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Day 7 LM Nijiro vs Kai

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 10:44 pm
by Ikoma Nijiro
Nijiro arrives at the appointed location, and awaits his opponent.

He prepares to debate, but knows that to respond sometimes is better than those who format the debate, and so he waits.

Day 7 LM debate round 1 initative Awareness/school rank: 5d10o10k4 13

Re: Day 7 LM Nijiro vs Kai

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 3:31 pm
by Kaito Kai
Kai was slow in arriving, but she did eventually find her way to where she was supposed to be.

She bowed to the Ikoma. "Let us both go from this with new perspectives, Ikoma-san, as we discuss the matter of the Miya's blessing and upon whom it should benefit...A great disaster befell clans along the coast, the seas devastating many villages and plantings. This, I feel, is perhaps where such a boon would do most aid."


D7 Debate Init: 5d10o10k4 35

D7 LM Debate Rnd 1 Courtier TN20: 7d10o10k4 31

+2 Persuasion Points

Re: Day 7 LM Nijiro vs Kai

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 6:52 pm
by Ikoma Nijiro
Nijiro nods to the topic and his opponent. "An excellent topic to discuss, Yet I feel we must start this discussion by pointing out your initial point to be without merit, and must be clarified. The aid provided by the MIya's blessing will provide the same aid no matter where it sent, The question should be where the blessing would best support the Empire as a whole. While the coast has had some damage recently, Two of those that occupy the majority of the coastline are also the ones who have the greatest capacity to rebuild with very little, if any, impact to their profits for the year, would the Blessing truly then do anything but ensure more profits for those two Clans, if used in the way you speak?"

He shakes his head "My contention would be a better use of the Blessing would be to provide this aid to those who would benefit much more than just a smaller personal gain, and to a local that would help prevent starvation, and thus provide more hope to the Empire as a whole."

Day 7 LM debate round 1 Courtier Awareness roll TN20 one raise called =TN 25: 10d10o10k4 28 (+2 Persuasion points)

Re: Day 7 LM Nijiro vs Kai

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 4:18 am
by Kaito Kai
Kai thought about this response before making her own comment. "But what is meant by a local? Did the Emperor not give leave to those honorable clans to oversee his land in a responsible manner in His name? All benefits of such aid are, in this way, the Empire's: All responsibilities to improve negative situations are the clans', yes, but in so doing they benefit the empire by preserving its land."


D7 LM Debate Rnd 2 Courtier/Awareness TN20: 7d10o10k4 39

+2 Persuasion Points

Re: Day 7 LM Nijiro vs Kai

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 4:41 am
by Ikoma Nijiro
After hearing the response, Nijiro smiles , and turns to watch the judge of the event. (Activating Rank one technique)

Got you, He muses

The Ikoma pauses for effect, before adding: "And here we see the critical flaw in the analysis of the argument by my opponent. This point would apply, if all profit were to be given to the Empire as a whole, yet only a portion is given to the Empire, the rest kept as profit. Thus, the Clans on the coast may not have as such a great as profit this year, but in no way will there taxes be any less to the Empire than it has for generations.

This proves then that my opponent does not in fact look at this question through the veil of history, or even tradition, for when the Miya's blessing was given at first it was given to those places hurt the most from death and starvation, the locales where the Dark Army had ravaged the land. The goal of the Miya's blessing has been one of hope to those areas that could not recover on their own, or with the support of their Clan." H bangs his fist on the table "We MUST continue the tradition of helping those that would need the most hope, or would perish, not on those area's where the Clan themselves will recover with no concern other than to a minor adjustment to their yearly profit."

Day 7 Round 2 Courtier/ Awareness roll +1 VP on roll TN=20 +2 Raises=TN30: 10d10o10k6 49 (+ 1 point, +2 for raises, +1 exceptional raise=+4 persuasion points, total of +6)

Re: Day 7 LM Nijiro vs Kai

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 8:04 am
by Kaito Kai
Kai looked nonplussed. Perhaps she had been intellectual overmatched.

"This line of argumentation is contingent on matters that are very...mercantile." She murmured, expressing some distaste as the debate gets into the weeds of tax policy. "In as far as taxes or the splitting thereof is concerned, such things are a matter of history. Also a matter of history are times when clans could not meet their obligations to taxation because of disaster."

It was then, at that point, that Kai got...metaphysical. Economically metaphysical.

"Such tithes were still paid, of course. The Empire is given its due. This is history. This is tradition. So then is a matter of history and tradition where villages must go without. This is the light and the shadow that balances all in the world. The Blessing is bounteous but not limitless; to spread it is to spread the light it casts. A dim light does not drive back the darkness as well as one cast with purpose. To agree otherwise is to accept that a cold comfort and attendant shortfalls from a scattering of support is preferable to correcting problems when and where they are seen by all under heaven."

D7 LM Debate Round 3 VP +1k1 2CR TN30: 8d10o10k5 49

+4 Persuasion points, +8 Total

Re: Day 7 LM Nijiro vs Kai

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 8:40 am
by Ikoma Nijiro
Nijiro takes a candle and lights it as he prepares to speak one last time " I will only agree with on thing my esteemed Phoenix sama has said, yet the statement was incomplete. A dim light does drive back less darkness than a larger light, or to quote exactly, one cast with purpose. Yet what was not spoken was that no light drives no darkness. And this is the critical point missed, and the reason the debate is now over. My opponent has never argued the point I was making, that by supporting the clan with the resources already to support and rebuild those who have suffered damage, will in fact DO NOTHING to enhance the Empire as a whole. Those Clans upon the coast will rebuild, no one will go hungry, nay, I daresay not even ne meal will be lost by the hemin affected, and the support for the Empire will not even wane one bu. All that will happen, if we offer the Blessing to those Clans, is that they will profit more than they would have without the blessings."

He turns and moves closer to the judge. "All the while, locales where villages are starving, where Mountains or what have you, cause a delay in being able to provide manpower, and food, those villages can, and are at a certain, to fade from the Empire during the winter. In short." Nijiro blows out the candle "No light where there once was, and Wile some Clans will rebuild, Darkness will have overwhelmed more of the Empire, but at least the profits will be worth it, Hm?"

He pauses to put the candle down. "The essence of the argument comes down to two positions." He puts one finger up "1, my opponent, states that the greatest value is to help those who can help themselves, because profit may be less, that for a small, meager few months, the light may dim from those villages."

Another pause, "And 2, that life itself, is of value. That the light of villages that may snuff out are NOT worthy of compassion, and that extending the darkness in the Empire is acceptable. I contend that by supporting my opponents side, the Empire will see no additional benefit from the blessing going to the Clans of the Coast, only those Clans themselves. This is not disputed once by the Phoenix. I also contend that others place are in danger of starving, also not disputed by the Phoenix. So we agree to those points. Based on this, and the history and tradition of why the Blessing was created and used, to show a weary Empire hope and save lives, also not disputed by my opponent, the only option is to accept that we use this Blessing where it is most needed, not to make the wealthy even more wealthy and save nothing that will not be saved already."

Day 7 Round 3 Courtier/ Awareness roll +1 VP on roll 3 Raises called TN=35 : 10d10o10k6 51 (+1 vp for roll,+3 Raises =+3 points, +1 Exceptional raise +5 persuasion points total of +11)

Re: Day 7 LM Nijiro vs Kai

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 9:46 am
by Kaito Kai
Kai watched the candle flicker and burn.

"I ask that props and emphatically stated words do not draw one's gaze from the truth as I have laid it out during this debate." The Kaito replied quietly.


D7 LM Debates Round 4 Etiquette VP +1k1: 8d10o10k5 51

Re: Day 7 LM Nijiro vs Kai

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 9:50 am
by Ikoma Nijiro
Nijioro bows and walks out, knowing he has lost the debate


Re: Day 7 LM Nijiro vs Kai

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 10:00 am
by Vutall
Ikoma Nijiro is eliminated
Kaito Kai advances, earns 22 points, for a new total of 188 (Corrected for missing previous events)