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(D7 LA) Round 2 Matsu Qiang vs Yasuki Ginkarasu

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 1:04 pm
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
Yasuki Ginkarasu bounced on his feet.

He was going up against the bushi point leader. Arguably the person who had best defined himself as a bushi at the Topaz Championship up to now.

Ginkarasu was careful to listen to the wind and look over the blades, before choosing one and finding a place to stand in the ring.

He'll bow to Qiang deeply. "Matsu-sama. Good luck!"


D7 LA: Iaijutsu: Initiative: 6d10o10k5 29

Re: (D7 LA) Round 2 Matsu Qiang vs Yasuki Ginkarasu

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 1:44 pm
by Matsu Qiang
Matsu Qiang looked a little more rumpled than expected. He had done his best to clean his hakama and sandals after running through the streets, but it was hard to get the mud completely off.

"It is an honor to face you, Yasuki-san," he replied, with a slow, careful bow.

Qiang is in a combat before this time slot so ... I probably can roll initiative and not much more until that gets resolved.
Day 7 Duel with Ginkarasu, initiative: 4d10o10k3 11. Qiang will activate a kata.

Re: (D7 LA) Round 2 Matsu Qiang vs Yasuki Ginkarasu

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 1:19 am
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
Ginkarasu settles into his stance, hand hovering still next to the hilt of his blade.

A dragonfly lands on his head, wings fluttering a moment.

He doesn't move.

It flies away after its rest.

Ginkarasu holds still, reading Qiang as best as he can.

D7, LA: Iaijutsu: Assessment, Map Bonus: 10d10ro1o10k4 61
3 Exceptional Successes!
Would like to know: Void, Void Points, Earth, & Armor TN!
(OOC: Understand you're in the fight! Take your time!)

Re: (D7 LA) Round 2 Matsu Qiang vs Yasuki Ginkarasu

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 7:42 am
by Matsu Qiang
The young Lion assumed a dueling stance. His form is quite respectable, but in a flash of insight, Ginkarasu thought he could perceive a slight weakness.

Day 7 duel with Ginkarasu, assessment with no raises AWA/Iaijutsu (Assessment) +kata TN15: 10d10ro1o10k5+5 49 succeeds with 3 exceptional successes
Asking: TN, Void rank, Void remaining, Emphasis
Ginkarasu wins assessment.

Re: (D7 LA) Round 2 Matsu Qiang vs Yasuki Ginkarasu

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 8:07 am
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
Ginkarasu's hand flexed slowly over the hilt of his borrowed blade. His breath slow enough to be missed by those in the audience.

Qiang had defended the honor of a Kakita, taken down criminals.

Ginkarasu would not put his honor up against him, as much as part of him wanted to claim victory after his bout with Kenji. He could give that much of a gift.

TN: 30 Void rank: 3 Void remaining: 2 Emphasis: Assessment

D7, LA: Iaijutsu: Focus Roll, Map, Assessment, Void, Center, Mastery: 10d10o10k7+8 60

Re: (D7 LA) Round 2 Matsu Qiang vs Yasuki Ginkarasu

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 9:07 am
by Matsu Qiang
Qiang barely saw Ginkarasu in front of him; his keen eyes saw only an opponent in the practice ring, and watched for any telltale movement that would portend the moment for decisive action. The young Lion focused on breathing carefully, evenly….

The buzzing of the dragonfly, still hovering over the Yasuki, changed ever so slightly in pitch.

Day 7 duel with Ginkarasu, focus, contested VOID/Iaijutsu (Focus) +mastery +center +kata +void point: 10d10ro1o10k6+14 68
I believe Qiang will win the focus round, but will hold off before rolling a strike attempt in case Ginkarasu has any concerns?

Re: (D7 LA) Round 2 Matsu Qiang vs Yasuki Ginkarasu

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 9:17 am
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
Ginkarasu began the sliding free of his blade...

(OOC: No concerns. He's not spending last void to increase his TN, as tempting as it is!)

Re: (D7 LA) Round 2 Matsu Qiang vs Yasuki Ginkarasu

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 9:29 am
by Matsu Qiang
The shadow of the dragonfly passed over the Yasuki’s sword hand as it began to move. Spotting the motion in his peripheral vision, Matsu Qiang instinctively sidestepped and drew his own sword, striking the Crab in a blinding motion. The Lion did his best to pull the blow, but it still left a bloody, if superficial cut.

The dragonfly flew away, heedless of the cares of the two men who had just fought below it.

Day 7 duel with Ginkarasu, strike, REF/Iaijutsu (Strike) +center +kata TN30: 9d10ro1o10k4+9 52 hits with 2 exceptional successes, turned to raises for damage
Day 7 duel with Ginkarasu, strike damage with 2 raises for damage (keeping low), 0k1 +Strength +Mastery +2k0 raises +technique: 8d10o10l1+7 9

Re: (D7 LA) Round 2 Matsu Qiang vs Yasuki Ginkarasu

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 9:45 am
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
Ginkarasu makes sure to stop his blow, shinking the blade back into the saya.

He bows, but not before the grin finds his face.

"That was excellent Matsu-sama! Thank you for sharing the moment."

Re: (D7 LA) Round 2 Matsu Qiang vs Yasuki Ginkarasu

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 10:04 am
by Vutall
Yasuki Ginkarasu is eliminated
Matsu Qiang advances, earning 12 points for a new total of 309

Re: (D7 LA) Round 2 Matsu Qiang vs Yasuki Ginkarasu

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 10:05 am
by Matsu Qiang
"Your skill is formidable, Yasuki-san," Qiang replied, bowing respectfully. "Thank you for the excellent match."

Re: (D7 LA) Round 2 Matsu Qiang vs Yasuki Ginkarasu

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 10:16 am
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
"I once managed to assess our host over there, back at Hirosaka. We've got a ways to go before we can claim to be the best, but I'm honored to have a chance to sharpen my skill against the strength of the Matsu."