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(Day 3, LM) Mandatory Event: Obstacle Course

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 3:03 pm
by Vutall
  • Air is precise, distant, and analytical. Air does not approach the matter directly, but with care, subtlety, and planning.
  • Earth is firm, grounded, and cautious. Earth prefers to act decisively, but only after due consideration.
  • Fire is passionate, inventive, and direct. Fire acts swiftly and with overwhelming force.
  • Water is flexible, responsive, and powerful. Water acts with confidence, flowing around the problem until it finds a solution.
  • Void is the element of no element, the mind of no mind. Void does not think, plan, or react. Void simply acts, moving in accordance with instinct and the natural path of the cosmos
The students are led to a field just south of Kakita Gardens of the Academy by Kakita Naomori, an athletically built man who has the build of someone who is quick on their feet.

"There are many obstacles a Samurai will face during their life, both on the court and on the battlefield. This morning, we will test your ability to not only overcome difficult physical terrain, but also your ability to outpace an enemy. Both are vital skills for many different tasks your Lord may request of you."

He then begins to pair students off and has them run the course set out in front of them. The course is a winding path through the forest, beginning and ending near the Kakita gardens. The obstacles include a log laid across a rushing stream, a pit of mud with hanging ropes to swing across, and a tall-but-uneven wall to climb.

Judge Ring Hint:
"The best way to overcome the obstacles of your fate is by being flexible enough to adapt to them."
Event Rules:
Participants: Unlimited (Mandatory Event)

Spells: Allowed, Each roll is considered a "Round". You cast the spell just before the event begins and may not cast during.
Kiho: Allowed, each roll is considered a "Round", Kiho must be activated at the start of the event, not during.
Kata: Not Allowed, as this is not a Combat.
Tattoos: Allowed, as each roll is considered a "Round" and you may use free actions at any time.

You may NOT target an opponent with any of these abilities before the event begins.

If you purposefully harm an opponent outside of the realm of the Sumai event (By winning the contested Jiujutsu roll) or the Weaponry event (By winning the contested Weapon roll) you loose 1.0 honor and 10 topaz points. If you do so a second time, you will be sent home in shame, removed from the tournament (and thus the game)

Also please remember that Spellcasting in Rokugan is a very spiritual thing, and to ask for the kami to do something for you is an incredibly rare thing and should not be done lightly.

Please find the thread that has your name in the title and post your Initiative and conduct the first Sprint roll, and then state if you are going to attempt to force your opponent in the mud or not. If either opponent says they are going to try to cheat, in Initiative Order, conduct the Raw Strength roll as detailed below. Regardless of the outcome, deciding to cheat is a dishonorable act.

Select a Ring to use during this event. Unless the roll specifically mentions a trait, you must use that ring for the entire event. There are 7 total rolls:
  • Roll 1: Starting Sprint: Athletics (Running) / Physical.
  • Roll 2: Obstacle 1: The first obstacle is a narrow wooden bridge crossing a wide, muddy-bottomed stream bed. Crossing the narrow bridge requires an Athletics / Physical roll, TN 15.

    A contestant who fails the Athletics / Physical roll falls into the mud, and must an Athletics / Agility roll, TN 15,to escape. No points are awarded for this roll, and a student must roll until they succeed.

    Contestants who wish to force one another into the mud while on the bridge must make an Opposed Raw Strength roll. If the winner decided they wanted to cheat, they have forced their opponent off the bridge. If the winner said they do not want to cheat, no one goes into the mud.
---After this portion of the rolls/posts, players may conduct all the remaining rolls in one post----
  • Roll 3: Second Sprint: Athletics (Running) / Physical.
  • Roll 4: Obstacle 2: The second obstacle is a more severe version of the first. A large pit has been filled with mud,thickened with a variety of herbal compounds. Weighted ropes are suspended over the pit.

    Contestants must jump and grab a rope, then swing themselves to the other side. This requires an Athletics / Physical roll, TN 20. Failure means they fall into the mud.

    Anyone who falls in must make a successful Athletics / Agility roll, TN 20 to get out. No points are awarded for this roll, and a student must roll until they succeed.
  • Roll 5: Third Sprint: Athletics (Running) / Physical.
  • Roll 6: Obstacle 3:A large wooden wall blocks the path, reaching a full 15 feet into the air. The boards used in the wall's construction are offset slightly, and can serve as handholds so that the wall may be climbed. This requires an Athletics (Climbing) / Physical roll, TN 25.
  • Roll 7: Final Sprint: Athletics (Running / Physical.
-For each of the four Sprints, Whichever student has the higher roll gains +2 Topaz Points (Maximum +8 possible)
-For each of the three Obstacles, Passing the roll on the first try grants +1 Topaz Point (Maximum +3 possible)
-For Obstacle 1, Falling into the mud costs a contestant 2 Topaz Points, and an additional 1 Topaz point for each failed roll attempting to get out.
-For Obstacle 2, Falling into the mud costs a contestant 2 Topaz Points, and an additional 1 Topaz point for each failed roll attempting to get out.
-Calling raises on the Athletics (Running) rolls grant +2 points if you WIN the contested roll
-For every 10 you exceed your opponents roll by on Athletics (Running), you gain an additional +1 point, up to your Void in additional points.
-Raises on the Obstacle rolls grant +2 points if you succeed on the first roll.
-For every 10 you exceed the TN on Obstacle rolls you succeed on the first roll, you gain an additional +1 point, up to your Void in additional points.

The student with more Topaz Points from this event than their opponent in the thread wins and gains +10 Topaz Points.
-At the end of the event, Kakita Naomori will reveal which Ring he felt was the most appropriate and you will gain +7 Topaz Points if you used it.

After the event, players may attempt to Meditate to restore void points if they have not already done so. If they fell in the mud, the TN is increased by +10 as the sensation of the mud drying and sticking to you and your clothes is distracting.

Re: (Day 3, LM) Mandatory Event: Obstacle Course

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 11:51 pm
by Vutall

Akodo Kichiro vs Yasuki Jun NPC
Asako Saburo vs Kaiu Aiichiro

Bayushi Jiro vs Kakita Riku NPC
Bayushi Kaidan vs Kitsuki Asahi

Doji Hiroyuki vs Mirai
Doji Kotomi vs Shiba Tōya NPC

Ide Hazrat vs Kaito Haruki
Ikoma Eichiro vs Moto Ichiro
Ikoma Nijiro vs Kitsu Tsubasa NPC
Isawa Tanshin vs Toritaka Sasaiko
Iuchi Prashant vs Kakita Kenji

Kaito Kai vs Utaku Ichiro
Kakita Kazuko vs Hitoshi NPC
Kitsune Zashi - Moto Batbayar NPC
Kokyou vs Utaku Himeko NPC
Kuni Yotsuo vs Bayushi Mei Lin NPC

Mai vs Mirumoto Hinata NPC
Matsu Qiang vs Togashi Dao
Miya Wyn vs Utaku Nesrin

Otomo Nobuko vs Yasuki Ginkarasu

Re: (Day 3, LM) Mandatory Event: Obstacle Course

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 7:05 am
by Vutall
Players may post observations/roleplay in this thread!

Re: (Day 3, LM) Mandatory Event: Obstacle Course

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 10:31 am
by Kokyou
Kokyou takes a moment to sit down while watching the other competitors and finally manages to tune in with his self... expanded ego.

D3, LM, Meditation (Void Recovery) Void TN 30: 5d10o10k4 36
+1 VP

Re: (Day 3, LM) Mandatory Event: Obstacle Course

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 11:28 am
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
Similarly, Ginkarasu fall into a trance, seeking to re-energize himself. It'd be horses against his friend Kenji next.

It's no good however. There's just so much fun to watch!

Re: (Day 3, LM) Mandatory Event: Obstacle Course

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 8:25 pm
by Zashi
Zashi huffs and puffs as he heads over to the side with the others who have finished.

"I am never...doing...that...again...without complaining"

Re: (Day 3, LM) Mandatory Event: Obstacle Course

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 11:36 pm
by Asako Saburo
Zashi wrote:
Fri Aug 07, 2020 8:25 pm
Zashi huffs and puffs as he heads over to the side with the others who have finished.

"I am never...doing...that...again...without complaining"
"Agreed... though I am inclined never to do that again if I can help it," Saburo said as he came back from his own match, which had been a surprisingly close one between he and the Kaiu. They had looked evenly matched through the entire first half of it, changing places back and forth. He stopped his panting and brought out a scroll that he read from in a moment of silent meditation and reflection, his hand seeming to reach out into the thin air.

When it was done, and he rolled up the scroll thankfully, he looked... refreshed somehow. "How did you fare?" And even as he said that, he was watching to see whether or not Sasaiko and Tanshin's race had begun. He felt a little sorry for his kin, but ... he was not going to be rooting against his betrothed today.

Re: (Day 3, LM) Mandatory Event: Obstacle Course

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 12:19 am
by Zashi
"Oh, I got my butt handed to me. That Moto is shockingly good at running"

Re: (Day 3, LM) Mandatory Event: Obstacle Course

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 2:30 am
by Asako Saburo
Zashi wrote:
Sat Aug 08, 2020 12:19 am
"Oh, I got my butt handed to me. That Moto is shockingly good at running"
"They don't play around when it comes to physical activities. Remember Moto Ichiro, after all. Having a chance to perform against one of them? There is a certain honor in being pitted against those schools that are trained particularly in it." He chuckled some. "You've been doing reasonably well so far besides that, however, have you not?"

Re: (Day 3, LM) Mandatory Event: Obstacle Course

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 3:06 am
by Ikoma Eichiro
Eichiro strides proudly back to the observers, head, hands, shirt and feet covered in mud. His brown pants are untarnished. Spotting the individual he wishes to speak to, he approaches Hitoshi. "Ah, Hitoshi-san. Just the man I wanted to speak with."

Re: (Day 3, LM) Mandatory Event: Obstacle Course

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 4:06 am
by Bayushi Jiro
Jiro staggers back to the viewing area, looking somewhat the worse for wear. He watches the other competitors, picking strips of mud off of his clothes and out of his hair with disgust.

Re: (Day 3, LM) Mandatory Event: Obstacle Course

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 4:53 am
by Bayushi Kaidan
He took a seat taking a few breath. His new friend help to calm down the adrenaline.

Re: (Day 3, LM) Mandatory Event: Obstacle Course

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 5:19 am
by Vutall
Ikoma Eichiro wrote:
Sat Aug 08, 2020 3:06 am
Eichiro strides proudly back to the observers, head, hands, shirt and feet covered in mud. His brown pants are untarnished. Spotting the individual he wishes to speak to, he approaches Hitoshi. "Ah, Hitoshi-san. Just the man I wanted to speak with."
Hitoshi bows to Eichiro

"Yes, Ikoma-san?"

Re: (Day 3, LM) Mandatory Event: Obstacle Course

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 5:32 am
by Ikoma Eichiro
If Eichiro is bothered at all about the mud, slowly drying and cracking on his skin and clothing and making everything uncomfortable and gritty and bleh... He does not show it at all. He returns the bow, at the appropriate depth. "We of the Lion have been having a little get together, and as another who..." he draws out his fan, shakes the mud off of it and then opens it with a snap. He whispers the next few words behind it, "have the apparent enmity of the Crane..."

The fan snaps shut, slinging some dirt off and it goes back into a rather gritty sleeve. "We would like to have you come drink tea, play a trivia game to help prepare for the days to come, and perhaps overcome all odds with us."

Re: (Day 3, LM) Mandatory Event: Obstacle Course

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 5:34 am
by Vutall
"A study session of sorts? That does sound intriguing, though I must admit I wonder what good it will do. I have answered questions correctly both yesterday and today and yet Doji-sama has failed me."

Re: (Day 3, LM) Mandatory Event: Obstacle Course

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 5:44 am
by Ikoma Eichiro
"Perhaps as a future ally of the Lion, we can appeal to Ikoma-sama for today's results on your behalf." Eichiro smiles and dried mud falls off of his face. "Who you know may be more important that what you know, you know?"

Re: (Day 3, LM) Mandatory Event: Obstacle Course

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 5:47 am
by Vutall
"If you think it would help"

Hitoshi looks off in the distance toward the academy, a hint of anger in his eyes

Re: (Day 3, LM) Mandatory Event: Obstacle Course

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 5:58 am
by Ikoma Eichiro
"My sensei says... Anger is a powerful tool, Eichiro. But it is a katana without a hilt guard. If you don't know how to wield it, you will cut friends as well as enemies." Eichiro follows Hitoshi's gaze, "They train the Matsu to fight using it, they train the Akodo to think using it, but the Ikoma.. we are allowed to show it to warn others."

"To warn them that we do not forget who slights us, or our friends." Eichiro's gaze falls on the Kaiu and then the Toritaka. His expression changes again to one of friendliness as he turns back to Hitoshi. "So spend time with us, perhaps we will become friends along the way."

Re: (Day 3, LM) Mandatory Event: Obstacle Course

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 6:02 am
by Vutall
Hitoshi looks puzzled for a moment before nodding slowly at the words.

"I see. Well, I look forward to our friendship, Ikoma-san"

Re: (Day 3, LM) Mandatory Event: Obstacle Course

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 8:02 am
by Moto Ichiro
Ichiro wanders into the spectator area after his own match feeling a bit invigorated after the rousing trial of athleticism.