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(Day 7, LM) Courtier Debates

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 6:54 am
by Vutall
While the majority of the participants, judges, and observers are all gathered to watch the Iaijutsu and Taryu-Jiai events as they are much more flashy and exciting, a small number of observers gather in a large hall on the Academy grounds set up as a mock court. Contestants find their names on a list showing who their opponent is, and are all brought before the "court" to debate a topic and convince the Crane judge that they have the better argument.
Any character who is not participating in the Iaijutsu or Taryu-Jiai tournament must participate in this event so long as they have 75 or more Topaz Points. Please make your selection for which event you are participating before Day 6 ends. Then, find the thread in this forum with your name on it in this forum to conduct your debate.

Note: The Iaijutsu tournament REQUIRES any character with the Bushi tag to enter, but anyone who has Iaijutsu may also enter Shugenja can not enter period, regardless of their school tag. The Taryu-Jiai tournament REQUIRES any character with the Shugenja tag to enter, overriding any other options a player has, with the exception to Meishodo users, who cannot participate in Taryu-Jiai.

Spells: Not allowed, as the instructors would consider it outsider interference and not a true representation of your abilities
Kiho: Not allowed, as the instructors would consider it outsider interference and not a true representation of your abilities
Kata: Not Allowed, as this is not a Combat.
Tattoos: Allowed, as the Instructors would not be able to tell you are getting outside assistance. Note that the debate is 4 rounds for effects.

A debate lasts 3 "rounds"+1 additional "round" for one of the participants

Players first roll "Initiative" using School Rank/Awareness, keeping Awareness. The winner determines the topic of the debate. This roll also determines who makes the first roll, with players then alternating rolls until the event is complete. Any Advantage or Technique referring to Initiative does not apply on this roll.

Example Debate Topics:
Perfect Land Sect, is it heresy?
Contested Border/Holding Ownership, who should own it?
Meishodo Magic, is it heresy?
Interpretations of the Tao, what is the right interpretation of a passage
Interpretations of Bushido, what is the right interpretation of a tenant of Bushido
Miya's Blessing, who should receive it
Mantis Clan Raids, should Great Clans be allowed to declare war on them?
Crab Clan's Call for Jade, why should they clans listen/ignore?
Trade with Gaijin, should it be allowed?

Each round, a player may either roll Courtier or Etiquette on their turn, but not both.

A player who succeeds in a Courtier/Awareness TN 20 check gains +1 Persuasion point.
Each successful called raise grants +1 Persuasion point.
Free raises from the Exceptional Roll rule may be used to gain +1 Persuasion point per raise, but otherwise have no effect.

A player may only roll Etiquette/Awareness if their opponent has Persuasion points. This is a considered a contested roll against the opponents last Courtier roll, though the judge is the target, not the other player. If they succeed, the player who rolled Courtier looses all Persuasion points from the previous Courtier roll.

Each player must attempt at least one Courtier roll.

The player who made the first roll will get a 4th round in which they may only attempt an Etiquette roll as detailed above.

Your opponent is the judge, not the other player for the purposes of effects. The Judge is Crane and has 0 Advantages or Disadvantages.

Clear Thinker does not apply
Hearless does not apply
Heart of Vengeance: Crane only applies to Etiquette rolls
Imperial Scribe does not apply
Inheritance does not apply as you are not allowed to bring anything to the debates other than the court robes the organizers provided you the previous evening
Inner Gift: Empathy does not apply
Karmic Ties does not apply
Naishou Citizen does not apply
Nikesake Citizen applies to all Courtier and Etiquette rolls, as the judge is Crane
Paragon: Courtesy does not apply.
Reincarnated applies if you selected Courtierfor the first Courtier rolls, but then you suffer the drawback, thus increased the remaining Courtier rolls TN by 5
Shadowed Heart does not apply
Seven Fortunes Blessing: Benten's Blessing applies to all Courtier and Etiquette rolls, as you are trying to convince the judge.
Seven Fortunes Blessing: Eibisu's Blessing does not apply
Touched by the Spirit Realms: Meido does not apply
Touched by the Spirit Realms: Yomi applies to all Courtier or Etiquette rolls if you select one of them for the Advantage.

Antisocial applies to all Courtier and Etiquette rolls
Broken Wave Citizen does not apply
Contrary: If your opponent has Persuasion Points, you must roll for Contrary. If you fail, you must make an Etiquette roll instead of being able to choose between Courtier or Etiquette.
Disturbing Countenance applies to all Courtier rolls
Doubt applies to all Courtier or Etiquette rolls if you have either as your Doubt
Enlightened Madness applies and failure of the Willpower roll means the GM will pilot your character without your input for the next 8 hours in game
Failure of Bushido: Courtesy does not apply
Gaijin Name applies to Courtier Rolls (As Etiquette is contested and therefore does not have a TN)
Seven Fortunes Curse: Benten's Curse applies
Seven Fortunes Curse: Ebisu’s Curse does not apply
Touch of the Void applies, please note that you must make the Willpower roll before your Courtier or Etiquette roll and failure means you are Dazed for the remainder of the debate (Since it is 4 rounds)

The winner is the player with the most Persuasion points.

If at the end of the 3 rounds, if no player has more Persuasion points than the other, the winner of the debate is the character who passed the most rolls. If there is still a tie, then the player who called the most raises. If still a tie, neither player wins the debate.

Players who win advance to the next stage of the tournament, where players who lose are eliminated. At the very end of the tournament, the overall winner has their Topaz points compared to the overall winner of the Iaijutsu tournament and the Taryu-Jiai tournament, the highest point player between the three being declared the Topaz Champion

Re: (Day 7, LM) Courtier Debates

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 10:10 am
by Vutall
The winner of each match receives a bonus of 22 Topaz Points

Re: (Day 7, LM) Courtier Debates

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 11:43 am
by Vutall
You may not bring outside equipment at all.