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(Day 4, LM) Mandatory Event: Weaponry

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 5:28 pm
by Vutall
  • Air is precise, distant, and analytical. Air does not approach the matter directly, but with care, subtlety, and planning.
  • Earth is firm, grounded, and cautious. Earth prefers to act decisively, but only after due consideration.
  • Fire is passionate, inventive, and direct. Fire acts swiftly and with overwhelming force.
  • Water is flexible, responsive, and powerful. Water acts with confidence, flowing around the problem until it finds a solution.
  • Void is the element of no element, the mind of no mind. Void does not think, plan, or react. Void simply acts, moving in accordance with instinct and the natural path of the cosmos
The students are all brought into the Dojo by an old Lion General nmed Akodo Eiko. Inside, they are also met by the Lord of the Kakita Academy, as well as the Governor of Tsuma, the Grey Crane, Kakita Toshimoko. After everyone bows as appropriate, they are all directed to sit on the edges of the dojo, Eiko and Toshimoko each selecting one student a piece to come forward and face one another.

"You all have a duty to be able to protect and defend your lands for your lord. In order to do so, you must be able to utilize different weapons. All samurai should know the ways of the sword, spear, polearm, or stave. Come, select what you feel is best. Show us your form, and then face one another."

Judge Ring Hint:
The judges seem to be particularly focused on your footwork as you attempt to respond to your opponent's technique.
Event Rules:
Participants: Unlimited (Mandatory Event)

Spells: Spells: Allowed, Each roll is considered a "Round". You cast the spell just before the event begins and may not cast during.
Kiho: Allowed, each roll is considered a "Round", Kiho must be activated at the start of the event, not during.
Kata: Allowed, as you activate it as a Free Action during the Initiative post and they last until the combat ends.
Tattoos: Allowed, as each roll is considered a "Round" and you may use free actions at any time.

You may NOT target an opponent with any of these abilities before the event begins.

If you purposefully harm an opponent outside of the realm of the Sumai event (By winning the contested Jiujutsu roll) or the Weaponry event (By winning the contested Weapon roll) you loose 1.0 honor and 10 topaz points. If you do so a second time, you will be sent home in shame, removed from the tournament (and thus the game)

Also please remember that Spellcasting in Rokugan is a very spiritual thing, and to ask for the kami to do something for you is an incredibly rare thing and should not be done lightly.

Please find the Thread that has your name in the title and make your first post, which should include your Initiative, as well as your demonstration roll.

Select a Ring to use during this event. Unless the roll specifically mentions a trait, you must use that ring for the entire event.

Additionally, please post what your Strength score is.

Demonstration: Using whatever weapon you chose from these four: Kenjutsu (Katana), Spear (Yari), Polearm (Naginata), or Stave (Bo), roll that Weapon Skill / Mental, TN 15 to demonstrate your technique. (The Demonstration is not part of the combat and is not an attack)

Then, in Initiative order, players will roll Contested Weapon / Physical Trait. This is considered a Skirmish, so any techniques that benefit apply. Players start in and are considered in Attack stance and may not change their stance. Additionally, while this is considered an attack, players may not perform Maneuvers. The looser suffers their opponents Strength / keep 1 damage. (Damage is rolled by the person who won, they pick what dice to keep, and can be reduced by Void). If their opponent is brought to Down or worse, the person who delt damage will loose 10 topaz points and a 1.0 honor loss.

Conducted the contested rolls until one player has three wins, at which point the match is over.

-Demonstration: You gain +1 Topaz point for succeeding this roll, as well as an additional +1 for every raise you succeed. Exceptional successes have no benefit to this roll.
-Contested rolls: The winner of each contested roll gains +2 points (Maximum 6 Points)
-Calling raises on the Contested rolls grant +2 points if you WIN the contested roll
-For every 10 you exceed your opponents roll by, you gain an additional +1 point, up to your Void in additional points.
-The player who wins Three contested rolls receives +10 Topaz points.

At the end of the event, Akodo Eiko will reveal which Ring he felt was the most appropriate and you will gain +7 Topaz Points if you used it.

After the event is finished, you may attempt to Meditate to restore void points. There is no penalty to this roll as the Dojo is a place of serenity.

Re: (Day 4, LM) Mandatory Event: Weaponry

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 6:34 am
by Vutall
Asako Saburo vs Yasuki Jun NPC
Baushi Jiro vs Kitsu Tsubasa NPC
Bayushi Kaidan vs Iuchi Prashant
Doji Kotomi vs Kaiu Aiichiro
Ide Hazrat vs Shiba Tōya NPC
Ikoma Eichiro vs Doji Hiroyuki
Isawa Tanshin vs Mirai
Kaito Haruki vs Kakita Kazuko
Kaito Kai vs Togashi Dao
Kakita Kenji vs Kuni Yotsuo
Kitsune Zashi vs Mirumoto Hinata NPC
Kokyou vs Otomo Nobuko
Mai vs Hitoshi NPC
Matsu Qiang vs Bayushi Mei Lin NPC
Miya Wyn vs Moto Batbayar NPC
Moto Ichiro vs Kitsuki Arashi
Toritaka Sasaiko vs Kakita Riku NPC
Utaku Ichiro vs Ikoma Nijiro
Utaku Nesrin vs Akodo Kichiro
Yasuki Ginkarasu vs Utaku Himeko NPC

Re: (Day 4, LM) Mandatory Event: Weaponry

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 6:34 am
by Vutall
You may use this thread to commentate/roleplay/observe others matches.

Re: (Day 4, LM) Mandatory Event: Weaponry

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 2:16 pm
by Otomo Nobuko
Nobuko's morning had been too busy to seek out Kokyou before the event, so when the competitors were all instructed to take a seat along the edges of the room, Nobuko made sure she was sitting next to him.

She kept her voice low and at a respectful volume for the event, but only half-paid attention to the matches as she spoke to the charismatic Mantis.

"I wonder at your power of persuasion, Kokyou-san," she said, amused at herself for not considering it before she had taken action. "Did the fates simply work in your favor or did you intend to draw my attention to Erina that I might ask for her continued service?"

Re: (Day 4, LM) Mandatory Event: Weaponry

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 7:52 pm
by Kokyou
"I always intended to draw your attention, Otomo-sama. Since the first day I laid eyes on you. I just didn't have a matter that would be up to your concern." He says, politely, watching the matches in seiza.

Re: (Day 4, LM) Mandatory Event: Weaponry

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 8:01 pm
by Otomo Nobuko
"Do not think a lack of conversation topic has kept my attention from you, Kokyou-san," she huffed out a friendly laugh. "I do not think you could escape anyone's notice, the bright star that you are."

Nobuko let her eyes slide to the match going on and then spoke again, "The matter of Erina and Chen, however, is now important to me. His service? Will it keep him long? Has he been given a new assignment by his lord or his lord's retainers? Will he... If I take Erina with me, will he be taken care of?"

Re: (Day 4, LM) Mandatory Event: Weaponry

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 8:18 pm
by Kokyou
"He'll be relieved of the duty assigned to him today. The Crane told me yesterday. I believe Chen-san has learned a lot. Taking Erina-chan with you will surely be impactful to his life, since he'll be alone. I am sure Kakita Kenji-san is trying to take the matter to Kakita Toshimoku-sama, from what I understood. In any chance, I won't leave Tsuma before I make sure he has been given a sustainable and humble assignment." Kokyou says, and takes the opportunity to indulge his eyes a bit more with her presence before looking back at the matches.

Re: (Day 4, LM) Mandatory Event: Weaponry

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 8:28 pm
by Otomo Nobuko
Nobuko frowned at that and murmured, "Erina may not like him being left alone."

As if it were a choice the girl was to be given.

She started to bite at her lip and caught herself, took a deep breath, and ensured a smile was in place, "Please inform me of his new assignment once he has been given it. And if it is somehow delayed... also please inform me."

Re: (Day 4, LM) Mandatory Event: Weaponry

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 8:29 pm
by Utaku Ichiro
If they do not wish Hitoshi to graduate and they are not willing to outright assassinate him then they have only one choice left. To see him disqualified or wounded past the point of competition.

With that thought in mind, during the time leading up to the match between Hitoshi and Mai, Ichiro made sure to carefully observe their respective training weapons to ensure neither had been tampered with. He was not the keenest of eye but hopefully it would deter any of the guilty parties.

(Investigation for Hitoshi's weapon = 15)
Investigation for Mai's weapon = 25)

Re: (Day 4, LM) Mandatory Event: Weaponry

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 8:30 pm
by Vutall
((Neither weapon seems to be tampered with))

Re: (Day 4, LM) Mandatory Event: Weaponry

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 8:32 pm
by Moto Ichiro
Ichiro arrived early this time to watch a few of the matches before his own he looked at those gathered and as always drifted close to his intended though he was ever quiet and not one to interrupt their interaction however he was perceptive and while his eyes were faced toward the field his attentions were certainly split.

Re: (Day 4, LM) Mandatory Event: Weaponry

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 1:24 am
by Kakita Kenji
Back from his fight Kenji took himself some time to meditate about the fight with yotsuo.
D4 LM Meditation/Void TN20: 7d10o10k4 34

Kenji get's back 2 VP!

Re: (Day 4, LM) Mandatory Event: Weaponry

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 1:40 am
by Kuni Yotsuo
Joining Kenji for meditation, he easily found his center. This state was almost first nature and normal consciousness his second nature.


D4 LM, Meditation / Void, TN 20: 10d10o10k5 46 3 VP recovered

Re: (Day 4, LM) Mandatory Event: Weaponry

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 1:43 am
by Kokyou
Otomo Nobuko wrote:
Mon Aug 10, 2020 8:28 pm
Nobuko frowned at that and murmured, "Erina may not like him being left alone."

As if it were a choice the girl was to be given.

She started to bite at her lip and caught herself, took a deep breath, and ensured a smile was in place, "Please inform me of his new assignment once he has been given it. And if it is somehow delayed... also please inform me."
Kokyou nods to confirm and then mentions it is their turn to fight. After getting defeated, he comes back with a swollen black eye.

Re: (Day 4, LM) Mandatory Event: Weaponry

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 1:48 am
by Otomo Nobuko
Nobuko returns to continue watching the fight, but has to fight to keep from glancing sideways at Kokyou and wincing. If someone else approaches to speak with her, she jumps at the opportunity to distract herself.

Re: (Day 4, LM) Mandatory Event: Weaponry

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 3:39 am
by Kaito Haruki
Kakita Kazuko wrote:
Tue Aug 11, 2020 2:54 am
"Ah, alright.... Give yourself some more credit though, you still beat me once! I'd also be open to teaching you what I know if you want."
(Moving this convo as we get out of the ring)
"That would be nice. Have you ever had to cram for tests with your sensei?" Haruki casually looks around for a healer, doesn't even have to be magic.

Re: (Day 4, LM) Mandatory Event: Weaponry

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 3:59 am
by Vutall
A healer approaches Haruki and requests permission to touch him. Once given, she murmurs a prayer to the Water Kami.

Path to Inner Peace, IR3+Spellcasting+Affinity: 9d10o10k4 28

Haruki heals 18

Re: (Day 4, LM) Mandatory Event: Weaponry

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 4:02 am
by Kaito Haruki
Thank you kindly, shugenja sama

Re: (Day 4, LM) Mandatory Event: Weaponry

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 4:03 am
by Kakita Kenji
Seeing a Healer coming Kenji also approached them after they took care to Haruki. He wasn't seriously beaten up, not like after the fight with Quiang, but he would still like to have some attention raised at some of the bruises he got during the fight with Yotsuo.

"Hello, Healer-sama, i regret to inform you that i might need your attention again." Kenji admitted.

Wounds: 13

Re: (Day 4, LM) Mandatory Event: Weaponry

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 4:16 am
by Vutall
The healer bows to Haruki and then turns to Kenji, whispering the same prayer and placing hands on him after given permission.

Path to Inner Peace, IR3+Spellcasting+Affinity: 9d10o10k4 46

Kenji is healed for 36