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(D7, LA Round 2) Kakita Kazuko vs Otomo Nobuko

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 1:12 pm
by Otomo Nobuko
Well, if she hadn't already been nervous in the first round, there was no way to keep her stomach from doing flip-flops over being paired against Kazuko in the second.

She was arguably the best duelist at the academy. She could bow out honorably. No one would think poorly of her. She could...

She could throw caution to the wind and let the universe have it's say. Ichiro thought no worse of her for having done so against him. And no one could possibly expect her to win, so there would be no shame in being beaten by someone like Kazuko.

Nobuko bowed to the judges and then to Kazuko.

"Kakita-san, I am honored to face you."

D7; La; Round 2; Initative: 4d10o10k3 30

Re: (D7, LA Round 2) Kakita Kazuko vs Otomo Nobuko

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 6:24 pm
by Kakita Kazuko
It was quite unfortunate that Kazuko had to face off against a friend so soon but alas. No one could've foreseen Nobuko participating in the Iaijutsu tournament though, least of all her. The shock has long since worn off though and not even facing a friend could make her falter, even if the outcome of this duel is painfully clear to her, though she can respect the attempt, whatever the reason.

"The honor is all mine, Nobuko-san."

Without further fluff or sugarcoating, Kazuko steels her resolve and begins what she believes will be the most one sided match of the iaijutsu duels.


Initiative: D7 LA Initiative: 5d10o10k4+14 45
Assessment: D7 LA Iaijutsu (Assessment)/Awareness, TN30 (3 Raises): 10d10ro1o10k4 41 +1 exceptional

Void, Emphasis, TN, Void Ring, Reflexes pls

Re: (D7, LA Round 2) Kakita Kazuko vs Otomo Nobuko

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 7:32 pm
by Otomo Nobuko
Nobuko is clearly preparing herself to be struck, but has not yet decided to back down. She studies Kazuko, but the girl was well trained and she couldn't get much from her.

Start of 'Combat' round: Spend void to increase ArmorTN +10

Current Stats: Void Points: 3, No emphasis, TN30, 4 Void Ring, 3 Reflexes trait

D7; LA; Round 2; Assessment; Iai;Awa+Map: 9d10o10k5 28 Pass + (28-15)/10= 1 Exceptional Raise

Void Ring and TN pls

Re: (D7, LA Round 2) Kakita Kazuko vs Otomo Nobuko

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 5:41 am
by Kakita Kazuko
Void Ring 5, TN25
Focus: D7 LA Iaijutsu (Focus)/Void: 10d10ro1o10k10+12 77

Re: (D7, LA Round 2) Kakita Kazuko vs Otomo Nobuko

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 6:10 am
by Otomo Nobuko
Nobuko steadied her breathing and focused on Kazuko, her stance the same as any trained in the traditional Crane style. She was not a duelist, but she had spent eight years at the Academy. She had ignored the lessons given.

Of course, as expected, she was no where near Kazuko's level.

D7; LA; Round 2; Focus; Iai/Void + Void+Map: 10d10o10k6+4 45
(77-45)=32 difference; 32-5=27 over the 5 or more threshold; (27/5)= 5 free raises for Kazuko on strike.
Use them to do a called shot that does no damage maybe?

Re: (D7, LA Round 2) Kakita Kazuko vs Otomo Nobuko

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 5:53 pm
by Kakita Kazuko
There are no surprises to be found in the second round, unlike the first. In the end, a courtier is a courtier and a Kakita trained duelist is a Kakita trained duelist and no amount of luck or wishful thinking could bridge the disparity of skill between the two. Even so, the display of talent is something to be marveled at as Kazuko deftly cuts away a lock of Nobuko's hair before sheathing her blade and bowing, letting the lock fall to the ground.

"Thank you for trying your best, Nobuko-san."


(dont mind me just talking big for flavor im not actually that arrogant)
D7 LA Iaijutsu (Strike)/Reflex, TN25: 10d10ro1o10k6+5 48 5 free raises from focus, 4 for called shot to do no damage, 1 for lower tn. Pass
Damage is 0 due to called shot

Re: (D7, LA Round 2) Kakita Kazuko vs Otomo Nobuko

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 6:29 pm
by Vutall
Otomo Nobuko is eliminated
Kakita Kazuko advances, gains 12 points for a total of 240

Re: (D7, LA Round 2) Kakita Kazuko vs Otomo Nobuko

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 9:39 pm
by Otomo Nobuko
Nobuko is not shocked at the outcome, but seeing her hair fall to the floor - however small an amount, leaves her dazed for several moments. She had never cut her hair. Had never considered it. And now some of it was on the ground.

She wasn't sure if it was a kindness for Kazuko to do that or not. Or if it was a punishment for entering the duels in the first place and thinking she had a chance. A misunderstanding if that were the case. She had no expectations of winning when she entered. It was way she had done so in the first place.

Her bow to Kazuko was stiff and as precise as it needed to be, her words tight with emotions she had never had to handle before as she replied, "The outcome was never in question."

After the duelist was formally declared the winner and left the field, Nobuko crouched low to collect the bit of hair, then stood and left, her blunted sword dropped in the rack on her way out.

You're good!

Re: (D7, LA Round 2) Kakita Kazuko vs Otomo Nobuko

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 8:03 am
by Kakita Kazuko
Kazuko lilts her head questioningly toward Nobuko's uncharacteristic behavior but is unable to follow, confined to the arena to prepare for her next duel that will be starting shortly. Perhaps they will have time to talk after the duels finish...


thx, tho i attribute my success to orokos