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Dragon Clan Families and Schools

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 10:19 am
by Vutall
In an empire that usually prizes conformity and respect for tradition, the Dragon Clan is an enigma. Inspired by their mysterious founder, the Kami Togashi, the Dragon place more emphasis than most of their fellow samurai on the individual search for Enlightenment and expertise.

In the centuries since the Kami fell to earth, Togashi’s followers have acquired a reputation for strange behavior. Isolated by the mountains of their northern home and entrusted with watching over the Empire, the Dragon rarely participate as actively in the politics of the Empire as other clans do—and when they do intervene, it is often for reasons others can only guess at. The secret of the Dragon is that they are guided by their founder’s foresight, but even they do not always know what Togashi saw in his visions.

Togashi’s acolytes are known for their esoteric practices, innate curiosity, and veritable tradition of disregarding tradition—at least in the eyes of the other clans. People expect them to be insightful and humble, but also unpredictable, individualistic, and even dangerous. They tend to look at problems from unexpected angles, and they seek solutions others might not consider.

Dragon Families
Agasha: +1 Perception
The Agasha are ever evolving, like the elements in nature. Although founded by a pacifist, many of their techniques are invaluable in a fight. Once devoted to mysticism, they now combine it with the practical arts. Yet, perhaps change is only to be expected among the families of the Dragon. The Agasha have delved deeply into alchemy, metallurgy, and medicine. They blend the practical effects of chemistry and construction with the mystical effects of calling the spirits. It is a unique approach, and one that leads to the occasional spectacular disaster. However, they are rarely disheartened, as they often learn more from failure than they do from success.

Kitsuki: +1 Awareness
As befits the odd nature of their clan, even the courtiers of the Dragon are unusual: the samurai of the Kitsuki family are most well-known for their keen perception and their investigative techniques that rely upon physical evidence. They bring to the physical world the same attention to detail that the Agasha bring to spiritual matters. A small family, they serve the Empire as magistrates and the Dragon Clan as courtiers. In both roles, their eye for deception and knack for finding the truth serve them well.

Mirumoto: +1 Agility
The Mirumoto samurai are renowned for their unique two-sword style, called niten or “Two-Heavens,” but they are more than mere warriors. The Mirumoto oversee the management and duties of the Dragon Clan, allowing the Togashi monks to pursue their eccentric paths on the way to Enlightenment. This makes the Mirumoto surprisingly practical and down-to-earth, willing to step in and help their region’s peasants when needed. As the largest family of their clan, the Mirumoto are the samurai whom most think of when they think of the Dragon, and they are the Dragon most often met outside of their lands.

Togashi Order: +1 Reflexes
More a monastic order than a true family, the Togashi Order welcomes anyone willing to embrace their teachings and accomplish the challenges required to join, the first of which is finding one of the Togashi monasteries hidden high in the mountains. In truth, many of those able to find their way to the order were members of the order in a past life, returning to continue their training and spiritual journey under the guidance of the Dragon Clan Champion. To the rest of the Empire, the order is known for skill with kōan (contemplative riddles) and the martial arts, as well as for the beautiful and mystical tattoos that grant them supernatural abilities.

Dragon Schools:
Agasha Mystic School [Shugenja]
-Agasha Shugenja, Core Rulebook. Additionally, add the Agasha Achemist path, Book of FIre, as a Rank 1 technique. Choose between either one of them to be your technique.
The Agasha Mystics mix practical arts with their invocations, using alchemical items and metallurgy as foci for their mystical arts. Through this, they have learned that all of the Elements are linked, and there is great power to be found in the changing of their states. They make chemical mixtures that enhance or are enhanced by their magic, which are used for everything from simple entertainment to warfare. The Agasha weave their prayers into every item they create, from swords to medicine, seeking to push the limits of their understanding. Agasha Mystics are used to venturing out into the world, looking for inspiration from nature in all its multitude of forms.
  • Benefit: +1 Intelligence
  • Skills: Calligraphy (Cipher), any one Craft Skill, Defense, Etiquette, Lore: Theology, Spellcraft, any one High or Bugei Skill
  • Honor: 4.5
  • Outfit: Robes, Wakizashi, any 1 weapon, Scroll Satchel, Traveling Pack, 5 koku
  • Affinity/Deficiency: Fire/Water
  • Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, 3 Fire, 2 Earth, and 1 Air
  • Rank 1:Elements of All Things
    The Agasha understand the interactions of the elements more so than perhaps any other family. When casting a spell, you may spend a Void Point to use a different Ring of your choosing rather than the appropriate Ring for that spell. this spell uses a spell slot for the Ring used to actually cast the spell. You also gain a Free Raise on any spell with the Craft keyword.
  • Rank 1: Fury of the Elements
    You may store a Fire spell with the Area of Effect "one target person" or "one target creature" in an alchemical preparation for later use. The stored spell may be activated instantly by anyone as either a Simple Action (to drink a potion) or a Complex Action (to throw it, using Athletics (Throwing) / Agility). By spending a Spell Slot for another Element (except Void), you may also give a spell stored in this manner either an additional Elemental keyword, or replace its Fire keyword with another Elemental keyword. For example, by spending an Earth slot, you could cause the stored spell to be both Fire and Earth, or just Earth, for all purposes related to the type of Elemental keyword associated with the spell. A spell may only be given one additional Elemental keyword this way.
Kitsuki Investigator School [Courtier, Bushi]
-Kitsuki Investigator, Core Rulebook
The Kitsuki Investigator School is a recent school, founded when Agasha Kitsuki saved the life of the Mirumoto daimyō by use of evidence. The Kitsuki Investigators use their methods of observation, experimentation, logic, and reason to understand the truth, which puts them outside the norm of the Rokugani testimony-based judiciary system. The Kitsuki Investigators gravitate toward legal work as magistrates and justiciars, in addition to serving as courtiers and representatives of the Dragon Clan.
  • Benefit: +1 Perception
  • Skills: Courtier, Etiquette (Courtesy), Investigation (Interrogation), Kenjutsu, Meditation, Sincerity, any one Lore Skill
  • Honor: 5.5
  • Outfit:Traditional Clothing, Wakizashi, Knife, Calligraphy Set, Traveling Pack, 5 koku
  • Rank 1: The Kitsuki's Method
    You gain a Free Raise on all your Investigation Skill Rolls. However, while the Kitsuki are trained for investigation and diplomacy, unlike other courtiers they do not wholly neglect the ways of the warrior. In a skirmish, you add your Perception Trait Rank to your Armor TN.
  • Rank 2: Wisdom the Wind Brings
    Anyone making a Social Skill Roll for the purpose of lying to you or otherwise deceiving you, or making a Feint or Disarm Maneuver against you in a skirmish, must add +5 to their TN for each of your Kitsuki Investigator School Ranks.
  • Rank 3: Know the Rhythm of the Heart
    After speaking with someone for a few moments, you can roll Investigation (Notice) / Perception against a TN of their Intelligence x 5. A success grants you a true and accurate, if simple, picture of their personality and motivations. For example, you might perceive that a boisterous ronin is actually a calculating man who is trying to put on the picture of being a rude, simple fellow.
  • Rank 4: Finding the Path
    By conversing with someone for a few minutes, you can make a Contested Roll of your Investigation (Interrogation) / Intelligence against their Etiquette (Courtesy) / Intelligence to identify one of their allies or enemies. Each successful Raise you make on this roll will identify another of their allies or enemies (you choose whether you learn an ally or an enemy - the GM chooses which specific person is revealed).
    This technique can be used against each specific person once per day.
  • Rank 5: The Eyes Betray the Heart
    You automatically make a Contested Roll of your Investigation (Interrogation) / Perception against the liar's Sincerity (Deceit) / Willpower, whether or not you suspect them of lying. Further, if you already known someone is lying to you, you gain a bonus of +5k0 on this Contested Roll, and my call Raises on the roll in an attempt to make them inadvertently give away more information than they intended (GM's choice what information they reveal).
Mirumoto Two-Heavens Adept School [Bushi]
-Mirumoto Bushi, Core Rulebook. Replace Rank 3 with Hojatsu's Legacy, Book of Fire.
The Mirumoto dōjō’s unique two-sword style, niten (or Two-Heavens), is only one component of their mastery of swords and combat. Its students follow the Tao of Shinsei and use it to guide them in war and peace, seeking to apply its practical lessons to all things. Like all of the Dragon, they are used to physical hardship and can persevere under great stress.
  • Benefit: +1 Stamina
  • Skills: Defense, Iaijutsu, Kenjutsu (Katana), Lore: Shugenja, Meditation, Theology, any one Bugei or High Skill
  • Honor: 4.5
  • Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, any 1 weapon, Traveling Pack, 5 koku
  • Rank 1: Way of the Dragon
    When wielding a katana in your main hand and a wakizashi in your off hand, you suffer no penalties of any kind for dual wielding, and you gain a bonus of your School Rank to your Armor TN (This is cumulative with the normal bonus for wielding two weapons). Additionally, when you are targeted with a spell, you may raise or lower the TN of that spell's Spellcasting Roll by 5.
  • Rank 2: The Calm in Midst of Thunder
    While you assume the Center Stance, you gain a bonus to the total of your Iaijutsu rolls equal to your Kenjutsu Skill Rank.
  • Rank 3: Strike When You Cannot
    During the Assessment stage of a duel, you may take a Free Action and spend a Void Point to force a contested Kenjutsu/Fire roll with your opponent. If you win the roll, your opponent cannot spend Void Points on the Focus roll for that duel.
  • Rank 4:Furious Retaliation
    During the Reactions Stage of Combat, you may choose one opponent who made or attempted an attack against you this Round. During your next Turn, you gain a bonus of +3k0 to all attack rolls against that target.
  • Rank 5: Heart of the Dragon
    If you attack twice in the same Turn while you are wielding a katana in your main hand and a wakizashi in your off hand, you may make one additional attack with your off hand as a Free Action.
Mirumoto Taoist Blade School [Bushi, Monk]
-Mirumoto Taoist Swordsman, Emerald Empire, replace Rank 4 with Mirumoto Master Sensei, Great Clans rank 1
As the name suggests, the monks of the Mirumoto Taoist Blade School make study of swordplay an integral part of their quest for Enlightenment. Such are their skills that their blades act as if part of their bodies, striking as easily as fists would do for others. Their isolated monastery and dōjō is nestled deep within northern mountains within Dragon lands, and it is extraordinarily rare for them to host visitors. Most Rokugani who witness their skills do so when one of these monks departs to walk the Emerald Empire in search of new insights and possibly even new lessons in the blade
  • Benefit: +1 Void
  • Skills: Athletics, Defense, Iaijutsu, Kenjutsu (Katana), Lore: Theology, Meditation, any 1 Bugei or High Skill
  • Honor: 5.5
  • Outfit: Sturdy Clothing, Katana, Wakizashi, Tanto, Traveling Pack, 1 Koku
  • Special: You must take the Aesthetic disadvantage. You do not gain any bonus XP from it.
  • Rank 1: Aligned With The Elements
    When wielding a sword and wearing no armor, you gain Reduction equal to your School Rank +2. Additionally, you add +1k0 to your damage with any sword.
  • Rank 2: Fist and Blade
    When fighting with a sword, you may perform the Knockdown maneuver for 1 less Raise, and if you control a Grapple while holding a sword you may inflict damage with the sword instead of unarmed damage.
  • Rank 3: Strike of Harmony
    While wielding a sword, you may spend a Void Point on your damage roll. If the sword is a katana, this ability stacks with the natural ability to spend a Void Point on damage with a katana.
  • Rank 4: The Sword and the Soul
    When fighting with a sword, any time you reduce an opponent to Down, Out, or Dead, you regain 1 Void Point. This can temporarily increase your total Void Points above your Void Ring, although any such "extra" points disappear at the end of the current skirmish.
  • Rank 5: Balance of Nothingness
    While wielding a sword, once per skirmish you may spend as many Void Points on damage as you wish.
Togashi Tattooed Order [Monk]
-Togashi Tattooed Order, Core Rulebook. Replace Rank 4 with The Hitomi Kikage Zumi Order, Imperial Histories, Rank 4
The monks of the Togashi Order have dedicated themselves to discovering and fulfilling their soul’s destiny, believing that to be their individual path to achieving Enlightenment. They are aided in this by the prophetic visions of their leader, the Dragon Clan Champion, as well as the mystic tattoos that bind them to their order; the tattoos’ artistry is matched only by their unusual powers. Only those who become true ise zumi know that the tattoos’ power flows from the blood of Togashi, the Dragon Clan Kami, which is mixed into the tattooing inks.
  • Benefit: +1 Void
  • Skills: Athletics, Artisan: Tattooing, Defense, Jiujutsu, any one Lore Skill, Mediation, any one non-Low Skill
  • Honor: 4.5
  • Outfit: Robes, Wakizashi, Bo, Traveling Pack, 5 koku
  • Rank 1: The Blood of the Kami
    You gain two Tattoos at this rank.
  • Rank 2: Body of Stone
    You gain a bonus of +1k1 to the total of all unarmed attack and damage rolls.
  • Rank 3:Blessing of the Kami
    You gain two additional Tattoos.
  • Rank 4: Strike the Center
    When fighting unarmed, you may perform the Knockdown maneuver for 1 less Raise, and gain a bonus of +1k1 to the total of all unarmed damage rolls (including damage inflicted with a Grapple).
  • Rank 5: Touch of the Kami
    You gain two additional Tattoos.
Togashi Chronicler School [Courtier, Monk]
-New School, utilizes The Barefoot Bretheren, Boof of FireThe Temple of Heavenly Wisdom Monk, Book of Fire, Order of Ebisu, Book of Void, Defenders of the Brotherhood, Book of Earth, and the Transcendent Brotherhood, Book of Fire.
By learning and meditating upon the stories of the past, the Dragon Clan’s Togashi Chroniclers see into the future. While most historians record events in detail to instruct future generations or study the stars, Togashi Chroniclers instead collect stories, folktales, and lore to capture truth. Not concerned with mutable details such as names and dates, they search for patterns to illuminate the conflicts of humanity that have unfolded time and again since the first sword was forged and the first edict written. Slowly, a new rhythm surfaces, and chroniclers are able to use the new insight it provides into human nature to foresee that which is yet to come. Most chroniclers travel continuously, exploring the wonders of the world. Their insightful nature makes them welcome in many courts across Rokugan. However, they are just as often found outside a straw hovel trading stories with commoners for a bowl of rice.
  • Benefit: +1 Intelligence
  • Skills: Courtier, Etiquette, Any 2 Lore Skills,, Meditation, Sincerity, any one High Skill.
  • Honor: 4.5
  • Outfit: Robes, Wakizashi, Bo, Traveling Pack, 5 koku
  • Rank 1: Koshin’s Favor
    You gain one Kiho at this Rank (This Kiho is free). The strength of Koshin prevents you from becoming Fatigued from travel or lack of sleep, but not from the lack of food/drink. You gain a +1k1 bonus to all Meditation rolls
  • Rank 2: The Largness of Furokujin
    When making any Social Skill Roll, you may select any one Kiho you possess. You may not use that Kiho for the remainder of the day, but you gain a bonus of +1k1 to the Social Skill Roll. You may only select each Kiho you know once per day for this purpose.
  • Rank 3: The Voice of Humility
    You gain one Kiho at this Rank (This Kiho is free). In order to use this Technique, you must spend time working alongside the peasants at humble tasks For each day you spend at least 2 hours laboring in this manner, you gain a bonus Void Point which you may only spend on those Craft Skills, on Medicine Skill Rolls made to help peasants/hinin, or on Social Skill Rolls made against samurai. The maximum number of these bonus Void Points you may "hold" are equal to your Void Rank
  • Rank 4: Harmony in Chaos
    Any time you spend a Void Point on an Etiquette or Courtier Social Skill roll, you gain a bonus of +Xk1 to the roll (where X is your Intelligence) instead of the normal +1k1.
  • Rank 5: Apotheosis of Fire
    You gain one Kiho at this Rank (This Kiho is free). Once per day, you may spend at least one hour in deep meditation and make a Meditation / Fire Roll against a TN 20. With a success, you harden yourself against the physical harm done by fire and heat, although you still feel all the pain of being burned. (GMs may opt to impose partial or temporary TN penalties to represent the effects of the pain.) For a number of hours equal to your Fire Ring, you are immune to damage from normal, mundane fires and heat (not magical fire or extreme natural heatsources such as molten lava). One Raise on this Meditation roll will make you immune to magical sources of fire; two Raises will make you immune to damage from any source of fire, even a volcano. While experiencing the pain of being burned, and for two hours afterward, your intense focus and clarity of thought grant you a bonus equal to your Fire Ring to the total of all Awareness, Perception and Intelligence-based Trait and Skill Rolls.

Re: Dragon Clan Families and Schools

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:51 pm
by Vutall
What Does Your Character Know?
All Dragon Clan characters have a greater awareness of the following topics:

You have a general awareness of the politics within Dragon lands. You can name major family heads and other leaders, and you know their respective positions and allegiances.

You know more about monastic life and traditions than most other clans, having likely interacted with the Togashi Order throughout your life.

Due to the rugged nature of your homeland, you know how to properly prepare mountain flora and wildlife for human consumption.

You have a working understanding of many physical phenomena of the natural world, which others dismiss as uninteresting or beneath their station.

What Does Bushidō Mean To Your Clan?
Sincerity—aligning one’s words and deeds with one’s intentions—is the greatest virtue to the Dragon Clan. In this way, its samurai may remain true to themselves even if they should fail. While members of the Dragon Clan take their obligations seriously, they define Duty and Loyalty somewhat differently than most other samurai. To a Dragon, unquestioning loyalty is not loyalty at all, and Dragon Clan lords have been known to tolerate and even value criticism that others would see as grave insubordination.