Reference: Shadow/Nothing Power

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Reference: Shadow/Nothing Power

Post by Vutall » Thu May 14, 2020 3:02 pm

Enemies of the Empire
The most potent manifestations of the Nothing’s power in the material world are Shadow Bolts. The term “Bolt” is something of a misnomer, however; there is no actual missile hurled at the target. Rather, this is the closest description that makes sense within the limits of human perception. In reality, a Shadow Bolt is a direct attack on an individual by exposure to the raw essence of Nothing. A Shadow Bolt attack can only be carried out by a minion of the Shadow which has more Shadow Ranks than its Void Ring, so it is the exclusive province of NPCs. A minion of the Shadow can cast a Shadow Bolt once per day at any living target in line of sight. The Bolt automatically hits its target, who takes either 3k3 Wounds (if he has a Void Ring or its mechanical equivalent) or 5k5 (if he does not have Void). Note that these Wounds do not function in the manner of a normal physical injury. They represent the literal “unmaking” of the target’s physical form, and thus cannot be mitigated or reduced in any way. Void expenditure, Reduction, Invulnerability, and other such effects do not have any effect on the Wounds caused by a Shadow Bolt. They do heal normally, however, as the target’s physical form re-asserts itself. If the target is an intelligent humanoid, there is also the danger of Shadow contamination. If the target has a Void Ring (or an equivalent characteristic, such as the Name of the Nezumi or the Akasha of the Naga), he must also make a Void Roll (or equivalent) against a TN of 15 (modifi ed as appropriate if he already has Shadow Ranks). If he is successful, the Bolt has no further effect. If he fails (or if he has no Void) he is contaminated by the Nothing. Typically, this means the target gains a Shadow Rank. If the GM is using the more graduated form of Shadow Ranks, he may choose to have the target gain 1k1 Shadow Points instead. Alternatively, the GM may instead prefer to represent the Shadow contamination in a more subtle way, such as by an increase to future TNs to resist the effects of the Lying Darkness – including future Shadow Bolts – by 5 for each Bolt that has struck. In any case, this residual effect of a Shadow Bolt is permanent and cannot be removed or undone in any way. A Shadow Bolt can also be hurled against a non-living target such as a door, a weapon, or a stone wall. (Crystal is impervious to the effects of Shadow Bolts.) To depict the Bolt’s effects, the GM rolls 5k5 against a TN of 10 for paper or wood, 15 for stone, or 20 for metal. If successful, the Bolt “unmakes” (destroys) up to a man-sized volume of material. It should be noted that a Shadow Bolt attack is an extreme phenomenon, reserved by the Nothing only for correspondingly extreme situations. Casting Shadow Bolts seems to diminish the Nothing’s essence in some undefi nable way – indeed, some have speculated that the Bolt’s destructive effect actually amounts to a mutual annihilation of the Bolt and that which it strikes, thereby diminishing the Nothing’s total power in the universe.

Of course there is a serious downside to this; as Shadow Ranks increase, the use of Shadow Powers makes it more likely that even more Shadow Ranks will be accrued. The result is a character that becomes progressively stronger but also progressively closer to his irrevocable fate – being completely subsumed by the Nothing, which happens whenever a character’s Shadow Ranks exceed his Void Ring.

SHADOW RANK 1: Shadowsight:
The character is able to see into shadows and darkness almost as easily as into normal light. As a Simple Action the character can scan the shadows around him for anyone attempting to use Stealth to conceal themselves. When making the appropriate skill roll to locate a concealed target (usually a Contested Roll of Investigation / Perception against the target’s Stealth / Agility) he gains two Free Raises. Moreover, the character also gains +1k0 on any Combat Roll made in an area that is substantially in deep shade or shadow. Drawbacks: Any Contested Roll made to resist skills, effects, or combat maneuvers by the Lying Darkness or its minions has its TN increased by 5.

SHADOW RANK 2: Shadowblend:
The character is able to blend himself into the shadows with unnatural ease, as though the darkness actively cooperates in hiding him. He gains two Free Raises on all Stealth rolls to conceal himself. Additionally:
c The use of Shadowsight is now a Free Action c The character receives +1k1 (instead of +1k0) on any Combat Roll made in an area that is substantially in deep shade or shadow.

c Drawbacks: Any time a Shadow Power is used, the character must make a Void Roll at TN 15 or gain a Shadow Rank. Additionally, direct skin-contact with crystal will cause the character noticeable discomfort (roll Willpower at TN 10 to avoid wincing, drawing back, or otherwise showing discomfort).

SHADOW RANK 3: Shadow Walk:
The character may disappear into a shadow and reappear somewhere else, instantly transitioning from one pool of darkness to another, so long as doing so does not require moving through a solid object. Both shadows must be large enough to fully encompass the character’s body. Subject to these limitations, the character may take a Simple Action to move from any one place of darkness to any other such place within 100’. The character must be at least casually aware of the destination to which he is Shadow Walking. Additionally:

c A character using Shadowsight now receives three Free Raises. c A character using Shadowblend now gains three Free Raises on Stealth rolls and can move normally while using the Stealth skill to conceal himself (identical to the Mastery Abilities for Stealth Skill Rank 7).
c The character now receives +2k1 on any Combat Roll made in an area that is substantially in deep shade or shadow.
Drawbacks: Any time a Shadow Power is used, the character must make a Void Roll versus a TN of 20 or gain a Shadow Rank. Additionally, direct skin-contact with crystal will cause the character considerable discomfort which cannot be concealed. The character also begins to show signs of fading identity and an increasing generalization of facial features, causing him to gain the Bland Advantage if he does not already have it. While this does not cost any Experience Points, the effects of this Advantage are automatic and cannot be turned off voluntarily.

SHADOW RANK 4: Shadowshape:
The character’s form is now largely mutable, since much of his true identity is gone. As a Complex Action he may assume the shape of any other person he knows well (anyone with whom he has spent time totaling at least a full day in close proximity). This mimicry is good but not perfect, and can be discovered by a deliberate observer. Anyone who knows the original person may take a Complex Action to make a Perception Roll against the character’s Intelligence x 3 to detect the deception. In addition:

c Shadowsight now allows the character to automatically see anyone attempting to use Stealth to hide in shadows. The character may also see in complete darkness as though in dim light. c A character using Shadowblend now takes half damage (rounded up) from any source other than a crystal weapon while in this state. Weapons and spells that specifi cally target the Lying Darkness or its minions may ignore this restriction.

c A character using Shadow Walk may now use the ability as a Free Action, and can move up to 200’ at one time.

c The character now receives +2k2 on any Combat Roll made in an area that is substantially in deep shade or shadow.

c Drawbacks: Any time a Shadow Power is used, the character must make a Void Roll versus a TN of 25 or gain a Shadow Rank. Direct skin-contact with crystal will cause the character severe discomfort (which cannot be concealed) and infl ict 1 Wound (damage from crystal weapons will be increased by 1 Wound). Once per day, the Lying Darkness can attempt to take control of the character for up to one hour of in-game time; the character must make a successful Void Roll versus a TN of 20 to resist. During this time, the character becomes an NPC under control of the GM.

SHADOW RANK 5: Shadowgate:
The character’s body is now formless and malleable enough to pass through solid objects and even living creatures. Moving through anything more substantial than wood requires a Stamina Roll against a TN of 15 (stone) or 20 (metal or fl esh). Failure means the attempt to Shadowgate has failed entirely. Note that crystal or a magical effect specifi cally intended to block the Lying Darkness and its minions will prevent passage by means of Shadow Gate. Each use of this ability (even one that fails) drains a Void Point from the character; this ability may not be used if it would reduce a character to 0 Void. In addition:

c Shadowsight now allows the character to see in complete darkness as though seeing in full daylight.

c A character may use Shadowblend to meld completely into shadows as a Complex Action. He effectively ceases to have a physical existence and cannot be harmed by any non-crystal weapon or Elemental magic while in this state (except for those which specifi cally target the Lying Darkness and its minions). Conversely, while in this state the character remains aware of the physical world but cannot interact with it in any way, nor can he move farther than his Water Ring in feet by any means. The character can return to the physical world and end this effect as a Simple Action.

c A character using Shadow Walk may now move up to 500’ at one time. c Because the character’s form is now almost entirely mutable, he may use Shadowshape to assume the shape of any other person he has observed for at least a full Round (doing so is still a Complex Action). This mimicry almost perfect; it can only be discovered by a deliberate observer making a Perception Roll against the character’s Intelligence x 5.

Drawbacks: Any time a Shadow Power is used, the character must make a Void Roll versus a TN of 30 or gain a Shadow Rank. Direct skin-contact with crystal will cause the character extreme pain (which cannot be concealed) and infl ict 3 Wounds (damage from crystal weapons will be increased by 3 Wounds). If the character is illuminated with light shone through crystal, his true nature will be revealed – the light shines through his body as though it is translucent – and he will take 1 Wound for each Round so illuminated. Once per day, the Lying Darkness can take control of the character for up to one hour of in-game time; during this time, the character becomes an NPC under control of the GM. The character now has no true identity of his own and must use the Shadowshape power simply to appear as himself.
Primary colors divide us and love us
Eye on the others surviving among us
American pie getting sliced up above us
Trickling down while we're dying of hunger.

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