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Round 1: Ikoma Eichro Vs Miya Wyn

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 9:39 pm
by Miya Wyn
Courtier Debate LM Init: 5d10o10k4 40

Wyn arrives in his best Kimono, checks his notes and prepares for the debate.

Re: Round 1: Ikoma Eichro Vs Miya Wyn

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 11:47 pm
by Ikoma Eichiro
D7 LM: Courtier Debate 1, Initiative: 5d10o10k4 56

Ikoma Eichiro arrives in the room, bows to the judge and then bows to his opponent. He wears clothing similar to what he has worn all week, but it is pristine with none of the spots of dust or mud that may have shown on it throughout the week. He also wears a small court hat, and his eye seems to glow crimson as the light reflects in it at times.

He briefly touches a fan in his waistband before beginning. "Topic, Do the Unicorn have legal claim to all the lands formerly given to the Ki-Rin before their departure?"

"Position, No they do not. According to Imperial Law, all clans are to defend the lands they are given. If they cannot defend them, another clan is within their rights to seize them if they can better protect them. The Lands south of Toshi sano Kanemochi Kaeru and east of the river were formerly granted to the Ki-Rin, but when they departed the empire on their journey the lands were ill protected against threats internal and external."

"The Lion champion at the time saw it their duty to the Son of Heaven to ensure that those lands were properly protected, and as such took possession of them from the remaining Ki-Rin so they may better focus on the lands that remained."

D7 EM: Courtier Debate 1, Argument 1. Two raises. Courtier/Awareness: 10d10k4-10 22
((Eichiro, 3 points., 1 point for success, 2 points for raises.))

Re: Round 1: Ikoma Eichro Vs Miya Wyn

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 11:57 pm
by Miya Wyn
Courtier Debate LM Rd1 Etiquette TN 22: 10d10o10k6 68

"And Yet during the entire time the Ki-Rin were gone the lands in dispute where never attacked by an outside force, because the Ki-Rin were acting as a forward defense against any incoming outside force, expanding the bounds of the Empire and exploring the edges. The force they left behind was able to fend off all threats to their lands from any external enemy of the Empire.

(negating points)

Re: Round 1: Ikoma Eichro Vs Miya Wyn

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 12:24 am
by Ikoma Eichiro
"That they left samurai behind is not at issue. Whether those that were left behind were tested by external forces is not at issue either. They were tested by forces internal to the empire and found wanting, and those that tested them took stewardship over the land to protect them as their former stewards could not."

"There is no judgement here, we must all know our limitations and accept them to better serve."

D7 EM: Courtier Debate 1, Argument 2. Two raises. Courtier/Awareness: 10d10o10k4-10 11
D7 EM: Courtier Debate 1, Argument 2. Two raises. Courtier/Awareness LUCK: 10d10o10k4-10 31
((Eichiro: 4 points, 1 point for Success, 2 points for raises, 1 point for exceptional success FR))

Re: Round 1: Ikoma Eichro Vs Miya Wyn

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 12:34 am
by Miya Wyn
Courtier Debate LM Rd2 Etiquette TN 31: 10d10o10k6 44

"But should the Empire truly turn on itself? The Ki-Rin trusted the Lion to honorably watch their back, and instead they invaded. "

(Points Negated)

Re: Round 1: Ikoma Eichro Vs Miya Wyn

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 12:48 am
by Ikoma Eichiro
"Invade is a word that I would use for what outsiders would do to poorly defended lands. To Pillage and Conquer. The Lion did no such thing, for all lands are the Son of Heaven's and we are mere stewards of them. The Lion did not conquer those lands as ownership was not changed, nor were they pillaged except was is required to feed armies."

He snaps out his fan in a single stroke, using it to point.

"Even in an honorable duel, only blood can mark the deciding blow."

D7 LM: Courtier Debate 1, Argument 3. VOID Three raises. Courtier/Awareness: 10d10o10k6-15 65
((Eichiro: 7 points. 1 point for success, 3 points for raises, 3 points for FR from Exceptional Success))

Re: Round 1: Ikoma Eichro Vs Miya Wyn

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 1:14 am
by Miya Wyn
Courtier Debate LM Rd3 Courtier, Honor & Glory & Void 5 Raises Tn 20: 10d10o10k10+4+6-25 32

Wyn smiles, "And yet when the Unicorn returned the Lion did not choose to engage them in honorable conflict, but instead pulled their Armies back, opening some, but not all of the former Ki-Rin land to them without contest. If the Lion truly believed they could not steward it, then why allow them any of the land back, if the Lion believed the Unicorn had returned to their lands, then why not give back all of it?"

1 +5 for Raises +1 For exceptional= 7, Current Point total 7:7, Last Roll to Ikoma-san

Re: Round 1: Ikoma Eichro Vs Miya Wyn

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 1:24 am
by Ikoma Eichiro
"There was honorable combat, all that year. The Unicorn proved themselves to be valiant honorable samurai deserving of much of what was given to them. And so the Lion granted much if it back."

D7 LM: Courtier Debate 1, Final Argument. Etiquette/AWA Tn 32.: 10d10o10k4 38

((Eichiro negates. Victory Eichiro.))

"My thanks, Miya-sama, for the vigorous discussion."

Re: Round 1: Ikoma Eichro Vs Miya Wyn

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 1:34 am
by Vutall
Miya Wyn is eliminated
Ikoma Eichiro advances, earning 22 points, for a new total of 260

Re: Round 1: Ikoma Eichro Vs Miya Wyn

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 1:34 am
by Miya Wyn
"Thank you Ikoma-Sama, it was an honor debating you"