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(Day 7, EA) Deadly Event: Battle at the Docks

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 12:01 pm
by Vutall
As the participants in the Topaz Champion catch up to the mysterious figure, they end up at a dock a distance away from the Kakita Academy. At the foot of the dock, on the land, Bayushi Sugai stands over the unmoving body of the Topaz Champion, his sword drawn and dripping blood. On the dock behind him, multiple ronin draw their own blades seeing the competitors coming for them, while others on the ship docked there get it ready for sail.

When you attack you MUST state your target in your roll or the attack does not count!

Special: If any player is Knocked Down or Thrown from a Grapple, they fall into the water, setting their TN to 5+Armor. While in the water, they cannot take any action other than Swim or Climb. To swim, a character moves their Water Ring x10 as a complex action. Getting back onto the shore takes 50ft of movement. Alternatively, they may climb, which is an Athletics (Climbing) / Strength check at TN 20.

Special 2: If a character was Dazed during the first part of this event, on their first round of combat they make make their Dazed resistance check. On success, they are no longer dazed and may take their turn as normal. On a failure, they are dazed, and must make a check at the Reactions stage of each round.

c Dazed – A character who has been dazed suffers a penalty of -3k0 to all actions. Dazed characters can only use the Defense and Full Defense Stances and cannot perform an Iaijutsu duel. The character may recover from this Status Effect by making a successful Earth Ring Roll versus a TN of 20 during the Reaction Stage. The target may attempt this roll once each Round, and the TN decreases by 5 each time he fails the roll.

c Mounted/Higher – A character sitting atop a horse or other mount, or who is on higher ground (at least a four foot height advantage), gains a bonus of +1k0 on attack rolls against un-mounted/lower characters. A mounted character may not use the Full Attack Stance

Bayushi Sugai: 0/76 (77 dead)
Ronin Merc A 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc B 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc C 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc D 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc E 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc F 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc G 0 /38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc H 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Vet A 0/57 (58 dead)
Ronin Vet B 0/57(58 dead)

Round 1
Moto Ichiro: 45 (+4 if not first each round) Stance: Attack, TN: 25 - Mounted <----- Current Actor
Utaku Ichiro: 41 (+4 if not first each round) Stance: Defense, TN: (39) 25 - Mounted
Kakita Kenji: 40 (+5 if not first each round, +10 from center on R2) Stance: Center TN: 30 - Mounted
Utaku Nesrin 36 Stance: Defense tn: (32) 25 -Mounted, Dazed
Ronin Veteran Group: 25 Stance: Attack TN 25 Reduction 5. Wounds: A 0 B 0 -30ft from players on docks
Bayushi Sugai 24 Stance: Attack, TN: 25 - 15ft from players
Ronin Mercenary Group 1: 10 Stance: Attack, TN 18, Reduction 1. Wounds: A 0 B 0 C 0 D 0 -30ft from players on docks
Ronin Mercenary Group 2: 7 Stance: Attack, TN 18, Reduction 1. Wounds: E 0 F 0 G 0 H 0 -30ft from players on docks

Player Round Information: Click here
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Re: (Day 7, EA) Deadly Event: Battle at the Docks

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 6:05 pm
by Moto Ichiro
Ichiro first into the fray seeing the Topaz champion injured he screams a moto scream and charges the disgraced runner up. Showing the same prowess as he had in the horsemanship trial as he galloped by Sugai he lashed out a violent kick catching Sugai in the head and wheeling around he punched him hard as he could attempting to send him to the ground. His horse tried to attack but it was no Unicorn war horse the pony couldn't hit the scorpion, though it tried.

D7 combat event attacking sugai bishamon free raise 4 raises for extra attack fa +2k1 tn 45: 10d10o10k8 58 fr for extra damage
D7 combat event attacking sugai damage +1k0 R1 tech +1k0 raise: 8d10o10k3 28

D7 combat event attacking sugai bishamon free raise 1 raise for knockdown fa +2k1 tn 30: 10d10o10k8 45 fr for extra damage
D7 combat event attacking sugai damage +1k0 R1 tech +1k0 raise: 8d10o10k3 25

D7 combat event attacking sugai opposed strength for knockdown: 5d10o10k5 32

D7 combat event horsemanship/awa to make attack tn 20: 6d10o10k3 52
D7 combat event horse attack on sugai tn 25: 3d10o10k2 21 miss

Stance: Full attack
atn 15
void available 2/3

Re: (Day 7, EA) Deadly Event: Battle at the Docks

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 7:03 pm
by Vutall
The scorpion is caught flat footed by the charge and plunges off the dock into the water from the force of the Moto's blow.

KD Resist TN 32: 3d10o10 24

Void to prevent 10 damage (2 remain)

When you attack you MUST state your target in your roll or the attack does not count!

Special: If any player is Knocked Down or Thrown from a Grapple, they fall into the water, setting their TN to 5+Armor. While in the water, they cannot take any action other than Swim or Climb. To swim, a character moves their Water Ring x10 as a complex action. Getting back onto the shore takes 50ft of movement. Alternatively, they may climb, which is an Athletics (Climbing) / Strength check at TN 20.

Special 2: If a character was Dazed during the first part of this event, on their first round of combat they make make their Dazed resistance check. On success, they are no longer dazed and may take their turn as normal. On a failure, they are dazed, and must make a check at the Reactions stage of each round.

c Dazed – A character who has been dazed suffers a penalty of -3k0 to all actions. Dazed characters can only use the Defense and Full Defense Stances and cannot perform an Iaijutsu duel. The character may recover from this Status Effect by making a successful Earth Ring Roll versus a TN of 20 during the Reaction Stage. The target may attempt this roll once each Round, and the TN decreases by 5 each time he fails the roll.

c Mounted/Higher – A character sitting atop a horse or other mount, or who is on higher ground (at least a four foot height advantage), gains a bonus of +1k0 on attack rolls against un-mounted/lower characters. A mounted character may not use the Full Attack Stance

Bayushi Sugai: 44/76 (77 dead) +10 to TNs - 2 Void remain
Ronin Merc A 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc B 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc C 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc D 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc E 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc F 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc G 0 /38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc H 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Vet A 0/57 (58 dead)
Ronin Vet B 0/57(58 dead)

Round 1
Moto Ichiro: 45 (+4 if not first each round) Stance: Full Attack, TN: (15) 25 - Mounted, 15ft from Ronin - Acted
Utaku Ichiro: 41 (+4 if not first each round) Stance: Defense, TN: (39) 25 - Mounted <----- Current Actor
Kakita Kenji: 40 (+5 if not first each round, +10 from center on R2) Stance: Center TN: 30 - Mounted
Utaku Nesrin 36 Stance: Defense tn: (32) 25 -Mounted, Dazed
Ronin Veteran Group: 25 Stance: Attack TN 25 Reduction 5. Wounds: A 0 B 0 -30ft from players on docks
Bayushi Sugai 24 Stance: Attack, TN: (5) 25 - 15ft from players, in water
Ronin Mercenary Group 1: 10 Stance: Attack, TN 18, Reduction 1. Wounds: A 0 B 0 C 0 D 0 -30ft from players on docks
Ronin Mercenary Group 2: 7 Stance: Attack, TN 18, Reduction 1. Wounds: E 0 F 0 G 0 H 0 -30ft from players on docks

Player Round Information: Click here
NPC Stats Click Here

Re: (Day 7, EA) Deadly Event: Battle at the Docks

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 7:32 pm
by Vutall
Ghosting Utaku Ichiro

Seeing his cousin charge, Ichiro nearly follows, but holds, waiting to see what the ronin do now that SSugai has been dumped into the water...

((Hold Action til Ronin act))

When you attack you MUST state your target in your roll or the attack does not count!

Special: If any player is Knocked Down or Thrown from a Grapple, they fall into the water, setting their TN to 5+Armor. While in the water, they cannot take any action other than Swim or Climb. To swim, a character moves their Water Ring x10 as a complex action. Getting back onto the shore takes 50ft of movement. Alternatively, they may climb, which is an Athletics (Climbing) / Strength check at TN 20.

Special 2: If a character was Dazed during the first part of this event, on their first round of combat they make make their Dazed resistance check. On success, they are no longer dazed and may take their turn as normal. On a failure, they are dazed, and must make a check at the Reactions stage of each round.

c Dazed – A character who has been dazed suffers a penalty of -3k0 to all actions. Dazed characters can only use the Defense and Full Defense Stances and cannot perform an Iaijutsu duel. The character may recover from this Status Effect by making a successful Earth Ring Roll versus a TN of 20 during the Reaction Stage. The target may attempt this roll once each Round, and the TN decreases by 5 each time he fails the roll.

c Mounted/Higher – A character sitting atop a horse or other mount, or who is on higher ground (at least a four foot height advantage), gains a bonus of +1k0 on attack rolls against un-mounted/lower characters. A mounted character may not use the Full Attack Stance

Bayushi Sugai: 44/76 (77 dead) +10 to TNs - 2 Void remain
Ronin Merc A 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc B 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc C 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc D 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc E 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc F 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc G 0 /38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc H 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Vet A 0/57 (58 dead)
Ronin Vet B 0/57(58 dead)

Round 1
Moto Ichiro: 45 (+4 if not first each round) Stance: Full Attack, TN: (15) 25 - Mounted, 15ft from Ronin - Acted
Utaku Ichiro: 41 (+4 if not first each round) Stance: Defense, TN: (39) 25 - Mounted - Held Action
Kakita Kenji: 40 (+5 if not first each round, +10 from center on R2) Stance: Center TN: 30 - Mounted <----- Current Actor
Utaku Nesrin 36 Stance: Defense tn: (32) 25 -Mounted, Dazed
Ronin Veteran Group: 25 Stance: Attack TN 25 Reduction 5. Wounds: A 0 B 0 -30ft from players on docks
Bayushi Sugai 24 Stance: Attack, TN: (5) 25 - 15ft from players, in water
Ronin Mercenary Group 1: 10 Stance: Attack, TN 18, Reduction 1. Wounds: A 0 B 0 C 0 D 0 -30ft from players on docks
Ronin Mercenary Group 2: 7 Stance: Attack, TN 18, Reduction 1. Wounds: E 0 F 0 G 0 H 0 -30ft from players on docks
((Utaku Ichiro Held Action Here))

Player Round Information: Click here
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Re: (Day 7, EA) Deadly Event: Battle at the Docks

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 7:36 pm
by Kakita Kenji
Kenji centers himself.

Center stance can't do any Action.

Re: (Day 7, EA) Deadly Event: Battle at the Docks

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 7:39 pm
by Vutall
GHosting Utaku Nesrin:

A bit dizzy from the nageteppo trap, Nesrin holds her position, trying to prevent herself from falling off her horse.

D7 Dazed: 4d10o10 11

When you attack you MUST state your target in your roll or the attack does not count!

Special: If any player is Knocked Down or Thrown from a Grapple, they fall into the water, setting their TN to 5+Armor. While in the water, they cannot take any action other than Swim or Climb. To swim, a character moves their Water Ring x10 as a complex action. Getting back onto the shore takes 50ft of movement. Alternatively, they may climb, which is an Athletics (Climbing) / Strength check at TN 20.

Special 2: If a character was Dazed during the first part of this event, on their first round of combat they make make their Dazed resistance check. On success, they are no longer dazed and may take their turn as normal. On a failure, they are dazed, and must make a check at the Reactions stage of each round.

c Dazed – A character who has been dazed suffers a penalty of -3k0 to all actions. Dazed characters can only use the Defense and Full Defense Stances and cannot perform an Iaijutsu duel. The character may recover from this Status Effect by making a successful Earth Ring Roll versus a TN of 20 during the Reaction Stage. The target may attempt this roll once each Round, and the TN decreases by 5 each time he fails the roll.

c Mounted/Higher – A character sitting atop a horse or other mount, or who is on higher ground (at least a four foot height advantage), gains a bonus of +1k0 on attack rolls against un-mounted/lower characters. A mounted character may not use the Full Attack Stance

Bayushi Sugai: 44/76 (77 dead) +10 to TNs - 2 Void remain
Ronin Merc A 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc B 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc C 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc D 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc E 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc F 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc G 0 /38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc H 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Vet A 0/57 (58 dead)
Ronin Vet B 0/57(58 dead)

Round 1
Moto Ichiro: 45 (+4 if not first each round) Stance: Full Attack, TN: (15) 25 - Mounted, 15ft from Ronin - Acted
Utaku Ichiro: 41 (+4 if not first each round) Stance: Defense, TN: (39) 25 - Mounted - Held Action
Kakita Kenji: 40 (+5 if not first each round, +10 from center on R2) Stance: Center TN: 30 - Mounted
Utaku Nesrin 36 Stance: Defense tn: (32) 25 -Mounted, Dazed, - Acted
Ronin Veteran Group: 25 Stance: Attack TN 25 Reduction 5. Wounds: A 0 B 0 -30ft from players on docks <----- Current Actor
Bayushi Sugai 24 Stance: Attack, TN: (5) 25 - 15ft from players, in water
Ronin Mercenary Group 1: 10 Stance: Attack, TN 18, Reduction 1. Wounds: A 0 B 0 C 0 D 0 -30ft from players on docks
Ronin Mercenary Group 2: 7 Stance: Attack, TN 18, Reduction 1. Wounds: E 0 F 0 G 0 H 0 -30ft from players on docks
((Utaku Ichiro Held Action Here))

Player Round Information: Click here
NPC Stats Click Here

Re: (Day 7, EA) Deadly Event: Battle at the Docks

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 9:55 pm
by Vutall
Seeing Sugai get kicked into the water, two ronin who look a bit more well off than the others glance at each other and then run up onto the deck of the ship, trying to call the crews to assemble.

Sugai swims behind the boat, potentially trying to climb up the other side, away from the fighting

The ronins who were loading cargo and stopped with their katanas drawn all hold their ground waiting to see what the group of attacking Topaz participants do.

When you attack you MUST state your target in your roll or the attack does not count!

Special: If any player is Knocked Down or Thrown from a Grapple, they fall into the water, setting their TN to 5+Armor. While in the water, they cannot take any action other than Swim or Climb. To swim, a character moves their Water Ring x10 as a complex action. Getting back onto the shore takes 50ft of movement. Alternatively, they may climb, which is an Athletics (Climbing) / Strength check at TN 20.

Special 2: If a character was Dazed during the first part of this event, on their first round of combat they make make their Dazed resistance check. On success, they are no longer dazed and may take their turn as normal. On a failure, they are dazed, and must make a check at the Reactions stage of each round.

c Dazed – A character who has been dazed suffers a penalty of -3k0 to all actions. Dazed characters can only use the Defense and Full Defense Stances and cannot perform an Iaijutsu duel. The character may recover from this Status Effect by making a successful Earth Ring Roll versus a TN of 20 during the Reaction Stage. The target may attempt this roll once each Round, and the TN decreases by 5 each time he fails the roll.

c Mounted/Higher – A character sitting atop a horse or other mount, or who is on higher ground (at least a four foot height advantage), gains a bonus of +1k0 on attack rolls against un-mounted/lower characters. A mounted character may not use the Full Attack Stance

Bayushi Sugai: 44/76 (77 dead) +10 to TNs - 2 Void remain
Ronin Merc A 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc B 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc C 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc D 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc E 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc F 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc G 0 /38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc H 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Vet A 0/57 (58 dead)
Ronin Vet B 0/57(58 dead)

Round 1
Moto Ichiro: 45 (+4 if not first each round) Stance: Full Attack, TN: (15) 25 - Mounted, 15ft from Ronin - Acted
Utaku Ichiro: 41 (+4 if not first each round) Stance: Defense, TN: (39) 25 - Mounted - Held Action
Kakita Kenji: 40 (+5 if not first each round, +10 from center on R2) Stance: Center TN: 30 - Mounted
Utaku Nesrin 36 Stance: Defense tn: (32) 25 -Mounted, Dazed, - Acted
Ronin Veteran Group: 25 Stance: Attack TN 25 Reduction 5. Wounds: A 0 B 0 -60ft from players on boat - Acted
Bayushi Sugai 24 Stance: Attack, TN: (5) 25, in water, 50ft away - Acted
Ronin Mercenary Group 1: 10 Stance: Attack, TN 18, Reduction 1. Wounds: A 0 B 0 C 0 D 0 -30ft from players on docks - Acted
Ronin Mercenary Group 2: 7 Stance: Attack, TN 18, Reduction 1. Wounds: E 0 F 0 G 0 H 0 -30ft from players on docks - Acted
((Utaku Ichiro Held Action Here)) <----- Current Actor

Player Round Information: Click here
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Re: (Day 7, EA) Deadly Event: Battle at the Docks

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 12:08 am
by Vutall
Ghosting Utaku Ichiro

Seeing the ronin back off, Ichiro stands his ground atop his newfound trusty steed.

((Reactions phase!))
Dazed: 4d10o10 22 - Nesrin is no longer Dazed! Begin round 2! ((Next post))

Re: (Day 7, EA) Deadly Event: Battle at the Docks

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 12:15 am
by Vutall
Hearing the commotion another group of ronin aboard the boat draw their swords and prepare for a fight. (Added Merc group 3)

Mai and Iuchi Prashant catch up to see the group of Topaz competitors all gathered on the docks, with a group of 8 ronin, swords drawn but engaged. Moto Ichiro and his borrowed horse close to them, and the un-moving body of the former Topaz Champion, bleeding and unconcious, but still breathing

When you attack you MUST state your target in your roll or the attack does not count!

Special: If any player is Knocked Down or Thrown from a Grapple, they fall into the water, setting their TN to 5+Armor. While in the water, they cannot take any action other than Swim or Climb. To swim, a character moves their Water Ring x10 as a complex action. Getting back onto the shore takes 50ft of movement. Alternatively, they may climb, which is an Athletics (Climbing) / Strength check at TN 20.

Special 2: If a character was Dazed during the first part of this event, on their first round of combat they make make their Dazed resistance check. On success, they are no longer dazed and may take their turn as normal. On a failure, they are dazed, and must make a check at the Reactions stage of each round.

c Dazed – A character who has been dazed suffers a penalty of -3k0 to all actions. Dazed characters can only use the Defense and Full Defense Stances and cannot perform an Iaijutsu duel. The character may recover from this Status Effect by making a successful Earth Ring Roll versus a TN of 20 during the Reaction Stage. The target may attempt this roll once each Round, and the TN decreases by 5 each time he fails the roll.

c Mounted/Higher – A character sitting atop a horse or other mount, or who is on higher ground (at least a four foot height advantage), gains a bonus of +1k0 on attack rolls against un-mounted/lower characters. A mounted character may not use the Full Attack Stance

Bayushi Sugai: 44/76 (77 dead) +10 to TNs - 2 Void remain
Ronin Merc A 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc B 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc C 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc D 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc E 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc F 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc G 0 /38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc H 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc I 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc J 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc K 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc L 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Vet A 0/57 (58 dead)
Ronin Vet B 0/57(58 dead)

Round 2
Kakita Kenji: (55) 40 (+5 if not first each round, Stance: Center TN: 30 - Mounted <----- Current Actor
Kokyou: (47) 43 (+4 if not first each round) Stance: Full Defense TN: (42) 26 - Mounted
Moto Ichiro: 45 (+4 if not first each round) Stance: Full Attack, TN: (15) 25 - Mounted, 15ft from Ronin
Utaku Ichiro: (45) 41 (+4 if not first each round) Stance: Defense, TN: (39) 25 - Mounted
Utaku Nesrin 36 Stance: Defense tn: (32) 25 -Mounted
Mai: 29 (+3 if not first each round), Stance: Defense, TN: (26) 20 - On Foot
Iuchi Prashant 25 Stance: Defense TN: 26 (20) - Mounted
Ronin Veteran Group: 25 Stance: Attack TN 25 Reduction 5. Wounds: A 0 B 0 -60ft from players on boat
Bayushi Sugai 24 Stance: Attack, TN: (5) 25, in water, 50ft away
Ronin Mercenary Group 3 15 Stance: Attack, TN 18, Reduction 1. Wounds: I 0 J 0 K 0 L 0 -60ft from players on boat ramp
Ronin Mercenary Group 1: 10 Stance: Attack, TN 18, Reduction 1. Wounds: A 0 B 0 C 0 D 0 -30ft from players on docks
Ronin Mercenary Group 2: 7 Stance: Attack, TN 18, Reduction 1. Wounds: E 0 F 0 G 0 H 0 -30ft from players on docks -

Player Round Information: Click here
NPC Stats Click Here

Re: (Day 7, EA) Deadly Event: Battle at the Docks

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 12:18 am
by Vutall
((Unless there is a reason specifically players want to stick to initiative order, at this point, I don't mind having all players just post when they can to avoid ghosting as the NPCs are all going after the PC's))

Re: (Day 7, EA) Deadly Event: Battle at the Docks

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 12:34 am
by Kakita Kenji
Suicidally Kenji rode into the battle, in his onslaught he put one of the ronin down and together with his new friend the horse he even killed a second ronin.

Kakita Kenji: 45 (55 this round) (+5 if not first each round) Stance: Attack TN: 40 - Mounted
VP for +10 TN

D7 Event Kenjutsu/Agility | Target Ronin Merc A | Bishamons Blessing | 4CR for Extra Attack | +1k0 Mounted | +1k1+1 R1 | TN38: 10d10o10k5+1 41

D7 Event Damage | Target Ronin Merc A | +1k1+4 from Center | +1k0 Kenjutsu Mastery 3: 8d10o10k3+4 46

D7 Event Kenjutsu/Agility | Target Ronin Merc B | +1k0 Mounted | +1k1+1 R1 | 2CR Damage | TN28: 10d10o10k4+1 27
D7 Event Kenjutsu/Agility | Target Ronin Merc B | +1k0 Mounted | +1k1+1 R1 | 2CR Damage | TN28 LUCK REROLL: 10d10o10k4+1 22
D7 Event Kenjutsu/Agility | Target Ronin Merc B | +1k0 Mounted | +1k1+1 R1 | 2CR Damage | TN28 LUCK REROLL#2: 10d10o10k4+1 50 +2 EX
(Friggin hell oroks!)

D7 Event Damage | Target Ronin Merc B | +4k0 Extra Damage | +1k0 Kenjutsu Mastery 3: 10d10o10k2 17

D7 Event Horsemanship/Agility TN20 |Attack Ronin Merc B: 5d10o10k4 28
D7 Event Attack Ronin Merc B TN18: 3d10o10k2 21 HIT!

D7 Event Horse Damage Target Ronin Merc B: 4d10o10k2 22

Damage Ronin Merc A: 46
Damage Ronin Merc B: 39

Re: (Day 7, EA) Deadly Event: Battle at the Docks

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 12:49 am
by Vutall
((A and B are dead!))

Re: (Day 7, EA) Deadly Event: Battle at the Docks

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 1:24 am
by Utaku Ichiro
"Prash, Mai - the boat!"

Ichiro waits to see if the shugenja need to move closer for their magics to work, keeping his steed between them and the ronin.

(Defense stance. Hold until the shugenja. Move to keep 5' in front of them whether that is in current position or if they move forward. Simple action guard x2 - one to each.

My TN to 29, +10 to each of their TNs)

Re: (Day 7, EA) Deadly Event: Battle at the Docks

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 1:27 am
by Kakita Kenji

Re: (Day 7, EA) Deadly Event: Battle at the Docks

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 2:35 am
by Mai
Mai moves forward and touches the downed Champion. The Water Kami hear her call and begin healing the fallen samurai.

Free move to get next to the Topaz Champion.

Path to Inner Peace: 7d10o10k5 42 With the Free Raise to lower TN heals the Topaz Champion by 37.

Re: (Day 7, EA) Deadly Event: Battle at the Docks

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 2:53 am
by Kokyou
Kokyou takes Horsey to the edge of the deck, and, with a "Haaaar," he jumps from the saddle with a mighty leap into the water –– actually trying to land himself on top of the Scorpion villain with this fists.

Stance: Attack
Simple Action: Move 50ft mounted?
Complex Action?: Jump D7, EA Athletics/Agility: 7d10o10k4 26 from horse into water!
Free action: Move 5ft in the air?

Re: (Day 7, EA) Deadly Event: Battle at the Docks

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 7:33 am
by Iuchi Prashant
Riding into the docks just in time to see the Moto dropping Sugai into the water, Prash rides a bit further ahead to stand closer to where Mai is, nodding at Utaku Ichiro and Nesrin as Ichiro stands close to protect him and Mai, then he gets another earring from his satchel - the one with a round-ish rock with two bamboo cones above and beyond it -, holding it tight, whispering a prayer as he points towards the Scorpion in the water, then adjusting it on his other ear.

As he does that, a piece of the ground behind him raises up to the air, then flies directly towards Sugai, hitting close to him as he tries to swim towards the boat, although not close enough to hurt him that much.

Hopefully Kenji, washamo Moto and Nesrin will be able to hold for now...

Casting Earth becomes Sky
Day 7 LM - Event - Turn 2 Battle - EbS damage Vs Sugai: 4d10o10k4 13 - Wtf Orokos..........

EDIT: Forgot to add Stance and TN
Stance: Defence
TN: 26 + 10 from Utaku Ichiro's Guard, so should be 36 for now.

Re: (Day 7, EA) Deadly Event: Battle at the Docks

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 8:38 am
by Moto Ichiro
Ichiro moves up next to Kenji nodding at the crane before looking to the Ronin "Drop you weapons and surrender, turn yourselves over to the magistrates and we will speak for mercy in your sentencing. Fight us now and there will be nothing but death in your future." the Unicorn shouted to the Ronin on the boats.

free action move next to Kenji
action intimidate ronin into surrender, maybe a free raise for them just watching me kick their boss into the water and kenji murder two of them? If so +5 to the roll.
D7 combat event intimidation/will: 5d10o10k3 39

stance defense
atn 37

Re: (Day 7, EA) Deadly Event: Battle at the Docks

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 8:57 am
by Utaku Nesrin
Vision finally clearing as Kenji drops the pair of ronin nearby, Nesrin turns her attention to those on the boat ramp, pausing only a moment as Kokyou flies by and goes splash.

Goldie is a lot less bothered by the movement of the boat than she'd expected, and charges surefooted down the ramp, allowing Nesrin to carve into one of the ronin to slick the ramp with blood. Maybe the unicorn steeds in town have been rubbing off on the ponies here, because this one is more than eager to kick and bite as if she has fantasies of being a battlesteed. Her heavy hoof skims inches from another ronin's head.

Switching to full attack
ATN: 15 (25)
Wounds: 5

Attacking Ronin I in group 3 on the ramp
D7 EA Attack on Group 3 Ronin I,3 raises and Bishamon's for extra attack, TN 33: 10d10o10k4+8 55 success + 1 exceptional FR to go toward damage
(derp. 4 raises not 3, TN 38. Rerolling damage for correct pool. One less exception FR)
D7 EA Attack on Group 3 Ronin I Damage CORRECT POOL: 8d10o10k2 14

D7 EA Attack on Group 3 Ronin I, 4 raises and Bishamon's for extra attack, TN 38: 10d10o10k4+8 42
(sigh, ignore the raises. Incorrect paste after editing my template for proper extra attack raises) extra damage.)
D7 EA Attack on Group 3 Ronin I Damage Includes extra 5k0 for damage (not extra attack): 10d10o10k3 26 (40 total, Ronin I is dead)

Goldie attack!
D7 EA Attack on Group 3 Ronin J, Horsemanship/Awareness TN 20 to encourage Goldie to attack: 10d10o10k4+8 42

D7 EA Attack on Group 3 Ronin J, Horse attack: 3d10o10k2 18
Close but nope.

Re: (Day 7, EA) Deadly Event: Battle at the Docks

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 6:19 pm
by Vutall
The Topaz Champion's wounds close, but she remains unconscious, though her life is no longer in danger.

Seeing three of their numbers cut down so quickly, and hearing the words of the Moto, the ronin hesitate, their blades waving for just a moment.

The ronin on the boat all take up stances, waiting for the enemy to engage them on their terms, the close quarters of the boat deck sure to prevent the agile horses from maneuvering.

Sugai yells out "Kill them!" after he is hit with a rock and tries his best to swim away from Kokyou, diving under the water to swim faster. He surfaces near the stern (back) of the boat. ((Void down damage))

The ronin next to Kenji and Moto Ichiro both flee back toward the boat, narrowly slipping past Nesrin.

The only group that remains not on the boat all attempt to take down the mounted battle maiden, but only one blade gets past her defenses
Attack vs Nesrin, TN10, all call 2 raises for damage, TN20: 3#6d10o10k3 36 15 19

The cut however, is deep!
Damage vs Nesrin, Void for katana +1k1: 7d10o10k3 34

When you attack you MUST state your target in your roll or the attack does not count!

Special: If any player is Knocked Down or Thrown from a Grapple, they fall into the water, setting their TN to 5+Armor. While in the water, they cannot take any action other than Swim or Climb. To swim, a character moves their Water Ring x10 as a complex action. Getting back onto the shore takes 50ft of movement. Alternatively, they may climb, which is an Athletics (Climbing) / Strength check at TN 20.

Special 2: If a character was Dazed during the first part of this event, on their first round of combat they make make their Dazed resistance check. On success, they are no longer dazed and may take their turn as normal. On a failure, they are dazed, and must make a check at the Reactions stage of each round.

c Dazed – A character who has been dazed suffers a penalty of -3k0 to all actions. Dazed characters can only use the Defense and Full Defense Stances and cannot perform an Iaijutsu duel. The character may recover from this Status Effect by making a successful Earth Ring Roll versus a TN of 20 during the Reaction Stage. The target may attempt this roll once each Round, and the TN decreases by 5 each time he fails the roll.

c Mounted/Higher – A character sitting atop a horse or other mount, or who is on higher ground (at least a four foot height advantage), gains a bonus of +1k0 on attack rolls against un-mounted/lower characters. A mounted character may not use the Full Attack Stance

Bayushi Sugai: 47/76 (77 dead) +15 to TNs - 1 Void remain
Ronin Merc C 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc D 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc E 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc F 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc G 0 /38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc H 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc J 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc K 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc L 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc M 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc N 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc O 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Merc P 0/38 (39 dead)
Ronin Vet A 0/57 (58 dead)
Ronin Vet B 0/57(58 dead)
Ronin Vet C 0/57(58 dead)
Ronin Vet D 0/57(58 dead)

Round 3
Kokyou: (51) 43 (+4 if not first each round) Stance: Attack TN: 26 - in water, 25ft away from Sugai
Moto Ichiro: (49) 45 (+4 if not first each round) Stance: Defense, TN: (37) 25 - Mounted, -30ft from boat
Utaku Ichiro: (49) 41 (+4 if not first each round) Stance: Defense, TN: (29) 25 - Mounted, 40ft from ronin 1
Kakita Kenji: (45) 40 (+5 if not first each round, Stance: Attack TN: (40 for one round)30 - Mounted, -30ft from boat <----- Current Actor
Utaku Nesrin 36 Stance: Full Attack TN: (10) 25 -Mounted, engaged with ronin 3, 10ft from boat
Mai:(32) 29 (+3 if not first each round), Stance: Defense, TN: (36) 20 - On Foot, 45ft from boat
Iuchi Prashant 25 Stance: Defense TN: 36 (20) - Mounted, 50ft from Boat
Matsu Qiang 24 Stance: Full Attack, TN (10) 20) - On Foot, 60ft from Boat
Ronin Veteran Group: 25 Stance: Attack TN 25 Reduction 5. Wounds: A 0 B 0 -45ft from M. Ichiro, on boat
Bayushi Sugai 24 Stance: Attack, TN: (5) 25, in water, 30ft away from group Kokyou
Ronin Veteran Group 19 Stance: Attack TN 25 Reduction 5. Wounds: C 0 D 0 -On Boat
Ronin Mercenary Group 3 15 Stance: Attack, TN 18, Reduction 1. Wounds: J 0 K 0 L (1 Void) 0 -Engaged with Nesrin
Ronin Mercenary Group 1: 10 Stance: Attack, TN 18, Reduction 1. Wounds: C 0 D 0 -On Boat
Ronin Mercenary Group 8 Stance: Attack, TN 18, Reduction 1. Wounds: M 0 N 0 O 0 P 0 -On Boat
Ronin Mercenary Group 2: 7 Stance: Attack, TN 18, Reduction 1. Wounds: E 0 F 0 G 0 H 0 -On Boat

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