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Player Hard Lines for New Winds Part 2 (Please Read and Respond)

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 10:21 am
by Vutall
Please use this thread to post any Hard Lines, that is, topics and scenes that are not something you wish to engage in. By posting them here, all players and the GM will ensure they do not include those topics in any thread involved with you, or give you a warning so you may exit (in the case of a group scene) without having to see the content.

If a topic does come up, please PM the GM so they may assist you.

We will revist Hard Lines for each game going forward in this campaign.

Thank you!

Re: Player Hard Lines for New Winds Part 2

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 11:11 am
by Bayushi Jiro
Scripted sexual violence and scripted torture are pretty much the only things for me, I think. By scripted I mean an actual on-screen playthrough. The topics could be mentioned in an oblique way or actions happen off-screen in very general terms and I would be alright. There are other things I don't care for, but wouldn't feel I needed to stop play.

Re: Player Hard Lines for New Winds Part 2 (Please Read and Respond)

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 3:37 am
by Kaito Haruki
Gonna be honest, the topic in the bar fight kinda spooked me a lot. I get that it is part of the bigger story though, and I plan to continue playing. But I don't know how it will affect me in the future. Other stuff, hard torture and porn for sure (FTB protocol), not sure about other stuff.

Re: Player Hard Lines for New Winds Part 2 (Please Read and Respond)

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 4:01 am
by Kokyou
Explicit descriptions of physical torture (non combat or setting-related) and literal pornographic sexual descriptions are kind of a hard lines and I encourage to use a /ftb (fade to black) to leave it for the imagination in a polite fashion that yet passes down the message.

Use of Intimidation, Temptation and/or Courtier to coerce/suggest/convince a character I play to do something is not a hard line, but it is nice to align before it occurs. Same would go with duel challenge.

So, Golden Rule: PM me first if you think it would touch that area (or afterwards, if you already posted).

Re: Player Hard Lines for New Winds Part 2 (Please Read and Respond)

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 11:57 am
by Kaiu Aiichiro
Explicit sexual descriptions like really erotica make me uncomfortable, but it's not something I expect to see midplay.

Re: Player Hard Lines for New Winds Part 2

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 3:43 pm
by Iuchi Prashant
Bayushi Jiro wrote:
Thu Aug 13, 2020 11:11 am
Scripted sexual violence and scripted torture are pretty much the only things for me, I think. By scripted I mean an actual on-screen playthrough. The topics could be mentioned in an oblique way or actions happen off-screen in very general terms and I would be alright. There are other things I don't care for, but wouldn't feel I needed to stop play.
What Jiro described here as scripted sexal violence and torture are quite off-putting for me too.

Tbh, sexual violence or harassment in general is quite upsetting for me.
Explicit descriptions of torture or non-combat related violence are a bit hard too.

I wouldn't necessarily stop playing because of that, but it'd be nice to PM and/or check before doing it.

There are some other things that may be a bit upsetting, but I guess I can send a PM myself if that's the case.

Sexual descriptions may be rather unnecessary and might very well be dealt with with a /ftb approach, but if they don't involve harassment or violence I won't necessarily drop a thread on seeing them. But again, probably unnecessary - as Kaiu-san said, it's not something I'd expect to see here

Thanks for this again!

EDIT: Oh, forgot something here. Seppuku itself is a large part of the setting, and I've got a bit used to it - at least normal descriptions of it, some may be really intense and emotionally draining. But other, less ritual types of suicide may be QUITE draining for me too. I wouldn't necessarily drop out on seeing it, but at least a trigger warning or something like that might be nice.

Re: Player Hard Lines for New Winds Part 2 (Please Read and Respond)

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:30 pm
by Bayushi Kaidan
I am very chill about most things. As a line that I don't think I enjoy crossing is extreme gore violence and I know maho can get to this. Another topic I tend to avoid is lustful sex and sexual violence. I can deal with it but I prefer to avoid it. Another thing I don't like is extreme child abuse violence, but I know the setting and know the strict code of conduct of people of the era and how parents would behave.


Re: Player Hard Lines for New Winds Part 2 (Please Read and Respond)

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 12:31 am
by Toritaka Sasaiko
I'm generally pretty open, but I reserve the right to opt out (not eliding character consequences) if something comes up that pushes buttons as don't need pushing.

If I cross a line with you, please let me know; not everybody has the same understanding of "extreme," for example, and things close to the line might happen.

Re: Player Hard Lines for New Winds Part 2 (Please Read and Respond)

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 11:06 am
by Utaku Nesrin
So, veils, much as above: Graphic description of torture are unnecessary and a turn-off. But as an interrogation technique, it's part of the setting that I expect to have referenced, though it's offscreen.

Lines: I admit, sexual violence is almost entirely a non-starter for me. I do distinguish between a veiled version between PC's who I assume/hope have had ooc discussion about it, vs GM content that I'm less able to just steer around and avoid interacting with. It's just a very tricky topic to make non-gratuitous and non 'ugh, do I really have to interact with this in my escapist fantasy??'

Veils: Gore is really situational. This particular game is not overall horror-themed, so it would be shocking in a bad way. In, say, a Shadowlands game, I'd expect it. Similarly for heavy descriptions of seppuku. There are quickly sketched bits of description that can relay the gravity of one that's built up to and ought to be a heavy moment, but it seldom needs lovingly detailed descriptions of the process...the steaming guts of the thing, if you will.

Otherwise, I don't have a lot of known hard lines (I'm sure there are some that don't occur to me in the "what? Who would do that?" category.), and am really open to PMs, particularly of the 'is this what you meant?' category, since late night posting can...scramble some things.

Re: Player Hard Lines for New Winds Part 2 (Please Read and Respond)

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 1:48 pm
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
Lines: Sexual violence, including lack of consent. Onscreen torture. All of the above tripled when involving kids. I don't need realistic gore in my life: I can handle cartoony; I can handle when the theme is known ahead of time.

Re: Player Hard Lines for New Winds Part 2 (Please Read and Respond)

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 4:58 pm
by Otomo Nobuko
Graphic depiction of suicide and cannibalism are my hard no's in general RP. If things start turning where it's difficult to handle I will speak up.

Re: Player Hard Lines for New Winds Part 2 (Please Read and Respond)

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 8:23 pm
by Vutall
I also need to know (By PM) if I, this game, or any of its players have crossed any of these lines before you posted. It's really eating me up that I might have and I feel awful.

Re: Player Hard Lines for New Winds Part 2 (Please Read and Respond)

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:15 am
by Asako Saburo
I have no hard lines.


However, that doesn't mean I want a lot of things to happen to/involving my characters. Assume that if the content would require anything higher than a PG-13 rating in the US, drop me a line in PM before including it in a thread with me. If it's definitely and clearly entering R/NC-17 territory, I prefer to handle it as "Fade to Black" with the basics of the content known to both parties. Generally speaking, I don't continue past FtB in private unless I have spoken with the player in some detail first and trust we're on the same page.

Within the context of New Winds, I do not believe that material that exceed PG-13 should be occurring.

Re: Player Hard Lines for New Winds Part 2 (Please Read and Respond)

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 7:21 pm
by Kuni Yotsuo
I have no hard lines. Just a preference for not crossing others'. Things that push me away from games tend to be more personal real-world issues that interfere with my ability to participate.

Re: Player Hard Lines for New Winds Part 2 (Please Read and Respond)

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 11:40 pm
by Kitsuki Asahi
There are things my characters will not participate in, as I am not personally interested n certain subjects and activities, but there isn't much that would offend or disturb me. If there was, I trust that I can excuse my character and myself from those situations. I'm more concerned about out of character decisions that disrupt the game overall. I've always believed that all participants in these games, GMs and players, share some responsibility for making the experience enjoyable.