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Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 8:21 pm
by Vutall
Daily Combat Training

After warming up with the morning Kata, your Sensei pair you off with a trained Imperial ashigaru for combat training. They walk about the parade grounds, observing each fighting pair and taking notes, rarely commenting on anyone's form, but instead allowing each of you to show what you have learned over the past years at your own dojo as well as anything you may have picked up from your time here with them.
This is a repeatable event, and will happen over multiple days. Each day, you must select a Ring to use, at which point, you may not use that ring again for this event. Players should make a note in their Personal Forum with a topic called "Daily Combat Training " and note which days they used each ring.

Only characters with the Bushi, Monk, or Shinobi school tags may enter this event

In order to complete the training, you must do the following:

Select a ring to use (Not including Void), not using the same ring you have already selected before for this event.

Then, make a Meditation/Void check at TN6. If you succeed, you gain that ring as a bonus to your rolls for this event.

You may only be in a stance for the duration of this thread that corresponds to the ring you chose. They are as follows:

Air: Defense
Earth: Full Defense
Fire: Attack
Water: Full Attack

Your opponent will select the opposite stance of you, meaning

Attack will be met with Defense
Full Attack will be met with Full Defense
Defense will be met with Attack
Full Defense will be met with Full Attack

You will conduct combat over the course of 6 rounds. You will use the Physical trait of the ring you selected for all Attack and Defense rolls. Damage uses Strength, regardless of what Ring you selected. No maneuvers are allowed and you are always within 5ft of your opponent. You may not grapple, and you may not move out of combat. At the End of a round, you may bow to your opponent to end your event progress. If you are ever Down or worse, your opponent immediately ends the event and you claim your rewards.

Your opponent has an initiative of 2k1, a TN of 7 in defense, and 5+2k1 divided by 2 in full defense, an attack of 4k1 in attack, 6k2 in full attack, and a damage of 2k1. They will always keep the lowest damage dice. Their wound block is as follows:
0-10: Healthy
11-14: +3
15-18 +5
18-22: +10
23-26: +15
27-30 +20
31-34: Down
35-38: Out
39: Dead.

You will face a fresh opponent each event, starting with no wounds.

You are allowed to select any weapon you choose, but they are either wooden or dulled, and thus have a damage of 0k1. When rolling damage, you may select the lowest dice. If you bring your opponent to Down or worse, you will be docked 5 Dojo points, as well as suffer an honor loss equal to a Minor Breach of Etiquette. Additionally, you will lose 0.1 glory. If you have no glory, you will instead gain this as infamy.

Characters who have the following Disadvantages MUST select their highest damage dice: Brash, Cursed by the Realm: Toshigoku

Offensive Rewards:
  • -For every strike you land, you gain +1 Dojo Point.
  • -If you land three strikes with the same weapon, you permanently gain +1 in the weapon skill you used. You may only gain this reward once per weapon skill.
  • -If you manage to land three strikes with wound penalties, you gain the Strength of the Earth advantage. (Note: You will not have wound penalties unless you go into the event with them)
  • -You may chose to switch to a different weapon at the start of each round, excluding any bows. If you are able to land a strike with three different weapon skills, you gain the Crab Hands advantage.
  • -If you ever deal 15 or more damage from an Unarmed attack, you gain the Hands of Stone Advantage
  • -If you have an attack roll explode twice, you gain the Great Potential advantage for that skill.
Defensive Rewards:
  • -For every strike you defend (your opponent misses you), you gain +1 Dojo Point.
  • -If you defend against three strikes, you permanently gain +1 Defense. You may only gain this reward once.
Other Rewards:
  • -If your initiative is 10 points or more higher than your opponent, you gain the Quick advantage. Void used to increase your initiative does not count for this.
  • -At the end of the event (either after 6 rounds, or whenever you bow to your opponent to end it early), if you are not at the Down or Out wound rank, you gain a permanent +1 to the Mental and Physical Traits associated with the ring you selected. You may only gain this reward once per Trait.
Special: On the final iteration of this event, if you have any combination of passing 3 rolls or having your opponent miss on three attacks in 3 of the 4 events (So either you passed at least 3 rolls in both your offense and had your opponent miss you 3 times in 1 defense, or passed at least 3 rolls in one offence and had your opponent miss you 3 times in both your defense, you gain the Bishamon's Blessing Advantage

Re: Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:40 pm
by Kaiu Aiichiro
Aiichirō knew pain. Or so he thought. When he entered a defense lesson, he did not expect to be hit so violently. Even with his highest efforts, the ashigaru was faster on all of his senses.
Almost falling down due to the injuries on his third blow and barely even able to fight, he raised his hand before the woman attacked with the bluntened yari. Thinking down a few seconds on what he had to do, he bowed.
Then he allowed himself to fall.

Meditation TN 6/Void: Pass D2 Hour of the Dragon Daily Combat Training Meditation TN 6: 1d10 10
Gain +1 on all rolls.

Aiichirō's initiative: 25
Ashigaru's initiative: 5
D2 Hour of the Dragon Daily Combat Training Initiatives (Aiichirō and Ashigaru's): 2#2d10o10k1 25 5

Turn 1
Aiichirō: Full Defense (TN 14)
Ashigaru: Full Attack (17)
Damage Taken: 6

Turn 2
Aiichirō: Full Defense (TN 14)
Ashigaru: Full Attack (18)
Damage Taken: 1

Turn 3
Aiichirō: Full Defense (TN 11)
Ashigaru: Full Attack (23)
Damage Taken: 6

D2 Hour of the Dragon Daily Combat Training Aiichirō's Full Defenses: 3#1d10 8 7 1
D2 Hour of the Dragon Daily Combat Training Ashigaru's Attacks: 3#6d10o10k2 17 18 23
D2 Hour of the Dragon Daily Combat Training Damage Rolls: 3#2d10o10l1 6 1 6

+1 Willpower, +1 Stamina
Advantage: Quick

Aiichirō is Crippled (+15)!

Re: Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:45 pm
by Utaku Ichiro
Ichiro enters the dojo and takes a moment to relax and find his center. Tapping into his inner Water he rises, confident, and bows to his uke.

Starting with bokken in hand his opponent is no match for his speed and, while no slouch on defense, is unprepared for the quick onslaught of the child of the winds and the wooden blade lands home though the uke is able to roll with the blow to avoid much impact.

Placing the bokken aside Ichiro once again squares off against his training partner, this time trying to land a strike with his bare hands, but the uke is too swift in turn and slips through Ichiro's grasp untouched.

Growling in frustration Ichiro stalks over the array of weapons on display and takes down a facsimile of an ono - the favored weapon of his sensei. Though he does not yet possess the strength or training to swing it easily with one hand as his sensei does he is still more than capable of crashing through the uke's defenses with a solid blow.

Having vented some of his frustration he knows he will not be satisfied until he proves that he is skilled enough in jiujutsu. With a rush of adrenaline, but no less skill, he pummels the uke again and again. It is only after the combat is stopped that he is grateful that his opponent had found his own center to grab a second wind or else the other man would have been left a bloody heap.

Bowing to the bruised, but standing, uke Ichiro exits the dojo. It had not been a perfect showing, that annoyed him, but he had succeeded and knew he was one step closer to his goals for having done so.

(Water: Full Attack

Meditate: Exceptional Success - +1 to all further rolls

Ichiro Initiative: 24 (23 rolled +1 from Ring, forgot to add in syntax)
Uke Initiative: 8

Ichiro gains Quick due to beating opponent's initiative by more than 10.

Uke Full Defense round 1: 5+(8/2) = 9
Ichiro Kenjutsu round 1: 14

Hit, 1 Dojo Point, 9 damage, Uke voids it to 0 (1/2 VP spent by Uke)

Uke Full Defense round 2: 5+(9/2) = 10
Ichiro Jiujutsu round 2: 8


Uke Full Defense round 3: 5+(4/2) = 7
Ichiro Heavy Weapons round 3: 13

Hit, 1 Dojo Point, 7 damage

Uke Full Defense round 4: 5+(7/2) = 9
Ichiro Jiujutsu round 4: 9

Hit, 1 Dojo Point, 3 different successful weapon hits - Crab Hands achieved, 6 damage (13 total)

Uke Full Defense round 5: 5+(9/2) = 10
Ichiro Jiujutsu round 5: 26 (Sadly only one explosion)

Hit, 1 Dojo Point, 12 Damage, Uke voids it to 2 (2/2 VP spent by Uke) (15 total)

Uke Full Defense round 6: 5+(9/2) = 10
Ichiro Jiujutsu round 6: 17

Hit, 1 Dojo Point, 3 successful Jiujutsu hits - +1 to skill, 10 Damage (25 total. Uke remains standing, no loss of honor or glory)

Event completed successfully: +1 Water

End results:
5 Dojo points
Quick Advantage
Crab Hands Advantage
+1 Jiujutsu
+1 Strength
+1 Perception

Event counts towards Bishamon's Blessing end reward: 1/4)

Re: Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:54 pm
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
Ginkarasu knew about getting attacked. The carp needed to be slippery and the raven needed to know how to read the currents of the air to dodge larger birds.

Excited to prove that he knew what he was doing, he couldn't concentrate enough to meditate beforehand. Still, he bounced to his feet and bowed to his opponent. "Hi! I'm Yasuki Ginkarasu. Please come at me with everything you have, okay? I promise, I'm quick and sturdy."

The ashigaru, trained by the Imperials and often working with the Imperial Legion bowed. "I am Ton. Your sensei have tasked me to do so. I do not wish to cause you undue harm, but I must not stop until the time is up or you concede."

Ginkarasu points his thumb at his chest and grins, "If you hit me, I'll give you some mochi. Come at me Ton-san!"

Ton grasped his yari, fighting off an urge to smile at the kid's enthusiasm. "Hai!"

The young Yasuki is quick to bring his hands up in order to help defend himself from the blunted spear. He's used to people bigger then him attacking him. Sure, this is an adult, but Ginkarasu knew that could be an advantage. The adult wasn't likely used to attacking a kid!

Still, the tip of the blunted spear really wanted to say otherwise. Ginkarasu went cross-eyed as it came so dangerously close, but managed to just barely duck backwards to avoid it! Ton gave a loud, "KiiAAAAIII" shout, but Ginkarasu shouted right back!

The attacks and dodges became almost a dance, and thankfully he had enough breath to keep it up. He didn't know he could step so quickly! And with some mochi on the line, he worked all the harder.

Still, at the end of the training, he bowed again to Ton, breathing hard. "Thank you Ton-san! If your spear was sharp no doubt it would have cut me! Thank you for helping train me and protecting the Empire!"

Choice: Air
D2 Dragon: Meditation/Void TN6: 2d10o10k1 2 No bonus.
D2 Dragon: Initiative Opponent's: 2d10o10k1 4 vs D2 Dragon: Initiative Ginkarasu's: 3d10o10k2 14 = Quick Advantage
Defend Self vs 6 Attacks
D2 Dragon: Opponent's Attacks 4k1 TN 17: 6#4d10o10k1 16 6 11 9 5 7 = +6 Dojo Points, +1 Rank of Defense Skill, +1 to Reflexes & Awareness.

Re: Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 1:14 pm
by Kaito Haruki
I can't let Sabaru-san represent the Phoenix clan alone in the top of the class, but I'm really close. So I'll just have to do whatever it takes to rise above the pack! Just do what you always tell your kohai, focus.

I may be heavily water weighted spiritually, but I'll take the fire in me and make steam. Quit stalling and take that energy and focus it on your opponent. Right, here goes nothing, bow first then begin with showing the heat you've got.

A strong uppercut almost catches the ashigaru off guard, but he braces at the last minute (void point used to reduce damage OOC), and it looks like some of his classmates are starting strong as well. A broken piece of wood comes flying right at Haruki, but now it's his turn for some clever thinking. Rotating to grab the chunk as it flies over his head, Haruki glances the left shoulder, causing barely any harm but getting the point. Lastly, a kick adds forces some distance, applying pressure to the knee.

He rushes for a No-Daichi, looking forward to using a bigger weapon for the first time in his life. The ashigaru isn't taking any risks this time, both arms go up in a cross to prevent the opposite end from reaching his center (hit, void point damage reduction).

Well, steam is starting to run out. Better stick to conventional weapons, so Haruki returns the one he is holding, and grabs a katana and wakizashi. Starting with the katana, he pulls it out with one fell swoop, making contact but only through his opponent's sleeve. That is fine though, maybe he was meant to use the wakizashi. So he tries swinging that one a couple of times, somehow managing a hit.

With the spar finally over, Haruki bows to his opponent, and puts on his best effort at humility. "Thank you uke-sama, those were some fantastic blocks. I could barely tell if I hit you."

D2 Dragon: Meditation/Void TN 6: 2d10o10k1 9
D2 Dragon: Fire Combat training inititive rank 1/2 reflexes: 3d10o10k2 13
D2 Dragon: Combat Training NPC initiative: 2d10o10k1 5
D2 Dragon: 3 times Jiujutsu/Agility, TN 6 (passed meditation): 3#2d10o10k1 6 7 7
Pardon the mistake on this next one: D2 Dragon: 3 times damage rolls (jiujutsu) Strength=2: 2d10o10k1 7
D2 Dragon: 2 times damage rolls (jiujutsu) Strength=2, this time holding back punches: 2#2d10o10l1 3 2
D2 Dragon: 3 times Kenjutsu/Agility, TN 6 (passed meditation): 3#3d10o10k1 8 8 6
D2 Dragon: 3 times damage rolls (Kenjutsu) Strength=2: 3#2d10o10l1 6 2 1

+1 agility and Intelligence
+1 jiujutsu
+1 Kenjutsu
+6 dojo points

Re: Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 1:27 pm
by Togashi Dao
Dao was so excited about the daily training that he was rocking back and forth on his toes when his name was called. He figured this would be fairly similar to the sparring up at the mountains, but when they told him he could use weapons as well he was extra excited.

Despite his giddiness, he was internally centred and focused on the task before him, but still eager enough that he got the drop on his opponent and unleashed a flurry of unarmed strikes upon his target, one of which may have broken one of his ribs.

Sheepishly apologizing, Dao decided to move to a less deadly weapon....swords. He managed to land one attack out of two with the weapon, before switching to a more traditional monk weapon and with a simple thrust to his opponent's chest, he bowed in conclusion before skipping back into line.

"Well that was fun..."

D2 Bushi training Meditation TN6: 3d10o10k2 14 +2 to all rolls

D2 Bushi Training Init: 3d10o10k2+2 14
D2 Bushi Training opponent init: 2d10o10k1 5

D2 Bushi training Fire. Juijutsu 3 attacks TN7: 3#3d10o10k2+2 12 16 18 HIT, HIT, HIT
D2 Bushi Training Juijutsu damage x3 keeping 1 dice: 3#2d10o10 6 21 14 1,19,5 (Voiding last damage to 0)

D2 Bushi training Fire ken/agi attack 4 TN7: 2d10+2 9 HIT
D2 Bushi Training Fire Ken/agi att5 TN7: 2d10+2 4 MISS
D2 Bushi Training Fire Staves/Agi Att6 TN7: 2d10+2 16 HIT

D2 Bushi training Damage (4+6): 2#2d10o10l1 2 8 (Voiding last damage to 0)

5 dojo points
Hands of Stone (Damage roll 2)
Crab Hands (Juijutsu, Kenjutsu, Staves)
+1 Juijutsu (Attacks 1,2,3)
+1 Fire Ring
22 total damage inflicted

Re: Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 1:55 pm
by Moto Ichiro
Ichiro smiles as he cracked his knuckles he figured he'd start in some places he was weaker and told the guard to come at him. The large Moto ducked the first two shots from the other person but got caught on the third. He had the impression that had his opponent been going all out the blow might have actually hurt, lucky for him his opponent had good control.

After that first hit though Ichiro managed to keep his bokken interposed between him and his opponent when he wasn't side stepping the blows entirely.

As the combat ended he gave his opponent a shallow bow, he held his tongue from making a glib remark about the ashigaru's performance. He figured it would look bad to insult someone in front of the sensei. He smiled feeling like he did alright.

D2 dragon training meditation/void tn 6: 2d10o10k1 5 fail

D2 dragon training initiative: 2d10o10k1 4
D2 dragon training initiative opponent: 2d10o10k1 12

D2 dragon training opponent attack tn 12: 4d10o10k1 9 +1 DP
D2 dragon training opponent attack 2 tn 12: 4d10o10k1 8 +1 DP

D2 dragon training opponent attack 3 tn 12: 4d10o10k1 12
D2 dragon training opponent damage: 2d10o10k1 2

D2 dragon training opponent attack 4 tn 12: 4d10o10k1 7+1 DP
D2 dragon training opponent attack 5 tn 12: 4d10o10k1 3+1 DP
D2 dragon training opponent attack 6 tn 12: 4d10o10k1 8+1 DP

+5 dojo points
+ 1 defense
+1 reflexes and awareness

Re: Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 2:36 pm
by Utaku Nesrin
Nesrin shrugged out of her deel, keeping the lighter blouse and sturdy trousers as appropriate for this sort of work. Looking over the wall of weaponry, she decided to pick up a naginata. Not a weapon she had much skill with, but since they were all glorified sticks, she may as well get the feel of it. And the length of it just seemed comforting when practicing the fine art of not letting your opponent hit you.

The pause to center herself and find her focus and the balance of the unfamiliar weapon was welcome. It was sturdy, and she found herself feeling the way it helped her bridge the space between earth and sky, to move lightly and keep others at a distance. That was good, since her instructor had chosen to match her reach with the same weapon.

She remembered to bow rather than trying to shake hands first. That was quite heartening, and a bit distracting. The first blow was scything toward her before she was really paying attention, and she had to scramble a bit, whirling her own blade to catch and redirect the incoming one as her bare toes clung to the mat.

It was a wide, swirling dance of long poles as the pair swung around one another. Again and again, the Unicorn ducked or pranced backward to avoid a touch. But eventually, the unfamiliar weapon grew heavy in her hands and she let it drop low when it ought to have swept high. The other blade landing on her ribs was a reminder that this would have far greater stakes someday in the not too distant future.

Grateful for the lesson, she bowed to her instructor and returned the polearm to its proper rack.

Stance: Defense
ATN 12

9 success for +1 to rolls

Initiative: 2k1 +1 10
instructor initiative: 2k1 15

Instructor attacks:
1: 7 miss
2: 9 miss
3: 8 miss
4: 9 miss
5: 8 miss
6: 16 hit
(forgot to fix code to keep the lowest die, chose it 'manually')

5 dojo points
+1 Defense skill
+1 Awareness
+1 Reflexes
3 damage - Healthy

Re: Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 3:25 pm
by Kakita Kazuko
Kazuko, having failed the defense kata dreadfully yesterday, decided to start off with defense in the hopes of improving on that front. No point in avoiding it if she wants to get better. Besides, It shouldn't be to hard since all she has to do is to not get hit, especially since she's far more nimble than the ashigaru. Entering a defense form, she manages to see the first two attacks going wide and easily blocks them. When it comes to the third one however, she gets overpowered by the ashigaru's strength, which allows him to land a hit on her. Refocusing her thoughts, she completely avoids the next attack, realizing that if it'll be easier to avoid his attacks outright as she will grow fatigued and be unable to defend against his attacks should she continue blocking when he has the superior strength. She's confident in her abilities to keep this up until the end of the training, but she catches the Sensei looking at her through the corner of her eye and the ashigaru pokes her in the stomach while she was distracted. Of course the Sensei had to looking at her right at that moment, seeing her fail when she was doing so well... She purses her lips in irritation as she fixes her stance. Thankfully the ashigaru is going easy so the light blow does more to surprise than to pain her, not quite distracted by her wounds quite yet. He just got lucky. She's better than this; she can't let it happen again. Resolute, she defends herself successfully against the rest of the ashigaru's attacks. At the end of the sparring, she bows to the ashigaru, thanking him for training with her. Neither of them are much worse for wear, unlike some of the other students and ashigaru around them. She strolls out, looking to find a Sensei to train with, pleased with her relative success in this training.


D2 Dragon Meditation/Void, TN 6: 1d10 2 Fail. (No ring bonus)

Kazuko's Initiative: 16
Imperial ashigaru's initiative: 4
D2 Dragon Initiative (Kazuko/ashigaru): 2#2d10o10k1 16 4

Kazuko's Defense: 11 (5+5+1)
Rounds(1-6): Success/Success/Fail/Success/Fail/Success

Ashigaru's Attack R1: D2 Dragon Ashigaru's attack 1: 4d10o10k2 6

Ashigaru's Attack R2: D2 Dragon Ashigaru's attack 2 (REROLL): 4d10o10k1 7 (got permission to reroll cause i'm dumb lol)

Ashigaru's Attack R3: D2 Dragon Ashigaru's attack 3: 4d10o10k1 14
Ashigaru's Damage R3: D2 Dragon Ashigaru's damage R3: 2d10o10l1 2

Ashigaru's Attack R4: D2 Dragon Ashigaru's attack 4: 4d10o10k1 6

Ashigaru's Attack R5: D2 Dragon Ashigaru's attack 5: 4d10o10k1 19
Ashigaru's Damage R5: D2 Dragon Ashigaru's damage R5: 2d10o10l1 1

Ashigaru's Attack R6: D2 Dragon Ashigaru's attack 6: 4d10o10k1 7

Result: 4 attacks dodged, hit twice for a total of 3 wounds.
+4 Dojo points, +1 Defense, +Quick Advantage, +1 Reflex, +1 Awareness

Re: Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 5:04 pm
by Kakita Kenji
Kenji was after Kazuko. He bowed just before the Ashigaru before the fight started. Kenji decided to do the same as Kazuko and even outdo her!

He took a deep breath and concentrated as best he could. Apparently he was so absorbed in meditation that he almost didn't see the first attack coming. Just before the Ashigaru's bokken could have hit him, Kenji dodged to the side. Still deep in meditation, Kenji just followed the movements of the ashigaru and ducked or took a step aside when he tried to hit Kenji. Not even had he to use his bokken to block a blow.

This went on for a while until Kenji stood calmly in front of the ashigaru who was breathing heavily. Kenji bowed "Thank you, Ashigaru-San, for this fight" He brought the bokken back to the weapon stand and could not hold back a smile when he saw Kazuko. Go Master, yes, but definitely not Defense Master, he thought gleefully.

Choosen Ring: Air
Stance: Defense

TN to Hit: 16
D2 Dragon Combat Training Meditation/Void TN6: 2d10o10k1 17

Ashigaru Iniitiaitve: D2 Dragon Combat Training Initiative: 2d10o10k1 16
Kenjis Initiative: D2 Dragon Combat Training Initiative: 3d10o10k2+1 10

Round #1
Ashigaru D2 Dragon Combat Training Attack#1: 4d10o10k1 7

Ashigaru D2 Dragon Combat Training Attack#2: 4d10o10k1 9

Ashigaru D2 Dragon Combat Training Attack#3: 4d10o10k1 7

Ashigaru D2 Dragon Combat Training Attack#4: 4d10o10k1 9

Ashigaru D2 Dragon Combat Training Attack#5: 4d10o10k1 5

Ashigaru D2 Dragon Combat Training Attack#6: 4d10o10k1 8

Result: +6 Dojo Points +1 Defense +1 Reflexes +1 Awareness

Re: Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 10:43 pm
by Kokyou
This was the day Kokyou was waiting for. To be able to punch someone in the nose, and not be reprimanded by doing so. He tunes in within his inner self and gets ready to fight.

The Mantis boy bows to his senpai with big wide grin across his face and assumes his waving stance. As quick as lightning, he begins landing his special attacks. One, two and three strikes in a row. The middle one leaving a bloody mark on his senpai's face.

Not allowing a moment to breathe, Kokyou unsheathes a wooden knife from his obi and stabs the senior student with an abdominal poke.

Excited about his flurry of attacks, he tries to go full samurai mode and fails to land the attack with the bokuto. It was a rather too long for such a tight space he had created to his previous closed quarter attacks.

Taking proper distance, Kokyou manages to land the final strike with the wooden training blade.

After the exercise, he bows, thanking his kohai and the sensei.

Ring: Fire

D2, Dragon, Meditation/Void TN 6: 1d10 8 +1 Bonus

Stance: Attack
Opponent's Stance: Defense

D2, Dragon, Opponent's Initiative: 2d10o10k1 3
D2, Dragon, Initiative: 3d10o10k2 13 Gained Quick Advantage

Round 1
Attack: D2, Dragon, Jiujutsu/Agility TN 7 (+1 Meditation): 3d10o10k2+1 9 Success +1 Dojo Point
Damage: D2, Dragon, Unarmed Damage (+1 Meditation): 2d10o10k1+1 3

Round 2
Attack: D2, Dragon, Jiujutsu/Agility TN 7 (+1 Meditation): 3d10o10k2+1 15 Success +1 Dojo Point
D2, Dragon, Unarmed Damage (+1 Meditation): 2d10o10k1+1 13

Round 3
D2, Dragon, Jiujutsu/Agility TN 7 (+1 Meditation): 3d10o10k2+1 11 Success +1 Dojo Point, +1 Jiujutsu
D2, Dragon, Unarmed Damage (+1 Meditation): 2d10o10k1+1 3

Round 4 (Weapon Switch: Knife)
D2, Dragon, Knives/Agility TN 7 (+1 Meditation): 3d10o10k2+1 18 Success + Dojo Point
D2, Dragon, Training Knife Damage (+1 Meditation): 2d10o10l1+1 8

Round 5 (Weapon Switch: Katana)
D2, Dragon, Kenjutsu/Agility TN 7 (+1 Meditation): 2d10+1 6 Miss... sad trombone

Round 6
D2, Dragon, Kenjutsu/Agility TN 7 (+1 Meditation): 2d10+1 15 Success +1 Dojo Point, Gain Crab Hands Advantage
D2, Dragon, Training Katana Damage (+1 Meditation): 2d10o10l1+1 7

+5 Dojo Points (5 hits)
+Quick Advantage (Initiative +10 over opponent)
+Crab Hands Advantage (Jujutsu, Knives, Kenjutsu hits)
+1 Agility
+1 Intelligence

- 3 Successful rolls in 1 offense

Re: Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 1:55 am
by Vutall
This event closes in 10 hours from this post

Kaiu Aiichiro: +1 Earth, Quick
Utaku Ichiro: +5 Dojo Points, +1 Water, +1 Juijutsu, Quick, Crab Hands
Yasuki Ginkarasu: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Air, +1 Defense, Quick
Kaito Haruki: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Fire, +1 Juijutsu, +1 Kenjutsu
Togashi Dao: +5 Dojo Points, +1 Fire, +1 Juijutsu, Hands of Stone, Crab Hands
Moto Ichiro: +5 Dojo Points, +1 Air, +1 Defense
Utaku Nesrin: +5 Dojo Points, +1 Air, +1 Defense
Kakita Kazuko: +4 Dojo Points, +1 Air, +1 Defense, Quick
Kakita Kenji: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Air, +1 Defense
Kokyou: +5 Dojo Points, +1 Fire, +1 Juijutsu, Quick, Crab Hands

Re: Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 11:42 am
by Matsu Qiang
[Catch up rolls for this event, at GM request]

After a moment to focus himself, Matsu Qiang squared off with his opponent and delivered a punishing flurry of strikes and kicks. The young Lion pulled no punches, leaving the unfortunate ashigaru trainer bruised and bloodied. Afterwards, though, the Lion’s skill at unarmed combat had been clearly demonstrated to the onlookers.

Day 2 Combat training, Meditate on Fire, VOID/Meditation TN6: 3d10o10k2 14 succeeds, +FIRE to all rolls after this
Day 2 Combat training, Initiative REF/Rank: 1d10o10 6
Day 2 Combat training, Attack #1, AGI/Jiujutsu +FIRE TN7: 3d10o10k1+1 9 hit
Day 2 Combat training, Damage #1, STRk1 +FIRE: 2d10o10k1+1 10, opponent will void damage down to 0
Day 2 Combat training, Attack #2, AGI/Jiujutsu +FIRE TN7: 3d10o10k1+1 8 hit
Day 2 Combat training, Damage #2, STRk1 +FIRE: 2d10o10k1+1 3
Day 2 Combat training, Attack #3, AGI/Jiujutsu +FIRE TN7: 3d10o10k1+1 10 hit
Day 2 Combat training, Damage #3, STRk1 +FIRE: 2d10o10k1+1 6 total 9
Day 2 Combat training, Attack #4, AGI/Jiujutsu +FIRE TN7: 3d10o10k1+1 18 hit
Day 2 Combat training, Damage #4, STRk1 +FIRE: 2d10o10k1+1 8 total 17
Day 2 Combat training, Attack #5, AGI/Jiujutsu +FIRE TN7: 3d10o10k1+1 10 hit
Day 2 Combat training, Damage #5, STRk1 +FIRE: 2d10o10k1+1 6 total 23
Day 2 Combat training, Attack #6, AGI/Jiujutsu +FIRE TN7: 3d10o10k1+1 9 hit
Day 2 Combat training, Damage #6, STRk1 +FIRE: 2d10o10k1+1 10, opponent will void damage down to 0

Total 6 Hits for 6 Dojo points
+1 to Jiujutsu skill
+1 to FIRE