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Bayushi Kaidan: Cosplay Extrordinare

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 8:26 pm
by Bayushi Kaidan
Questions about Kaidan and any of his cosplays.

Re: Bayushi Kaidan: Cosplay Extrordinare

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 8:33 pm
by Kakita Kenji
Will Ninya become a killer kitten? :D

Re: Bayushi Kaidan: Cosplay Extrordinare

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 8:39 pm
by Bayushi Kaidan
She is a killer kitten... She has killed a few mice and already dead fish... might kill a koi or two from the local pond.

Re: Bayushi Kaidan: Cosplay Extrordinare

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 11:09 pm
by Vutall
What was your favorite scene with Kaidan (And a link please!). If ou had the chance, what was a thread you read and was your favorite that Kaidan wasn't involved with?

Re: Bayushi Kaidan: Cosplay Extrordinare

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 11:28 pm
by Bayushi Kaidan
As Kaidan being Kaidan there is when he got Ninya Even if it was lone scouting mission and not really a thread with anyone. I didn't expect to get the kitten. Now, she is his best friend and safety blanket.

As Kaidan being a PC NPC PC, I loved the interaction with Kichiro and Yuihime. I would not like to break her promise to the Akodo and visit him during the winter months.

As for a non participant, I rarely follow any posts but seeing this one made me sad. for 2 thing Kenji hasn't grasped the ideal that Kaidan has tried to teach him. Second that seeing him so defeated is just sad.

Re: Bayushi Kaidan: Cosplay Extrordinare

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 6:54 am
by Bayushi Kaidan
Bayushi Kaidan
School/Rank: Bayushi Bushi 1
Insight: 240 (170 Rings 64 Skills +6 mastery )
XP: 0+4 Ring Only (265 starting +10 Disadvantages
Status: 1.0
Glory: 1.3

Earth 2
-Stamina 2
-Willpower 3

Water 3
-Strength 3
-Perception 3

Fire 5
-Agility 5 (Family Bonus)
-Intelligence 5 (School Bonus)

Air 4
-Reflexes 4
- Awareness 4

Void 3

Skills (* are school skills/emphasis)
Acting (Gender) 5
Athletics 3
Artisan: Origami 2
*Etiquette 3
Investigation 3
*Kenjustu 2
Kyujutsu 2
*Sincerity 1
*Stealth 5
*Courtier (Manipulation*) 3
Lore: Spirit Realms 1
Perform: Poetry 2
Calligraphy 1
*Defense 3
Battle 1
Lore: Poison 1
Craft: Poison 3
Temptation 2
Tea Ceremony 1
Lore: Law 2
Horsemanship 1
Lore: Phoenix Inquisitors 1
Lore: Maho 1
Games: Letters 1
*Iaijutsu 3
Hunting 2
Medicine (Antidote) 2
Divination 1
Animal Handling 1
Meditation 1
Perform: Song 1

A character can call upon a bond to use the unlocked bond abilities. A character can call upon a bond a number of times per session equal to the bond’s rank.

Bond (Family 1): Bayushi Jiro
Types of Bonds
Family obligation is tremendously important in Rokugan: a samurai is expected to respect their parents and elder family members while offering support and guidance to younger family members. Formal adoption, even in adulthood, is a common practice in many parts of Rokugan, both to secure lines of succession that might have gaps, and as part of treaties and other agreements. Marriage is another way characters can form the bonds of family. The following are suggested narrative effects for a character with a Family bond:

Family generally watch out for your reputation and help with modest favors that promote your well-being (providing you with hospitality, giving you a good character reference, assisting in your training), even if you did not ask for these things. They expect the same from you, and they expect you to uphold the family name.
Allies of your close family members are likely to know all about your most notable successes (but they have suspiciously never heard of your less auspicious endeavors), and they are favorably disposed toward you. Enemies of your family view you as an enemy.
If your bond rank is 3 or higher, a family member can be expected to also watch out for your personal happiness. They are willing to take more notable risks on your behalf (such as lending you heirlooms or trusting you to handle important tasks in their name), and they might ask the same from you

“Strong Roots Grow Deep” (Bond Ability):
Once per thread/session you can call upon your family bond. Choose a trait. For the rest of the thread, you gain a bonus of your bond rank to all rolls with that trait

RANK 3: A second attempt to use the Search Emphasis may be made without an increase in the original TN.

c RANK 3: The TN to create a disguise is reduced by 5.
c RANK 5: The TN to create a disguise is reduced by 10 (total)

c RANK 3: Moderate Terrain no longer impedes movement, and movement across Difficult Terrain reduces the character’s Water Ring by 1 instead of 2

c RANK 3: The character gains an additional +3 Insight above the total normally indicated by his Rings and Skill Ranks.

c RANK 3: A second attempt to use the Search Emphasis may be made without an increase in the original TN.

c RANK 3: A character’s Simple Move Actions while using Stealth allow him to move a distance equal to his Water x 5.
c RANK 5: A character’s Simple Move Actions while using Stealth allow him to move a distance equal to his Water x 10.

c RANK 3: The character gains an additional +3 Insight above the total normally indicated by his Rings and Skill Ranks.

c RANK 3: The character may retain the result of a previous Defense / Refl exes roll rather than make a new roll if the Full Defense Stance is being maintained in subsequent rounds

Craft: Poison
c Rank 3: Reduce the crafting TN by 5 when using this skill

c RANK 3: Readying a katana is a Free Action rather than a Simple Action.

• Clear Thinker [MENTAL] (3 POINTS)
-Whenever you make a Contested Roll against someone who is attempting to confuse or manipulate you in any way, you gain a bonus of +1k0 to the total of your roll.

• Dangerous Beauty [PHYSICAL] (2 POINTS)
-You gain a bonus of +1k0 to the total of all Temptation Skill Rolls made with members of the "opposite sex".

You have a natural talent for moving silently at all times. You add +1k0 to the total of all Stealth rolls. Ninja characters may purchase this Advantage for 2 points.

Nemurani - Cloak of the Tengu
A black cloak of feathers with the five elemental symbols on the back of it.

When you put on this cloak, you may spend a void point and make a Meditation/Void roll, TN20. On success, you may raise one trait by 1 and reduce the opposing elements trait by 1. (Raising the mental/physical trait lowers the opposing mental/physical trait.) Air opposes Earth, Earth opposes Water, Water opposes Fire, Fire opposes Air. This bonus lasts until you remove the cloak.

Great Potential (Acting)
May purchase the Blackmail advantage from looking over the Ruby Champions paperwork at normal XP costs instead of the +2 outside character creation.

Forbidden Knowledge (Maho)

Sacred Weapon (Seppun Blade) - Will not receive until end of Part 2

Disadvantages: (10)
- Ghost hate you

- When confronted with the object of your phobia, all of your TNs are increased by +5 for every point you possess in this Disadvantage.

You get lost easily. Even with written directions in hand you never seem to be able to find the place you’re looking for. You practically can’t get anywhere – even in a city you know well – without a guide. You suffer a –15 penalty when using the Navigation emphasis.

Your primary interest is in yourself and things that you care about. The plight of others simply does not interest you, and you find it difficult to pretend otherwise. With the exception of those who contribute directly to your well being, such as your lord, you must spend a Void Point to place yourself at risk for the welfare of any other person unless there is an immediate benefit for you personally. This Disadvantage is worth 3 points to Scorpion characters.


Rank 1: The Way of the Scorpion
You gain a bonus +1k1 to your Initiative Rolls. You also gain a bonus of +5 to your Armor TN against any opponent with lower Initiative.