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D6 EA - The Perfect Gift

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 8:29 pm
by Isawa Tanshin
Tanshin had not given much thought to the gift that was customarily given to the host of the Topaz Tournament. Recent events had given him a thought of what might be appropriate to the occasion, and perhaps reinforce some recent events.

He took out his calligraphy set, and spent time meditating over the words of Doji Satsume. He let the thoughts of his own parents flow through him, as well as his adoption into the Isawa. He rose from his lotus position to stand where he had laid out the paper.

Tanshin casts the Spell Reversal of Fortunes, to ask the kami for aid in what he hopes will be a perfect work.
D6 EA - WIllpower to Cast Water Spell +1V TN 25: 5d10k5 22

As he chants for the aid of the Kami, the ink begins to form a vortex, and rises from its well.
It spins with greater and greater speed, spraying ink throughout the room, splattering Tanshin and his parchment with ink.

As the spell ends, Tanshin looks with horror at the condition of the room, and his papers.

Re: D6 EA - The Perfect Gift

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 8:48 pm
by Isawa Tanshin
When the shock had worn off, Tanshin quickly dressed in his spare kimono, and ran off to the markets to procure another outfit for the feast at Kakita Palace.

Re: D6 LA - The Perfect Gift

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2020 6:44 am
by Isawa Tanshin
Tanshin returned to the seclusion of the Laughing Carp Private chambers to make one more attempt at the kakejiku.
He set out his ink and paper as before, and meditated to center himself once again.

Learning from his mistake, he set out 3 parchments with which to draw the kanji, and hopefully impress Toshimoko-dono with his skill and artistry.

For the first two attempts, he let his chi flow through his body, through the brush, through the ink to the paper, exhaling on the away strokes, and inhaling as the brush was drawn towards his body.

D6 EA - Calligraphy/INT +1V TN 40 (4 Raises?): 9d10o10k6 61
Preparation and desperation seem to have paid off, with the creation of an exquisite work.

Feeling satisfied with the work, he carefully returned his supplies to where they belonged.

He once again meditated in preparation of the next test.
D6 EA - Meditation: 7d10o10k4 15
But he can not settle his thoughts.