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Good Act(ors)

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 7:52 pm
by Zashi
Zashi carefully approaches the sensei that he was curious about. The idea that at a dojo there would be a place for theater might be a strange one, but the irregularity seemed to fit the redhead just fine. Zashi had heard about Shosuro Tomoe, that she was a Scorpion who was both a shugenja and a performer...and whispers of other things. Just whispers though, which was a good sign. If she was more, and everyone knew it, then she would have been bad at it.

Zashi approaches carefully, waiting to be noticed and then offering a bow. "Shosuro-sensei."

Re: Good Act(ors)

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 8:23 pm
by Vutall
Instead of being in a hallway, Tomoe sad in the parade grounds, looking up at the sky. She stand when addressed and turns to bow, but then seeing it is a student she simply nods.

"Hello. Did you need something?"

Re: Good Act(ors)

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 8:35 pm
by Zashi
Zashi continued the bow. "I am submitting myself to you in hopes of being taken on as a student in your care. I have attempted to learn what I can of all of the specialties of each sensei and, well, I was fascinated by you the most."

If bidden, Zashi rises from the bow. "I am not without ambition. I would like to do well at this school, and to do as well as I can in the subsequent tournament. However, my lessons in the Kitsune have taught me the stated final prize, while an immense honor, is not the only way to succeed. I have heard of the Scorpion's clan reputation for being able to see beneath the underneath, and I hope that a teacher versed in that could show me avenues I never considered available"

Re: Good Act(ors)

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 12:09 am
by Vutall
She motions for him to rise and listens, her eyes narrowing behind the mask.

"So, you wish to join an...acting...troupe then?"

The emphasis on the word acting is sharp, and she places a hand on her hip.

Re: Good Act(ors)

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 12:45 am
by Zashi
"Of a sorts" Zashi strikes a small pose, leaning in on bent knee, making a small turn of the head that tosses the back braid in a small but memorable detail.

"I have heard stories among the Fox that the Shoshuro gift of transformation fooling even the kitsune themselves. It would be quite a story to return with even basic lessons of such acting Shosuro-sensei." Zashi offers the same inflection that his sensei did.

Re: Good Act(ors)

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 12:48 am
by Vutall
"You are quite bold in your request. Especially when you are from a clan outside of my own. What makes you think I should share the secret methods that the Scorpion teach only their most loyal students?"

Re: Good Act(ors)

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 1:12 am
by Zashi
"I have heard an idiom that fortune favors the bold. I do not know if that is so Shosuro-sensei, but if I never ask, then I never gain the education I sought. If respectfully asked and my request denied, I would look elsewhere in my studies, disappointed as I may be. If I never ask, I would have a lifetime to wonder what would have happened."

Zashi bows again. "In response to your question, I would say that you would be in control of what you choose to share. When one looks to make preparations, they are bound by what they know. If you expect an enemy will tunnel, you look to the earth with a keener eye. Eyes that are now focused away from, say, the trees over the walls or a friendly merchant walking past the gates." The redhead pauses. "I would hope too, that an exchange may build ties with other students of yours, perhaps allowing them to practice against and learn the customs and mannerisms of one who is, if I may be fairly blunt about myself, outside of the sharpest focus of the Empire."

"I leave the merits to your sound judgement sensei, and even if the performing arts are something you do not feel comfortable with revealing, I would hope to learn from the role of a fellow shugenja."

Re: Good Act(ors)

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 1:25 am
by Vutall
The woman considers the answer for some time before speaking.

"Compelling, I will give you that. Before I can make any decision, I will need to see your abilities and assess them. An acting troupe only takes the very best, after all."

Re: Good Act(ors)

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 1:33 am
by Zashi
Zashi bows again. "I think that would be a fair stipulation. I submit myself to your evaluation."

Re: Good Act(ors)

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 1:42 am
by Vutall
"I will be watching you over the next few days, and then I will make a decision"

Re: Good Act(ors)

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 1:48 am
by Zashi
Zashi bows. "Thank you for the consideration sensei"

Re: Good Act(ors)

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 1:58 am
by Vutall
"Tomorrow, I might recommend you come join the Artisan training. If you can convince the instructors you belong, that will be one of your first tests."

Re: Good Act(ors)

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 3:07 am
by Zashi
"I shall endeavor to impress them." Zashi bows once again. "I appreciate the opportunity"