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Yer Welcome! (Mantis Clan Island Paradise Trip)

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 8:37 pm
by Kokyou
"All aboard!"

Shouts the young Mantis while he waves for his guest to come to the ship's main deck. Many have been indeed courageous to take their first voyage in the open sea from their own lands in Mantis boats to reach out Kyuden Gotei and meet Kokyou.

After a night of sleep in the lavish city of Gotei, the guests are asked to board a smaller kobune that Kokyou himself managed to arrange in order to sail away to a secret location –– where the Clan prepared a small feast for the Hirosaka Dojo Students.

(This thread starts in Kyuden Gotei and will change locations on the course of passing day until game start. They will be posted at a random time. So, expect things to change and conversations to be cut off due unexpected circumstances. There will be a couple of stops until they reach their final destination, and more time in the paradisiac location once they get there.)

Re: Yer Welcome! (Mantis Clan Island Paradise Trip)

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 9:13 pm
by Kakita Kenji
Kenji was pleasantly surprised that Kokyou, in fact, made his promises come true. Not that he doubted Kokyou's honor, it was just that he had a tendency to exaggerate.

It was much more difficult to get permission from his sensei for this trip, but since Kenji had made considerable progress in Hirosaka, they let him go. Nonetheless, a embassy was built for the Mantis Clan in the future and it seemed a good idea to build up the diploamic relations between the Young Samurai.

For Kenji it was both a frightening and exciting journey, the sea and the endless vastness it embodied triggered the wildest fantasies in him.

After the night Kenji went to the harbour there he saw Kokyou and bowed to him: "You have grown quite a bit, Kokyou-san!," he said as a greeting.

Re: Yer Welcome! (Mantis Clan Island Paradise Trip)

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 9:38 pm
by Kokyou
"Ha-haar!" Exclaims the Mantis, with a coarser voice then he had before, "I 'ave indeed. 'tis an inspiration the Fortunes are providin' t' me Clan. I hope ye had an enjoyable arrival 'n didn' puke yer guts in this briny deep."

He bow in return, flourished, as usual.

Re: Yer Welcome! (Mantis Clan Island Paradise Trip)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 12:06 am
by Kakita Kazuko
Having traveled here with Kenji, Kazuko isn't too far behind, the height gap considerably less noticeable now but still commanding an air of elegance. Approaching Kokyou, she bows, dressed a little too elegantly for such a trip. Well, there's no better time to flex than in another clan's lands, especially for Crane.

"Greetings Kokyou-san, it is a pleasure to be able to join you for such an excursion. I have high expectations for this trip; I am sure you will not disappoint."

The Mantis boy has indeed outdone himself time and time again, but there's still a note of suspicion in her voice. Will the Mantis boy finally be outclassed by his own boasts this time? Or perhaps a step in his grand plan will go horribly, horribly wrong.

Re: Yer Welcome! (Mantis Clan Island Paradise Trip)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 12:29 am
by Kokyou
"If 'tisn't adorable!" Kokyou greets her cheerfully, and bows a bit deeper before extending a firm, big hand, so she could board up –– minding the roughness of the sea waves and her tight clothes.

"Rest assured that be somethin' I actually 'ave nah been trained at: disappoint." He says, while Kazuko comes onboard.

Re: Yer Welcome! (Mantis Clan Island Paradise Trip)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 3:30 am
by Kakita Kazuko
Kokyou wrote:
Thu Jul 23, 2020 12:29 am
"If 'tisn't adorable!" Kokyou greets her cheerfully, and bows a bit deeper before extending a firm, big hand, so she could board up –– minding the roughness of the sea waves and her tight clothes.

"Rest assured that be somethin' I actually 'ave nah been trained at: disappoint." He says, while Kazuko comes onboard.
"One can always exceed at something they have not trained for," she responds neutrally.

She politely accepts his help up and waits for others to join, gazing at the glittering waves. Sakura would love this.

Re: Yer Welcome! (Mantis Clan Island Paradise Trip)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 6:15 am
by Kokyou
"That be true. Fer many. Yet, I be only constrained t' exceed in greatness." He says, wiggling an eyebrow as she finds her footing.

Re: Yer Welcome! (Mantis Clan Island Paradise Trip)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 6:56 am
by Otomo Nobuko
Shortly after Kenji and Kazuko arrived at the boat, an exceedingly well dressed woman could be seen making her way sedately down the docks and towards the ship. No longer confined to student clothing of Hirosaka, or the simpler affairs of the Kakita Academy, Nobuko wore the beautiful kimonos her station allowed of her, causing her to especially stand out in a place such as this. And also causing a bit of a stir as more than a few people stopped to stare at her passing before realizing they'd been doing so.

When she arrived at the kobune, she bowed deeply to Kokyou, "I hope I have not arrived too late to also be invited aboard?" It was said with a playful, warm smile, before she turned and gestured behind her, "And that my luggage will not be too much trouble."

Following in her wake were several servants carrying cases - her travel gear for an extended trip such as this.

Re: Yer Welcome! (Mantis Clan Island Paradise Trip)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 8:52 am
by Bayushi Kaidan
Kaidan arrived at the port. He came because his grandparents insisted that he should join his 'friends'. The young bushi sighed knowing no one would remember him. He walked about kind of wary. (He was actually lost.) Unknown city unknown place.

Re: Yer Welcome! (Mantis Clan Island Paradise Trip)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 9:01 am
by Togashi Dao
Otomo Nobuko wrote:
Thu Jul 23, 2020 6:56 am
Following in her wake were several servants carrying cases - her travel gear for an extended trip such as this.
In contrast to Nobuko's outlandish accessories, a bare chested, barefoot young man with no bags, save a small furoshiki at his waist, walked up the gangplank a few minutes later.

"Ohayo." He called out as he got closer. "Permission to come aboard Captain?" He added before whispering to one of the older sailors nearby.

"That's right, isn't it?"

Re: Yer Welcome! (Mantis Clan Island Paradise Trip)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 9:34 am
by Mai
Mai comes up behind the Dragon. "That's the right way of it." She bows to the Dragon, looking slightly taller. "Good to see you again Togashi-san."

Re: Yer Welcome! (Mantis Clan Island Paradise Trip)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 9:36 am
by Moto Ichiro
To further add to the contrasting people here a tall young man with dark skin came covered in furs and leathers which were fine and of obvious quality. Many would likely struggle to recognize the boy as he had undergone many changes while away. But Moto Ichiro was ever the same person, just taller, darker, and sporting a full beard and long braided hair with sides shaved.

Re: Yer Welcome! (Mantis Clan Island Paradise Trip)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 9:49 am
by Kokyou
Otomo Nobuko wrote:
Thu Jul 23, 2020 6:56 am
When she arrived at the kobune, she bowed deeply to Kokyou, "I hope I have not arrived too late to also be invited aboard?" It was said with a playful, warm smile, before she turned and gestured behind her, "And that my luggage will not be too much trouble."

Following in her wake were several servants carrying cases - her travel gear for an extended trip such as this.
The Mantis islands are nothing short of lavish. These are, after all, the islands of spice and silk. Pretty sure, many of the Mantis maidens in their fabulous silken dresses with exotic motifs were all looking at the entourage that Kokyou had assembled.

As Nobuko arrives, Kokyou heart skips a beat. He bows deep and flourished in his style. Then, he waves his hand up, thanking the Fortunes. "It is truly a blessing to have the most beautiful Imperial maiden I have ever seen gracing my day with her request to board my ship." The Mantis extends his firm arm so she could lean on and hop aboard. Perhaps even scoop her up a bit in the proccess.

Once she's safely at the deck, he looks at the luggage and smirks, "I see Lady Otomo is well prepared, indeed. The warm weather will soon require comfort."
Bayushi Kaidan wrote:
Thu Jul 23, 2020 8:52 am
Kaidan arrived at the port. He came because his grandparents insisted that he should join his 'friends'. The young bushi sighed knowing no one would remember him. He walked about kind of wary. (He was actually lost.) Unknown city unknown place.
As Nobuko gets acquainted with the other guests in the ship, Kokyou narrows his eyes and miraculously –– as Fortunes do favor that a lot –– notice his old friend. "Bucko!" He shouts, and whistles to the Scorpion boy to come aboard as well. "Aboard th' ship ye salty sea dog."
Togashi Dao wrote:
Thu Jul 23, 2020 9:01 am
"Ohayo." He called out as he got closer. "Permission to come aboard Captain?" He added before whispering to one of the older sailors nearby.
Kokyou waves inside to Dao and then bows, "Permission granted, matey. Come aboard 'n help me wit' all that extra booty Otomo-sama brin's along."
Mai wrote:
Thu Jul 23, 2020 9:34 am
Mai comes up behind the Dragon. "That's the right way of it." She bows to the Dragon, looking slightly taller. "Good to see you again Togashi-san."
"Aarrrr. Me beautiful Mai-chan, I couldn't make this without ye." He says, honestly. He actually couldn't. He needs her to help navigate since he sucks a bit at it. No one would know, though.
Moto Ichiro wrote:
Thu Jul 23, 2020 9:36 am
But Moto Ichiro was ever the same person, just taller, darker, and sporting a full beard and long braided hair with sides shaved.
"Oji-san." He asks the older man, "Can ye help out with the booty, too?" But soon realizes it is Ichiro and exlaims, "By th' twirlin' mustache o' th' Orochi. If it ain't me most courageous landlubber! Welcome aboard."

Re: Yer Welcome! (Mantis Clan Island Paradise Trip)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 10:03 am
by Moto Ichiro
"Kokyou-san." he replied with a nod of his head even his voice had deepened to a base rumble "Thanks for the invite." he seemed to still be a man of few words and carried but one sack with him and a scimitar on his side, the very one he forged back at school.
Otomo Nobuko wrote:
Thu Jul 23, 2020 6:56 am
Shortly after Kenji and Kazuko arrived at the boat, an exceedingly well dressed woman could be seen making her way sedately down the docks and towards the ship. No longer confined to student clothing of Hirosaka, or the simpler affairs of the Kakita Academy, Nobuko wore the beautiful kimonos her station allowed of her, causing her to especially stand out in a place such as this. And also causing a bit of a stir as more than a few people stopped to stare at her passing before realizing they'd been doing so.

When she arrived at the kobune, she bowed deeply to Kokyou, "I hope I have not arrived too late to also be invited aboard?" It was said with a playful, warm smile, before she turned and gestured behind her, "And that my luggage will not be too much trouble."

Following in her wake were several servants carrying cases - her travel gear for an extended trip such as this.
Ichiro looked to Nobuko and paused it had been some time since they had seen one another they had both changed quite a bit but their families were in talk for betrothal, much depended on this tournament. His lips turned up at the corner "Nobu-chan" he said quietly.

He then proceeded to divest many peasants of their Imperial related cargo easily carrying a case in each hand

Re: Yer Welcome! (Mantis Clan Island Paradise Trip)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 10:13 am
by Togashi Dao
Mai wrote:
Thu Jul 23, 2020 9:34 am
Mai comes up behind the Dragon. "That's the right way of it." She bows to the Dragon, looking slightly taller. "Good to see you again Togashi-san."
"You too, Mai-san." Dao answers with a smile as the wind tosses his curly mop of hair. "Did you get around to any of that exploring yet?"
Kokyou wrote:
Thu Jul 23, 2020 9:49 am
Kokyou waves inside to Dao and then bows, "Permission granted, matey. Come aboard 'n help me wit' all that extra booty Otomo-sama brin's along."
Dao checks out Nobuko's booty and is impressed. Then he lifts one of her bags upon his shoulder with little effort and navigates his way on board. "How's the weather looking for the trip?"

Re: Yer Welcome! (Mantis Clan Island Paradise Trip)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 10:39 am
by Otomo Nobuko
Nobuko's booty was very impressive indeed and finely packaged, too.

She did, in fact, lean on Kokyou's offered arm to board, then made her way over to the others gathered to make small talk and catch up. Both Kenji and Kozuko she had seen more recently than any other, but it had still been a few weeks since she had left the Academy to spend time at the Imperial Court.

Polite greetings were given but cut short by her attention being drawn to Kokyou's loud call to those who arrived just after her. At the sight of Ichiro she pulled her fan out and brought it up to wave lazily, an excuse to hide her face and the blush his voice speaking her name so softly brought to her cheeks.

Turning once more to the Kakitas, she commented, "Not even set sail yet and it's already quite hot. Perhaps I should not have stowed my umbrella for later."

Re: Yer Welcome! (Mantis Clan Island Paradise Trip)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 10:46 am
by Mai
Kokyou wrote:
Thu Jul 23, 2020 9:49 am
"Aarrrr. Me beautiful Mai-chan, I couldn't make this without ye." He says, honestly. He actually couldn't. He needs her to help navigate since he sucks a bit at it. No one would know, though.
"Well, we can't have that, now can we?" She laughs. "I hope you don't mind if I show off my navigation skill?" Mai has Kokyou's back.
Togashi Dao wrote:
Thu Jul 23, 2020 10:13 am
"You too, Mai-san." Dao answers with a smile as the wind tosses his curly mop of hair. "Did you get around to any of that exploring yet?"
"Not yet. At least not as much as I wanted. Mainly, port towns, but still interesting. So, what do you think of the Isles?"

Re: Yer Welcome! (Mantis Clan Island Paradise Trip)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 11:15 am
by Togashi Dao
"I think I have seen just enough to know that I want to see more, not just of the isles, but the Empire as a whole."

Re: Yer Welcome! (Mantis Clan Island Paradise Trip)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 12:01 pm
by Bayushi Kaidan
"Oh... he remembers." He walks over to the Mantis. "Ahoy..." He said in a somber voice.

Re: Yer Welcome! (Mantis Clan Island Paradise Trip)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 2:49 pm
by Kakita Kenji
After Kenji had climbed onto the Kobune as well, he gradually welcomed all who came behind. It was a pleasant surprise to see so many of his classmates who would also go on this trip.

He joined Kazuko and Nobuko. "It's not at all,... Ohhh..." Kenji followed Nobuko's gaze and saw the Moto. "Well, I'm afraid I don't have an umbrella at hand Otomo-sama. But the islands are very tropical."

Kenji couldn't quite understand what Nobuko saw in the tall, hairy man dressed in furs, who also smelled of horse, but he didn't have to marry him.
But he also bowed to him shortly and greeted him.

Much more surprised was Kenji when he saw Kaidan, waiting for him to pass him. "Kaidan-san, glad to see you!"

He had had little to do with Mai in Hirosaka, but he bowed politely to greet her.

Then Kenji saw Dao, to his astonishment the little dragon had lost quite a bit of weight, he was a bit chubby then. "Togashi-san, pleased to see you! Have you honed your dueling technique?" Kenji hadn't forgotten that the dragon had beaten him once.