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Weather - Day 3 (June 28 - June 30)

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 9:35 am
by Vutall
DAY 3:
11th Day of the Horse, 1122

The student awake to find a new listing of ranking ((Players can find that list here: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=458#p5125 ))

The meals today are fresh fruits, steamed vegetables, and rice.

The weather for the day is a light drizzle of rain all day, with it turning into a thunderstorm at the hour of the Monkey.

The moon is past the first quarter full, and will be full in about 3 days.




Re: Weather - Day 3 (June 28 - June 30)

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 9:49 am
by Vutall
Rumors, Day 3

If you go down to the bathing area today, be sure to check the treetops; I hear there's a terrible infestation of aggressive, poisonous tree frogs!


That Otomo Nobuko is so completely in control of her on, it makes you wonder what's really going on in her mind. There is often steel hidden behind silk...


It's a good thing that this dojo was thought up! I was listening to some of the students chatting as they were cleaning up the athletics course, and...well, it's almost too terrible to contemplate! The Unicorn are teaching their bushi to use aggression against the courtiers of the Crane clan! A coerced friendship is no friendship at all, and I am glad Agasha-sama is taking it in her own hands to correct this nonsense.


--Last night I saw a Crane, an Ape, a Cat, and a Fox fighting a tremendous battle against a second cat in a treetop!
--Hitting the sake last night, were we?
--No! I mean, well, yes...but this really happened!!


Sensei A: I just looked over the students' physical fitness exam, and...well, there's something that we didn't catch.
Sensei B: What's that?
Sensei A: One of the Crane narcoleptic.
Sensei B: Epileptic.
Sensei A: What?
Sensei B: You meant epileptic, right? I mean, everyone knows it runs all through the Doji line.
Sensei A: No, narcoleptic. Apparently, she passed out sound asleep near the library last night. That Kakita boy carried her back to bed.
Sensei B: It occurs to me that narcolepsy could be a barrier to real success at the Topaz Championship. Perhaps Agasha-sama should be informed.
Sensei A: Maybe she should be.


Did you notice that there are quite a few students sleeping in?

Yeah, I'm surprised the Sensei havn't said anything

I bet they are just observing for now and will drop the hammer on them later


What was with all the students patching holes in the shoji?

Im not sure, maybe they did something wrong and that was their punishment?


I swear I hear footsteps all OVER the roofs last night

You need to stop reading so many pillowbooks

Re: Weather - Day 3 (June 28 - June 30)

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 2:10 am
by Vutall
New Event: Blood Money

Re: Weather - Day 3 (June 28 - June 30)

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 2:38 am
by Vutall
New Event: Thunderstruck