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D6 - Two Bird in Hand (Closed/Private)

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2020 10:47 pm
by Asako Saburo
Privacy at the House of the Red Lotus was something that Saburo understood well could only be 'with an understanding.' Nobody would ever dare say that ears listened in, but ears listened in and the Phoenix was nevertheless rather paranoid and aware of this fact. Regardless, a modicum of privacy just once this week with his betrothed would be nice. So, he sent a note her way and made his way to the Lotus, picking around the mud as best he could and taking what steps they offered to clean up afterwards.

Once there, he waited quietly for her arrival, sighing a little. In a few months, this constant dancing back and forth would be over, and he could confess to himself that he looked forward to that day. Negotiations were such a long, arduous process. He had never imagined that fact.

Re: D6 - Two Bird in Hand (Closed/Private)

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2020 10:53 pm
by Toritaka Sasaiko
He does not have to wait long; Sasaiko joins him soon after he arrives, bowing to him as she does.

When she rises, she smiles. "Is this seat taken?" she asks somewhat coquettishly. And why not, since negotiations go well, and they are to be married?

Assuming it's not, she takes the seat, still smiling. More seriously, she says "I hope you've been doing well here."

Re: D6 - Two Bird in Hand (Closed/Private)

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2020 11:40 pm
by Asako Saburo
He chuckled and motioned to the seat once he had risen from his own bow. "It will be once the guest of honor has taken it," he managed in as best an attempt at smoothness as he could manage. For all that he had a detailed and thorough grasp of the work of the courts at this point, and navigating them, he was still always a little awkward. But when it was just the two of them, it did get easier.

"So far, it seems that the both of us are well beyond the expectations of those who have gathered us together. I believe, provided nothing goes awry, that everyone will be allowed to graduate this year." Even Hitoshi, which was good because he'd had trouble remembering to even look out for the boy, and every time he had, it seemed half the graduating class was going out of their way for him. "I do not believe that I am truly in any serious league towards the Topaz Championship... but that does not really bother me. Much as the accolades might be nice, I think even the small attention I got last year has told me how little I enjoy being in everyone's gaze."

Re: D6 - Two Bird in Hand (Closed/Private)

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 12:15 am
by Toritaka Sasaiko
She nods as she takes the seat.

"There is something to be said for being noticed, yes, if it's by the right people." And she winks at him. "I wonder how common it is to have such a slate of graduates here, though. I cannot think it usual, given the stories that are told, but even with the challenges that have been presented, things seem to have gone remarkably well."

She looks at him again and smiles. "Then again, given how good the company is, it's hard to think it could be otherwise."

Re: D6 - Two Bird in Hand (Closed/Private)

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 3:39 am
by Asako Saburo
"I believe that I already caught the eyes that I want on me in the last year," he admitted, coloring some in the cheeks under her gaze. It was true. Himeya gave him the tutelage in Void that gave him the possibility of becoming a tensai of the void, with all of the true power and perfection that entailed, not to mention the Inquisitors. And then, there was Sasaiko... Yes, he had as many eyes as he needed on him right now. "I certainly have no complaints about the eyes who are upon me already. They can make a man feel spoiled and special."

The server wasn't here yet. It would be a moment, so they were free to relax, which he did. His posture was just at the edge of appropriate, lounging as much as he could get away with. "There certainly are some fine competitors, though... I think they usually have one or two failures each year, but this crop must have had a bit of care put into choosing them."

Re: D6 - Two Bird in Hand (Closed/Private)

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 3:49 am
by Toritaka Sasaiko
"That does make the issue of one of the Mantis competitors an interesting one, then," she replies. "And, no, before you say it, not that one."

She grins.

"I can understand wanting that one to, hm, 'go explore.' Elsewhere. Far away."

She sighs a bit.

"I am perhaps overly harsh. Some people grate, but that does not mean they are bad. Perhaps like umeboshi; a little does much.

"Speaking of, where is the server?"

Re: D6 - Two Bird in Hand (Closed/Private)

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 10:14 pm
by Asako Saburo
"I gave them instructions. They should be here in a moment," he said, laughing softly. They both knew who they were talking about. "He's a brutish bit of an oaf, but somehow he maintains his popularity among the masses. I suspect that in the end, he will be so busy upon his future vessel that we won't see him much, though I do hope he learns to keep his mouth shut when we're adults. Some of the permissiveness given him now won't exist then."

A shake of his head and he smirked. "The other two, however, are ... much more interesting. I am still befuddled by how difficult it was for Hitoshi to get as far as he has. He has obvious skill." Saburo was of the opinion something was going on, but the lad was surrounded by help. He didn't see the need to interfere. As the door opened and a servant bowed, coming in low, he returned it and nodded once, requesting miso and a yakitori dish. Something filling today.

Re: D6 - Two Bird in Hand (Closed/Private)

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 10:17 pm
by Toritaka Sasaiko
"That sounds good," Sasaiko adds to the server.

After the servant leaves, she adds "He does have skill, yes, and no small grit to endure against the scorn shown him. I have to wonder what kind of game is being played. The Mantis are among the most ambitious of the Younger Clans, so I can see this being some power ploy among them, but I have to wonder if it is not instead some other's machinations."

She shakes her head. "I am no courtier; it is a challenge to think in such ways. But I know that such things happen, and with astonishing commonality."

Re: D6 - Two Bird in Hand (Closed/Private)

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 11:24 pm
by Asako Saburo
He waited until the server had departed before continuing.

"If it were merely that... Mai and Kokyou would be equally scorned, and both have faired extremely well in the competition," he said, frowning. Hitoshi had been clearly singled out, very obviously so, and that was... a concern, but a concern that he came to realize was for others. Getting himself to give a fuck outside of his duties was sometimes a bit of a chore. He could become hyper focused at times on the path he was on, causing all other distractions to sort of fade away unless they're important to him personally.

"Those two linger only under what I confess is ... well, the traditional stance of the Great Clans towards the Minor. Something that I don't truly share anymore, in large part due to you and Mai. Though the look he gave her, with its fondness, probably said a lot about how much impact she personally had on the matter. "The Minor are only that because of size. They are descended from the kami and founders as well, if distantly now. Each is honored by the Emperor to sustain and address a specific thing that the other clans do not have the time in the midst of their duties to be concerned with. So their existence is the wisdom of the empire. Not all see this, and sometimes... well... certain members make it a little hard to look beyond their eccentricities." Kokyou could sneeze now if he wanted.

"So I expect to see that, as I am sure you do too. There is something personal about that boy. Still, it seems I think that he will pass the tournament and have his gempukku regardless. That is something."

Re: D6 - Two Bird in Hand (Closed/Private)

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 11:33 pm
by Toritaka Sasaiko
She chuckles a bit.

"Diplomatic, Saburo-kun. I appreciate it.

"But, yes, there is something specific about Hitoshi. I cannot place it, and that is perhaps for the best."

She shrugs.

"I wonder if it is somehow related to the elemental shift here. I know you have felt it."

Re: D6 - Two Bird in Hand (Closed/Private)

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 11:53 pm
by Asako Saburo
"I'm learning," he said, smirking right back. "And even if you are to marry into my house, I wish to respect yours as well. The Falcon have their place in this empire." He was pretty firm in that. Might have been reading up on just what that place was over the last year. Not a lot of people even knew much about the Toritaka. But the more he'd read, the more he was certain of the nature of that place. The empire needed a good set of eyes.

"I think... this is probably a more human issue." He remembered the vision of Satsume's spirit, but did not bring that up. "However, as you've said, there is a massive elemental shift at work. Considerable forces of the realms watch over this tournament, and those brought have been marked by many realms. It... has had something of an effect at times." One he had personally avoided despite his own mark.

Re: D6 - Two Bird in Hand (Closed/Private)

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 12:12 am
by Toritaka Sasaiko
"Remind me, Saburo-kun, how you did with divinations before. I confess it is not a particular skill of mine."

Re: D6 - Two Bird in Hand (Closed/Private)

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 11:12 am
by Asako Saburo
"Wretched, Sasaiko-chan. I actually dislike Divination intensely. I am aware it is favored by my kin among the Isawa, but I find it to be an imprecise method. I mustered up just barely enough success to complete it when the test was demanded of me, but I made a case for every other alternate test when I was able." Anything to avoid divination. He had only performed it during the periods of extra credit, if he remembered right.

Re: D6 - Two Bird in Hand (Closed/Private)

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 7:36 pm
by Toritaka Sasaiko
"Probably still better than I would do," she chuckles. "I had but wondered. I know many people would see some kind of omens in our situation--and they might be right. I do not know"

She shrugs before continuing. "I do not know if there is some greater meaning to what we do here. I do not know if there needs to be one. But there does seem to be a lot going on in this place--as was true before. One might think that somebody here attracts trouble."

She winks.

Re: D6 - Two Bird in Hand (Closed/Private)

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 12:39 am
by Asako Saburo
He smiled and blushed a little at the wink. She did like using that as a weapon against him didn't she? Well no matter, he enjoyed it. "I think that there probably are omens. Perhaps not foretellings of the future on their own, but signs of spiritual involvement of other sources. That alone leads one to understand the presence of the mystical, and how it may impact greatly the coming year. I actually believe a lot may happen in the next year after our graduation... I'm just not sure I can predict it."

A consideration and then he nodded. "I'm actually certain there are one or two among us, however, who are ... tied to sakkaku somehow. It is part of why those spirits keep appearing. It is not me, that I know." He had his suspicions on his own ties, but no clarity yet.

Re: D6 - Two Bird in Hand (Closed/Private)

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 12:41 am
by Toritaka Sasaiko
If he thinks the wink is a weapon, he will be in for quite the surprise when she actually tries to work wiles upon him.

"A Mantis?" she asks, referring to the Sakkaku-joined. "It would make sense for some. And I know there's one tied to a...less pleasant Realm. Not the Lowest, of course, but still...unpleasant."

If she picks up on his own concerns about his ties, she says nothing about it. Time enough for that discussion later.

Re: D6 - Two Bird in Hand (Closed/Private)

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 2:06 am
by Asako Saburo
"I am aware that there is one among us with a certain... vulnerability. I sincerely hope that they have been granted a blessed weapon, in order to address the persistence of these issues." He wasn't sure if it was Mai, but there was someone who kept getting attacked by Gaki and that was definitely ... dangerous. "Still, I think for the most part we can handle what has come. It does, however mean that the spirits will likely swirl around us if we are all gathered together again sometime."

(OOC: In Spaceballs 2, the search for more money)

Re: D6 - Two Bird in Hand (Closed/Private)

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 9:36 am
by Toritaka Sasaiko
"I somehow expect that we will be seeing more than a few of the familiar faces again. Something seems...destined might be too strong a word, but meant is probably not."

She nods.

"It seems likely to me that we will have such challenges. Fortunately, I will be better at addressing them."

Re: D6 - Two Bird in Hand (Closed/Private)

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 11:14 am
by Asako Saburo
"I believe you're right," he said as the door opened and the food was being brought in. "I do not think that we have seen the last of many of our fellows here. If for no other reason than Agasha-sama may have her own plans and intention for us. I believe she has developed a certain desire to see us grow individually. I do not know her purpose beyond that though."

As the food was set down, he bowed in passing the servant and breathed in the aroma quietly.

Re: D6 - Two Bird in Hand (Closed/Private)

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 7:18 pm
by Toritaka Sasaiko
"I receive it humbly," Sasaiko says of the food.

After a moment, changing the topic utterly, she asks "Have you given thought to your new name?"