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Party in Kyuden Isawa (1 month after Hirosaka)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 11:19 pm
by Kaito Haruki
We did it! 5 Phoenix sent to Hirosaka, 3 of them made it to the top of the class, and we found an ishiken amongst our ranks. Haruki made sure to spend a week in Otosan-Uchi thanking every shrine he asked for guidance along the way. Now, a month later, the streets of Kyuden Isawa are packed with proud samurai looking to see the next generation of leaders.

Re: Party in Kyuden Isawa (1 month after Hirosaka)

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 6:19 am
by Isawa Tanshin
Tanshin was unaccustomed to such enthusiastic responses as the crowd arrayed before him.
"This is not for me." He posed to himself, and gazing upon his cousin-by-clan Kaito Haruki. He felt an odd bit of irony that the Isawa celebrated his accomplishments so, being a cousin to the Isawa. What was Tanshin? Still, credit where it was due. Haruki was a bona-fide celebrity.

"Haruki-san! The streets are filled with your admirers! Congratulations again on your efforts. I only wish I could have followed your example better."

Re: Party in Kyuden Isawa (1 month after Hirosaka)

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 6:30 am
by Kaito Haruki
"Sorry I was so focused on my studies that I couldn't help a friend out more, the competition was too close for comfort. At least you did your best and placed decently. Now we know what is expected of us in the Topaz Championship and have a full year to prepare." Haruki then comes in closer, pulls out a fan, and whispers "truth be told, if I were being honest, I'm a little behind in the most important aspect for deciding who becomes Topaz Champion, the duels."

Re: Party in Kyuden Isawa (1 month after Hirosaka)

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 7:23 am
by Isawa Tanshin
Tanshin smiled conspiratorially.
"I felt that it was a shame that Iai was the only form of dueling instructed. I suppose safety was sensei-samas primary concern. Kami are not as easy to control as a bokken."
"You could apply our lessons to dueling as I did. I found I could 'sense' the strength of some elements within our classmates during our last class."

Re: Party in Kyuden Isawa (1 month after Hirosaka)

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 7:38 am
by Kaito Haruki
"Hai, but I think the bigger concern will be that I have is this: the Kakita specialize in Iaijutsu and we don't. I'm considering my options carefully, but I still need to keep with the traditions of my sensei. So that means I need to diversify my studies even more than I did already."

Re: Party in Kyuden Isawa (1 month after Hirosaka)

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 8:08 am
by Isawa Tanshin
"Forgive me, I forget sometimes that not all Phoenix Samurai are Shugenja." Tanshin thought for a moment.
"Still, strength of spirit may allow you to overcome their advantage. I am willing to offer any aid I can, assuming that I am not similarly engaged."

"Have you plans outside the Topaz Championship?"

Re: Party in Kyuden Isawa (1 month after Hirosaka)

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 8:40 am
by Kaito Haruki
"Doji Murashige-sensei offered me her assistance before we left, and I learned from the embassy that I am to be betrothed to a Seppun maiden. So it seems I have a rather busy schedule before the month straight of hitting the scrolls I need to do for my sensei to think I am ready. "

Re: Party in Kyuden Isawa (1 month after Hirosaka)

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:09 am
by Isawa Tanshin
"Betrothed as well!" Tanshin nudged Haruki with his elbow in a friendly manner. "Do you have plans to meet before your marriage?"

Tanshin' joked: "Yet another coming-of-age ceremony for you to master!"

Re: Party in Kyuden Isawa (1 month after Hirosaka)

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:22 am
by Kaito Haruki
"Yes, I am to meet her family in Otosan Uchi for the winter. It may not be THE imperial court, but it will still be a lot of people who could end my career before it even started all in one place for 3 months."

Re: Party in Kyuden Isawa (1 month after Hirosaka)

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 10:55 am
by Isawa Tanshin
"I wish you well. The fortunes have favored you, may they continue to do so."

Tanshin paused. "I do not find the courts to be welcoming either. I am unsure of where I will spend the winter months. I hope to find myself away from politics. Perhaps a shrine somewhere?" He shrugged.

Re: Party in Kyuden Isawa (1 month after Hirosaka)

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 10:58 am
by Kaito Haruki
"I am sure whichever shrine you decide to spend your winters at will benefit greatly from your presence. Do you have an idea of whom you wish to focus on during those months? Diligent service on their doorstep aught to give you their blessings right?"

Re: Party in Kyuden Isawa (1 month after Hirosaka)

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:01 pm
by Isawa Tanshin
"I was actually contemplating Shinsei Seido as a possibility, or Jurojin Seido, if I am required to remain in Phoenix lands to complete my studies.
I learned much from the monks in the past few weeks. I think it fair to want to learn more from them, and offer some service in return."

Re: Party in Kyuden Isawa (1 month after Hirosaka)

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:06 pm
by Kaito Haruki
"Sounds fair, but I think we've done enough talking about the future. Let's focus on the present, are you hungry? It's been a long time since I haven't had to think while eating, between cooking meals and talking about theology with various spiritual men, and being in the presence of superiors at all times. I'm craving some yakitori."

Re: Party in Kyuden Isawa (1 month after Hirosaka)

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 8:14 pm
by Isawa Tanshin
"By all means. I didn't have the opportunity to thank you for your part in preparing the feast. Everything was delicious.
I know of a few good street vendors, or did you have a location in mind? I'm hoping that we will meet some of our other clanmates and share in your - our - mutual success."

Re: Party in Kyuden Isawa (1 month after Hirosaka)

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 8:33 pm
by Kaito Haruki
"Street vendors sound like a wonderful idea. Hope we can see Asako-Sans amongst the crowd. I doubt we will see Sabaru-San though, I hear ishiken training is dangerous at the start and only gets worse the longer you delay it."

Re: Party in Kyuden Isawa (1 month after Hirosaka)

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:37 pm
by Isawa Tanshin
The pair winds through the crowd to a food stand with a line several people deep. "You know its good when there is a line." Tanshin remarked.
The scent of roasted chicken and charcoal wafts over the area as an elderly couple, bicker back and forth between serving customers.

When he is noticed, the couple greet Tanshin enthusiastically. Despite his protest, the couple serves Haruki and Tanshin before the customers in front of the line, who are mostly heimin or merchants. "Meshiagare!" they proclaim amidst repeated bows.

Unlike the skewers offered to Haruki-san, Tanshin's appear to be basted with a red sauce that tingles the nose with a fiery spice.

Re: Party in Kyuden Isawa (1 month after Hirosaka)

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 3:29 am
by Asako Sanzo
Sanzo is walking around perusing each of the stalls for anything that looks good. He carries with him a number of different dishes already, munching away as he looks for more.

He spies the two samurai and approaches.

"Wasn't sure I'd see anyone else, what with so many people here! Good to see the both of you!" He gives a casual bow to Haruki and Tanshin.

"I trust you've been well since Hirosaka?" He asks with a grin before munching on some food.

Re: Party in Kyuden Isawa (1 month after Hirosaka)

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 3:45 am
by Kaito Haruki
"Busy, but well all the same. Looks like you could be doing better if you were carrying a tray for all that food!" Haruki chuckles a little before dipping his second bite into the seven spice blend he chose to compliment.

Re: Party in Kyuden Isawa (1 month after Hirosaka)

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 11:54 am
by Isawa Tanshin
Tanshin bowed in return. "It is good to see you! I have been well. The journey home was pleasant, and I must admit that these festivities are beyond my expectations. "

Re: Party in Kyuden Isawa (1 month after Hirosaka)

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 7:41 am
by Kaito Haruki
"Festivities beyond our expectations for results beyond theirs right? We're really carving the future for our clan. I guess you'll have to decide your affinity soon Tanshin-San. Any hints?"