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Q&A - Earthly monk (?) with Gaijin charms - Iuchi Prashant

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 9:20 am
by Iuchi Prashant
Or "Ginger Spice" (Airag Spice? :p), since Nesrin has dubbed the Uni stampede the Spice Girls (Spice Ujik? Yak Girls?)* : p

Ask away : )

BTW - Will answer Vutall's usual questions later today or tomorrow : )

* I figured Moto Ichiro would be Scary Spice, Nes herself would fit Sporty Spice. Utaku Ichiro might fit Baby spice before becoming crispy spice I think... :roll: so that leaves me Ginger...

Re: Q&A - Earthly monk (?) with Gaijin charms - Iuchi Prashant

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:50 am
by Vutall
The Unicorn comrades are now spice girls confirmed.

Re: Q&A - Earthly monk (?) with Gaijin charms - Iuchi Prashant

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 11:07 am
by Utaku Nesrin
XD Thanks for confirming the Unicorn Spice girls. I could have gone with a MLP: Friendship is Magic reference too, but ...

I'm also here to say you should answer Vutall's standard question that wasn't asked here. :p

Otherwise, we've chatted enough that most of my IC questions have been answered, other than things that may be hanging in a scene.

Ever regret doing a Meishodo shugenja rather than a more traditional one? I have not yet played one, myself and am curious what your impressions are of the experience.

Re: Q&A - Earthly monk (?) with Gaijin charms - Iuchi Prashant

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 3:03 pm
by Iuchi Prashant
Omg MLP :lol: Funnily enough MLP reminds me of another L5R player/ friend I know who was CRAZY about them - although oddly enough she plays crane mostly haha

So, first, V's usual questions.

My favourite scene with Prash - this one is tough. REALLY tough. I liked many scenes and many things about this game, as I've said a few times. So I'll go and say quite a few things here...
I really liked pretty much all the 'team Uni' scenes in Part 1, drinking, not really stealing Sake, fighting not really ninja, and the market excursion on the last day - which I'd say set the scene for some things in Part 2.
I also loved the scenes with Nesrin and Jiro in Part 2 - those were emotionally deep and really defining for Prash, and would have made the game for me if nothing else had.
The fight scenes Prash was in were really fun too - and that last fight was tense! Prash is never too far from the frontline, and he was really worried he might lose a friend there...

Also, although some of the events weren't so deep RP-wise, a number of posts in some of them were really fun and/ or deep and/ or interesting. I particularly liked the Artistry event here in Part 2 - lots of nice and well thought-out pieces of poetry, as well as many really interesting descriptions there! I enjoyed that greatly. And despite the misgivings some people had with the Extra Credit event in Part 1, some descriptions there were really fun, and I found the final scene with the Miya there was really touching to me - the 'trust without words' and the 'balance instead of competition' there really made sense for how I had been envisioning Prash, so it was a defining moment. Thanks for that, Wyn!

But all that said, I'll go with two other, maybe 'minor' scenes for favourites.
One was this scene with Aiichiro in part 1. I haven't had so many scenes with Aii, so that one moment to connect was really interesting. Also - I was in a tight spot IRL at the time, and re-reading some things about the buddhist view of suffering and so on while doing that thread had a strong positive impact for me.

And then, for Part 2, I"d say the Fire! event. I mean, there are some design things there that might have been different, we beat it quickly and all, but: a) it made a lot of logical sense after what happened the day before, which b) made it even more significant for those of us who had been in the Bar Fight; and then c) even if the event had been beat fast, there was quite some space for heroism there - that scene with Ichiro was brilliant, and it read like a life-changing moment for his character. And of course, also d) Wyn mapping all sources of water, then pretty much changing the course of the river to go through the city, and the resulting changes to spellcasting, all that was HILARIOUS, and actually quite immersive. I LOVED all that, and it made the event into something memorable despite players beating it qiuckly.

For my preferred scene without Prash - I have actually not had as much time to read through everything as I'd liked, but:
- the Goblin Attack from Part 1 (Prash was kinda involved in that background RP thread, but not in the fight itself) was kinda tense and had some fantastic, if unusual strategy, and Ginkarasu completely oblivious to it all and trying to practice right at that time was just brilliant and made me laugh hard!
- for Part 2, there were a few interesting things going on which I read through only part-way (i.e. stuff to do before Part 3! yay), and all the little romance bits that made this pretty much into a Shoujo were/ are really fun to read through. But I'll have to go with Moto Ichiro and Otomo Nobuko's duel. I didn't expect that at all, and her winning made it all the more awesome!

Phew, that was long-winded. Sorry!

Utaku Nesrin wrote:
Wed Aug 26, 2020 11:07 am
Otherwise, we've chatted enough that most of my IC questions have been answered, other than things that may be hanging in a scene.

Ever regret doing a Meishodo shugenja rather than a more traditional one? I have not yet played one, myself and am curious what your impressions are of the experience.
I know right? But it's been fun too : ) I hope to keep in contact at least a bit. And hoping to hop into some other games too!

But for the question:
I think it's only my second time playing a Shugenja in a PbP - iirc I played a 4e Kitsune quite a while ago, and I think I've had to drop out of that game midway. So... my experience with Shugenjas in general in PbP is somewhat limited. But that said: I thought the experience would be quite different from playing a traditional shugenja from the time I read the changed School. Not being able to cast spells normally at ALL is something completely new, and it actually feels new and different, in a number of ways.

Not being able to call Raises at all was a great challenge in some senses. I mean, Path to Inner Peace becomes pretty much useless at Rank 1, and it's not bound to be very useful until we hit Rank 3 or 4, depending on how high one's Water Ring is. In a way, your character can do some stuff, you know what that stuff is, and you're not gonna get more out of what she can do with magic by spending a VP or getting lucky with a roll. That might even be a bit frustrating at times, but I knew what to expect since the start of the game, so I tried to build Prash in a way that would make sense with that. I mean, I've got Jujutsu 5 for him, because I thought in some cases it might be more useful to actually go ahead and fight if my usual tricks wouldn't be much help.

On the other hand, your tricks ALWAYS work - no questions asked, regardless of Wound Ranks or anything else - and they go off in 1 round. So there IS a positive side, and that positive side is actually great.

In the actual fights, I ended up pretty much 'always' deciding to cast something, I think every round. And in that last fight, being able to cast ML2 spells AND Fire Spells reliably after being down to a -10 and regardless of the extra Raise usually needed for Fire spells was a real boon.

All in all, I've found it pretty fun and refreshing. And... I've got plans for Prash for Part 3, and even for Part 4 if the game gets there and Prash reaches there alive. That Jujutsu 5 is gonna get used at some point, AND I plan on making him 'more' tanky and adding some tricks to his repertoire. Let's see! It will be fun to fight alongside Nes and the other Uni again (maybe including Dao now! :) )

Re: Q&A - Earthly monk (?) with Gaijin charms - Iuchi Prashant

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 9:44 pm
by Bayushi Kaidan
Fight Me! =P

I know you have time management problems. Still promise was a promise. =P

What would you change in Prashant?

Re: Q&A - Earthly monk (?) with Gaijin charms - Iuchi Prashant

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 10:13 pm
by Toritaka Sasaiko
Jiujutsu 5?

I'll be your huckleberry. :lol:

Re: Q&A - Earthly monk (?) with Gaijin charms - Iuchi Prashant

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:34 am
by Iuchi Prashant
Bayushi Kaidan wrote:
Wed Aug 26, 2020 9:44 pm
Fight Me! =P

I know you have time management problems. Still promise was a promise. =P

What would you change in Prashant?
Ouch... sorry :/ I definitely do, sorry. Prash would not leave someone hanging if not for his messed up player : p

But well, promise is a promise.

As for changes - do you mean mechanically or RP-wise?

Well, he wouldn't have stood Kaidan up. And he'd have liked more chances to mingle with others - there's quite a few interesting characters I'd have liked to have scenes with. But then that's more my time management issues and IRL chaos getting in the way than the character itself.
Other than that... I'm not really sure. I'm actually happy with how he came along, I think. I probably should have thought a bit more in advance about how the situation and his feelings for Nesrin and Jiro would play out, but then... I'm not sure whether I'd change anything, and what I could change. I'd been toying with the idea of him being bi, but initially very detached from romantic and sexual matters (and thus unaware of his sexuality) since the start. As part 1 went on, I felt it'd make sense for some of that 'best buddies' feeling with Nesrin to start changing into something more. But then I also wanted the 'bi' part to come up - and I though it'd make sense for that to happen with Jiro, also due to part 1. I'm still unsure of how some things will play out (have that scene with Nesrin still ongoing), but I'm really not sure how and if I'd change things there.

Mechanically, I think I'm actually happy with how he is right now, but maybe I could have left some jujutsu training for after Topaz and invested some more in Artisan skills. Although I'm not really sure, because the whole 'strong body, strong spirit' thing is thematic for him, even if Jujutsu 5 hasn't been as useful as it could have been for him during part 2. Also I almost took a different Kiho, which I'll still probably take before Part 3 (planning on keeping him, at least I think so!). I've literally changed to TtVD some 30 minutes before sending the sheet for Part 2 to free up a point for a skill. But then TtVD was actually incredibly useful AND thematic, so I don't regret that.

Re: Q&A - Earthly monk (?) with Gaijin charms - Iuchi Prashant

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:36 am
by Iuchi Prashant
Toritaka Sasaiko wrote:
Wed Aug 26, 2020 10:13 pm
Jiujutsu 5?

I'll be your huckleberry. :lol:
Oooh time to organise the first glorious shugenja wrestling/ martial arts championship it seems? :lol:

Re: Q&A - Earthly monk (?) with Gaijin charms - Iuchi Prashant

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:10 am
by Toritaka Sasaiko
Iuchi Prashant wrote:
Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:36 am
Oooh time to organise the first glorious shugenja wrestling/ martial arts championship it seems? :lol:
I've got the Earth; we'll get Mai for the water.

Mud wrestling, anyone?