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Learning What You Know (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 8:24 am
by Vutall
The sensei of the dojo have gathered all of the students inside for a general test to see how much the collected group knows about different subjects of the empire. The ask a series of questions until one student answers incorrectly, and then move to a new topic, making notes about which topics are more well known, and which lesser.
Each player must select three Lore skills from the list below and make three Lore/Intelligence checks, with the TNs being 4, 5 and 6 respectively.

Characters with the Precise Memory advantage gain a bonus of +1 to their rolls.

The order/list of lore skills is as follows:
  • Lore: Imperials
  • Lore: History
  • Lore: Theology
  • Lore: Law
  • Lore: Bushido
  • Lore: Great Clans (any emphasis applies to this roll)
  • Lore: Minor Clans (Any emphasis applies to this roll)
  • Lore: Heraldry
  • Lore: War
  • Lore: Omens

  • If a subject has less than three students pass their lore roll, the subject will be part of an upcoming lesson.
  • If five subjects have three students pass their lore roll, future study will also include more intermediary lore (think non-school lore skills)
  • If all ten subjects have three students pass their lore roll, future study classes will teach more rare and obscure lessons. (Think forbidden knowledge)
Each student that passes a roll gains 1 Dojo point per roll they pass, and an additional +1 for each roll they made a raise on.

If any roll explodes, the student gains a +2 Dojo Point bonus. (This can only be earned once, even if you have multiple explosions)

Re: Learning What You Know (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 9:08 pm
by Doji Sakura
I could try doing that, but the design of the tanto needs to incorporate the gems which is difficult...that morning session was tiring....oh hello Hoppy-chan! I didn't know my bunny plushie came here too! Let's go play hot-spark!

Sakura's bunny plushie hadn't in fact come to life. She had just fallen asleep in the lore discussions, too tired from the earlier excises.

D1 Knowledge event - Lore: Heraldry/int. TN4 CORRECT ROLL: 1d10 3
D1 Knowledge event - Lore: Theology/int. TN5: 1d10 2
D1 Knowledge event - Lore: law/int. TN6: 1d10 5

Lore score bore draw (0 points)

Re: Learning What You Know (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 9:11 pm
by Utaku Ichiro
His sensei had never before been much of ones for theory or even history besides the bare bones. Especially not for someone at Ichiro's level of study. As such his success in giving adequate answers and information on a range of topics probably came as even more of a surprise to the boy than it would to the sensei of the dojo since they did not yet know better than to expect it of him.

(TN 4: Lore: War = Pass
TN 5: Lore: Bushido = Pass
TN 6: Lore: Unicorn = Pass
3 Dojo points gained)

Re: Learning What You Know (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 9:24 pm
by Yogo Otoko
Reading scrolls and books was a favorite pastime of Otoko, and it showed in her knowledge. She was a bit more uncertain about Omens, but showed surprising knowledge of the minor clans, and less surprising about Rokugani theology.

Lore: Omens, tn 4 = 7 (+1 DP)
Lore: Minor Clans, tn 5 = 23 (+4 DP (Raise from ES, explosion))
Lore: Theology, tn 6 w/ raise = 14 (+2 DP)

7 DP

Re: Learning What You Know (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 9:38 pm
by Mirumoto Masuyo
Masuyo knew exactly what to answer questions about. Her own clan, the Dragonfly as the gatekeepers of her clan, and history as a whole (from the perspective of the Dragon.) Though, her knowledge was a bit skewed, she was quite knowledgeable on the subjects and well-spoken.

Lore:Dragonfly, 1 called raise 18 2 dojo points
Lore:Dragon, 1 called raise 16 2 dojo points
Lore:History, 1 called raise
19+2= 21 2 dojo points, exploded +2 dojo points (messed up syntax and told gm)

+8 dojo points

Re: Learning What You Know (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 9:54 pm
by Miya Wyn
The young Miya enters and looks over the options, as an Imperial he first gravitates to the Law test answering easily, and then to that of Heraldry, a skill he has studied since childs play. With the confidence of these easy answers out of the way, he chooses the Theology tests and requests a harder question, it takes him a few moments but he is able to complete the answer fully, without too much effort.

+4 Dojo Points

Law : 9 +1 Dojo Point
Learning What You Know : Law: 2d10o10k1 9

Heraldry: 8 +1 Dojo Point
Learning What You Know : Heraldry: 2d10o10k1 8

Theology: 10 +2 Dojo point (Called 1 Raise, Spent Void)
Learning What You Know : Theology - Call 1 Raise, Spend Void: 3d10o10k2 10

Re: Learning What You Know (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 9:59 pm
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
"Where do most of the Imperials hold their duties?" Ginkarasu hears and keeps himself from laughing. "Otosan Uchi, sensei-sama!" On the affirmation of success Ginkarasu feels his heart lighten. He wasn't super dumb, despite what all those bullies had said!

"What does it mean when you see a crow at night?" His eyes almost bugged out so surprised at the question. How could he know that! But he thought before saying he didn't know. That sounded like an omen. And Grandma had said he was born an omen so that meant he should be good at knowing omens, right?
Seconds passed. The sensei was about to shake their head and mark that he didn't know.

"It means Shinsei's watching out for you and you're likely to be tested!" He blurts out. Both he and the sensei are surprised that he knew.

"Should you be courteous to your rival when they defeat you?"
His brow furrows. "Maybe? Was it in an insult contest?"
"What about a contest about who was least courteous?" he questions cautiously.
"No, it's not a contest about who was least courteous."
"What about.." he tries to get more clarity but can't think of another example.

The sensei shakes their head and moves on.

Lore: Imperials/Intelligence TN 4: 10, +1 Dojo Point
Lore: Omens/Intelligence, one Raise, void for +1k1 TN 7: 7 +2 Dojo Points
Lore: Bushido/Intelligence TN 6: 5 Fail

= 3 Dojo Points.

Re: Learning What You Know (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 10:00 pm
by Zashi
Ahhh...the real moment of dread.

Before, Zashi had pretty much decided to play around and try to fake through the exercises. This, however, was book learning, and considerably harder to fake. Zashi picks the subjects that matter least, hoping that with some luck it won't be something that comes up again in lessons.

Things...well, they go about as well as could be expected.

Learning what you know-Lore: Bushido- TN 4: 1d10 4 (Pass, +1 Dojo Point)
Learning what you know-Lore: War- TN 5: 1d10 2 (Fail)
Learning what you know-Lore: History- TN 6: 1d10 3 (Fail)

Total: 1 Dojo Point

Re: Learning What You Know (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 10:10 pm
by Otomo Nobuko
Entering the more familiar setting of a classroom designed for debate or written tests, Nobuko felt some of her confidence return. She had not performed any differently than expected in the martial skills tests, but was still disappointed in herself for not putting in a good showing all around. It was just how she was.

This, however, she was certain she could prove herself in. Scholarly pursuits were more than emphasized in her education and she decided to answer all questions presented to her with slightly more detailed or obscure knowledge than the questions strictly called for.

Lore: History, 1 raise, TN9: 2d10+1 11; pass +1 point, +1 for raise
Lore: Heraldry, 1 raise, TN10: 3d10o10k2+1 16; pass +1 point, +1 for raise
Lore: Theology, 1 raise, TN11: 3d10o10k2+1 19; pass +1 point, +1 for raise

Total Dojo Points: +6

EDIT: I may have calculated TNS wrong. Still I passed!

Re: Learning What You Know (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 10:16 pm
by Akodo Yui
And, *that* is how Akodo Namaehere lured his enemy into a trap with the clever use of a clever ruse! A ruse that involved a deception! But not a dishonorable deception! No, it was very honorable! And it won the day! Through tactics! And skill!

Yui was not off to a good start, she was trying so hard to look good when it came to the knowledge of war that she bungled the attempt completely. Her knowledge of bushido was at least decent, which was good given she was supposed to be all honorable and stuff; but at least she knew herself a fair bit of history! So there was that!

Lore: War, 1 raise, TN6: 1d10k1 4 Fail
Lore: Bushido, TN5: 1d10k1 7 +1 point
Lore: History, 1 called raise, TN8: 3d10o10k2 16 +2 points (should've mentioned void use in the roll, forgot)

3 points total

Re: Learning What You Know (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 10:23 pm
by Toritaka Sasaiko
As the sensei ask questions, Sasaiko answers adeptly. She gives standard responses and elaborates on them, pushing herself to do more than she is asked. And with the questions about law, particularly, she shines.

The Lady Ruby has to notice this, she thinks.


Lore: History TN 4; pass at 7, +1 Dojo
Lore: Theology TN 5, Raise to 7; pass at 10,, +2 Dojo
Lore: Law TN 6, Raise to 8; pass at 12,, +2 Dojo

+5 Dojo total

Re: Learning What You Know (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 10:32 pm
by Kakita Kenji
Kenji answered the questions about the crane clan with bravura, only to embarrass himself with the Bushido question right after.
At least he knew enough about laws to overshadow his faux pais a little.

D1 Learning Event Lore:Greatclan:Crane TN 6 (4+1Raise): 2d10k1 7 +2 Points
D1 Learning Event Lore:Bushido TN 7 (5+1Raise): 2d10k1 4 Fail
D1 Learning Event Lore:Law TN 6: 1d10k1 9 +1 Point

=+3 Points
= 11 Points

Re: Learning What You Know (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 10:47 pm
by Kokyou
Kakyou teaches the instructor about some really interesting Mantis islands, but doesn't really get to name the mons of the Clans quite well, pointing out –– while trying to suppress his accent to the teacher –– that, "This one is the symbol of the Horse Clan."

As the instructor asks Kokyou to provide the name of a great battle that occurred with gaijin ships, the boy replies, "You mean the incident at the Parrot Beak's Inn? I guess it was last year. Can't recall."

D1 Lore: Minor Clans/Intelligence TN 4: 1d10 10 Pass (+1 DP)
D1 Lore: Heraldry/Intelligence TN 5: 1d10 3 Fail
D1 Lore: War/Intelligence TN 6: 1d10 3 Fail

Re: Learning What You Know (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 11:14 pm
by Kaito Haruki
Haruki knows he'll need to know about war eventually, so he might as well get quizzed on it now. He does well enough, but he's more than glad to move onto the next subject. Theology comes a lot more naturally when you have a spirit over your shoulder. Question after question gets answered with quick succession, only stopping to let others have a chance to shine. Lastly is heraldry, he doesn't care too much for studying it usually, but that doesn't stop the ghost that follows him from talking about it non-stop when Haruki is trying to take a breather.

(OOC, rolls)
Lore:War, TN 4, 1 Intelligence, 0 skill: 1d10 8 1 dojo point
Lore:Theology, TN 5, 1 skill, 1 intelligence: 2d10o10k1 24 4 dojo points (explode, free raise from high roll, pass)
Lore: Heraldry, TN 6, Intelligence 1, Skill 1: 2d10o10k1 8 1 dojo point
6 points total

Re: Learning What You Know (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 11:28 pm
by Bayushi Jiro
Lore: Imperials=17 Success. Exceptional Roll. Explosion: +4 Dojo Points.

Lore: Heraldry=16 Success, 1 called raise +2 Dojo Points.

Lore: Bushido=9 Success. +1 Dojo Point.

7 Dojo Points.

Jiro's eye for detail during last week's discussion with Seppun Suzuran and his life as a boy at Kyuden Bayushi had apparently given him deeper insight into the workings of the Imperial Families than he had been lead to believe. Certainly he had received no formal schooling about them, though he imagined that might change in the near future. As for the subjects he had received training on, these he answered with calm efficacy, though his understanding of Bushido revealed a Scorpion's traditional academic, rather than an embodied understanding.

Re: Learning What You Know (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 11:49 pm
by Kaiu Aiichiro
Lore: War. Raise: Military Techniques. TN 6.: 2d10 14 (+2 Dojo Points)
Lore: Great Clans Crab Clan. One raise: To remember exact dates. TN 7.: 3d10o10k2 10 (+2 Dojo Points)
Lore: Omens. TN 6.: 2d10 10 (+1 Dojo Point)

First it started with questions about skirmishes inside the empire. He studied some military techniques of the other clans, and passed it with grace, explaining the long-ago-revealed formations.
The Crab Clan questions was about the Maw. Really? He smilled, telling exact dates of the attacks and waves as if he had read ten times a chapter of a book about this. Because he had, on Shiro Kaiu.
The final test was about various superstitions. If not for childhood stories, he would certainly not remember those.

Total: +5 Dojo Points

Re: Learning What You Know (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 12:19 am
by Asako Saburo
"Hai, the Anou are a vassal of the Miya Family," he said with a quick thought when asked which they belonged to. Admittedy, he didn't remember until about an hour later that they had originally been a vassal of the Kaiu and that the Miya had absorbed them by Imperial Decree centuries ago, and he'd probably be mentally kicking himself for not recalling the obscure fact that had been on the tip of his tongue, but the instructor hadn't even noticed by the time they'd moved onto the next student.

When he came around to the next question, he blinked for just one second. "HAI!" he said a fraction too loudly. "The Five measures based upon the five element are the measure of Wind, whereby the general of the army must be true and virtuous, to lead them to victory swiftly in the light and without fear. The Measure of Earth is how well the general and his subordinates know the terrain upon which they fight, for to know the terrain is to ensure victory. The Measure of Fire is how closely the general leads according to Imperial Law, for to do otherwise is to suffocate the fire from his ranks. The Measure of Water is the ability to adapt to the movements of the enemy for stagnation of maneuvers leads to failure. The last is the Measure of Emptiness. To know Heaven is to understand the passage of the stars themselves in the void. There is no explaining the Measure of Emptiness, for one only can acknowledge it in seeing it at work. It is formless, yet its truth undeniable on the battlefield!"

The teacher managed not to blink. They probably would have settled for the five elements there, but sure. Someone wanted to be a teacher's pet, did they?

Lastly, they came a question of theology. "Ah yes, the fortune Jizo is the fortune of Mercy, known to serve beside Emma-O in Meido." The answer was formulaic enough, but regardless correct. Everything was, in his mind... mostly as it should be. But Saburo would have expected nothing less than how he performed.


Rolls for Reference:
Lore: Imperials TN 4: 13, Pass (+1 Dojo Point)
Lore: War TN 5 (CR for TN 7): 38, Gain additional Free Raise, Pass (+4 Dojo Points)
Lore: Theology TN 6: 9, Pass (+1 Dojo Point)

(OOC: Total BS on Measure of Water. The wikis always leave it out, so assume he got it right please.)

Net Result: 6 Dojo Points - Pass Imperials, War & Theology

Re: Learning What You Know (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 12:20 am
by Soshi Shiso
Goat 1. Lore: Imperials, Heraldry, Minor Clans. Each with Raise, so TN 6, 7, 8.: 3#2d10 15 4 8

Ah, so this is what you want me to talk about? Fine. Then let me tell you that Miya are awesome. Have I told you about the neat location of Kyuden Miya? There's a stable there, and Shinomen just to the south. The daimyo is such a nice person, very tolerant and all... [+2 points]

...and of course, the mon of the Kakita is a peacock, everyone knows that!... [+0 Points]

...My favourite would be the hares. Because who doesn't like the hoppers frankly? They are good to play and to roast... for peasants, I eat only veggies and fish, of course. Ah, you want to talk about THE THE HARE? Of course I knew that from the start. But you know, I may or may not have been in Shiro Usagi once, so I can tell you about how they train. It's crazy, like in a circus, but great to watch... [+2 Points]

Re: Learning What You Know (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 1:15 am
by Utaku Nesrin
Nesrin sat among the students as the knowledgable sensei called out questions. She shouted out half an answer to the very first question; only half since her tongue stumbled to silence under the experienced teacher's glare of 'stop that this instant!'. Apparently you were supposed to listen to the question and only answer if they jabbed a finger or a fan or something at you. That did eliminate the chance to huddle quietly on the mat when you had absolutely no idea what they were talking about, which made this first challenge of the first day of this very unfamiliar and strange school kiiiind of nerve-wracking.

The young Utaku was surreptitiously wiping damp palms on the crisp new clothing she'd left home with when the fan pointed at her. Thankfully she'd gotten super interested in the wild dynastic struggles of third century Scorpion vassal families thanks to Kakita Shineharu's 'historical' pillow books following three families through some wildly improbable adventures. She even managed not to mix up actual history and that subplot with the kappa that really ought to be true...but probably wasn't.

Unfortunately, her views on battles were informed a bit too much by the many mock battles she and her cousins fought on horseback while tending the herds. There was just no decent reference point for conducting a siege when 'jump over the walls' was deemed impossible. She sulked slightly at that. Sensei had obviously never seen what Tabudai could do with a few giggling Iuchi trainees egging on the air kami.

Nesrin perked up a bit though when asked to detail signs of luck, able to point around the room at half a dozen before being told that was sufficient.

Lore: History One raise, 1 explosion
4 dojo points

Lore: War
2 Fail

Lore: Omens
1 dojo point

Total 5 dojo points

Re: Learning What You Know (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 2:21 am
by Mai
Mai starts out trying to talk about war which she has only a vague knowledge of. Surprisingly, it works very well.

She then somehow stumbled through the Heraldry test.

She then gets confident and tries to show her knowledge, not of her Clan, but of her mother's Clan, the Sparrow. She somehow succeeds once again.

Mai was happy. She never studied much, but managed to pass. Brother was right. Looking like you knew what you were talking about was more important than actually knowing.

War with 2 Raises, Heraldry, and Sparrow Clan Lores all passed.

+5 Dojo Points