Welcome to the Dojo! (Mandatory Event)

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Re: Welcome to the Dojo! (Mandatory Event)

Post by Mai » Mon Jun 22, 2020 12:41 am

The prayer was a mixed bag for Mai.

It started off poorly with the prayer. Clearly, Mai should be doing be better as a priestess. But she shakes it off and starts doing markedly better until she gets to the bow part. Well, she was a Mantis. Bowing on ships is hard. Right? She wiffed at striking an opponent, but easily avoided same said opponent. And she nailed the final meditation bit.

Spellcraft: Fail
Athletics: Pass +1 Dojo Point
Jiujutsu: Pass +1 Dojo Point
Defense: Pass +2 Dojo Points
Intimidation: Pass +1 Dojo Point
Etiquette: Fail
Kenjutsu: Fail
Investigation: Pass +2 Dojo Points
Meditation: Pass +1 Dojo Point

Total: 8 Dojo Points

Ally Gained

Note: My Jiujutsu roll is lowers than it should be, but kept it since it's worse roll.
Mantis Clan Shugenja *Water * Thunder * Prodigy * Lucky

Status: 2.0 * Glory: 2.0 * Honor: What is Expected * Topaz Points: 42 * Unofficial Topaz Points: 108

Items: Scrolls, Jade

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Utaku Nesrin
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Re: Welcome to the Dojo! (Mandatory Event)

Post by Utaku Nesrin » Mon Jun 22, 2020 3:10 am

Nesrin listened to Agasha-sama with all her senses alert. She could almost sense the rows of ancestors arrayed around her, watching closely. With so many imagined eyes upon her, it only made sense to begin her prayer with requests for their guidance and strength. She even remembered a few names! Definitely not the full lineage she was supposed to be able to recite, but she managed a couple of generations.

Even so, she got off to a rocky start. How...how could there be so many styles of just stretching? Surely whatever that Yogo was doing wasn't actually...stretching, was it? And whatever the Doji was doing looked way too complicated, but maybe...

Nesrin rubbed the ache out of her knee where it had hit the floor after a misguided attempt at copying that weird stretch. What the heck were courtiers even trying to warm up that way? Not wanting to land on the sore knee again, she almost casually dumped her wrestling opponent, still absent-mindedly wondering about those stretches.

When the sensei called for a defensive stance, she dropped into one almost without thinking, balancing lightly on the balls of bare feet and easily leaping forward with a fierce "For the Khan!" a moment later. Still rather amped up, she bounced to her Etiquette partner, hand thrust out, almost into their bowing nose before she recovered and shuffled herself into a hasty, but very tardy, bow.

It was a huge relief to settle into a sparring stance, easily both landing her strike and dodging her opponent's...at least the first, most important, watched-by-the-instructors exchange.The brief sparring match set the tone for settling to the mat with the rest of her classmates to breath and focus and separate these exercises from her next tasks.

Overall, she hoped that watching crowd of ancestors would be pleased.

1 point

Stretching: 7 fail due to taking a raise before reading more carefully.

Basic unarmed strikes Juijutsu/Strength 8 Bonus for +2 over TN
2 points

Defensive stances:TN 10
24 Bonus for +2 over TN
1 point

Shouts: 18 Bonus for +2 over TN
2 points

Bow to partner: 5 fail

Bokken attack: 9 Bonus for +2 over TN
1 point

and dodge:8 Bonus for +2 over TN
2 points

group Meditation/Void 7
1 point

10 points total
1/1 Ally gained
Last edited by Utaku Nesrin on Mon Jun 22, 2020 7:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
Unicorn Clan * Bushi * Battle Maiden * Honest and Fair * Hard to pronounce name
Honor: A Soul Above Question * Status: 1 * Glory: 3


"Every day is a journey, and the journey itself home" -Bashō
Speaking Tegensai

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Togashi Dao
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Re: Welcome to the Dojo! (Mandatory Event)

Post by Togashi Dao » Mon Jun 22, 2020 7:14 am

Dao watched the students parade out before the assembled staff and students, and his bare feet shuffled as he moved up to take his turn under their scrutiny.

He followed along with the prayer as best he could, pleased that he recognized a few of the phrases from when he had seen the Agasha and Mirumoto training together as the Dragon army intermingled their units quite thoroughly.

His flexibility surprised his sensei when he dropped easily into a full split, pivoting to touch each extended foot with outstretched fingertips.

The unarmed strikes were likewise a simple enough challenge and garnered no real attention, he was expected to excel at this element after all.

When it came time to defend himself however, he almost buckled under the pressure, but with a supreme act of will managed to hold his pose for long enough to earn a checkmark from that sensei as well.

Then he unleashed a kiai shout from the depths of his soul and another sensei nodded in approval. Dao was starting to feel quite good about himself.

Until his On came under scrutiny. The Crane sensei never really gave the dirty Dragon boy much chance of passing a test of culture and bearing. Unsurprisingly, Dao lived down to all those snooty expectations and earned his first failing grade of the day.

Picking up the bokken, he unleashed a flurry of strikes that completely overwhelmed his opponent, earning mutterings of surprise and approval from another sensei. He even managed to fend off the worst of the returning blows when it was his turn to defend as well.

Finally, Dao had no problem finding his centre during the meditation and finished the kata on a high point.

He bowed to the sensei and the students before stepping back to join the others who had completed their trials.

Wrong timeslot noted in rolls, but I think we all know what was intended
Dog 1 - Spell/Int TN6: 1d10 8 = 2 points (success on non-school skill by 2+)
Dog 1 - Ath/Ref TN8: 3d10o10k2 12 = 1 point (Success on school skill by 2+)
Dog 1 - Jui/Str TN6: 3d10o10k2 13 = 1 point (Success on school skill by 2+)
Dog 1 - Def/Stam TN6 VP: 2d10 6 = 0 points (Success on school skill)
Dog 1 - Intim/Will TN6: 1d10 8 = 2 points (success on non-school skill by 2+)
Dog 1 - Eti/Awa TN6: 1d10 5 = 0 points (Fail on non school skill)
Dog 1 - Ken/Agi TN6 VP: 3d10o10k2 32 = 2 points (success on non-school skill by 2+) + Great Potential
Dog 1 - Inv/Per TN6: 1d10 9 = 2 points (success on non-school skill by 2+)
Dog 1 - Med/Void TN6: 3d10o10k2 15 = 1 point (Success on school skill by 2+)

Total result
11 Dojo Points
1/1 Ally Gained
Great Potential Kenjutsu
Dragon Clan • Monk • Battlemaster •
Honor: Expected • Status: 2.0 • Glory: 1.7 • Infamy: 1,0
Gear: Student Clothing, Go set.

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Moto Ichiro
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Re: Welcome to the Dojo! (Mandatory Event)

Post by Moto Ichiro » Mon Jun 22, 2020 11:55 am

Ichiro arrived and despite his own misgivings he couldn't allow himself to under perform, his competitive nature wouldn't allow it.

Ichiro was a bushi through and through though the spiritual tasks were difficult for him, the opening prayer had him stumbling on his words which only served to frustrate the young warrior. He felt a sense of relief as they moved to stretching and kata. His yell was strong but he lacked any sort of etiquette only offering a shallow bow before launching into the forms with his bokken, the work was certainly impressive he would have made his sensei back home proud and the way he tracked his opponent's movements his eyes were apparently sharp.

He breathed deeply as the kata ended and sat with everyone but his mind would not find rest, he could not find his center and only grew more agitated until they were allowed to break. There were a few appreciative eyes on him as the class broke.

Welcome to the dojo Spellcraft/Intelligence tn 6: 1d10 5 (fail)
Athletics/Reflexes welcome to the Dojo tn 6: 3d10o10k1 6(pass) no dojo points
Juijutsu/Strength Welcome to the Dojo tn 6: 4d10o10k2 17 (pass) +1 dojo point for 2 over tn
Defence/Stamina welcome to the Dojo tn 6: 2d10o10k1 7 (Pass) +1 dojo point
Intimidation/Willpower welcome to the Dojo tn 6 vp +1k1: 2d10 9 +2 dojo points
Etiquette/Awareness welcome to the Dojo tn 6: 1d10 3 (fail)
Kenjutsu/Agility welcome to the Dojo tn 8: 3d10o10k2 17 (pass) +1 dojo point for exceeding tn by 2
Investigation/Perception welcome to the Dojo tn 6: 3d10o10k2 25 (pass) +2 dojo points
Meditation/Void welcome to the Dojo tn 6: 2d10o10k1 1 (fail)

7 dojo points, ally gained
Unicorn Clan • Moto • Large • Confident * bushi
Honor: As Expected | Status: 2.0 | Glory: 3.2
Gear: Sturdy Clothing, Animal hide cloak

Zurui lizard pet TP: 254
speaking: Ujik, Mekhem, Senpet

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Seppun Suzuran
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Re: Welcome to the Dojo! (Mandatory Event)

Post by Seppun Suzuran » Mon Jun 22, 2020 12:18 pm

Suzuran had doubts; Why were they testing her on things that were outside the purview of the Seppun Guardsmen? Sure, there was something to be said about being a well rounded person, but there was also something to be said about knowing one's own limitations. Not only did it allow one to focus, it also allowed one to learn to rely on others' own specialties, whether that be the training of other samurai or even servants.

Still, she was not about to complain. Nor was she going to give anything but her best. She certainly more than proved herself with her specialties of using her sword and staying mobile. She was not too happy with her performance in protecting herself though, nor spotting the tells of where someone was going to strike. Not that the sensei did not seem content with her performance in either, but Su was strict with herself. As she bowed and left, she made a note to work on those areas later.


Spellcraft/Int (+1 DP for passing non-school skill)
Athletics/Ref (+2 DP for passing non-school skill by 2 or more)
Jiujutsu/Str (+2 DP for passing non-school skill by 2 or more)
Defense/Sta (+0 DP, but passed)
Intimidation/Will (+2 DP for passing non-school skill by 2 or more)
Etiquette/Awa (+1 DP for passing school skill by 2 or more)
Kenjutsu/Agi (+1 DP for passing school skill by 2 or more)
Investigation/Per (+1 DP for passing non-school skill)
Meditation/Void (+2 DP for passing non-school skill by 2 or more)
+2 DP for passing all rolls.

Total = 14 DP. Ally gained for Day 2+
Imperial ❀ Seppun ❀ Bushi ❀ Stubborn ❀ Dedicated
Ascetic ❀ Can't Lie ❀ Idealistic ❀ Contrary

Honor:Exceptional, Glory: 0.5, Status: 1.0, Dojo Points:
Casual Wear: Pink yukata with the mon of the Seppun in white, white obi and headband

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Kaito Kai
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Re: Welcome to the Dojo! (Mandatory Event)

Post by Kaito Kai » Mon Jun 22, 2020 2:15 pm

Kai was certainly put off by the array of tasks to be performed, certainly they were aware that those are all things that one could or would do as an adult, but they weren't exactly aware of very many shine keepers who went about clouting people with their fists or running about hither and yon.

But, well, they were here now. No sense complaining about it.

In the end, Kai surprised themselves. After a rocky start involving, appallingly, misreading a prayer of all things and then being so distracted by it that they pulled all kinds of muscles while stretching, Kai found that punching and kicking things felt like it was coming along naturally.

That momentary distraction was enough, though. Kai toppled over unceremoniously when they were supposed to assume a stable horse stance and their ensuing kiai might really probably have been driven more by shame and frustration than inner ki. Realizing what they had done, Kai's sincere bowing to nearby students was courteous enough - the embarrassment of what had happened kept Kai from landing any hits with the bokken.

Only realizing that the bokken was now coming back in the other direction snapped the Kaito kid from their funk and Kai proved quite capable at causing the other student to miss in turn.

An emotionally tumultuous period of training did not make for conducive meditation, but Kai managed. Somehow.

Roll 1: Spellcraft/Int (1d10) 2 - Fail
2: Athletics/Ref (1d10) 2 - Fail
3: Jiujutsu/Str (1d10) 8 - Pass, +3 points (base pass, pass by +2, and non-school)
4: Defense/Sta (1d10) 4 - Fail
5: Intimidation/Wil (1d10) 7 - Pass, +2 point (base pass, non-school)
6: Etiquette/Awa (1d10) 7 - Pass, +2 point (base pass, non-school)
7a: Kenjutsu/Awa (1d10) 2 - Fail
The above rolls are here.

7b: Investigation/Per (TN8) (2d10) 12 - Pass, +3 points (base pass, non-school, pass by +2)
8: Meditation/Void 4d10k2 21 - Pass, +2 point (base pass, pass by +2)

Result: 8 dojo points, Instructor Ally (Day 2+)

EDIT: Edited from 12 down to 8, per GM check of math.
Last edited by Kaito Kai on Tue Jun 23, 2020 4:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
Phoenix Clan • Miko (Monk) • Fortunate • Pacifist • For Something Greater • A Bit Odd
Honor: What Is Expected | Status: 2.0 | Glory: 2.6 | Topaz Points: 34
Gear: Priests Robes, Sandals, Fan, Divination Tools, Yumi

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Kitsu Akio
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Re: Welcome to the Dojo! (Mandatory Event)

Post by Kitsu Akio » Mon Jun 22, 2020 7:35 pm

Though his expression was stoic and his posture upright and firm, he couldn't help but feel an ever-so-slight unease as the Ruby Champion addressed all the students in attendance - in his recital of the morning kata, the pride of not just his family, but his dojo as well was at stake, with the scrutinous eyes of strangers watching and evaluating the fruits of his school's training.

The recital opened with prayer; something that Akio knew all too well and performed with ease - after all, he was nothing if not pious. Stretching followed after, with Akio keeping up with his peers - the boy's prayer distracting him from the pressure of an unfamiliar morning routine observed by unfamiliar faces. The basic kata that followed were much the same, with the exception of his adoption of a defensive stance - his footwork finding itself lacking. His kiai was passing but largely unremarkable and of little note.

Next up was Akio's bane - a simple display of Rokugani etiquette in the form of a polite bow. The rush from his eagerness to show off at the first portion of the recital fading, the shugenja's nerves a bit frazzled as he poorly attempted to mimic his partner's motion, only accentuated further by the fact his partner was a Crane - earning him the stern, imposing gaze of one of the observing sensei. Thoroughly rattled by this, the boy's failure extended into the first half of his bokken practice, failing to land a hit even once on his partner when it was his turn to strike - owed in equal parts to his clouded mind and general incompetence at kenjutsu.

In the momentary break as the two swapped sides, however, he silently ruminated on the lessons of his betters - and those that came far, far before him. They've failed too before, haven't they? Of course they have. It'd be stupid to lose myself now - then I'd fail them too. His brow furrowed, and his lips pursed - the stern visage of his sensei melting into his peripheral vision as his focus shifted to his partner for the first time since they began. Swing after swing came - and somehow, the shugenja found himself untouched. Wait. Wait, this can't be right. I--

"Weh." His focus broken by the rogue thought, his footing lagged, and he was unceremoniously bonked on the arm with a swing that carried no small amount of force behind it near the very end of the training - eliciting a quiet noise and a wince from Akio. With his strange fluke having come to pass, the morning routine came to its end with a session of group meditation - the dull, throbbing pain in his arm doing little to stop him from entering a meditative state.

KATA 1: Prayer (Spellcraft/Intelligence) 4d10o10k2 = 22 (TN8, +1 DP pass by 2+)
KATA 2: Stretching (Athletics/Reflexes) 1d10 = 10 (TN6, +2 DP pass by 2+, non-school)
KATA 3: Basic Unarmed Strikes (Jujitsu/Strength) 1d10 = 6 (TN6, +1 DP non-school)
KATA 4: Strong Defensive Stances (Defense/Stamina) 1d10 = 5 (TN6, one short :[. Fail)
KATA 5: Shouts (Intimidation/Willpower) 1d10 = 6 (TN6, +1 DP non-school)
KATA 6: Bowing (Etiquette/Awareness) 1d10 = 3 (TN6. Fail)
KATA 7: Bokken Strike (Kenjutsu/Agility) 1d10 = 2 (TN6. Fail.)
KATA 7.5: Bokken Dodge (Investigation/Perception) VOIDED 4d10o10k3 = 17 (TN6. +2 DP pass by 2+, non-school)
KATA 8: Group Meditation (Meditation/Void) VOIDED 3d10o10k2 = 11 (TN6. +2 DP pass by 2+, non-school)
Net DP 9 - Instructor 1/1 temporary Ally!
Lion Clan ❖ Kitsu Family ❖ Shugenja
Dojo Points: 15 ║ Status: 0.5 ║ Glory: 0.5 ║ Honor: Expected
Carrying/Wearing: Student clothing, Sandals

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Isawa Tanshin
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Re: Welcome to the Dojo! (Mandatory Event)

Post by Isawa Tanshin » Mon Jun 22, 2020 10:11 pm

Tanshin looks uncomfortable as he and the other students take their positions. He glances around for familiar faces as the class begins.

Tanshin finds himself at ease as they class begins with prayers. He can feel the stirring of the kami around him as he chants with the rest of the class.
As the class moves towards the martial aspects, Tanshin fails in fantastic ways. His frustration is obvious as his posture is corrected multiple times during stretches, it expands as his opponents land repeated blows the go unanswered when sparring. Several heads turn when he lets out an aggressive shout fueled by his pent-up emotion. He seems to regain his composure during the bowing kata, where he responds to his partners' subtle variations well. Kenjutsu practice was another frustrating task. He hadn't played with sticks since he was very young, but at the same time, he managed to step aside the majority of the strikes aimed at him.

OOC: The results

Prayer 22 Pass 1
Stretching 2 Fail 0
Unarmed Strikes 4 Fail 0
Defensive Stances 5 Fail 0
Shouts 7 Pass 1
Bowing 9 Pass 2
Bokken Strike 5 Fail 0
Bokken Dodge 15 Pass 2
Meditation 9 Pass 1
Total: 7
AKA Isawa Saiguren 最紅蓮
Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Hero of the People
Honor: Exceptional 🐲 Status: 1.0 🐲Glory: 3.0 🐲 Topaz Points: 317 (Day 6)
Wears: Robes, Prayer Beads, Travelling Pack
Carries: Sturdy Walking Staff (Bo)

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Bayushi Kaidan
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Re: Welcome to the Dojo! (Mandatory Event)

Post by Bayushi Kaidan » Mon Jun 22, 2020 11:20 pm

Kaidan came in the dojo and tried to follow what the sensei was asking for. He followed the prayer as closely as he could. While stretching, he didin't know where to begin so he tried to free style not to the approval of the sensei. He really didn't know what he was doing punching and showing off what he thought might be a good show of martial arts. He received the beating knowing where to take the hits. He is not person to yell and even when he tries his best to raise his voice nothing can come out that may sound intimidating. He gave a gracious bow to his now opponent. He strike true and finds the flaw on the opponent's style. He finally sat in meditation ending the kata.

D1 W2tD kata1Spellcraft Int (family trait) TN 8 (not ss): 2d10 17 Passed by 2, +2 DP, messed up the tag still passed
D1 W2tD kata2 Athletics Ref TN 6 (not ss): 2d10o10k1 4 Failed
D1 W2tD kata3 Jiujutsu STR TN 6 (not ss): 1d10 8 Passed by +2, +2 DP
D1 W2tD kata4 Defense STA TN 6 (ss, not taken): 1d10 7 Passed
D1 W2tD kata5 Intimidation Will TN 6 (not ss): 1d10 3 Failed
D1 W2tD kata6 Etiquette AWA TN 6 (ss): 3d10o10k2 20 Passed by +2, 1 DP
D1 W2tD kata7 Kenjutsu AGI TN 8 (Fam Trait, ss): 4d10o10k2 10 Passed by +2, 1DP
D1 W2tD kata7 Investigation Per TN 6 (not ss): 2d10o10k1 17 Passed by +2, +2DP
D1 W2tD kata8 Meditation Void TN 6 (not ss): 1d10 10 Passed by +2, +2DP

10 DP earned
Chosen Name: Bayushi Gakihiro
♦ Scorpion ♦ Bushi ♦ Androgenous ♦Hated by Ghosts ♦Hates Frogs ♦Random Samurai #46 ☆Insensitive ☆Wanderer ☆Silent ☆Dr. Antidote ☆Experienced 1
Only wears the Scorpion Mon
Honor: Untrustworthy Status: 1 Glory: 1
"I wear many mask, none is me"

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Kitsune Setsuna
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Re: Welcome to the Dojo! (Mandatory Event)

Post by Kitsune Setsuna » Tue Jun 23, 2020 7:44 am

  • Kitsune Setsuna lightly and elegantly stepped into the Dojo, right on time. A careless toss of his argent hair, a bright toothy smile, and he seemed calm and confident today. After all, he'd been training to complete his gempukku before this, and this was mostly a review. As Agasha Sumiko-ue addressed them, he listened attentively, tilting his head to the side. A very strict schedule, mm, much more than he was used to. But he would do his very best. After all... couldn't let the Fox clan down, hai?

    The mikokami would be rightly honored this morning. Setsuna bowed to an exact ninety degree angle, stiff and most respectful. Afterwards, his hands clapped together once, then once more, a loud and clear smack ringing through the dojo. His hands were almost machine perfect, right hand slightly lower than his left, at chest height. As this was his first time here, he murmured his name so the mikokami of the area would become acquainted with him and his presence, offering them his thanks, before beginning a silent prayer. Once he finished, he would excuse himself with another crisp ninety degree bow. Perfectly executed.

    As the group began to move onto stretching, the Kitsune was lithe and limber, like a cat almost. He could reach his toes with ease, pale fingers lining up on each toe. He could feel his muscles tense up with each pull, and sighed with satisfaction as they'd be released from the stretching tension.

    When it came to punching though, he was very lost. Ruby red hues peered at his hands, slowly curling and uncurling them into fists. The target before him stood almost defiant, tall and strong. To test how hard the surface of it was, he lightly knocked on it. Unfortunately, that was counted as his strike.

    When it came to defensive stances, he showed that he was more than a willowy delicate shugenja. His feet planted firmly into the ground, practically rooting him downwards. Center of mass shifted down as well, and in this pose he was as moveable as a boulder, arms crossed in front of him to protect his face.

    It was time to shout. Normally he was more quiet and reserved, so he was not used to having to yell out... anything. It showed, as he raised his voice to what could be called "inappropriate at a library" but was not quite shouting or intimidating.

    He wasn't sure who his partner was, blinking nearsightedly at them until they came to view. When they were at an appropriate distance and he could make them out much better, the boy dipped into a stiff and most respectful bow, lower than his paired partner as he was of lower station. He would hold it just the right amount of time, before slowly rising and murmuring a thanks to who it had been.

    As the bloodwood red bokken was slid into his hand, he twisted the grip on it. This... was not in his field of expertise. Frankly, none of these had been, aside from a couple. But fighting in particular was not his bag of chips. He held the wooden weapon upwards above his head, and swung downwards in a very telegraphed motion that his opponent was easily able to dodge.

    After the dodge, he handed off the weapon, hilt first, to his partner. They assumed a readying stance, and his eyes followed the weapon's every movement. As it came at him in a horizontal slice, he managed to evade it by leaning backwards, feeling the bokken's breeze as it flew over his nose. When the swing was done, he would straighten back up with a bright and flashy grin.

    When it came time to meditate, he easily plopped to the floor, his legs folded neatly onto each other and hands coming together in front of him. His mind easily found the whiteness of the void as his eyes closed and his focus was found. It happened practically in the blink of an eye, but when his eyes were opened, the time for meditation was finished and it was over.
  • Fox ☆ Shugenja ☆ Courtier
  • Honor ☆ What Is Expected
  • Status ☆ 0.5
  • Glory ☆ 0.7
  • Dojo Points ☆ 37 D4
  • Gear ☆ Student Clothes, sandals
    “The truth is always simple. Liars make things complicated.” - Shinsei

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Asako Sanzo
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Re: Welcome to the Dojo! (Mandatory Event)

Post by Asako Sanzo » Tue Jun 23, 2020 3:45 pm

Starting with the prayer, Sanzo recites his with confidence. As a member of the Phoenix clan, such a practice was common.

The Asako moves through the exercises admirably, that is until it comes time for him to kiai shout. Perhaps he was parched or something got caught in his throat, but Sanzo's shout came out more like a squeak. He tries to laugh it off, but it's definitely embarrassing.

Trying to move on from that, his observance of etiquette is well-practiced and confident. Afterwards, his swordsmanship display is just rather mediocre; he manages to perform the forms and strikes, though it is nothing particularly impressive. His dodging is quite good, though.

Finally, meditation. Something he enjoyed and was quite comfortable with. The stress and excitement of the day melted away as Sanzo easily found his center.


D1 Dragon: Spellcraft/Intelligence TN6: 1d10k1 8 +2 Dojo Points
D1 Dragon: Athletics/Reflexes TN6, VP spent: 2d10k2 14 +2 Dojo Points
D1 Dragon: Juijutsu/Strength TN6: 1d10k1 7 +1 Dojo Point
D1 Dragon: Defence/Stamina TN6: 2d10o10k1 14 +1 Dojo Point
D1 Dragon: Intimidation/Willpower TN6: 1d10k1 1 Fail
D1 Dragon: Etiquette/Awareness TN8: 3d10o10k2 16 +2 Dojo Points
D1 Dragon: Kenjutsu/Agility TN6: 3d10o10k2 6 +0 Dojo Points
D1 Dragon: Investigation/Perception TN6, VP spent: 2d10k2 9 +2 Dojo Points
D1 Dragon: Meditation/Void TN6: 3d10o10k2 24 +1 Dojo Points

I think that's 11 Dojo Points?
Last edited by Asako Sanzo on Wed Jun 24, 2020 2:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Phoenix Clan ✿ Bushi/Courtier ✿ Painter ✿ Friendly & Chill ✿ Honest ✿
Status: 0.5 | Glory: 0.5 | Honour: As expected
Equipment: Student clothes, Sandals, Straw Hat, Straw cloak, Fan, Lucky cricket

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Isawa Tanshin
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Re: Welcome to the Dojo! (Mandatory Event)

Post by Isawa Tanshin » Tue Jun 23, 2020 10:34 pm

As the class begins their prayers, Tanshin's voice resonates strongly as he chants with the rest of the class. Students nearby notice a fine mist rising around him as he chants.

As the class moves towards bugei skills, the young shugenja finds himself out of sorts. He is strong for his build, but he finds that he lacks the coordination of his classmates as he stumbles through stretches, strikes, stances. His frustration however fuels are rather intimidating Kiai! that surprises even him.
He manages to maintain his composure as he bows to his classmates, and manages to not get rapped too hard during Kenjutsu practice, yet doesn't manage to land a blow.
It was a frustrating, mixed day as he finds his center within during the final meditation.

Welcome to the Dojo - Spellcraft: 4d10o10k2 22 Pass 1
Welcome to the Dojo - Athletics: 1d10k1 2 Fail 0
Welcome to the Dojo - Jiujitsu: 2d10k2 4 Fail 0
Welcome to the Dojo - Defense: 1d10k1 5 Fail 0
Welcome to the Dojo - Intimidation: 1d10k1 7 Pass 1
Welcome to the Dojo - Etiquette: 2d10o10k1 9 Pass 2
Welcome to the Dojo - Kenjutsu: 2d10k2 5 Fail 0
Welcome to the Dojo - Investigation: 2d10o10k1 15 Pass 2
Welcome to the Dojo - Meditation: 1d10k1 9 Pass 1
Total: 7
AKA Isawa Saiguren 最紅蓮
Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Hero of the People
Honor: Exceptional 🐲 Status: 1.0 🐲Glory: 3.0 🐲 Topaz Points: 317 (Day 6)
Wears: Robes, Prayer Beads, Travelling Pack
Carries: Sturdy Walking Staff (Bo)

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Yasuki Rini
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Re: Welcome to the Dojo! (Mandatory Event)

Post by Yasuki Rini » Wed Jun 24, 2020 2:42 am

Rini gave her head a small shake as they prepared to begin. She was tired, and frankly a bit distracted by there being so many others around. They were all so different, and it caused her mind to wander a bit during the prayer section. She spoke quietly, fumbling slightly, more frustrated with herself than anything. It was fine, things like prayers and ritual was something that she could practice on her own and get better at.

The next part was much more her speed, stretching, stretching and long sweeping movements that were much more based on athleticism that memory of a prayer or attunement to any kami. Still, no need to be arrogant, there was still likely much more of this to go; she fell into a flow and rhythm of the movements.

Unfortunately, Jiujutsu wasn't particularly her thing either. Hida were always sumo this, and joint-lock that, but she never quite saw the point of it all. You can't joint lock a monster, at least not most of them, and unless a Hida was absolutely ripped, which is known to happen on occasion, someone isn't punching through thick carapace anyway. She took down Jiujutsu as... yet another thing she would have to improve on at some point.

The next part let her fall back into a rhythm at least, defensive postures and motions that felt already like second nature, especially without added weight of trying to grow accustomed to armor. Still though, a big part of kata always had to be shouting, and that.. sure wasn't Rini's thing. For a lot of warriors it was part of getting fired up, or intimidating the enemy, but it never quite felt like it worked either way for Rini, and what kind of self-respecting Oni is going to get intimidated by a guy yelling at it.

Even if she wasn't the best at being social, dojo etiquette was drilled into crab from a young age, and an expectation to respect other warriors. That was easy enough. The Kenjutsu part was alright, she wasn't a huge fan of kenjutsu over more heavier weapons, but in the end a bokken is just a very thin tetsubo, she supposed. She did her best to swing at her opponent, and did fairly well at it, until it was her turn to defend. Dodging isn't always so easy for crabs, there is a certain amount of reliance on armor to take glancing blows rather than being able to dodge entirely in such heavy equipment, but she did well enough, some defensive instincts taking over.

As the practice came to a close, she paused to meditate. Again though, she was distracted, there were so many people here, so many little noises, and she just couldn't quite find her center even when she tried to put extra effort into it.

Welcome to the Dojo - Prayer (Spellcraft): 1d10o10k1 4 Fail 0
Welcome to the Dojo - Stretch (Athletics): 3d10o10k2 20 Success: 1 [School skill, succeeded by more than 2 (Exceptional Success)]
Welcome to the Dojo - Unarmed Strikes: 1d10o10k1 3 Fail 0
Welcome to the Dojo - Defense 4d10o10k2 18 Success: 1 [School skill, succeeded by 2 or more (Exceptional Success)]
Welcome to the Dojo - Loud Noises 1d10o10k1 2 Fail: 0 [School skill]
Welcome to the Dojo - Bowing 2d10o10k2 18 Success: 2 [Success on non-school, succeeded by more than 2 (Exceptional Success)]
Welcome to the Dojo - Kenjutsu 1d10o10k1 8 Success: 1 [School skill, succeeded by 2 or more]
Welcome to the Dojo - Dodge! 1d10o10k1 6 Success: 1 [Success on non-school]
Welcome to the Dojo - Zen! 2d10o10k1 (VP) 5 Fail.

Fail, Success (1), Fail, Success (1), Fail, Success (2), Success (1), Success (1), Fail)
Crab Clan • Bushi • Hida Trained • Quiet
Status: 0.5 • Glory: 0.5 • Honor: Untrustworthy • Dojo Points: 7
Carries: Student Clothing w/ Sandals, Small Knife

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Kakita Kazuko
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Re: Welcome to the Dojo! (Mandatory Event)

Post by Kakita Kazuko » Thu Jun 25, 2020 3:28 am

Kazuko focuses all of her attention on the Ruby Champion, as if she'll gain some knowledge that will help her in the morning kata if she just listens intently enough. Eager to prove herself and maybe catch the attention of a certain prominent individual, she concentrates hard for the first task, succeeding easily. She's visibly disappointed when the Ruby Champion leaves, but manages to accomplish the next two katas just fine. Well, it is just stretching and some unarmed strikes after all. Nothing she's never done before. Her defensive stances and kiai on the other hand... Well, they could use some work. Okay, a lot of work, but she'd never admit it to any of her peers. Besides, Crane clan lungs just aren't meant for shouting, it's totally not because she flinched from the yells around her! The tension from her shoulder falls as they move onto things she's familiar with. She easily dodges and strikes back with the bokken, smirking slightly as she does so. As the group settles down for meditation, she finds that exertion from the previous katas has done nothing to slow her heart rate, still high on the adrenaline rush. As a result, she fails to focus properly, eyes flitting about for something to distract her.


D1 Dragon Spellcraft/Int, TN 6: 1d10 8 Exceptional success! (+2)
D1 Dragon Athletics/Reflexes, TN 6: 1d10 8 Exceptional success! (+2)
D1 Dragon Jiujutsu/Strength, TN 6: 1d10 6 Success! (+1)
D1 Dragon Defence/Stamina, TN 6: 1d10 2 Fail. (+0)
D1 Dragon Intimidation/Willpower, TN 6: 1d10 5 Fail. (+0)
D1 Dragon Etiquette/Awareness, TN 6: 4d10o10k2 14 Exceptional success! (+1, School skill)
D1 Dragon Kenjutsu/Agility, TN 8: 3d10o10k2 12 Exceptional success! (+1, School skill)
D1 Dragon Investigation/Perception, TN 6: 2d10 10 Exceptional success! (+2)
D1 Dragon Meditation/Void, TN 6: 1d10 5 Fail. (+0)

(+9 dojo points total, temporary ally gained)
Crane Clan | Bushi | Profile | Way Better than Kotomi
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 1.0 | Glory: 2.4 | TP: 252 (ty oleanderpoison!)
Equipment: Daisho/Light Armor where allowed, Fancy Clothes, Expensive Crane Hairpin (5 koku) and Earrings (2 koku), Fan

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Re: Welcome to the Dojo! (Mandatory Event)

Post by Vutall » Thu Jun 25, 2020 7:27 am

This event closes in 4.5 hours from the time of this post. If no further posts are made, this is what stands:

Zanshi: Passed all rolls, gained +16 Dojo Points, Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Doji Sakura: Passed 4 rolls, gained +7 Dojo Points, Great Potential (Athletics) and Great Potential (Etiquette), Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Yogo Otoko: Passed 4 rolls, gained +4 Dojo Points

Mirumoto Masuyo: Passed 6 rolls, gained +10 Dojo Points, Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Kuni Yotsuo: Passed 4 rolls, gained +6 Dojo Points, Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Yasuki Ginkarasu: Passed 5 rolls, gained +4 Dojo Points

Miya Wyn: Passed 8 rolls, gained +13 Dojo points, Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Kakita Kenji: Passed 5 rolls, gained +8 Dojo Points, Great Potential (Athletics), Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Utaku Ichiro: Passed 6 rolls, gained +8 points, Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Otomo Nobuko: Passed 6 rolls, gained +9 points, Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Akodo Yui: Passed 7 rolls, gained +11 points, Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Toritaka Sasaiko: Passed 8 rolls, gained +13 points, Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Kaiu Aiichiro: Passed 6 rolls, gained +7 points, Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Kaito Haruki: Passed 7 rolls, gained +9 points, Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Kokyou: Passed 5 rolls, gained +8 points, Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Iuchi Prashant: Passed 8 rolls, gained +11 points, Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Bayushi Jiro: Passed 6 rolls, gained +8 points, Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Soshi Shiso: Passed 5 rolls, gained +8 points, Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Asako Saburo: Passed 8 rolls, gained +12 points, Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Mai: Passed 6 rolls, gained +8 points, Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Utaku Nesrin:Passed 6 rolls, gained +10 points, Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Togashi Dao: Passed 8 rolls, gained +11 points, Great Potential (Kenjutsu), Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Moto Ichiro: Passed 6 rolls, gained +7 points, Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Seppun Suzuran: Passed 9 rolls, gained +14 points, Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Kaito Kai: Passed 5 rolls, gained +8 points, Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Kitsu Akio: Passed 6 rolls, gained +9 points, Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Bayushi Kaidan: Passed 7 rolls, gained +10 points, Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Kitsune Setsuna: Passed 6 rolls, gained +10 points, Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Asako Sanzo: Passed 8 rolls, gained +11 points, Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Isawa Tanshin: Passed 5 rolls, gained +7 points, Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Yasuki Rini: Passed 6 rolls, gained +6 points, Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.

Kakita Kazuko: Passed 6 rolls, gained +9 points, , Choose a sensei to get as a temporary 1/1 ally and who will train you for +1 to a skill or an emphasis they posses.
Primary colors divide us and love us
Eye on the others surviving among us
American pie getting sliced up above us
Trickling down while we're dying of hunger.

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Matsu Qiang
Posts: 282
Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2020 7:53 am

Re: Welcome to the Dojo! (Mandatory Event)

Post by Matsu Qiang » Wed Jul 01, 2020 9:17 am

[Catch up rolls for this event, at GM request]

“We pray to the kami, we pray to the ancestors…. may they give us the strength of honor!” Matsu Qiang dutifully recited, before joining the class in stretches. Then the exercises began in earnest.

The young Lion boy smashed a fist through two wooden planks, an impressive display for his size. His stance was unimpressive, however, consisting merely of a “come hither” gesture with a scornful stare at his opponent, with no defensive value whatsoever.

Qiang glared at his opponent suspiciously as they bowed to each other, as if the Lion boy was certain his opponent would jump him in the middle of their courtesies. His combat skill seemed respectable, however, as he dodged a blow while delivering a punishing strike with the bokken.

Day 1 Welcome to the Dojo, Prayer INT/Spellcraft TN6: 1d10 6 +1 Dojo Point for passing non school skill
Day 1 Welcome to the Dojo, Stretching REF/Athletics TN6: 1d10 8 +2 Dojo Points for passing non school skill by 2
Day 1 Welcome to the Dojo, Unarmed strike STR/Jiujutsu TN8: 4d10o10k2 21 +1 Dojo Point for passing school skill by 2
Day 1 Welcome to the Dojo, Defensive Stance STA/Defence TN6: 1d10 5 failed
Day 1 Welcome to the Dojo, Shout WILL/Intimidation TN6: 1d10 6 +1 Dojo Point for passing non school skill
Day 1 Welcome to the Dojo, Bow to each other AWA/Etiquette TN6: 1d10 5 failed
Day 1 Welcome to the Dojo, Bokken strike AGI/Kenjutsu +Void Point TN6: 4d10o10k2 11 +1 Dojo Point for passing school skill by 2
Day 1 Welcome to the Dojo, Dodge bokken PER/Investigation TN6: 2d10 9 +2 Dojo Points for passing non school skill by 2
Day 1 Welcome to the Dojo, Meditation VOID/Meditation +Void Point TN6: 4d10o10k3 23 +2 Dojo Points for passing non school skill by 2

Total: 10 Dojo Points
1/1 instructor ally gained
Lion Clan • Competitor • Crab Hands • Strong • Betrothed
Status 1.0 • Glory 5.3 • Exceptional Honor

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