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D2 EE - UNCLEAN! (local bath house) - Open

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 9:38 am
by Asako Saburo
Saburo had gotten through the heraldry event by the skin of his teeth, not in terms of his capacities. He'd actually done... tolerably for that. The personal chop wasn't something that would have really gotten his goat anymore, not like the old days. But, instead, there was another part of him that was just feeling like his skin was practically crawling from the inside out. He hadn't properly had the chance to bathe between the sumai and heraldry events.

That wasn't to say that he hadn't bathed. He'd bathed. But it had been a quick lather to remove the outer layer of grime. There were expectations. He had needs. He felt, oh kami he was feeling itchy and disgusting and it was taking everything that he could do not to start screaming bloody murder towards the end for the event to come to its conclusion. Not that anyone SAW that. no, no, he was a poised samurai. There were expectations, you see. And ... where was that blasted bath house? He'd seen it on the way into, THERE!

He cast a couple zeni the direction of the proprietor without even thinking about it, giving a quick bow as he went inside and began to strip swiftly and slather himself with water. He had to get the grime off of his body. "Oh gods, but tomorrow is going to be awful," he told himself. The obstacle course. That... he'd seen the ground. THERE WAS MUD OUT THERE!!! Did they have any concept how much filth was in that? The possibility of infection was mind-blowing from a simple fall alone!

Re: D2 EE - UNCLEAN! (local bath house) - Open

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 10:08 am
by Mai
Mai entered in after him. She bowed. "Hello, Asako-san." She then undressed and did all the proper things before getting into the bath."

Re: D2 EE - UNCLEAN! (local bath house) - Open

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 10:12 am
by Asako Saburo
Wait, he'd been in the midst of scrubbing. Had someone spoken to him? Still felt grimy... still felt... breathe, breathe. Ok, he could do this. Wrapping in one towel, with a pair of others over his arms, he came into the bath proper and saw Mai there. "Ah, Mai-san. I thought I heard a familiar voice, he said, bowing finally as he got into the water. Only as the heat reached him did he begin to relax. "I feel as i I never quite get the road off of me, no matter how long I wash. How have you found the tournament so far?"

He looked healthy, but definitely discomfitted, going through the motions of getting his head back in the game. At least the water was helping.

Re: D2 EE - UNCLEAN! (local bath house) - Open

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 10:21 am
by Mai
"Yeah. I much prefer ships. Less dirty." She begins to relax in the water. "It has been good so far. I've past both tests easily enough. How about yourself?" Mai didn't doubt his Heraldry ability. Though she wasn't sure how he did in the sumai contest.

Re: D2 EE - UNCLEAN! (local bath house) - Open

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 7:29 am
by Asako Saburo
Amusingly enough? He had never been prepared for heraldry when the two of them had met. He'd had to study a little bit of everything while he was trying to unlock the potential of an Ishiken. It had helped, but if you had asked him the questions he was asked today a year back? He wouldn't have done so well.

He dunked his head before bringing it up again, feeling the water remove the grime he perceived there even if it wasn't. "Ah... Below decks are les pleasant in my limited experience, but the actual deck is extremely clean in a good crew's hands." His eyes opened slowly and a sigh escaped his lips. "My Sumai match was against Kakita Riku. Though I prevailed, it took everything I had. She is not to be taken lightly, should you face off against her." A shake of his head. "The heraldry went well enough though I fear that I have yet to memorize the entire empire's personal chops."

That... was probably a joke there.

Re: D2 EE - UNCLEAN! (local bath house) - Open

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 9:17 am
by Mai
"My match was against Kuni Yotsou." Could that be a bit of a blush? Or was it just the heat of the bath? "Well, I will keep that in mind. I would like to win the Topaz Championship, but I would be happy if any from our dojo made it. It is good to know what the others might bring."

At his heraldry comments, Mai shook her head. "I am surprised. You're Asako Saburo. Are you sure you're not just making it sporting for the rest of us?" Mai gave a small laugh and sat back. "I got lucky. I've been learning about the Lion and got the Ikoma Daimyo's mon."

Re: D2 EE - UNCLEAN! (local bath house) - Open

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 11:09 pm
by Asako Saburo
He barked an uncomfortable laugh. "I believe I may finally have managed to dip into the ranks of 'everyone else' this time. All of you have grown in your abilities, Mai-san. It's actually almost a relief. To me, the trade-off of plumbing the depths of a secret I never thought I would touch is a fine trade-off if I cannot be the best at everything." He snickered some, shaking his head. "The idea of being Topaz Champion is tempting. Rare is the shugenja who holds the title, but I am simply pleased to be here and to show Asako Himeya-sama what I've learned.

The conversation was easing his earlier nerves, taking his mind off of the grimy sensations that were partially in his own head. "A Kuni? I expect that one gave you a good challenge. I was, I admit, paying attention to Toritaka-san's match with the Lion." There was a pause and he sighed. "I don't think I had the chance to mention. We are betrothed. It will be ... interesting should we face each other in Taryu-Jiai." Secretly? He wanted that to happen. He wanted to see her magic. Both of theirs actually, but Sasaiko's for personal reasons.

Re: D2 EE - UNCLEAN! (local bath house) - Open

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 11:30 am
by Mai
"I know what you mean. I have not done as well as others, and it feels a little good. It would be wonderful to bring home the Topaz Championship to the Mantis, but also very pressuring. I'll let Kokyou do it."

Mai is a bit surprised at the betrothal. "Congrats! I don't know her well, but she seems like a fine girl. I wish you both the best." She was happy for her friend. Admittedly, she would not have expected this from him when they first met. But it's nice to see people grow and change.

"Though I don't even want to think of the Taryu-Jiai matches. My focus is on getting there first. Then, worry about that stuff."

Re: D2 EE - UNCLEAN! (local bath house) - Open

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 7:38 am
by Asako Saburo
"She is a very ardent lover of the law and the study of the magistrates. I would definitely say that it was her passion for that work that first caused the two of us to know each other. We did a bit of study together last year, when we first met. Pleasantly, our families seem to approve of the match too. Thank you." He nodded. There was a little color in his cheeks. It was not hidden that he was pleased with the match himself. If you had asked him if he had expected to find his betrothed in those days he probably would have been shocked.

A little laugh and he closed his eyes. "Yes. First thing's first. Some of our brethren are quite focused upon that singular prize are they not? Isawa-san is certainly very determined." And if Tanshin wanted it? He was welcome to it. Saburo was not here to underperform, but he was beginning to believe that it was not something that suited what he believed his purpose was.

(OOC Apologies for the significant lateness. One hell of a week. I'm jumping back in d5, so if you want to let this go fallow, feel free.)