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D3 LE Kitty training, Inari shrine

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 10:54 pm
by Bayushi Kaidan
Bayushi Kaidan and his new companion seemed to be starting some training. He seemed to this day be one with the realm of Chikuchudo. The horse liked him and this kitty is such sweet thing. Still, she was an enemy of the messagers of Daikoku but such cute face. But she will have to learn her name and to follow him. "Ninya... come..." He really doesn't know anything about cats.

//D3 LE Animal Handling AWA untrained teaching Ninya: 4d10k4 13

Re: D3 LE Kitty training, Inari shrine

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 2:38 am
by Matsu Qiang
“Cute kitten,” came a young man’s voice from the temple entrance. There, Matsu Qiang stood framed in the archway.

“Konbanwa, Bayushi-san,” he said, bowing politely. “Does she really come when called?”

Re: D3 LE Kitty training, Inari shrine

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 10:14 am
by Bayushi Kaidan
"Konbanwa Matsu san... not yet I just found her yesterday and trying to acclimate her to her new life." He nodded. "I came here to see if a fortune would give me guidance to what to do with her."

Re: D3 LE Kitty training, Inari shrine

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 11:24 am
by Matsu Qiang
"You found her, eh?" Qiang said with a small smile. "Pardon me for saying, but it looks to me like maybe she has found you. Perhaps the Fortunes are giving her guidance on what to do with you, hmmm?"

Re: D3 LE Kitty training, Inari shrine

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 1:08 pm
by Ide Hazrat
Although he is about to leave the temple complex, Hazrat cannot resist investigating when he hears the sounds of a cat at play. He crouches down some distance away, making a beckoning motion towards the animal to call it over to him. "Hello, Little Muul-chan. Stardenburdenhardenbart."

Awareness / Animal Handling: 37

Noticing Kaidan and Qiang, he gives a bow while continuing to scratch around the cat's ears. "I'm sorry to intrude, but this is one of the most splendid cats I have seen in some time and I could not resist. What is her name?"

Re: D3 LE Kitty training, Inari shrine

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 3:16 pm
by Bayushi Kaidan
Kaidan blinked a few times at both the Matsu and the strange Unicorn. "I... don't know Matsu san." The he turned to the Ide. "Ninya... is what I call her."

Re: D3 LE Kitty training, Inari shrine

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 11:19 pm
by Matsu Qiang
"Ninya seems a fine animal," Qiang said politely. "She's lucky to have found someone as dutiful as yourself to care for her."

Re: D3 LE Kitty training, Inari shrine

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:09 am
by Ide Hazrat
Hazrat nods in agreement. "Oh, yes, a very fine animal. She could be a hunter or guardian for your home. Even as young as she is, she is clearly a very clever cat."

Re: D3 LE Kitty training, Inari shrine

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 3:45 am
by Bayushi Kaidan
"Is there anything I should know? I am new to this and you seem knowledgeable Unicorn san." He bowed. He looked at the Matsu. "I don't know if dutiful will be the right word."

Re: D3 LE Kitty training, Inari shrine

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 4:03 am
by Akodo Kichiro
"MATSU-SAN!" Rings out from some unknown source in a distance. A hushed tone as if to respect these hallowed grounds but a shout nonetheless.

Rounding around the corner comes Akodo Kichiro who immediately drops hunched over forward with his hands on his knees. His breath haggard and posture shaky displaying a weakness of earth. In a painfully slow jog he catches up to the group. "Matsu-san! This isn't the *Catches breath* right way." Kichiro respectfully bows to those in attendance. "The shrine to Jurojin is over here. We must hurry." Kichiro says just as a spike of pain races through his stomach roaring with an oni's might.

Re: D3 LE Kitty training, Inari shrine

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 4:17 am
by Bayushi Kaidan
"Akodo san?" He said concerned. "Jurojin? What happened?"

Re: D3 LE Kitty training, Inari shrine

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 4:24 am
by Matsu Qiang
“I’m afraid Akodo-san has been poisoned,” Qiang explained. “Well... several of us have, actually.” He looked rather embarrassed at the idea that they, in fact, were suffering due to such a thing.

“I had heard you might have some expertise with healing remedies, Bayushi-san?” Qiang asked delicately. “That is, if it would not be too much trouble for you?”

Re: D3 LE Kitty training, Inari shrine

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 4:30 am
by Akodo Kichiro
"Ronin punk. Corrupted our supper!" Kichiro decries the outrageous assault to human decency. "Today had so much running... So much riding... All these quizzes. I just wanted one bowl of rice. Just one." Kichiro's face might be cold as ice but his tone. His very voice weaves a tale of immense insult and the denial of basic human necessity.

A small gag suppressed by Kichiro's fist against his mouth. "An offering to Jurojin for speedy recovery. Plenty of water. Lots of rest." Kichiro says to the most basic of recovery plans.

Re: D3 LE Kitty training, Inari shrine

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 4:53 am
by Bayushi Kaidan
"I see..." he nodded and wondered if Mei lin had anything to do with this. "Tell me what it tasted like... i may be able to help." He turned to the Matsu. "You are right, I have learned the way for healing remedies." He looked at the Ide. "Unicorn san will you take care of Ninya chan? I am sorry to impose."

He moved to the shrine of Jurojin to find some of the offerings. "My apologies Jurojin no kami but I might need your offerings to be able to help."

Re: D3 LE Kitty training, Inari shrine

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 6:14 am
by Ide Hazrat
Hazrat collects Ninya-chan and steps out of the way so that the Bayushi can do what he needs to. The entire turn of events is surprising, but he can tell that the best way he can help is not to interfere. "Do not worry, Scorpion-san. This is no time to fret over impositions. I will take care of little Ninya. Do what you can to help the affected."

Re: D3 LE Kitty training, Inari shrine

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 6:31 am
by Matsu Qiang
Qiang followed Kaidan as he headed toward Jurojin's shrine.

"We kept a bit of the poisoned food as evidence," he volunteered. "Would that help you determine the right remedy?"

The Lion produced a small paper packet from a sleeve. Carefully wrapped within the paper was a small portion of glutinous rice with vegetables.

Re: D3 LE Kitty training, Inari shrine

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 7:20 am
by Bayushi Kaidan
Kaidan examined the food. He noted what type of poison could have been. "I know what to do..." He tool some herbs and some bits of charcoal and made a paste. He found some water and made a slurry that was easier to drink. "Drink this." He offered the Lions. "Is there anyone else who was poisoned?"

//D3 LE Medicine Antidote INT 1CR for better taste TN 25: 7d10r1o10k5 47 let's use this roll to identify the poison

D3 LE Craft Poison Antidote INT 1CR for better taste TN 25: 8d10o10k5 38

Re: D3 LE Kitty training, Inari shrine

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 10:12 am
by Matsu Qiang
Qiang accepted the compound prepared by Kaidan. “Kampai!” He said, raising the potion up momentarily, as if announcing a toast. Then he tossed the liquid down his throat, gulping it down quickly.

It was surprisingly sweet.

Re: D3 LE Kitty training, Inari shrine

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 11:02 pm
by Akodo Kichiro
"Kampai." Kichiro echos with far less enthusiasm and raises his potion. He downs it quick expecting the worst and turns out its not bad!

"Thank you Bayushi-san." Kichiro humbly bows in thanks to the scorpion.

Re: D3 LE Kitty training, Inari shrine

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 1:07 am
by Bayushi Kaidan
He nodded. "You should be feeling better soon. Was it just you two or someone else took the poison?"