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(Crab Lands) Yasuki Ginkarasu's Day Off, Clear Water Village

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 4:28 am
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
At the mouth of the River of Gold and looking out over Earthquake Fish Bay, Clear Water Village could boast that, despite its southern location on the Empire's coast, it was one of the most vital ports of the Empire. And because of the Crab's war engine and the Yasuki's trading ability, it was a port that saw something of everything.

Ginkarasu had very few days off, and even fewer where he was able to get away from the other students.

Today was one of those very rare days. He started by sitting at the docks, watching the boats come and go. Either towards the River of Gold and the rest of the Empire, or out into Earthquake Fish Bay, and from there the ocean.

Re: (Crab Lands) Yasuki Ginkarasu's Day Off, Clear Water Village

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 4:54 am
by Mirai
Mirai entered the docks with a touch of unease. It wasn't that Clear Water Village was too busy for her. On the contrary, she quite enjoyed being lost in the crowd, as it were. She had arrived in town a few days ago seeking passage north to Otosan Uchi, and she had found a ship that would allow her to work for her passage north. The had the note that had been signed and agreed on in her sleeve, but the ship didn't leave for a couple more hours.

No, her trepidation was from being on the ship at all. Mirai had spent most of her life on dry land, excepting a few river rides. This would be much different, she had been assured. It wasn't that she was worried about making it safely or not, she knew she could take it. It was just something new, and new things worried her.

Spotting the Yasuki sitting by where she had stopped to stare, she gave a deep bow to the boy, though she said nothing, in case the Great Clan samurai was quite busy.

Re: (Crab Lands) Yasuki Ginkarasu's Day Off, Clear Water Village

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 6:39 am
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
Ginkarasu bows in return, rising with a smile of greeting.


Re: (Crab Lands) Yasuki Ginkarasu's Day Off, Clear Water Village

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 7:41 am
by Mirai
Mirai had spent enough time in Scorpion lands to be more than a bit wary of friendly samurai, but it didn't really show, other than a moment rubbing the back of her neck. "Ah... konnichi-wa, Yasuki-sama. Sorry if I interrupted your thoughts."

Re: (Crab Lands) Yasuki Ginkarasu's Day Off, Clear Water Village

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 7:46 am
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
"It's okay! I was just watching the waves and the boats. They'll keep waving and floating if I'm not looking at them I bet!" He beams at the girl happily.

As he shifts a little, she can see the myriad of white spots dotting the left side of his face. They don't look painful, so much as very noticeable.

"I'm Yasuki Ginkarasu, student of the Yasuki Yōjimbō School!"

Re: (Crab Lands) Yasuki Ginkarasu's Day Off, Clear Water Village

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 7:51 am
by Mirai
Mirai noticed, but didn't stare. She let her gaze go out to the boats, as if it were not a joke. "It'd certainly be bad if my ride north disappeared. Ano... this one is Mirai, of no school."

Re: (Crab Lands) Yasuki Ginkarasu's Day Off, Clear Water Village

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 7:58 am
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
"Yeah? Must be pretty motivated, no school and a stance like that! I bet you trained a bunch!"

He seems pretty good natured, if a bit too open with his thoughts. "Going up via the river or the ocean?"

Re: (Crab Lands) Yasuki Ginkarasu's Day Off, Clear Water Village

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 8:16 am
by Mirai
Her brow furrowed a bit. She wasn't aware she was in any sort of stance, but she didn't really question it. "Well, I've trained how I can, yeah. There's been a few dojo's around that have been willing to let me practice in them, so I've learned a thing or two. The rest I've just had to practice as I travel, or read about as I can."

She looked over at him finally, feeling at least a little more comfortable that he didn't seem to have any ulterior motive. "As for my travels... no, I came here on the river, but I'm taking a boat north on the ocean. I had a letter asking me to travel to Otosan Uchi."

Re: (Crab Lands) Yasuki Ginkarasu's Day Off, Clear Water Village

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:59 am
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
He listens a bit and does his best to make sure she stays at ease. After all, she's just passing through Crab lands and it'd be good if she had a good reaction to the village that was a city.

"Otosan Uchi! Have you been before?" He's surprised at that. But she has no reason to lie to a random Yasuki.

Re: (Crab Lands) Yasuki Ginkarasu's Day Off, Clear Water Village

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 10:10 am
by Mirai
She shook her head slowly. "This will be my first time north of the Spine."

Mirai was about as at ease as she was going to get, all things considered. There was only so much a ronin was able to fully relax after all.

Re: (Crab Lands) Yasuki Ginkarasu's Day Off, Clear Water Village

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 10:16 am
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
"Oh! Well! I got to go once! Not sure if I will again. Maybe!" He loses the train of thought a moment but then raises a hand in exclamation. "Oh, I mean to Otosan Uchi!"

He nods firmly. "If you like flowers, I highly suggest the Gardens of Juramashi's Honor. They're expansive and full of super pretty flowers."

Re: (Crab Lands) Yasuki Ginkarasu's Day Off, Clear Water Village

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 10:24 am
by Mirai
"Well... I mean, I don't dislike flowers," she said half heartedly. "I just... don't normally have time for them is all."

Deciding her poor life was hardly worth talking about, she attempted to change the subject. "What did you travel north for before Yasuki-san?"

Re: (Crab Lands) Yasuki Ginkarasu's Day Off, Clear Water Village

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 10:32 am
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
"My sensei chose me to go train with the Ruby Champion's project. She had a bunch of sensei from throughout the Empire, including my good friend Hiruma Kagehiro-sensei. We were there almost two weeks and I learned a lot. Though not as much as other people. Asako Saburo-sama learned so much the Phoenix decided he should be an Ishiken. And Kaiu Aiichiro-sama even taught the sensei a whole bunch about Architecture that I'm pretty certain they didn't know. And a Tengu came down and said that we live in tumultuous times, which is kinda like that old Kuni curse about living in interesting times and all. And an underground city was discovered in the town and it was sadly full of a bunch of tainted zokujinnies, who no one knew could be tainted, but there they were, looking like goblins." He looks up at the sky, thinking of what he forgot. "It was a lot of intense training and we helped them decide what kind of garden to make, and now I know some people from a bunch of clans!"

Re: (Crab Lands) Yasuki Ginkarasu's Day Off, Clear Water Village

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 3:34 am
by Mirai
It all sounded very... privileged to Mirai. Not necessarily a bad thing, but something she wouldn't really understand. Still, it wasn't as if she didn't have her own strange fate...

"That sounds wonderful Yasuki-san. I am glad you seem to have gotten so much out of it. And to meet one of the Imperial champions as well, quite and honor."

Re: (Crab Lands) Yasuki Ginkarasu's Day Off, Clear Water Village

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 4:24 am
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
"Hai! Quite a difference from my normal life." He looks out to the ocean. "I guess, it's like the tide. Sometimes our tides come in, raising us up. Sometimes it's out and everything's tougher."

Re: (Crab Lands) Yasuki Ginkarasu's Day Off, Clear Water Village

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 4:46 am
by Mirai
She looked at him curiously, then shrugged with a shoulder. "That is why we are called wave-men Yasuki-sama. We are ever at the mercy of the waves and tides."

Re: (Crab Lands) Yasuki Ginkarasu's Day Off, Clear Water Village

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 5:36 am
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
He nods a bit. "Hai, I suppose so. I didn't think of that. Sorry if I used the wrong analogy."

Re: (Crab Lands) Yasuki Ginkarasu's Day Off, Clear Water Village

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 5:44 am
by Mirai
"I take no offense Yasuki-sama, please do not worry over it." She gave a slight smile before remembering herself. Clearing her throat a little, she decided looking out to sea would be safer. "...Besides, your family lives beside the sea. I'm certain you know more about it than I do."

Re: (Crab Lands) Yasuki Ginkarasu's Day Off, Clear Water Village

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 6:04 am
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
"I've yet to take an ocean voyage. You'll beat me to that!" He grins. "But I've always felt drawn to it. It's like, where Earth meets Air, and when the sun rises it's lit up all in flame on a good day. The water wooshing in and in and out and out. It''s kind of like everything, right?"

Re: (Crab Lands) Yasuki Ginkarasu's Day Off, Clear Water Village

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 6:12 am
by Mirai
She looked puzzled a moment before sighing and giving another faint smile. "You almost sound like one of the monks from... from a monastery. I end up spending a lot of times at them, nice places to sleep as long as you're willing to help out with chores."