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Weather - Day 4 (July 1 - July 3)

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 5:43 am
by Vutall
DAY 4:
12th Day of the Horse, 1122

The student awake to find a new listing of ranking ((Players can find that list here:viewtopic.php?f=29&t=458#p6549 )) as well as a pair of guards outside the barrack entrance.

The meals today are chicken and rice with steamed buns and fresh salad.

The weather for the day is a continuation of the thunderstorm from the previous evening, finally breaking at the Hour of the Ox.

The moon is past the first quarter full, and will be full in about 2 days.


Art and Court: viewtopic.php?f=121&t=284
Spellcasting: viewtopic.php?f=121&t=280
Combat: viewtopic.php?f=121&t=276

Literacy: viewtopic.php?f=124&p=1012#p1012

Re: Weather - Day 4 (July 1 - July 3)

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 1:51 pm
by Vutall
Rumors, Day 4

"Did you hear? A few of the students want to put together a games tournament in the next few days!

Oh, that sounds fun!"


"That was some storm last night!

I know! I swear saw a Tengu even riding the lightning!"


"The frog infestation is just the spring mating season for some of the local tree frogs. They arn't poisonous at all.

I heard some of the students want to eat the frogs!

Well, they won't get any meat off the tiny ones.."


"Have you seen that Otomo?

Yeah, she's such a proper model of what a good samurai should be!

Surprising too. I always heard Otomo just like to cause trouble..."


"A bunch of ninja attacked last night!

I told you, stop reading so many pillow books. Ninja don't exist."


"That Kaiu boy, he's so dreamy!

I know! Anyone would be lucky to have him as a friend.

The ladies would be even luckier to be bethrothed to him."


"What's with the top student? He always looks so sour faces.

I heard he has some health trouble.

Well, I would too if I was so full of...

SHH! Don't let the samurai hear you talk like that!"


"Some of the students have quite the appetite! They came into the kitchens and asked for more food!

Greedy jerks. My family would be happy to have even half of one of their meals.."