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Rule: Sneaking Out

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 5:35 pm
by Vutall
If a player wishes to sneak out of the dojo, they have to first complete the following:

Step 1-Avoid the Gaze of the Sensei:
Stealth (Sneaking) /Agility at TN 6. This roll does NOT count as a low skill for the purposes of honor loss.

If they are caught, they will need to attempt to come up with a reason for why they were out and about
Sincerity (Deceit)/Awareness at TN 7.
--Failure of this roll docks the student 1 dojo point.

If they are successful in avoiding the watchful eyes of the dojo sensei, they have three options:

Step 2a-Climb a wall
Athletics/Strength at TN 7, having a rope reduces this check by 1, having a grapple further reduces this check by 1.

On a failure, they fall and take 2k1 damage and are caught by a roaming Hirosaka bushi assigned to the barracks. They will be docked 2 dojo points.

Step 2b-Disguise themself as a peasant assigned to the kitchen staff
Acting (Disguise) / Awareness at TN 5.

On a failure, the guards notice the student and have a laugh at them, embarrassing them and causing gossip to spread about the incident.
Step 2c-Distract the guards
The players can come up with some sort of way to distract the guards, such as throwing rocks to lure them away. Whatever method of distraction they choose, they will need to avoid being spotted by the guards, who will make an Investigation (Notice) / Perception check at a TN of 15, using a dice pool of 4k2. Sufficiently well planned out distractions will increase the guards TN by 5.

If they are caught, the guards will simple tell them that they aren't allowed to leave, but there are no further repercussions.

Step 3-Returning to the Dojo
If the player succeeds in sneaking out, when they return to the dojo they must do any of the three approaches listed above using the same rules.

Distracting the guards has the guards TN increased to 25 if done in the hour of the Rat or Ox, 20 if during the hour of the Boar or Tiger, and 15 during any other hour. The guards dice pool is 6k3 as a new, fresh set of guards is at the entrance.

Failure on any approach will cause the student to lose 5 dojo points.

If a student is not back in time for the morning event (Hour of the Dragon), whenever they return they will be immediately apprehended by a sensei, reprimanded, and sent home in great shame.

Kitsune Impersonators may shift into their true form to sneak out or in and avoid any risk of being caught int he attempts. (They must still first complete step 1, Avoiding the Gaze of the Sensei) However, when they shift back to their human form, they must roll an Investigation (Notice) / Perception using a dice pool of 5k3. If the results on that roll are higher than a 25, someone has spotted your true form. Chikushudo will not recall you for this, but you will have an additional penalty imposed on your human form (determined by the GM)

Re: Rule: Sneaking Out

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 5:08 am
by Vutall
On day 4 an onward, a pair of guards will be in front of the student barracks entrance 24/7. This effectively means that no students may sneak out or in during the hours of the Boar, Rat, or Ox.