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Queen of the dojo (Tsuma, Kakita academies)

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 4:38 pm
by Doji Kotomi

Another quick strike, another student rubbing their arm.

"You don't need to be so violent Doji-san" the overlooking sensei commented with a small frown. Kotomi looked away, muttering "sorry" as the other student glared and moved away. Kotomi looked over the other kids, all pairing off with each other instead of approaching her. Made sense, she thought, only the sensei would be a fair comparison to her.

"This is why I'm going to win the topaz championship" she said mostly to herself, smiling a little more "no competition."

Re: Queen of the dojo (Tsuma, Kakita academies)

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 4:46 pm
by Kakita Kazuko
Doji Kotomi wrote:
Wed Jul 22, 2020 4:38 pm

Another quick strike, another student rubbing their arm.

"You don't need to be so violent Doji-san" the overlooking sensei commented with a small frown. Kotomi looked away, muttering "sorry" as the other student glared and moved away. Kotomi looked over the other kids, all pairing off with each other instead of approaching her. Made sense, she thought, only the sensei would be a fair comparison to her.

"This is why I'm going to win the topaz championship" she said mostly to herself, smiling a little more "no competition."
Kazuko is quick to console the other student, making sure to shoot a glare at Kotomi when she's the only one that can see. She secretly suppresses a smile. It's easy to make Kotomi everyone's common enemy when she doesn't have to do anything, after all.

"Are you okay, Kyo-san? Kotomi, sensei is right, you shouldn't be so rough with our peers, we're all friends, aren't we?"

Re: Queen of the dojo (Tsuma, Kakita academies)

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 5:04 pm
by Doji Kotomi
Kotomi came to a stop, recognizing the voice instantly.

"Hmph. So you came back" she turned to look at Kazuko, a smirk on her face "no surprise that you believe that. One should always do their best in every situation Kazuko-san. Kyo-san should be honoured to get a chance to face someone like me."

"Doji-san" the sensei said sternly, crossing his arms. Kotomi sighed.

"Fine fine. I'm sorry for showing my superio-"


"I'm sorry for being be-."


"...I'm sorry for hurting your arm" she finally finished, more muttering it.

Re: Queen of the dojo (Tsuma, Kakita academies)

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 5:27 pm
by Kakita Kenji
In the back corner of the Dojo Kenji could be seen. A few months before the Topaz Championship he was transferred here to prepare for it.

Luckily his girlfriend Kazuko was here and also childhood friend Kotomi. To his misfortune, both were here at the same place, at the same time.

Shaking his head he went to the two of them. He threw a quick smile at Kazuko before he frowned and turned to Kotomi.
"No one learns anything if they can' t hold their bokken for two weeks Kotomi-san, I thought we had talked about this already." he said in a half-teaching, half-friendly tone.

Re: Queen of the dojo (Tsuma, Kakita academies)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 3:38 am
by Kakita Kazuko
Kazuko is glad that Kenji is taking her side but a bit discontent at how close he is to Kotomi. She really doesn't understand how anyone could be close to such a brash and rude girl, even if he has known her for quite a while. It's even worse if she's always been like this.

"You're too nice, Kenji. Honestly, I don't know how you put up with her. She never learns," she whispers, just loud enough to also be heard by Kotomi.

Re: Queen of the dojo (Tsuma, Kakita academies)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 3:45 am
by Doji Kotomi
"They learn to move their hand quicker" Kotomi quipped with a small huff, crossing her arms "and really is it my fault if they challenge the best person in the dojo, no the whole academy? Maybe they should have started with someone easy like Kazuko-san, and worked up to me."

She walked over to where the bokkens were stored, putting her one back, then turned back.

"You never said in your letter Kenji-kun, did you win the tournament?"

Re: Queen of the dojo (Tsuma, Kakita academies)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 3:58 am
by Kakita Kenji
Kenji entered dangerous territory. Every word he chose now was measured with a gold scale that came from the hands of the most thrifty Yasuki.

"It's not about the challenge, Kotomi-chan. Especially as a prodigy you should help others."
Kenji might as well have been talking to the wall. He knew Kotomi was difficult but she had a good heart, though she would never show it in front of Kazuko.

"I have certainly had the honor of studying in Hirosaka, it was... "he looked at Kazuko, "an enriching experience"

Re: Queen of the dojo (Tsuma, Kakita academies)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 4:16 am
by Kakita Kazuko
Doji Kotomi wrote:
Thu Jul 23, 2020 3:45 am
"They learn to move their hand quicker" Kotomi quipped with a small huff, crossing her arms "and really is it my fault if they challenge the best person in the dojo, no the whole academy? Maybe they should have started with someone easy like Kazuko-san, and worked up to me."

She walked over to where the bokkens were stored, putting her one back, then turned back.

"You never said in your letter Kenji-kun, did you win the tournament?"
"Tch. Perhaps they challenge you because they wish to put you in your place. All you do is let your ego do the thinking for you. It is like a rock that is unable to absorb even the most basic of skills."

Kazuko rolls her eyes and crosses her arms too, partly mocking, partly saying 'Don't even try me with that attitude. I'm better at everything than you are.'
Kakita Kenji wrote:
Thu Jul 23, 2020 3:58 am
Kenji entered dangerous territory. Every word he chose now was measured with a gold scale that came from the hands of the most thrifty Yasuki.

"It's not about the challenge, Kotomi-chan. Especially as a prodigy you should help others."
Kenji might as well have been talking to the wall. He knew Kotomi was difficult but she had a good heart, though she would never show it in front of Kazuko.

"I have certainly had the honor of studying in Hirosaka, it was... "he looked at Kazuko, "an enriching experience"
There's a break in her condescending facade as she smiles at Kenji. Just where Kenji sees the supposed good in Kotomi will remain a mystery to her, but being able to make friends with anyone and see the best in them is a trait she highly admires in him. Sometimes it can be a bit tiresome to deal with though, like right now.

"Yes, it was highly enriching and certainly a shame that you could not join us."

It clearly wasn't.

Re: Queen of the dojo (Tsuma, Kakita academies)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 4:26 am
by Doji Kotomi
"As a prodigy I inspire them" Kotomi said as she walked over, crossing her arms "I'll try and hold back though. Maybe you're right Kenji-kun, it wouldn't do good leaving the fate of the Crane in just our hands."

She peered at Kazuko.

"Well I guess Kazuko-san could handle the Sparrow dojos. She's well suited to the country life, far away from the important duties. So neither of you won? I hope you didn't at least finish last Kazuko-san. You're not at my level but you're at least better than most other clan samurai."

Re: Queen of the dojo (Tsuma, Kakita academies)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 4:46 am
by Kakita Kenji
"Oh, there could hardly be any talk of winning, even though an extremely talented Shugenja from the Phoenix clan had by far the best marks. Unfortunately, most of the tests consisted of tasks that had less to do with dueling. Agasha-sama was keen to test all the tasks of a samurai, even if I think she put too much emphasis on trivial knowledge," Kenji explained.

"You can ask Kakita Toshimoku-sama about her performance, he supervised the duel test," Kenji said in defense of Kazuko.

Though he was already used to their quarrels, he would leave no doubt about Kazuko's abilities.

Re: Queen of the dojo (Tsuma, Kakita academies)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 6:49 pm
by Kakita Kazuko
Doji Kotomi wrote:
Thu Jul 23, 2020 4:26 am
"As a prodigy I inspire them" Kotomi said as she walked over, crossing her arms "I'll try and hold back though. Maybe you're right Kenji-kun, it wouldn't do good leaving the fate of the Crane in just our hands."

She peered at Kazuko.

"Well I guess Kazuko-san could handle the Sparrow dojos. She's well suited to the country life, far away from the important duties. So neither of you won? I hope you didn't at least finish last Kazuko-san. You're not at my level but you're at least better than most other clan samurai."
"Did they change the meaning of the word prodigy in the last 5 minutes cause I've seen wet frogs more inspiring than you. You know, Shinsei says that humility is the greatest teacher. No wonder you're so clueless all the time."

A corner of her mouth curves upwards, nostalgic of the time she caught frogs with Haruki and Aiichiro back at Hirosaka. She only managed to find the smaller tree frogs but it was fun running around carefree in the rain. Those frog legs were also surprisingly tasty. Speaking of which, she still needs to finalize her lunch plans with Kenji which is far more important than entertaining an egotistic child. She turns toward Kenji, acting disinterested toward Kotomi, her primary goal of subtly turning her peers against Kotomi already accomplished.
Kakita Kenji wrote:
Thu Jul 23, 2020 4:46 am
"You can ask Kakita Toshimoku-sama about her performance, he supervised the duel test," Kenji said in defense of Kazuko.

Though he was already used to their quarrels, he would leave no doubt about Kazuko's abilities.
"She won't do that, she's all bark and no bite. But enough about her, I promised to have lunch with you today, do you want to go out for udon?"

Re: Queen of the dojo (Tsuma, Kakita academies)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 6:54 pm
by Doji Kotomi
"Maybe one day a sensei will praise something about you Kazuko-san, and you'll understand what a prodigy really is" Kotomi said, turning away from Kazuko and her eyes locking on Kenji.

"Kenji-kun, I haven't seen you in months, surely you'll have lunch with me?" she gave him a smile "we have so much to catch up on~"

Re: Queen of the dojo (Tsuma, Kakita academies)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 8:37 pm
by Kakita Kenji
It was a trap. Kenji was exploring his options.
He could go with Kazuko and later get his ears pulled out by Kotomi.
He could go with Kotomi, but he couldn't imagine what Kazuko would do to him if he did that.
He couldn't go with either of them, become a ronin, change his name and join the crab clan at the 20 Goblin Winter and serve on the wall.
Or, he could do the diplomatic thing.
Kenji wondered what he had done in his previous life to have such a Khamra.

"Why don't you join us? There is so much to tell, but,..." he said before one of them could interrupt him, "You make up as long as we're out, otherwise I'm going alone" it was a hollow threat, but the only one he had at hand.
Begging he looked at Kazuko and assertively at Kotomi.
Hopefully that had an effect.

Re: Queen of the dojo (Tsuma, Kakita academies)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 10:23 pm
by Kakita Kazuko
Kakita Kenji wrote:
Thu Jul 23, 2020 8:37 pm
It was a trap. Kenji was exploring his options.
He could go with Kazuko and later get his ears pulled out by Kotomi.
He could go with Kotomi, but he couldn't imagine what Kazuko would do to him if he did that.
He couldn't go with either of them, become a ronin, change his name and join the crab clan at the 20 Goblin Winter and serve on the wall.
Or, he could do the diplomatic thing.
Kenji wondered what he had done in his previous life to have such a Khamra.

"Why don't you join us? There is so much to tell, but,..." he said before one of them could interrupt him, "You make up as long as we're out, otherwise I'm going alone" it was a hollow threat, but the only one he had at hand.
Begging he looked at Kazuko and assertively at Kotomi.
Hopefully that had an effect.
A small sigh slips from her lips as she gauges Kotomi's reaction from the corner of her eye. This was supposed to be a special lunch for them, a break from the monotony to enjoy each other's companionship, but she could never deny a plea from Kenji, especially if this was that important to him. She pretends that a fly landed on his shoulder and brushes it off as a pretext to get close to him, whispering quietly enough so that Kotomi can't hear her this time.

"You owe me one."

Although still in the realm of plausible deniability, that was perhaps a bit too obvious for her but she's too irked to really care. Well, now she can make grander plans for them at least. She pats both of his shoulders to make sure that no more pretend dust or bugs are on him, dissimulating her disappointment beneath annoyance toward Kotomi.

"No promises. I'll try not to argue as long as she doesn't though."

Re: Queen of the dojo (Tsuma, Kakita academies)

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:00 am
by Doji Kotomi
"I suppose that's acceptable" Kotomi said with a nod, peering at Kazuko with a smirk "I'll try not to let Kazuko-san affect things. It is lovely to have you back here Kenji-kun after all" she turned back to Kenji with a warm smile "and you've grown slightly taller too! You're definitely taller than I am."

She looked over at the other students then back at Kenji.

"When we going?"

Re: Queen of the dojo (Tsuma, Kakita academies)

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:48 am
by Kakita Kenji
Hardly noticeable, Kenji nodded when Kazuko whispered to him. He already imagined what this debt would bring him, but if Kazuko was the creditor, he would accept it gladly.
Doji Kotomi wrote:
Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:00 am
"I suppose that's acceptable" Kotomi said with a nod, peering at Kazuko with a smirk "I'll try not to let Kazuko-san affect things. It is lovely to have you back here Kenji-kun after all" she turned back to Kenji with a warm smile "and you've grown slightly taller too! You're definitely taller than I am."
There it was. Kazuko would probably ignore it, but there was the soft side in Kotomi that only few saw. "I guess I really have grown quite a bit, haven't I? I was still smaller than you back then" he answered with a smile.

He brought his bokken to the stand.

"I think since we are done with training for today, we can go after a nice bath?" he suggested.

Re: Queen of the dojo (Tsuma, Kakita academies)

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 6:18 pm
by Kakita Kazuko
Kakita Kenji wrote:
Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:48 am
Hardly noticeable, Kenji nodded when Kazuko whispered to him. He already imagined what this debt would bring him, but if Kazuko was the creditor, he would accept it gladly.
Doji Kotomi wrote:
Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:00 am
"I suppose that's acceptable" Kotomi said with a nod, peering at Kazuko with a smirk "I'll try not to let Kazuko-san affect things. It is lovely to have you back here Kenji-kun after all" she turned back to Kenji with a warm smile "and you've grown slightly taller too! You're definitely taller than I am."
There it was. Kazuko would probably ignore it, but there was the soft side in Kotomi that only few saw. "I guess I really have grown quite a bit, haven't I? I was still smaller than you back then" he answered with a smile.

He brought his bokken to the stand.

"I think since we are done with training for today, we can go after a nice bath?" he suggested.

Great. More alone time with Kotomi. Just what she wanted instead of spending time with Kenji. She could do with some relaxing though, dreading the prospect at having to deal with the little demon child. Oh boy, this was going to be a long day.

Kazuko courteously waits for Kotomi to join her, partially because it would be rude to leave without her, partially because she doesn't want to leave that snake alone with Kenji for even a second. Who knows what lies she'll spread after all? If it wasn't for her mostly white hair, she could most definitely pass off as a conniving Scorpion if she wanted.

"Shall we, Kotomi-san?"

Re: Queen of the dojo (Tsuma, Kakita academies)

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 1:37 am
by Doji Kotomi
"You were Kenji-kun! Now you're taller, it would be awful to be smaller than someone so much younger than you, ne?" Kotomi said, not looking at Kazuko, just smiling as she fell into line with the two of them "hai Kazuko-san, let's go. I'm ready now. Do you remember the way or do I need to show you?"

Re: Queen of the dojo (Tsuma, Kakita academies)

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 4:31 am
by Kakita Kenji
Kenji laughed, "The higher you are the thinner the air, right? But I'm glad I grew a bit, Nagito was about the same size as me now. So i hope to grew even a bit taller"

He made his way to the door, before leaving he turned around.

"See you later, I'll be waiting outside the building in front of you"

Kenji quickly went towards the bathroom. He would take this short break to prepare himself and meditate on the day so far. He also prepared himself for what could happen in the coming hours. With kotomi and kazuko one never knew....

(Feel free to take an long bath! Kenji will appreciate the peace, for now :P)

Re: Queen of the dojo (Tsuma, Kakita academies)

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 10:38 am
by Kakita Kazuko
Doji Kotomi wrote:
Sat Jul 25, 2020 1:37 am
"You were Kenji-kun! Now you're taller, it would be awful to be smaller than someone so much younger than you, ne?" Kotomi said, not looking at Kazuko, just smiling as she fell into line with the two of them
Kazuko takes the jab at her height without reacting outwardly aside from a sarcastic eye roll. She's only an inch or two shorter, it's hardly noticeable! Anyway, it'd would be more awful to be a skilled duelist but not attain the respect attached to it and if it's good enough for Kenji, it's good enough for her.
Doji Kotomi wrote:
Sat Jul 25, 2020 1:37 am
"hai Kazuko-san, let's go. I'm ready now. Do you remember the way or do I need to show you?"
"It would be remiss of me not to remember, but thanks."

She heads to the bath in the hopes that it will be largely uneventful. Knowing Kotomi though...