Years 1118 IC-Present

The Timeline of the New Winds Campaign
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Years 1118 IC-Present

Post by Vutall » Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:24 pm

1118 IC
An Ize Zume named Togashi Kazue went on a harrowing journey in the Dragon Lands where she eventually met a Ronin woman named Senzai. Though Kazue's ability to force enlightenment on others-with a chance of making them mad-she was able to cure Senzai of a great affliction. When Togashi Yokuni learned of this, he ordered the most promising member of the Togashi Order, and his pick for the next incarnation of the Kami Togashi, Togashi Mitsu to find Senzai, for it was a matter of great importance. (If you wish to have a more detailed account of this entry, please read the Dragon Clan Novella: The Eternal Knot, by Marie Brennan. It is available on Drive Thru Fiction as a digital version, as well as a physical book solf by Fantasy Flight Games)

The Monk Hige begins preaching to peasants that he had entered the Perfect Land, a place of enlightenment, and met with Shinsei. The Perfect Land Sect began to gain much more attention, especially since its views are incredibly heretical and go against the Celestial Order. (If you wish to have a more detailed account of this entry, please read this short story: Like Seeds on the Wind, by Marie Brennan)

Late Fall:
The Crane capture the contested city of Toshi Ranbo

The young daughter and aspirant Champion of the Crane, Doji Hotaru begins having a secret love affair with the Imperial Advisor, Bayushi Kachiko. In a moment of shared storytelling, Hotaru makes a request of Kachiko to help her, though does not say with what.

1120 IC
The largest typhoon ever seen struck the lands of the Crane, dealing a harsh blow to their infrastructure and peasant population, hampering their ability to produce even half of what their clan used to in terms of food, goods, and art. Unknown to anyone other than the Phoenix Elemental Council, the Tsunami was a backlash from a spell the Masters attempted to cast to ease the burden of a strange and mysterious imbalance in the elements. Unknown to the Phoenix however, the Mantis may also be to blame as Yoritomo led a raid and stole the ancient relic, The Heart of the Mountain.
(If you wish to have a more detailed account on this entry, please read this short story: Heart of the Mountain, by Keith Ryan Kappel

1121 IC
Doji Satsume, having been promoted to the rank of Emerald Champion, steps down from his position of the Crane Champion and passes it to his daughter, Doji Hotaru

1122 IC
(Custom entry) The Ruby Champion has a petition approved to conduct an experiment to see if the schools of the empire are teaching the next generation of samurai the skills they need. Across the empire students are being taken from their dojo to attend a school put together to teach the fresh students a number of subjects before they return to their clan schools to finish their training, The intent is to have them all come compete during next years Topaz Championship against students who did not receive this special training and see how well the two groups compare to one another.

(Custom entry) The events of The New Winds, Part 1 Campaign take place.
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Re: Years 1118 IC-Present

Post by Vutall » Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:51 am

Horse: (The Events of New Winds Part 1)
(Custom Entry) Over a period of intense instruction, the experimental dojo set up by Agasha Sumiko in the town of Hirosaka proved to be a success, with numerous samurai throughout the land being deemed prodigies of their study. Sumiko felt like the clans were all preparing the future generations for service to the Empire adequately and had no complaints to report back to the Emperor about schools that lacked instruction. Time would only tell however if the extra tutoring Sumiko and her hand selected sensei was indeed a benefit, or if the students would have been better served having spend the entire time of instruction in their own dojos. Each student having been granted a formal invitation to the Topaz Championship in 1123, the students all returned home to their clan dojos to finish off their training.


Hiruma Shizuyo set out into the Shadowlands to find out the fate of an expedition that had been sent to scout the lost Hiruma Castle. One evening as she sat in camp, all of her wards and traps were triggered, setting her to an alert, when she was met with her son, Hiruma Kenjirō. He said that the expedition was lost, and he had been the only to get out. He pleaded to be taken back to the Kuni. Knowing something was amiss, Shizuyo slew the man, who turned out to be some creature of the Shadowlands who not only wore her sons face, but also had his voice, and his memories. She reported the new threat to the Kuni, who added it to their growing list of concerns. (If you wish to have a more detailed account of this entry, please read this short story: Better to be Certain, by Robert Denton III)

Monkey through Dog

(Custom Entry) The years late summer and early autumn saw a relative time of peace, without any major engagements between any of the clans.

The Crab summer and autumn where much like any other Crab summer and autumn, their forces constantly rotating on the Kaiu Wall to defend against the threat of the Shadowlands. Their jade supplies have begun to grow low enough to cause concern, but not low enough that there is an emergency. They seek to gather between 20,000 koku in jade and other war supplies, which would go a long way, all the way up to 50,000 in jade and goods, which would ease their troubles for some time. At the tail end of the fall, the River of Gold began to flood and with all of the Crab shugenja otherwise preoccupied on in their battles against the Shadowlands, the Crab hope to find favor in the Asahina shugenja over the winter court to aid in the floods.

The Crane still struggled in the after effects of the great tsunami, having only brought in a mere 50,000 worth of koku for their clan after taxes. They do not let the rest of the Empire know of their struggles however, and maintain an air of perfection and prominence, as if nothing was ailing them at all.

The Dragon, suffering from low births and a peasant population increasingly taken by the Perfect Land Sect are spread thin, and they find themselves at a great shortage, needing to trade with other clans nearly 10,000 in koku to feed just their samurai, or 30,000 if they wish to also keep their peasantry adequately supplied. They begin to set aside a few Mirumoto yojimbo and Togashi monks to bargain with in the upcoming Winter Court in hopes of making up for their deficit.

The Lion, having spent the summer training hard under their Champion, Akodo Arasu, seem to be unnervingly quiet, the summer usually a time for them to spill blood and gain resources. Rumors whisper that Arasu plans on attempting to retake Toshi Ranbo from the Crane, but he stills his hand, still missing nearly 40,000 koku in goods to fund the campaign he is planning. Additionally, the Ikoma Daimyo cast aside his wife in order to offer himself as a marriage candidate to the unwed Unicorn Champion, much to his wife's distress.

The Phoenix, still shaken by the disaster that their original attempt at fixing the elemental imbalance caused have spent much of the summer studying the issue, but have little success. A tragic fire at a shrine to Kaze-no-Kami, the Fortune of the Wind housing ancient scrolls from the 4th century destroys all of the records. Disheartened, the Phoenix who usually have an excess in goods going into the Winter Court season, determine that in addition to attempting to trade with the Ashahina for replacement texts that they surely have copies of, they will need to find 20,000 koku to conduct a large shrine restoration project in order to help appease the spirits and perhaps put an end to the severe imbalance that has not only made it so some shugenja are completely unable to commune with the kami, but also has the kami unexpectedly react violently and more powerfully in response to prayers and requests.

The Scorpion, having recently rose to prominence in the Imperial City with the addition of Bayushi Kachiko to the possession of Imperial Advisor found their summer peaceful and without struggles. In fact, they come off the harvests with an astounding 60,000 koku worth of surpluss to enter the Winter Couts, further granting them ability to have leverage and control.

The Unicorn, despite having been in the Empire for a few centuries now, still find themselves treated like outsiders. The Lion Clan's offer of marriage was a surprise, and the Unicorn have accepted, though they look at it with a small air of suspicion. Despite their nearly 20,000 in luxuries goods from the trades passing along the Silk Road, the Unicorn find themselves in a food shortage, requiring an equal amount of koku to feed their people and animals. Perhaps a straight trade will be possible during the winter courts, but 20,000 koku of grain is difficult for any clan to have in excess, and some of the Unicorn khans murmur among themselves about gathering their hordes and taking what they need.

The Mantis Clan, under the guise of a fearsome warrior named Yoritomo have been using the summer to work political engagements to favor them, with a rumor that Yoritomo intends to elevate his clan to that of a Great Clan. Their Storm Fleet has been busy, gathering over 30,000 koku worth of silk, spice, and other luxury goods in a bid to utilize them as trade materials to bargain favor with the other clans at their surprise invite to the upcoming Winter court.

After nearly five years of searching for the monk Senzai, who Togashi Kazue had cured of a great affliction by forcing enlightenment on her, Togashi Mitsu was able to complete part his master Togashi Yokuni's order to "Find her, for the sake of the Empire" Having thought the order was to bring her back to the High House of Light, Mitsu attempted to convince the woman to return with him, but after sharing conversation with her and learning that she felt like she needed to continue to travel the Empire and to learn of its ways, Mitsu understood that he had simply been ordered to find her by Togashi Yokuni, and nothing more. Content with his new knowledge gained by conversing with Senzai, Mitsu returned to the High House of Light, alone. (If you wish to have a more detailed account of this entry, please read this short story: Pine and Cherry Blossoms, by Marie Brennan)
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Re: Years 1118 IC-Present

Post by Vutall » Mon Jul 13, 2020 12:07 pm

Ox -Winter Court
(Custom Entry) Over the course of the Winter Court, a great many deals and trades were made.
  • Crab
    The Crab are able to make a deal with the Crane to gain control of the nemuranai: The Silk Fan of Respite, sending it to be housed in the lands of the Hida. Additionally, the Asahina are happy to assist the Crab, and the flooding is dealt with without any long term impact to the Crab lands.

    The Crab sought out help from both the Imperial Families and the Mantis. Unfortunately, the Mantis having little in actual Koku are unable to provide monetary assistance, but do commit to sending aid in the form of goods, equipment, and bodies. The Imperials ease taxes on the Crab in response to their request, but do not provide any koku.

    They secured a total of 30,000 koku, which fills their jade stores, but is not enough to last more than a year.
  • Crane
    Through careful political maneuvering, the Crane are able to maintain their dominance of the courts, as well as keeping hidden their failings from the Tsunami. Despite excellent support for the Mantis candidate, the Crane are able to maintain tradition and betroth their candidate to the Crown Prince Sotorii.

    The Crane spend most of their free funds to support the Phoenix, followed by an equal contribution to the Scorpion and Crab. The Unicorn are granted a small portion of Koku, with the Lion and non-Mantis minor clans receiving even less. The Mantis, Imperial Families, and a prominent Ronin organization are granted the leftovers, with the Dragon receiving no support at all.

    They end the courts with a 15,001 koku surplus, which they will be able to use in future deals.
  • Dragon
    The Dragon and Unicorn agree to have many marriage pacts, marrying Unicorn members into the Dragon.

    The Dragon seek out koku from both the Unicorn and Scorpion. Unable to provide koku, the Unicorn instead send many strange and exotic goods to the Dragon, while the Scorpion send a small portion of their excess koku to help. In return, the Dragon send both Togashi and Mirumoto Yojimbo to the Unicorn and Scorpion Lands.

    They secured a total of 5,000 koku, which was not nearly enough to feed their Samurai, let alone their peasant class. This leads to a great many peasants dying over the upcoming year, and hampers the Dragons strength.
  • Lion
    The Lion Clan will attempt to seek out Koku from all of the Minor Clans primarily, offering their promise of eased hostilities between them. Additionally, they will seek help from the Scorpion, offering the same deal.

    The Lion are unable to gain control of the area around Red Lake, furthering tension and hostility between the Crane and Lion

    The Lion are able to secure 1,333 koku which does little to fund their planned war campaign against the Crane. They honor their deals with the Non-Mantis minor clans and Scorpion clan, for now.
  • Mantis
    The Mantis are able to set up an Embassy in Crane Lands, helping repair relations with them and gaining a foothold on the Mainland. A location has not yet been set on, but come spring construction is set to begin once they get word where.

    The Mantis overwhelming use their resources to influence the Imperial Families, allowing Yoritomo empathetic ears for his goal of elevating the Mantis to a Great Clan

    They only come out of the courts with a meager 666 koku, which Yoritomo puts directly into the upkeep of the Storm Fleet.
  • Phoenix
    The Asahina are happy to let the Phoenix copy their lost scrolls. This promotes a learning of the Asahina ways in the Phoenix.

    The Phoenix are able to secure the hatching site for the gemmed egg, giving them a proper place to care for the egg. Time will tell what lies inside the gem covered egg.

    Having earned 25,333 koku, the Phoenix are able to conduct their shrine restoration and repairing campaign, leaving almost the entirety of the Phoenix lands with well maintained and prperly kept shines, freeing up some of their Shrine Keepers to take on additional duties.
  • Scorpion
    After a long and difficult campaign against the Crane, the Scorpion are able to bring Kakita Ryoku low, but lose much of their resources against the Crane to do so.

    The Scorpion offer a great deal of Koku to the Crab, with a slightly smaller portion to the Crane. They also send some to the Dragon, and a small pittance to the Unicorn, Non-Mantis Minor Clans, Imperial Families, and Ronin crime lords within their cities. The Mantis, Lion, and Phoenix recieve barely any, but still are able to gain some koku.

    The Scorpion come out of the court with a surplus of 5,001 koku, which they will be able to use for further deals.
  • Unicorn
    The Unicorn seek out help from the Crane, who grant them a small portion of Koku, but not nearly enough. In addition, since their needs were not close to being met, the Unicorn sought out Trade from the Mantis. While this increased luxury goods for both clans, it did not meet the monetary needs of the Clan of the Wind.

    The Lion, who wish to gain more favor with the Unicorn and help ease the suspicion surrounding the upoming marriage of the Shinjo Daimyo and Clan Champion to the Ikoma Daimyo, assist the Unicorn in the hunting down of the criminals.

    Coming out of the court with only 3,000 koku, leaving them with a significant shortfall of resources for their armies.
  • Badger, Cat, Centipede, Dragonfly, Fox, Hare, Sparrow, Wasp, Tortoise, Falcon, Deer Clans
  • All of the Minor Clans come out of Winter Court with around 2,000 koku each, promoting growth in the clans. Additionally, with a guarantee of peace from the Lion, they all breathe a collective sigh of relief, safe from aggression, for now.
  • Imperials
    The Miya distribute historical maps of the contested region, which conveniently keeps the current holdings and controls where they already are. The Crane are quite happy with this, but the Lion grow discontent, stirring up more hostility

    Additionally, the Imperials gain a surplus of 1,333 koku which they put toward the upcoming wedding between the Doji and Crown Prince Sotorii, ensuring it will be a grand affair.
  • Ronin
    Unbeknown to the Empire, a Ronin is working to organize all of the scattered wave men, and with a few maneuvers at Winter Court, the shadowy and secretive man walks away with 1,333 koku to help fund his ambition...whatever it may be.
In the depths of winter, Kuni Yori, the Kuni Daimyo, set out into a hidden lab in the Kuni Wastes led by Kuni Ayame, who had been conducting experiments to prevent the effects of the Shadowland taint.

After being insulted and left out of a game between his brother, Hantei Daisetsu, and the son of the Scorpion Champion, Bayushi Dairu, the Crown Prince, Hantei Sotorii challenges his brother to a duel.

Partial Story Entry, requires player vote to finish to see the outcome:
-An excerpt from Children of the Empire II, by D. G. Laderoute

--Hantei Sotorii, Crown Prince, Pre-Gempuku
--Hantei Daisetei, younger son of the Emperor, also Pre-Gempuku
--Bayushi Dairu, son of Bayushi Shoji and Bayushi Kachiko.

Italicized entries are Hantei Sotorii's internal thoughts.
Hantei Sotorii waved aside the Scorpion bushi and strode into the Scorpion Guest House, his Seppun Honor Guard escorts remaining outside. The Scorpion turned as he did, the man’s eyes following Sotorii with a confused mix of surprise, shock, deference, and uncertainty. He had no doubt the man had been given strict instructions to disallow anyone from entering who didn’t clearly have legitimate business with his clan. But Sotorii was the Crown Prince of Rokugan. He was invited to every place, and his business was always legitimate.

Sotorii passed along the entry hall, into an audience chamber. Servants bustled about, arranging cushions, and laying out a tea service, preparing the room to receive...someone. As he burst in, they all looked up like startled birds, then scattered to the margins of the room, dropping, and pressing their foreheads to the floor. As he shed his snowy cloak and wet sandals, Sotorii pointed at one of them.

“I am looking for my esteemed brother. I have been told he is here. Take me to him.”The servant, a middle-aged man, just stared at the floor. Sotorii gritted his teeth, ready to lash out, but it struck him that the man might simply not know who he was talking about. He was, after all, a mere servant.

“He will be with Bayushi Dairu-san,” Sotorii said. “Surely you know who that i s .”Now, if he keeps up that dumbly insolent stare, then by the honored ancestors I will have him flogged.

However, the servant bowed and started for a door. Sotorii followed. The servant led him along several corridors and through several rooms, all decorated in the reserved and somehow foreboding way of the Scorpion. They finally reached a door where the servant stopped, apparently to request entry. Sotorii snapped, “Out of my way, you fool,” and shoved past him, sliding open the door and pushing into the room

Scrolls...racks and racks of them. A library. Sotorii carried on, the servant now scurrying along behind him, passing among the racks and through the dusty smell of old paper, stopping at the sight of Daisetsu and Dairu kneeling at a table piled with yet more scrolls. They turned as he entered—

Their looks are scornful. Contemptuous, even.

Sotorii made himself ignore it. “I had thought, brother, that you were to practice your calligraphy today.”

Daisetsu gave a dismissive shrug. “I did, brother. And now that is done, and I am here.”

But...I wanted us to practice together. I need you to help me with the ensō, the circle of Enlightenment, which you draw so much better than I do...

Sotorii pushed that thought away, too. It no longer mattered, because here Daisetsu was, doing...

He took in the piled scrolls on the table. “Here doing what, exactly?”

Daisetsu impassively placed his hands on his knees, but otherwise ignored his brother.

You just want me to go away, don’t you?

Dairu waved away the servant. “Hantei-sama, your esteemed brother and I are engaging in a contest of wits. We each pose a question to the other, based on the great literature of the Empire. Whoever answers the most correctly will be the victor.”

Despite himself, Sotorii was intrigued. “Why? What is the point?”

Dairu said, “The point is to...” and then trailed off, looking at Daisetsu in a way that said, He isn’t very smart, is he?

Daisetsu sighed. “The point is to simply challenge each other, and ourselves at the same time.”

It did sound interesting. He nodded. “Fine. I will take part as well.”

Daisetsu said nothing and just stared at the scrolls before him. He may have sighed again.Something inside Sotorii began to crumple. You don’t want me to participate, do you? Why not?

Dairu finally broke the silence. “Very well, Hantei-sama,” he said with a resigned weariness. “The contest is quite simple. We—”

“No,” Daisetsu said.

Sotorii looked at his brother, who now looked back with an impatient contempt hardening his eyes.

“No,” Daisetsu said again. “We can hold another contest, at another time. This one is between Dairu-san and me and is nearly done.”

That something crumpled even more. He was, indeed, being rejected


Is it because I am to be Emperor someday? Is that why you resent me and want nothing to do with me? But that is...unfair. Even an Emperor needs friends!

Sotorii had stepped closer to the table without even realizing it. It would be so easy for him to join them in their contest. He could sit down, and choose a book, and...

But they didn’t want him to. They just wanted him to go away.

“You can hold another contest now,” he said, hoping he didn’t sound like he was pleading. “Just start this one over again.”


But Daisetsu shook his head. “No.”

Anger began leaking from that crumpled something, hot, dark tendrils of it that tightened his muscles, made his heart pound, his breath rasp in his chest.

Why won’t you ever let me be part of anything...?

Words abruptly bubbled up Sotorii’s throat, flung themselves from his mouth. “How dare you refuse me! I demand—”

“I do not care what you demand!” Daisetsu snarled, leaping to his feet. “You are being rude, brother! You are a guest in this place! It is not your place to demand anything!”

Sotorii gave up trying to hold back his hurtful anger. “You presume to call me rude? You’re the one, brother, refusing to allow me to join in your foolish little game! As for being a mere guest, have you forgotten I am heir to the throne? Any place in Rokugan would be honored to have me in attendance!” He looked at Dairu. “Isn’t that right, Dairu-san?”

Please, understand...don’t you?

The young Scorpion looked up from the table. “Of course, Hantei-sama. Your presence here indeed an honor.” As soon as he’d finished speaking, Dairu’s eyes flicked away again; but not so quickly that Sotorii couldn’t see the impatience in them, the desire for him to just be gone.

Daisetsu shared a look with Dairu that said everything that needed to be said. Then he turned back to Sotorii, his expression now just exasperated disdain

“Dairu-san says only what he thinks you wish to hear. You honor no one with your presence, Sotorii. You are an obnoxious fool, believing that just because your rear will someday fill the throne that everyone must dance to your insufferable demands.” He shook his head. “No, brother. Not this time. You are not welcome go, now, and leave us alone.”

The words struck like a blow, and fury pooled in the wound. Everything around him seemed to go deathly still.

Fine. If this is how it shall be...

“You have gone too far, brother,” he finally said. “You have insulted me. And by insulting me, you insult the Celestial Heavens themselves. So, I...I challenge you to a duel, so that the Heavens can render proper judgment upon you, in turn.”

Daisetsu sniffed. “Do not be ridiculous, brother. I am not going to duel you .”

So, you would deny me even that? The opportunity to redress this wrong? Do you really hate me so much, brother?

“So, you admit that you have wronged me,” Sotorii said. “Or...are you simply a coward, unwilling to back up your words with steel, as Sincerity and Honor demand?”

Daisetsu...smirked. He even seemed about to laugh. He turned, as though to share his laughter with Dairu.

But Dairu spoke first, his voice flat. “I agree that you are an honored guest, Hantei Sotorii-sama, but your behavior has has been inappropriate. I must object to it on behalf of my clan, whose hospitality you currently enjoy. Therefore, I...I accept your challenge on behalf of Hantei Daisetsu-sama, and will I stand as his champion in this matter.”

Daisetsu glanced at the Scorpion. “Dairu-san, no...this is not necessary!”

“Yes, Hantei-sama,” Dairu replied, “it is. An honorable challenge has been issued. It must be answered. Since we have both had our honor called into question, I will answer it for both of us.”

Sotorii swallowed and blinked. Dairu had made his loyalty painfully clear. But crying about it, whether out of frustration, misery, or some mix of the two would be the epitome of humiliation. So, he focused on his anger, instead, using it as a sort of armor against this...betrayal. Because that’s what it was. It was betrayal.

“Fine. If you wish for the Heavens to judge you as well, Dairu-san,” he said, “so be it.” Sotorii found brief satisfaction in the way his brother’s expression finally changed from bemused contempt to one of worry and doubt. He wondered if Daisetsu might now back down, changing his mind and inviting Sotorii to be part of their contest after all.

It is too late for that.

“Very well then,” Sotorii said. “I shall meet you at the dōjō in the Imperial Training Grounds in one hour.”

Before either of them could say anything else, he offered a perfunctory bow, turned his back on them and left.

An older man bearing a Shosuro mon on his kimono intercepted him on his way out. Sotorii recognized him as Bayushi Kachiko’s chief retainer...he thought his name might be Takeru. As the Shosuro bowed, he said, “A thousand pardons, Hantei-sama. I was just informed you were here—”

Sotorii just waved the man away and continued into the Forbidden City, his Seppun escorts falling in behind him. Finally, he reached a remote but familiar place in the Imperial Gardens, a place where he often sat alone. He waved off the Seppun, leaving them to stand a discreet distance away.

He didn’t want them, or anyone else, to see him finally cry.
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Re: Years 1118 IC-Present

Post by Vutall » Thu Jul 16, 2020 7:09 am


An excerpt from Children of the Empire Part II By D.G. Laderoute, Modified by Liara Stavlo
--Hantei Jodan, Emperor of Rokugan
--Hantei Sotorii, Crown Prince, Pre-Gempuku
--Hantei Daisetei, younger son of the Emperor, also Pre-Gempuku
--Bayushi Dairu, son of Bayushi Shoji and Bayushi Kachiko.
--Doji Satsume, Emerald Champion
--Bayushi Shoji, Champion of the Scorpion Clan

Italicized entries are Hantei Daisetsu's internal thoughts.
As he and Dairu entered the dōjō in the Imperial Training Grounds and pulled off their snowy cloaks, Daisetsu could scarcely believe he was even here. Several times he’d tried to get Dairu to listen to reason, but the young Scorpion merely shook his head.

“You were challenged, Daisetsu-sama,” he’d replied. “The challenge must be answered.” His flat and unshakable certainty only made Daisetsu marvel even more at the absurdity of it all.

It took a moment for Daisetsu’s eyes to adjust from Lady Sun’s late afternoon brightness to the cavernous gloom of the dōjō. When they finally did, he stopped short. Sotorii was here, standing apart from another group of people gathered near one of the sparring circles marked on the floor. Daisetsu recognized the armored bulk of Seppun honor guards and the crests of several Otomo and Miya courtiers. The Emerald Champion, Doji Satsume, stood with them, his face its usual study in severity. But it was the figure around whom they’d all clustered that drew his immediate attention—his father, the Emperor, was here.

Relief flooded him. Someone had learned of what had happened and informed their father. Finally, this nonsense would be laid to rest. Their father would put a stop to the foolishness between his sons, no doubt admonishing them for carrying on so; embarrassing, but no more embarrassing than this whole unseemly display.

“Daisetsu-san,” the Emperor said, “step forward.”

Daisetsu obeyed, then bowed, suppressing a sigh as he did. So, it begins. Hopefully, father will not be too harsh.

“It is my understanding that you and Sotorii-san are to engage in a duel, over a matter of insult. It is my further understanding that Bayushi Dairu-san is to stand as your champion.”

Daisetsu glanced at Sotorii, then nodded. “My apologies, your majesty, for wasting your time in such a way—”

“It is not your place to apologize,” the Emperor cut in, “unless the Heavens ordain it so.”

Daisetsu stared at the Emperor. Unless the Heavens...?

Is he going to let this foolishness proceed?

“Ordinarily, your majesty,” Doji Satsume said, “samurai would draw steel to settle such a matter. But none of them have yet passed their gempuku, so they are not entitled to wield the katana. The wooden bokken must suffice.”

Daisetsu’s stare edged toward an unconcealed gape. can’t be serious!

Regardless, Sotorii and Dairu were both profoundly serious as they each took up a bokken and stepped into the sparring circle. Satsume himself acted as adjudicator, naming the alleged transgression—an insult, unforgivable in its substance—and beseeching the Heavens to administer justice, guiding the hands of one of the combatants to righteous victory by a blow to his opponent’s torso. This was, perhaps, as benign as a duel could possibly be, but it was the fact of it occurring at all that left Daisetsu stunned. He had felt he was upon a runaway horse; now, it had long since reared and thrown him into a persistent dream that clung like cobwebs, both real and unreal at once.

As the Emerald Champion exited the circle, Daisetsu looked at his father. No. Surely he will stop this. He means only to teach us all a lesson, for pretending to be samurai. He won’t allow Sotorii to strike at Dairu...allow him to be humiliated, even hurt, just because my brother is an obstinate fool.

But the Emperor’s solemn attention remained on Dairu and Sotorii, as did that of his retinue. All watched what was about to happen as though it was something momentous, and not just a petty squabble between brothers.

Because he was looking at the Emperor, Daisetsu almost missed it. Dairu and Sotorii were motionless, their bokken held at the ready...then an eruption of war-cries, a blur of movement...a sharp yelp of pain. Sotorii stumbled past Dairu, clutching at his side. Dairu, also in motion, turned, stopped, and faced Sotorii, a hand on his shoulder, grimmacing from where Sotorii had struck him. He waited for the young Hantei to bow his acceptance of the draw, to be followed by an apology by both parties—

—and Sotorii did turn and face Dairu, but he offered no bow. Instead, he snarled and swung the bokken at the Scorpion’s head. Dairu barely ducked in time, the stout wooden practice sword whistling past his ear.

Dairu immediately backpedaled and raised his own bokken. Sotorii closed in, growling and swinging again and again, hard enough that if any of his wild swipes were to connect, Dairu would certainly suffer severe injury. Gasps and exclamations rose from the Emperor’s retinue, but Daisetsu found himself already in motion, his shock and horror at his brother’s attack trailing his own body’s desire to act. In a few steps he had reached Sotorii and grabbed his arm, pulling it, trying to stop him from swinging again.


But Sotorii was stronger and charged with fury. He yanked free, turned, and hefted the bokken.Daisetsu meant to dodge back, but his balance and momentum were all wrong. He would just stumble, then the bokken would slam down on his exposed head—

Something massive shoved in front of him. Daisetsu saw the intricate lacing of lacquered armor, and realized it was one of the honor guard. He heard Sotorii shout “No!,” but the guard just stood his ground, an impassive wall of determination and armor.

A frozen moment, as Sotorii simply stood, confronting the unyielding Seppun. Daisetsu seized on the reprieve to glance at Dairu. The Scorpion stood in a defensive crouch nearby, a stunned look on his face, but with no apparent injuries otherwise.

The Emperor ended the sudden silence. “Sotorii-san, that is enough!”

Sotorii’s eyes leaped from one of the spectators to another...another. Finally, he flung the bokken away and ran from the dōjō, a lone figure quickly lost in Lady Sun’s brilliance beyond the door.

The Emperor finally said, “I believe we are done here,” and left without another word, his retinue trailing behind him. Satsume appeared as impassive as ever, but Daisetsu saw the looks exchanged among the other retainers. None of them would breathe a word of the horrible thing that had transpired here, of course...nor would any of them forget it.

Still gripping the bokken, Dairu stepped beside Daisetsu. “Are you alright, Hantei-sama?”

Daisetsu looked at his friend and gave a tired nod. “Yes. I am fine.” He started to turn away but stopped. “Thank you, Dairu-san, for standing as my champion.”

“I was honored to do, Daisetsu-sama.”

Of course, you were. And that is why today went so very wrong
The Mirumoto Daimyo, Mirumoto Masashige rides through Dragon Lands, observing the situation of a few villages along the way, noting their poor food stores, as well as a growing number of peasants openly following the teachings of the Perfect Land Sect, an offshoot of the Brotherhood of Shinsei, outlawed in Phoenix lands for being heretical. He finishes his journey at the High House of light, where he gains audience with the Clan Champion, Togashi Yokuni. Desperate for guidance, Masashige begs for orders, to which Yokuni seems to ignore all of Masashige's concerns and instead orders the Mirumoto Daimyo to ready the Dragon Armies to march forth from their borders at last in response to a vision Yokuni has of a terrible wave crashing over the Empire. (If you wish to have a more detailed account of this entry, please read this short story: The Rising Wave, by Marie Brennan)

The Crown Prince, Hantei Sotorii, having been judged ready by his sensei, Doji Satsume, undergoes his Gempuku ceremony, being elevated to the status of a full samurai.

Kuni Yori returns to the hidden lab where Kuni Ayame had been conducting her experiements. Unfortunately, despite her initial success in having grow trees in soil taken directly from the Shadowlands that showed no signs of corruption, something went terribly wrong with the experiment and all of the tainted Crab who had been at the lab, as well as Kuni Ayame herself had succumbed to the corruption, forcing the Crab accompanying Yori to exterminate them all, except for the corrupted and twisted form of Ayame, who Yori ordered to be placed under observation for further research. Not all was a waste however, and Yori took the still un-corrupted bonsai tree growing in the Shadowlands Soil and locked it away in his own personal laboratory vault, next to a pristine white porcelain mask. (If you wish to have a more detailed account of this entry, please read this short story: Gaze Into Darkness, by D. G Laderoute)

The Emerald Champion and Daimyo of the Doji, Doji Satsume, mysteriously passes away. While many wonder if there was foul play, the Crane Champion and Satsume's daughter, Doji Hotaru, does not ask for any investigation into the death. Agasha Sumiko becomes the acting Emerald Champion until a new champion can be appointed.

The Empire sends many students to the Crane home of the Kakita Duelist Academy, Tsuma, for the Topaz Championship, eager to see who will rise to the top and take the place of the previous Topaz Champion, Kitsuki Yuikimi.

--The Events of New Winds Part 2 take place.
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Re: Years 1118 IC-Present

Post by Vutall » Fri Aug 14, 2020 12:10 am

The previous Governor of Hirosaka, Seppun Sora, has been stripped of all his lands and titles as well as cast out of the Imperial Families and made a Ronin. The hope was that the situation with the failure of a Governor would take care of itself, but little did the Imperials know, Sora had been spending most of his time in Hirosaka, a trade hub of sorts, forging an underground alliance with a number of ronin and other shady persons. Once he was cast out, he began calling in all the favors he was owed by those individuals and has taken control of a sizeable force of wave-men. No one knows where his base of operation is (Mostly because no one knows he is even still alive, thinking he wouldn't have lasted a month as a Ronin, let alone almost a year), but whispers can be heard across the empire of how more and more organized and well funded Ronin have been causing problems on the the different trade routes across Rokugan. Some even say that Sora has become more powerful since he was cast out, freed from the scrutiny of constant Imperial oversight.
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Re: Years 1118 IC-Present

Post by Vutall » Sun Aug 16, 2020 7:11 pm

-Far to the south, while the Topaz Championship was ongoing, a large force of Shadowlands creatures organized an attack on the great Kaiu Wall. A combined defense force, lead by Hida Kisada and Kuni Yori were able to fend of the attack, though several of the Crab forces died in the conflict. The Shadowlands Army was lead by a sizeable host of Lost, those samurai who had been fully taken by the corruption of the Shadowlands Taint, and their undead steeds, Onikage. Despite the victory, the unsettling organization of the Shadowlands forces gives the Crab much to consider, especially as they identified weak points in the wall, as well as several sections that need to be raised higher. ((If you wish to have a more detailed account of this entry, please read this short story: Dark Hands of Heaven, by Annie VanderMeer Mitsoda

-While traveling to Otosan Uchi, Doji Nerishma's caravan came under attack by a group of ronin. Unbeknown to Nerishma, his clan Champion, Doji Hotaru traveled with them and engaged in a singular duel against the Ronin who led the attack. Successful in her duel, the caravan made its way safely to Otosan Uchi. Once at the Imperial City, Doji Hotaru visited her sister, Doji Shizue and the two discussed the death of their father, Doji Satsume. Shizue informed her sister that there are rumors spreading that their fathers death was not an accident, and there may be something more sinister at work. Unwilling to open an official investigation, Shizue also stated that their brother, Doji Kuwanan seems quite upset at the situation, desiring to get to the bottom of the matter quickly. Hearing of her unannounced arrival, the Imperial Advisor, Bayushi Kachiko also met with Hotaru, the two lovers having not seen one another in some time. ((If you wish to have a more detailed account of this entry, please read this short story: Her Father's Daughter, by D. G. Laderoute

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Re: Years 1118 IC-Present

Post by Vutall » Mon Aug 24, 2020 11:23 am

-The final events of New Winds Part 2 take place (Entry to be added later)

Serpent 2
-Shortly after the Topaz Championship, Agasha Sumiko, the Ruby Champion and acting Emerald Champion launches a secret investigation at the Palace of the Emerald Champion to uncover the truth to Doji Satsume's death.

One of the Emerald Magistrates at the Castle reports that Doji Hotaru was the cause of her fathers murder. Little did Agasha Sumoko know however, that the Magistrate was actually Shosuro Hamestu, The Shosuro Diaimyo and the brother of the Imperial Asvisory, Bayushi Kachiko, who has grown jealous of Hotaru and Kachiko's affair. Another magistrate, Hiruma Shigeki, believes that the Shadowlands was the cause of Satsume's death, with an attack only recently happening near the Castle of the Emerald CHampion by a group of goblins lead by an ogre. A few days later, the Ruby Champion meets with a disguised Doji Hotaru, who informs her that the Scorpion could not possibly have had anything to due with her fathers death, and tat the official report she has made is that he died of natural causes. Still suspicious however, Sumiko continues her investigation. Eventually, she finds a hidden room in Satsume's quarters, and inside it there are multiple letters addressed to someone who only identifies themselves as the Hidden Serpent. Thus, Sumiko uncovers the Kolat plot. The Kolat, who believe that the Empire should be free from the rule of the Kami had been communicating with Satsume for some time. It appears that Satsume was convinced that neither of the Emperor's heirs were worthy of the throne would be terrible, but once he learned more of the Kolat plans, he broke ties with the organization.

Shortly after discovering the damning information, Sumiko was attacked by an assassin, Kitsuki Tomo,and while she defeated him, she was unable to garner any new information from him other than that he had poisoned and killed Satsume after orders came down from a Kolat superior in Otosan Uichi.

That night, Sumiko was visited by the ghost of Satsume who requested that she "Ensures that the matter of my death is resolved in a way that brings no shame upon or retribution against my family,”

Torn between her duty to the truth, and the request of Doji Satsume, Sumiko spends the evening meditating on the right choice. Eventually, she decides to realease the official findings to match that of the Crane Champion, Doji Hotaru. Word spreads across the land that Doji Satsume's death was indeed of natural causes.

Upset by the findings, Doji Kuwanan goes into a slight depression, still convinced something more sinister was at work.

Serpent ?
-Some time after the events of the Topaz Championship, Bayushi Shoju meets with his wife and the Imperial Advisor, Bayushi Kachiko. In theur meeting, Shoju muses over the fact that he, and the daimyo of the Shosuro and Yogo familes, belive that the new found power of the Scorpion has put them to be the center stage, the stars of the show, where he believes instead they should be more less of the main actors, and more the stage hands, ensuring everything goes well without drawing attention to himself. Kachiko seems to disagree with him and even suggests that his brother, Bayushi Aramoro, be nominated for the Emerald Champion position. (For a more detailed entry, please read "The World, A Stage" by D. G. Laderoute

-Meanwhile, in Phoenix Lands, during the selection ceremony for the new Clan Champion, one of the Elemental Master of Fire's pupil accidentally set the inner sanctum and library on fire, the kami having reacted violently to their summoning for the ceremony. Luckily, the Master of Fire was able to extinguish the flames and prevent much damage from occuring. A meeting was held, where the council revealed to Shiba Tsukune, the daughter of the previous Phoenix Champion, that the elemental balance was growing worse, and something must be done about it. The Elemental Master of Void also insisted that the ceremony for selection of the new champion must still occur. Gathered in the circle of candidates, Tsukune was given the ancestral blade of the Shiba, and was confident it would not choose her, but her brother, Shiba Tetsuo instead. However, when she lightly tugged at the sheathed blade, it lept from its scabbard, chosing her as the new Champion, much to her disbeleif and doubt. (For a more detailed entry, please read "Risen from the Ashes" by Robert Denton III)

-In Unicorn Lands, the Unicorn Champion, Shinjo Altansarnai, met with a Crane courtier who informed her that her upcoming marriage with the Lion would make her a Lion soon, and not a Unicorn. Confused at the marriage, she was then Interrupted by a Battle Maiden, Utaku Kamoko, who had urgent business with her. She followed the Maiden into her private tent and audience chamber where she met with the former wife of her betrothed, Ikoma Akari. There, te woman demanded she be allowed to conduct Jigai in protest of the marriage, for being cast aside by her husband had ruined her and broken her honor. Upset by this report, and urged by Utaku Kamoko, Altansarnai declared the wedding with the Lion off, as she would not be taken from her traditions and father of her children, Iuchi Daiyu. The declaration was sent both to the Lion and to the Emperor himself. (For a more detailed entry, please read "Curved Blades" by Ree Soesbee )

-In the Shinomen Forest, a group of Unicorn Shinomen Wayfinders, led by Shinjo Tatsuo tracked something with tracks the like they had never seen before. During their tracking, they ran into a Crab scouting party, led by Kaiu Suichi and Kuni Heki. who had claimed to be tracking the same thing, though they believed it a spirit or oni instead of a creature, as well as a number of missing Ashigaru. Together with a Hirum named Hiruma Kogoe, they ventured into the forest, where they came across giant serpent beings. Initially they engaged the beasts, but the giant snakes overcame them, and then...spared them, speaking in broken Rokugani to them, inquiring why they were in the Shinomen. After a bout of negotiation, it was agreed that Hiruma Kogoe woul stay with the Naga, and Tetsuo would return to his clan.. (For a more detailed entry, please read "To the South, Part 1 and "To The South, Part 2" by Marie Brennan as well as "Awakened" by Nancy M. Sauer )

-In Ryoko Owari, the cities Governor Shosuro Hyobu, ordered on of her agents, Yogo Hirue, to investigate the dojo led by Kitsuki Shomon that was teaching peasants martial arts, despite the stigma around it. The investigation led to a discovery that Shomon's student, Satto, had a disagreement with her and set off on their own, eventually becoming a high-placing member of the Perfect Land Sect. It also revealed that Shomon, despite her odd teachings, was not a member of the sect. Unable to gain all of the information they needed, Hirue ordered Shosuro Miyako, a Shadow Marked shinobi of the Scorpion, to infiltrate the sect to learn more of their intentions. (For a more detailed entry, please read "In the Garden of Lies, Part 1 and "In the Garden of Lies, Part 2" by Marie Brennan, )

-The conflict between the Lion and Crane came to a head, with the Lion assaulting Toshi Ranbo with forces led by Akodo Arasou, Lion Champion, Akodo Toturi, his brother, and Matsu Tsuko. In the battle, Tsuko was with Toturi, who held a reserve unit while Arasou assaulted the cities gates. Tsuko urged Toturi to engage his forces, but he held them back for some time before finally joining the fray, during which the Crane Champion, Doji Hotaru, slew Arasou with a well-aimed arrow. Tsuko, furious with Totoru for not engaging sooner, blames the death on him. By right of birth, Toturi becomes the new Lion Champion. (For a more detailed entry, please read "The Price of War" by Mari Murdok )

-"An Empire in Turmoil", L5R 5e Core Rulebook, shortly after the events at Toshi Ranbo:
“There! Do you see that?” Doji Kuwanan’s armor, lacquered in the blue and silver colors of the Crane Clan, clinked as he pointed to the thin column of dust rising along the horizon where plains met sky.

His patrol partner, Takeaki, shielded his eyes from the bright glare of the sun and squinted. “A merchant’s cart? The spring rains are late this year,” he said, kicking up dust of his own under his armored zori sandals.

Around them, birdsong mixed with the chants and drumming of the peasants as they rhythmically tilled the soil and spread seeds atop the furrowed earth. A cool breeze brought the earthy smell of fertilizer to the pair of samurai warriors and sent ripples across the plains.

Kuwanan shook his head. “There’s too much dust for a single cart. And no caravan’s due for weeks yet.” He hurried atop the nearby arched bridge to get a better look. A blur of dark brown silhouettes emerged from behind a gently sloping hill, speeding toward them.

“Quiet!” Kuwanan bellowed at the farmers, who ceased their dance of sowing and planting in an instant. The distant thunder of galloping hooves soon overtook the sound of chattering birds, and Takeaki muttered a curse

“Someone’s coming! Get back to the village!” Kuwanan shouted, and the peasants scrambled up to the road. He and Takeaki strung their bows and took up defensive positions atop the bridge. “If the Lion are finally mounting an attack, let them try to take this village from us!” He nocked an arrow and prepared to take aim.
- "A Season of War", L5R 5e Core Rulebook, shortly after the events at Toshi Ranbo:
Kakita Asami of the Crane Clan delicately refilled four teacups: one for each of her Lion Clan hosts, one for her bodyguard, and finally one for herself. How she longed to be a student again, when mastering proper tea-pouring techniques was the greatest of her worries, not whether she could prevent a war between her people and the Lion Clan.

She stifled a wistful sigh and settled back into a seated kneeling position on the tatami mat floor. The meeting room was small and plain by Crane standards, but then again, she was in a castle in the heart of Lion lands.

“Our priests have heard the laments of our honored ancestors. They demand the Crane return the Osari Plains to their rightful owners,” warned Ikoma Eiji, a Lion Clan historian and her diplomatic counterpart.

His attendant, the warrior Matsu Beiona, paced one side of the room, her mouth hardened into a frown. Beneath that mask of self-control, rage and frustration seethed. It wouldn’t take much to incite her into an outburst, but that wouldn’t serve Asami’s purposes here. Her father had bidden that she provide a diplomatic back channel in case tempers flared too hot during the more public rounds of negotiation at the Imperial Capital.

And if tempers flared here, too—well, that’s why Kaezin-san had been appointed her personal bodyguard, her yōjimbō.

Asami sipped her tea and smiled softly. “Perhaps your shugenja misread the omens. The Crane Clan is the rightful owner of the plains.” Even if the Lion shugenja were true mediums between this world and their ancestors, supernatural “evidence” wasn’t admissible as proof in any legal proceedings.

The Ikoma historian rose and gestured toward the horizon, his eyes narrowing in indignation. “Your warriors have occupied these lands for but two turns of the seasons. Before that, the Lion were its protectors.”

Asami looked to her own stoic guardian, who kept a close watch on the Matsu. She began tactfully: “For three short generations, yes, the Lion were its protectors. But our elders can remember the days when the Crane tended the beasts of those pastures and reaped the harvest of those fields—as we did for centuries untold.”

The Crane needed those lands now more than it had ever needed them before. After the tsunami, their rice paddies in the coastal provinces had been devastated, and their priests did not know when the Earth spirits would return to the fields and bless their crops once more. For the same reasons, her clan could not afford a war, especially while fighting intensified at Toshi Ranbo.

“The Crane stole those lands from the Lion!” The Ikoma snapped his fan shut and pointed it at Asami. “It was not through strength of blade and honor that the day was won, but through foul trickery. The Crane did not have enough numbers to prevail, and yet somehow they did. The Lion remember. Our ancestors do not lie.”

Asami took a deep breath. She had known this accusation was coming, but the foresight did not soften the sting of his words.

The historian stopped in front of a scroll bearing a quote from Akodo’s Leadership, the definitive treatise on the art of war by the Kami himself. “Without honor, there is no victory. Without fear, there is no defeat,” it read. He stroked his goatee as if in thought.

Asami recalled a different line from Akodo’s Leadership, and she considered offering its wisdom to her host: On the battlefield, all actions are honorable.

But he continued before she could speak. “At the dawn of the Empire, the first Hantei charged Lord Akodo himself with maintaining these lands on his behalf. The very Heavens ordained that they belong beneath the Lion’s banner.”

Asami closed her eyes, and prayed to Lady Doji that her next words would bear the weight of her determination and the levity of her foremother’s grace. “We cannot forever dwell in the past; it is in the present that we must live. If the Heavens had truly decreed that the Lion be its safekeepers, your forces would not have lost to our own.”

Uncomfortable silence pressed between them. Beyond the open screen doors and the veranda that circled the inner courtyard, cherry blossoms swirled in the breeze. The petals reminded her of a blizzard, of the long nights spent at home with stories, songs, and the smiles of her childhood sweetheart. But winter was already past, and spring would soon be over as well. Summer, the season of war, grew near.

The Ikoma began his counterattack. “The fact remains that the Lion are best equipped to ensure the plains’ continued protection. Your coastal holdings have fallen prey to pirate incursions on too many occasions. It would be a shame if a similar roving band of miscreants were to attack the Osari villages. Do we not want the same thing: to safeguard the Emperor’s lands as effectively as possible?”

Asami had to consider her words carefully, lest she insinuate that the answer was “no.” “We will protect these lands well.”

“Then let us try out the courtier’s theory!” the Matsu shouted. “Our honor demands we reclaim these lands by force! We waste our time bickering here. Let us test our mettle on the battlefield! My ancestors scream for justice. The Crane will scatter before our mighty roar!”

“Please calm your companion,” Asami said evenly, ignoring the bushi’s outburst. For a moment, she thought she saw the historian smirk.

Ikoma Eiji asked, “Are you afraid of Beiona-san making good on her threats? Isn’t Doji Kuwanan-sama posted along the front now, guarding the village of Shirei?”

Asami’s heart tightened in her chest. He could be, but she couldn’t know for sure. She hadn’t seen him in months, and his letters had ceased since the death of his father. Had she really been so obvious with her affections in public? Did the historian know about them?

No. Impossible. Surely Kuwanan was posted elsewhere, safely serving in a court on his sister’s behalf.

The screen behind them slid open, and a servant entered to proffer a scroll to his master. “An urgent letter, my lord.”

The Ikoma took the scroll and dismissed the messenger. The room grew silent as he read.

“Lady Asami, it appears that our conversation is over. It is just as I feared—a band of honorless ronin have slaughtered the Crane forces at Shirei Mura.”

Kuwanan’s body unmoving in the mud, blood and dirt dulling the brilliance of his blue-silver armor. A hideous ronin brandishing Kuwanan’s ancestral katana in a mockery of the Kakita family technique.

She banished the image from her mind, but her heart still beat loudly in her ears and her cheeks scalded red. Asami instinctively raised her fan to cover her mouth and lowered it again, in one smooth motion, as though she hadn’t tried to hide her reaction.

“This is terrible news,” she managed. Ikoma Eiji took a seat again, opened his calligraphy set, and began to compose a letter.

The Crane Clan forces would not have fallen—not to some “band of ronin,” as the Lion had claimed. Even if there had been ronin at the vanguard, the Lion had assuredly paid them off, and some bannerless Lion Clan ashigaru had no doubt supported the warriors as well.

Honor demanded that Asami believe his words, or at least act as though she did, but the hope in her heart refused. Doji Kuwanan could not be dead. If the Crane Clan Champion lost both her brother and her father in the same season, could she still pursue peace? Or would she be forced to avenge her kin?

With their diplomatic leverage gone, all she could do now was pray the Crane retook the village in time. If the Lion “overcame” the ronin first, the Crane would be dealt a serious blow to their case. Once again the Lion were attempting to provoke the Crane, and whoever struck first would lose the sympathy of the Emperor.

“Kaezin-san,” she said, standing at last, her yōjimbō rising beside her. “Let us return home.”

Matsu Beiona’s hand moved to rest on the hilt of her katana. Kaezin took a step in front of Asami, and she saw him discreetly unlock his sword, ready to strike at any moment.

Ikoma Eiji set down his brush and sighed. “The negotiations in Otosan Uchi have not yet finished, and our lord would have you remain our honored guest until everything is sorted out.”

The historian said one thing, but Asami understood the message that lay beneath: she, Kaezin, and their retinue were hostages. In case it finally came to war.

“Lady Asami, you are welcome to add a few lines if you please,” he said, gesturing to the parchment. “The Crane Clan delegation to the capital will be glad to see your calligraphy and know that you remain safe during your time with us.”

In her writing to him, Kakita Yuri would know with certainty that she had failed him—both as a diplomat and as a daughter.

The final cherry blossom broke away from the branch and drifted to the ground.
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Re: Years 1118 IC-Present

Post by Vutall » Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:57 am

The Topaz Championship of 1123 will be one that is constantly on the minds of those for years to come each time the event comes up. Marred by scandal and near disaster, the events of the Championship put the first crack into the Crane's armor of being the epitome of culture and properness in the Empire. The Lion, quick to capitalize on the boon of having one of their own win the title, use the event as further excuse to justify their claim on Toshi Ranbo, which ultimately led to the (failed) assault on the city against the Crane. The Scorpion began an internal investigation to delve deeper into who Bayushi Sugai was working for, and give dark warnings to those in their clan that his actions would have led him to Traitors Grove, were he not killed in his attempt. There are still many who think it was all an elaborate Scorpion plot despite the testimony of those who fought against Sugai, and there are many whispers that it was all a means for the Scorpion to bring down the Crane and gather more Imperial titles, by having Bayushi Jiro take the championship. The Phoenix, pleased with their performance through the hands of Isawa Tanshin and the other representatives, find themselves in a strange position, as despite their own internal feelings that the elements are unbalanced and the kami becoming more difficult to control, the rest of the Empire only sees just how "easy" the kami were to command in the Championship, and many believe that the Phoenix have gone too far in their use of the kami, using them more as tools instead of gods that deserve the utmost respect and care when called on.

The former Governor of Hirosaka, who was the mastermind behind the sabatoge of the Tournament, grows frustrated by such a large setback, having lost a great deal of his operatives in the event. Believing his organization may be at risk, he withdrawls his agents from their posts, consolidating his resources at his unknown stronghold of power, waiting for a better opportunity to enact his plans....
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