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Reference: Poison

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 2:39 am
by Vutall
No honorable samurai would ever stoop to using poison. It is a deplorable action that clearly indicates an inability to resolve a confl ict in a manner befi tting a true warrior. For the most part, poison is relegated to use by the worst sort of scum imaginable – criminals and assassins (including ninja, if they exist). Such individuals do make ample use of the obvious benefi ts of poison. To incapacitate or even kill an opponent without risk to oneself is too great an advantage for such dishonorable persons to overlook. Generals, duelists, and prestigious courtiers are frequent targets of poison by their enemies. Poisons are created through use of the Craft: Poison Skill, and can be applied to a target in a variety of ways, depending upon the poison in question. Some poisons must be introduced into the bloodstream, and thus require either ingestion or application via a wound in order to affect the target. Some of the most dangerous poisons, however, require only contact with the skin in order to be effective. Some poisons can be alleviated or even cured through use of the Medicine (Antidotes) Skill, while others can only be cured with magic. The following are some of the more common and effective poisons found in use in the Empire of Rokugan. This list is by no means exhaustive and the GM should feel free to create additional poisons based on these guidelines.

The Craft entry lists the TN for creating the poison, using the Craft: Poison Skill and assuming a wide range of herbal components are present, while the Heal entry describes the TN necessary to alleviate the symptoms with use of the Medicine (Antidotes) Skill.

Poisons & Conditional Effects Unless otherwise specified, Conditional Effects caused by poisons, such as Fatigued and Stunned, do not expire as they normally do as described in the Book of Earth. Rather, these Conditions are not alleviated unless the poison is treated as listed under the Heal entry.

The preferred weapon of assassins everywhere, Dripping Poison is so named because of its carefully formulated viscosity, which allows it to be administered by dripping the poison down a thread over the head of the sleeping target, onto the lips. The poison requires some time to create because it must be thick enough to cling to the thread and run down it, but not thin enough to drip down quickly and splatter on the target. Dripping Poison cannot be introduced to the target through any means other than ingestion, and its distinctive fl avor makes it highly noticeable if concealed in food. The poison requires four hours in the target’s system before its effects become noticeable. It induces sharp stomach pain and overwhelming nausea, which many mistake for food poisoning or illness. Effects: Once it takes effect, Dripping Poison requires the target to make a Stamina Roll (TN 20) or the poison reduces the target’s Stamina by 2. Regardless of whether the Stamina roll is successful or not, the target is considered Fatigued. The target must make another Stamina roll every hour, with the same possible results, until the poison is treated or 24 hours pass. After 24 hours the poison is typically broken down by the body and all symptoms cease. It is quite possible for victims of Dripping Poison to die due to one or more failed rolls, reducing their Stamina (and thus their Earth Ring and Wounds) to 0. c Craft: TN 20 c Heal: TN 15

This particularly painful poison is more crippling than some, but less lethal than most. It must be introduced directly to the bloodstream, and is far too bitter to be consumed orally without being detected. Its most frequent use is to be painted onto a weapon with a brush and then introduced to an opponent’s system via a wound infl icted with that weapon. Once introduced, Fire Biter causes extremely painful infl ammation and swelling of joints throughout the body, most severely near the wound. Those who react particularly badly to the poison can suffer violent spasms as well. Effects: Within ten minutes after being introduced, Fire Biter causes such signifi cant pain to the target that he is considered Stunned. This lasts for six hours, although a successful Stamina Trait Roll (TN 30) can reduce the severity of the effects (the target is then considered Fatigued rather than Stunned).
c Craft: TN 25 c Heal: TN 25 (can upgrade the effect from Stunned to Fatigued).

Night Milk is one of the fi rst poisons exclusively developed by the Shosuro family, but has also been used by other groups – perhaps with the Scorpion Clan’s connivance, so as to divert attention away from their own use of it. It is a somewhat thick and milky compound that must be introduced into the bloodstream directly; ingestion is not a suitable method of delivery. The onset of symptoms is nearly instantaneous, and while they do not last long, the poison is especially brutal and virulent while it is in effect. Night Milk is traditionally painted onto weapons, although this must be done carefully because it does leave a visible white residue. Effects: The target must make a Stamina Roll (TN 25) immediately after the poison is introduced, and once per minute after that. Each failed roll results in the target becoming Dazed until the next roll. This effect lasts a total of ten minutes before ending on its own.
c Craft: TN 25 c Heal: TN 20 (this will end the ongoing effects)

One of the simplest tenets of the Shosuro family, who are without question the greatest poison masters in all of Rokugan, is that elaborate concoctions can be avoided by using the poison nature itself has provided, such as the venom of spiders or snakes. These compounds, while diffi cult to collect, have the advantage of being less suspicious than most and leaving signs that many will recognize as natural. In some cases, it befi ts an assassin to simply place the venomous creature in close contact with the intended target rather than attempting to apply the venom directly. Effects: Introduction of venom into the bloodstream reduces the target’s Agility, Refl exes, Stamina, and Strength by 1 each hour. At the beginning of the second and each subsequent hour, the target may make a Stamina Roll (TN 25) to prevent additional penalties for that hour. Otherwise, these penalties continue to accrue until the target succeeds on three consecutive rolls, the poison is treated, 24 hours pass, or the target has an uninterrupted eight hour period to rest. If Stamina is reduced to 0 by the poison, Earth and Wounds become 0 as well, and the victim dies. Reduced Traits return at the end of 24 hours if the victim survives.
c Craft: TN 10 to prepare the venom in a manner to apply it. c Heal: TN 15 (prevents any further penalties)