraft/Fire TN5
    D2 Dragon Spellcraft/Fire TN5 Invocation: Sense: 2d10o10k1 7 +1 for 8
    +2 DP for Pass

    Commune - Spellcraft/Fire TN6
    D2 Dragon Spellcraft/Fire TN5 Invocation: Commune: 2d10o10k1 9 +1 for 10
    +2 DP for Pass

    Summon - Spellcraft/Fire TN7
    D2 Dragon Spellcraft/Fire TN5 Invocation: Summon: 2d10o10k1 9 +1 for 10
    +2 DP for Pass

    +6 DP total
    +1 Spellcraft for passing all 3 shugenja steps
    +1 Agility & +1 Intelligence for passing.

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 7:51 pm
by Toritaka Sasaiko
Sasaiko sits for the exercise, centering herself deeply and easily. She does well at sensing, and she makes contact to commune. Bringing forth the element, though, exceeds her.

Red-faced, she bows herself out.

(Selected Ring: Earth

Meditation / Void passed at 19,; + 1 to rolls

Sense Earth at TN5: passed at 7,, +2 Dojo
Commune Earth at TN6: passed at 6,, +2 Dojo
Summon Earth at TN7: fail at 4,

+4 Dojo Points, +1 to Stamina and Willpower)

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 8:44 pm
by Kitsu Akio
Refreshed from a good, (mostly) undisturbed night's rest, Akio followed closely after the group. The boy was more than prepared for his training today, unlike his rocky start yesterday - and ready to demonstrate his aptitude in matters of communion with the kami. As they arrived at the southern portion of the complex and the lecture began, Akio listened intently and without comment.

As the lecture drew to a close and the sensei began to separate the students so that they could commune with the kami without the risk of one student harming another, Akio found himself a nice, soft patch of grass to rest upon - closing his eyes and exhaling quietly as he diligently performed the routine he'd grew so accustomed to - meditation. The wisdom he ruminated on wasn't on the Tao of Shinsei, however - rather, the wisdom of his forebears. When his eyes opened once more, his mind was clear, and he was ready to demonstrate.

With the scroll he'd needed unfurled in his lap, Akio looked it over for a moment before a small, wispy smile crossed his lips. I'll start with what I know best. Rising to his feet, scroll in both hands, he recited the prayer drilled into him - not just by the sensei here, but by the ones of his homeland. The cadence of his voice rose and fell like the ebb and flow of a tide, and sure enough, after a moment--

Ah! There.

Rising to his feet, Akio stowed away the first of three scrolls - brushing the blades of grass off of himself before reaching for the second as he walked a couple of feet to his left with purpose - standing before an unattended, half-empty pail of water before long. Unfurling the second scroll, he took a moment before closing his eyes and speaking a second prayer to commune with the kami, offering it a simple question - Where did you come from? Though the water kami answered, it spoke not in words, nor in expression, but in soundless, swirling vortices of color that filled the mind of the young shugenja - shifting from one image to another in ceaseless movement. A well. A gray, stormy sky. An open sea as far as the eye could see, stretching even further beyond. Satisfied with its answer, Akio's smile widened as he tucked away the second scroll, reaching for the third. Though he enjoyed communion with the kami, he had no desire to be swept away by it. Not today.

With a quiet "Ahem." to clear his throat, Akio began the last of his three prayers - this time, to summon the water kami to fill the pail. As expected, they answered his summons, and the water level inside rose - although it was only to about three quarters of the way. It worked, but... I'll need to improve on that. Letting slip a dissatisfied sigh, he tucked away the last scroll, letting his arms drop to his sides as he stared down at the pail with a furrowed brow.

Meditation/Void TN6 = 18 (TN6, pass)
Sense Water+1/Water +1 = 7 (TN5, pass)
Commune Water+1/Water +1 = 9 (TN6, pass)
Summon Water+1/Water +1 = 9 (TN7, pass)
+6 DP, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Strength, +1 Perception

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 9:43 pm
by Isawa Tanshin
Tanshin has kept a low profile so far, barely speaking to any of the students. He felt more comfortable coming to this class knowing that it would be more similar to the training he had undergone so far.

He crossed his legs in meditation to center himself. What element to choose. He looked within, sensing each element within in turn.
He felt the Fire was eager to blaze, whereas the sense of Earth was somewhat dormant, and Air seemed as a warm spring breeze.
He turned his attention to Water, and began to be be overwhelmed by the pulse of the blood coursing through his veins. No, not Water. Not yet.

He began chanting prayers to sense the Air kami within the room. He could feel their presense, and how they seemed to be drawn to himself, as well as his fellow clan member, Asako Saburo.

He changed his intonation by controlling his breath, exhaling as an offering to the kami as he offered his thanks. "I offer you Breath from my Lungs." He chanted.

Finally, he made his request: He tore a bit of parchment, and requested the Air kami dance with it. The pieces seemed animated as they lifted, then drifted, then swirled in a small eddy in the movement of the Air kami.

Meditation Shugenja Training D1 AIR Meditation: 1d10k1 6 6 Pass 0
Sense Shugenja Training D1 AIR Sense: 2d10o10k1+1 8 8 Pass 2
Commune Shugenja Training D1 AIR Commune: 2d10o10k1+1 10 10 Pass 2
Summon Shugenja Training D1 AIR Summon: 2d10o10k1+1 19 19 Pass 2
+6 DP, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Awareness, +1 Reflexes

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 6:43 am
by Iuchi Prashant
Prash took his time observing the other students' ways of speaking to the kami and asking them for favours. He knew the ways of his family were different, but it was also the way of the Iuchi to learn as much as they could about the way others dealt with the spirits. Most of them seemed to be doing quite well, too. That was expected, probably. It still meant he'd have to push himself further, too.

He then set his eyes on the quiet Scorpion girl for a moment. Was she also using charms to communicate with the spirits? Or was he imagining things? That was curious. He should try to talk to her at some point.

He'd start with fire. It was not his strongest suit, although he usually had a good time with it. Fire spirits were a bit overexcited, jumping around as they went from one idea to the next, but they were witty and could be profound at times. He smiled, remembering previous experiences with them, and looking forward to the activity at hand.

He then sat down to meditate himself, as instructed. He was quite sure he would do ok today, he thought as he look at the bracelet on his arm and remembered the other charms he had prepared while training at home. Still, it was a good way to practice further what Kitsuki-sensei had taught him and the others earlier. Relax one and the other will follow , he thought, and quickly found his centre.

He then proceeded to the actual task of speaking the the spirits. As he got up from his meditative posture, he first got a pyramidal pendant from his satchel, put it on and said a few words as he touched it. The already burnt wood seems to turn red for a moment, as if it were embers, and he looks around quietly, smiling and muttering something as he locates a fire kami.

As the pendant turns back to normal, he takes it off, places it back inside the satchel and extends his hand, touching a mahogany ring on his right hand with his left hand and muttering some words again. "Ohayou gozaimasu, Ka no kami-sama", he says, bowing and smiling respectfully as a "fire" kanji on the ring suddenly burns like embers as well. "I hope this fine days sees kami-sama well? Has any fire other than that of knowledge lit around this temple of learning?", he asks of the kami, still smiling.

After his quick talk to the fire kami, he touches the ring again as it goes back to normal, then takes out a slightly burnt sandalwood bracelet he wore in his left arm.

He breathes in, feeling the pleasant smell of the sandalwood mixed with the slight scent of smoke, the places his hands on both sides of the bracelet and mutters some other words, closing his eyes for a moment. A small flame then starts crackling above the bracelet, and as the Iuchi concentrates, it increases in size, becoming warm, then hot, and covering most of the space above the bracelet in front of him. He opens his eyes, concentrates on the fire for some more time as he waits for a sign of approval of the sensei, then waves his hands and the fire is suddenly gone.

Day 2 Dragon - Shugenja training - Fire. Meditation/Void roll for Fire Ring as bonus. 3k1, TN 6: 3d10o10k1 9

Sense, Commune and Summon
Using Fire Meishodo for all three tasks. No rolls needed, no chance for an explosion. All steps completed.

+6 Dojo Points
+1 Spellcasting
+1 Agility
+1 Intelligence
1/3 Elements with success on all 3 rolls.

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 1:55 am
by Vutall
This event closes in 10 hours from this post.

Kuni Yotsuo: +6 dojo points, +1 Meditation, +1 Fire
Asako Saburo: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Air
Mai: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Fire
Yogo Otoko: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Water
Kitsune Setsuna: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Fire
Toritaka Sasaiko: +4 Dojo Points, +1 Earth
Kitsu Akio: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Water
Isawa Tanshin: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Air
Iuchi Prashant: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Fire

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 8:26 am
by Kaito Kai
Kai focused intensely on the flaming taper that was the object of their meditation. They watched the flame dance as it consumed the sliver of wood, seeking deeper meanings of the universe.

In the middle of Kai's focus, the flame guttered and sputtered - they were so close! - but the taper reignited fortuitously and the loss of focus was something that wasn't irrecoverable. At the conclusion of things, Kai breathed a sigh of relief and a word of thanks to whatever spirits or Fortunes were looking out for them.



D2 Dragon - Spellcasting Event: Meditation/Void - TN 6: 4d10o10k2 19
D2 Dragon - Spellcasting Event: Sense/Commune/Summon - TN: 4/5/6 in order rolled, Meditation success bonus active: 3#2d10o10k1+1 9 4 9
D2 Dragon - Spellcasting Event: Commune Luck Reroll - TN: 5, Meditation success bonus active: 2d10o10k1 5 (Actually 6, forgot the +1 on the reroll)

+6 Dojo Points
All three steps completed: +1 Meditation (one time reward)
+1 to Agility and Intelligence