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(D6, LM) Mandatory Event: Archery

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 7:17 am
by Vutall
  • Air is precise, distant, and analytical. Air does not approach the matter directly, but with care, subtlety, and planning.
  • Earth is firm, grounded, and cautious. Earth prefers to act decisively, but only after due consideration.
  • Fire is passionate, inventive, and direct. Fire acts swiftly and with overwhelming force.
  • Water is flexible, responsive, and powerful. Water acts with confidence, flowing around the problem until it finds a solution.
  • Void is the element of no element, the mind of no mind. Void does not think, plan, or react. Void simply acts, moving in accordance with instinct and the natural path of the cosmos
The students gather back in the Academy training field. Archery butts are placed in a long row at one side of the training field, and three lines are drawn in the sand in intervals, leading away from each butt. Contestants collect a bow and three arrows, line up at the closest line, fire, then retreat to the next line and repeat, so that each shot becomes more difficult as Kakita Naomori watches over them.

"The art of Kyujutsu is close to every Samurai's heart. Just as they carry a blade at their hip and are three feet from death at any moment, so too should they carry a bow, to ensure they can defeat death before it reaches them."

Judge Ring Hint:
"True archers understand that the arrow knows the way to the target."
Event Rules:
Participants: Unlimited (Mandatory Event)

Spells: Allowed, Each roll is considered a "Round". You cast the spell just before the event begins and may not cast during.
Kiho: Allowed, each roll is considered a "Round", Kiho must be activated at the start of the event, not during.
Kata: Not Allowed, as this is not a Combat.
Tattoos: Allowed, as each roll is considered a "Round" and you may use free actions at any time.

You may NOT target an opponent with any of these abilities before the event begins.

If you purposefully harm an opponent outside of the realm of the Sumai event (By winning the contested Jiujutsu roll) or the Weaponry event (By winning the contested Weapon roll) you loose 1.0 honor and 10 topaz points. If you do so a second time, you will be sent home in shame, removed from the tournament (and thus the game)

Also please remember that Spellcasting in Rokugan is a very spiritual thing, and to ask for the kami to do something for you is an incredibly rare thing and should not be done lightly.

Select a Ring to use during this event. Unless the roll specifically mentions a trait, you must use that ring for the entire event.

This event uses Kyujutsu (Yumi) / Physical rolls at scaling TNs

Shot 1: TN 15
Shot 2: TN 20
Shot 3: TN 25

-The student gains 1 Topaz Point per passed roll (Maximum 3 Points)
-Each raise on a successful Shot 1 grants +1 Topaz Point
-Each raise on a successful Shot 2 grants +2 Topaz Points
-Each raise on a successful Shot 3 grants +3 Topaz Points
-Exceptional Success Raises may be utilized if you possess the skill you are rolling, each exceptional success (Up to your Void) granting +1 points
-If a student passes all 3 rolls, they are deemed to have sufficient knowledge of Kyujutsu, passing the event and are awarded 5 Topaz Points
-At the end of the event, Kakita Naomori will reveal which Ring she felt was the most appropriate and you will gain +5 Topaz Points if you used it.

Re: (D6, LM) Mandatory Event: Archery

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:32 am
by Mirai
While Mirai could have tried to push herself, she only sought to do average in the archery event. Her first shot nearly had her thinking of breaking that vow, but her second barely hit, and her third just missed. Over all, a rather mediocre showing.

First shot, TN 15, 5k4 = 53 (1 Point, Phantom Rank)
Second shot, TN 20, 5k4 = 21 (1 Point)
Third shot, TN 25, 5k4 = 22 (Fail)

2 Topaz Points

Re: (D6, LM) Mandatory Event: Archery

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:55 am
by Asako Saburo
Where weaponry and tests of the arts of the katana were difficult for Saburo, the work of the bow was a thing he had taken time in training. Knowing the limitations of calling upon his sacred powers in the midst of combat, he had well trained in kyujutsu for the possibility of being required to aid even after the gifts of the kami were expended.

With ease, he drew and fired without a second thought. He almost got cocky on the second shot, and so took just a fraction of a second more on the last to make the target. Once done, he bowed to the proctor and moved back to the appropriate distance with those who were finished. As soon as he was permitted to do so, he drew a scroll he had grown accustomed to looking over in the last several days and reached out into nothing, looking... refreshed, as if he had meditated or rested for a few hours.

Selected Ring: Void
Required Rolls:
Kyujutsu/Void 1st Shot, Void for 1k1, 2 CR (TN 25): 55, Exceptional Success +3
Kyujutsu/Void 2nd Shot, Void for 1k1, 2 CR (TN 30): 31, Success
Kyujutsu/Void 3rd Shot, Void for 1k1, 1 CR (TN 30): 41, Exceptional Success +1

[b}Final Result:[/b]
Rolls Made (3) + Called Raises (2 + 4 + 3 = 9) + Exceptional Successes (4) + Completed Test (5) = 21 (Before possible Ring Bonus)

Recovery Roll:
Drawing the Void, 1 FR + 2 CR (TN 20): , +3 Void Points

Re: (D6, LM) Mandatory Event: Archery

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 10:04 am
by Mai
Mai's arrows struck true. She was happy though. It was impressive for shugenja who never did any formal training in the art of kyujutsu.

Ring: Void

D6 Archery: 1st Shot 2 Raises: 7d10o10k4 35 +4 Topaz Points

D6 Archery: Kyujutsu/Void 2nd Shot 1 Raise: 7d10o10k4 39 +4 Topaz Points

D6 Archery: Kyujutsu/Void 3rd Shot 2 Raises Void: 8d10o10k5 36 +7 Topaz Points

Pass: +5 Topaz Points

Total (Not Counting Ring Bonus): +20 Topaz Points

Re: (D6, LM) Mandatory Event: Archery

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:10 am
by Miya Wyn
<Void Ring>

Wyn Steps up to the line, trying to trust the arrow to find the way without aiming, while the first shot hits well, the final two both go wide. He just shakes his head, apparently his arrows did not share his absolute direction advantage.

D6 LM Archery/Void TN 15: 7d10o10k3 30
+2 TP
D6 LM Archery/Void TN 20: 7d10o10k3 19
+0 TP
D6 LM Archery/Void TN 25: 7d10o10k3 24
+0 TP

Total 2 TP + Ring

Re: (D6, LM) Mandatory Event: Archery

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 12:25 pm
by Utaku Nesrin
In truth the bow was Nesrin's favorite weapon. There was this strange stillness at its heart despite the controlled motion of the draw and release and the speed of the arrows. She never felt more like a pillar between the earth and the heavens than when she held her footing and raised the bow, trusting the unseen to guide her arrows.

The first shots fall slightly short. When she steps to the final line, she breathes with the draw, closes her eyes, and tries to stop getting in the way of the arrow's flight, letting the string slip from her fingers without thought. This time, the arrow struck true.

Ring: Void

Note that I tabbed too fast without noticing and the autofill for campaign ended up as just 'N'. Caught for 3rd roll.

Shot 1:
D6, LM Archery, Kyujutsu/Void 4 raises TN 35: 8d10o10k4+8 32 fail

Shot 2:
D6, LM Archery, Kyujutsu/Void , Void for +1k1 4 raises TN 40: 9d10o10k5+8 36 fail

Shot 3
D6, LM Archery, Kyujutsu/Void , Honor, 4 raises TN 45: 10d10o10k7+8 58

14 points (21 if correct ring)

Re: (D6, LM) Mandatory Event: Archery

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 1:40 pm
by Otomo Nobuko
She got real fucking Zen here.

Ring Choice: Void
D6; LM; Archery Event; Kyujustu/trait +Void +Bond 2Raises: 9d10ro1o10k6-10 50 vs TN15 - Pass; +1 Pass, +2 Raises, (50-15)/10=3.5 Exceptional +3 (6)
D6; LM; Archery Event; Kyujustu/trait +Void +Bond 1Raise: 9d10ro1o10k6-5 40 vs TN20 - Pass; +2 Pass, +2 Raise, (40-20)/10=2 Exceptional +2 (6)
D6; LM; Archery Event; Kyujustu/trait +Void +Bond: 9d10ro1o10k6 42 vs TN25 - Pass; Pass +3; (42-25)/10=1.7 Exceptional +1 (4)
+5 for passing all 3

21 before ring reveal and assuming the bow wasn't tampered with.

Re: (D6, LM) Mandatory Event: Archery

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 1:42 pm
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
Ginkarasu checks the maps he was given the day before while waiting for his turn to shoot. Known windspeed, humidity, those were things that would play into his kyujutsu. Obviously if the arrow knows the way, then the arrow also dislikes wind shooting in the wrong direction or it being too humid to want to move. It certainly made it more difficult for Ginkarasu to concentrate on heading in a straight direction. So he made sure to grab the three arrows and show them the map while he was looking it over. No one ever said how the arrow knows the way and that showing the arrows the maps wouldn't help, right?

The first arrow takes the instruction perfectly, searching out the heart of the target through every air current.

The second arrow loses its way, an unplanned for air kami providing a cross breeze that wasn't talked about on the map. (It was talked about on the map, Wyn's maps are really good, but Ginkarasu and the arrow hadn't gotten that far into the quantum physics part of the Miya's maps, thinking that math that difficult wasn't needed for most people shooting arrows.)

The third arrow had snuck a peek at the quantum physics. Decided I'm an arrow, I'll decide what my physics are, and booked a ticket on the Way Express direct flight, no-stops, to center of targetville.

Ring Choice: Void
D6, LM: Archery: Kyujutsu (Yumi) / Void, +Map 1k0, 1 raise TN 20: 6d10o10k3 47 = 4 Topaz Points
D6, LM: Archery: Kyujutsu (Yumi) / Void 2, +Map 1k0, Void, 1 raise TN 25: 7d10o10k4 22 = 0 Topaz Points
D6, LM: Archery: Kyujutsu (Yumi) / Void 3, +Map 1k0, Void, TN 25: 7d10o10k4 31 = +1 Topaz Points
= 5 Topaz Points

Re: (D6, LM) Mandatory Event: Archery

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 1:51 pm
by Kuni Yotsuo
Yotsuo listened to the explanation and then took his shots, assuming the arrows knew the way to the exact center of the target. Well... the first one at least knew the way. The next two shots appeared to have taken different paths of their choosing. He must have gotten some arrows that had a bad sense of direction...

Ring: Void

D6 LM, Archery Shot 1, Kyujutsu / Void, VP +1k1, 3 CR, TN 30: 7d10o10k5 44 +5 points
D6 LM, Archery Shot 2, Kyujutsu / Void, VP +1k1, 2 CR, TN 30: 7d10o10k5 26 0 points
D6 LM, Archery Shot 3, Kyujutsu / Void, VP +1k1, 1 CR, TN 30: 7d10o10k5 26 0 points

Total: 5 points before ring reveal

Re: (D6, LM) Mandatory Event: Archery

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 3:55 pm
by Moto Ichiro
Ichiro wasn't the best archer in the Unicorn army but that wasn't to say he wasn't a damn good shot, he had won the Nadaam archery competition after all.

He grabbed the bow and began his first shot landing dead center instead of walking back he rolled quickly in perfect form coming out of it on a knee firing the second arrow landing dead center next to the first and the Moto rapidly dropped back and with the last and most difficult shot he fired and the arrow hit just so it split both that had landed before it claiming the center for itself. The crowd gasped and cheered at the performance but the Moto simply nodded with a practiced stoicism, bowed to the judges and left. perhaps an observant onlooker would have noticed the small upturn at the corner of his mouth as he walked to the viewing area.

Ring: Fire
D6 archery event first shot 3 cr tn 30: 8d10o10k5 45
1 point success. 3 points for raises 1 point for exceptional success 5 points

D6 archery event second shot 3 cr tn 35: 8d10o10k5 45 2 points success 6 points raises 1 point exceptional success 9 points

D6 archery event second shot honor 3 cr tn 40: 10d10o10k6 71
3 points success 9 points raises 3 points exceptional success 15 points

total before ring decision: 26 points

Re: (D6, LM) Mandatory Event: Archery

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 8:14 pm
by Kokyou
Kokyou came proud today. Nothing could beat him down. He had done a magnificent job yesterday on the mountains, and was wondering if anyone noticed the huge statue there in between the clouds.

He cocks the first arrow and it's an easy hit. The second one flies in target with a bit more ease. On the third arrow, Kokyou cocks himself more than the arrow, and looks up to the skies, disregarding the target and trusting his own greatness would be sufficient. Yet, it is a miss.

He frowns to himself when looking to the missed target, showing regret. With a shake of the head, he takes the lesson for today. He had to clear his mind of such sinful thoughts. Missing is fine, but lingering on the failure, especially in front of others, that is not what a Mantis samurai should do.

D6, Kyujutsu/Void TN 20 (15+1 Raise) + Rank 1 Tech: 6d10o10k4 35 + 1TP for hit, +1 TP for raise, +1 TP for exceptional
D6, Kyujutsu/Void TN 20 + Rank 1 Tech: 6d10o10k4 46 + 1TP for hit, +2 TP for exceptional
D6, Kyujutsu/Void TN 45 (25+4 Raises) + Rank 1 Tech + VP + Honor: 10d10o10k7 38 Fail. Honor Loss as Low Skill

+6 TP (pending Ring)

Re: (D6, LM) Mandatory Event: Archery

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:04 pm
by Toritaka Sasaiko
Sasaiko bows to the judges and to the provided weapon. As she approaches the latter to take it up, she runs a thumb along the edge of the map Miya Wyn gave her, and she breathes deeply to center herself before lifting and stringing the bow in a deft motion.

Then, in rapid succession, leaving no time for thought, she nocks, looses, and steps back, repeating the process twice more before ending and bowing again. She unstrings the bow, sets it back on its rack with another bow, and bows to the judges before making an exit.

And as she leaves, one corner of her lip rises at her success.

(Selected Ring: Void
Shot 1: TN 15, Raised to 25, passed at 33,; +3 Topaz
Shot 2: TN 20, Raised to 25, passed at 34,; +3 Topaz
Shot 3: TN 25, passed at 48,; +3 Topaz
+5 Topaz for passing all rolls
+11 Topaz before Ring announcement)

Re: (D6, LM) Mandatory Event: Archery

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:30 pm
by Togashi Dao
Dao stepped up to the line to take his turn and his Lion tattoo blazed again as he nocked his first arrow.

He had seen some of the Zen archers at the monasteries practice this technique, and it seemed that he was able to replicate it satisfactorily, at least as far as the judge is concerned. Three arrows left his bow, and all three struck the targets.

D6 LM Kyu/Void #1 3 CR TN30: 8d10o10k5 33 (4 points: 1 point success, 3 points called raises)
D6 LM Kyu/Void #2 2CR TN30: 8d10o10k5 46 (6 points: 1 point success, 4 points called raise, 1 exceptional raise)
D6 LM Kyu/Void #3 1CR TN30: 8d10o10k5 33 (9 points: 1 point success, 3 points called raise, 5 points overall success)

Total points 19 before ring reveal

Re: (D6, LM) Mandatory Event: Archery

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:41 pm
by Kakita Kenji
Kenji gave his best at shooting the targets, he did good, but couldn't manage to hit the last target.

Ring: Void

D6 LM Archery Target#1 TN 30 3 CR Kyujutsu/Void +VP: 8d10o10k5 57 +6 Points (1 +3 CR +2 EX)
D6 LM Archery Target#2 TN 30 2 CR Kyujutsu/Void +VP: 8d10o10k5 43 +6 Points (1 +4 CR +1 EX)
D6 LM Archery Target#3 TN 30 1 CR Kyujutsu/Void +VP: 8d10o10k5 25 +0 Points

Re: (D6, LM) Mandatory Event: Archery

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 10:39 pm
by Zashi
"Hmm,I know this trick" Zashi has missed the part about nothingness at the last dojo. This time, he made sure not to channel Air like he normally would, trying to enter completely unconscious thinking.

No thinking state is what many people say I do already

Zashi gets slightly tricky with the first one, trying to place a guide shot to make the others easier. It strikes with a satisfying thunk. The other two aren't tricky as before, but they securely hit the ring in a respectable cluster.

Zashi bows to the sensei, and thinks that he receives a nod of approval.

Void Ring Selected
Archery Event-Kyujutsu/Void-Shot 1-1 raise-TN 20: 5d10o10k4 37 +1 success with raise, +1 ES=3 points
Archery Event-Kyujutsu/Void-Shot 2-TN 20: 5d10o10k4 22= +1 point
Archery Event-Kyujutsu/Void-Shot 3-TN 25: 5d10o10k4 26= +1 point
+5 points for passing each roll
10 TP pending ring

Re: (D6, LM) Mandatory Event: Archery

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:16 pm
by Isawa Tanshin
Tanshin centered himself, and asked the Kami for guidance on this test.

D6 LM Willpower +1VP TN 25: 5d10o10k5 27
D6 LM Cast Reversal of Fortune TN 15: 5d10o10k3 22

He trusted in his own physical abilities more than asking the universe to guide the arrow.
Kyukutsu/AGI (FIRE)

D6 LM Archery 1 +4R TN 35: 2#7d10o10k5 36 40
D6 LM Archery 2 +3R TN 35: 2#7d10o10k5 24 33
Despite the spiritual guidance, his arrow flies just off-center.
D6 LM Archery 3 +2R TN 35: 2#7d10o10k5 43 50

Re: (D6, LM) Mandatory Event: Archery

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:37 pm
by Kaito Haruki
Haruki understood this to be one of the last chances he had to truly set himself up to potentially be the highest point count in this championship. So he takes a couple of test pulls, which ironically send the arrow straight into the bullseye of the target at the closest line. He then goes to the next, and repeats the process with the second line. Then he takes a monent to center himself before taking three shots at the furthest line, all three hitting the bullseye, cutting into the previous arrow.

Void Ring used

D6 LM: Kyujutsu/Void roll 1, Prodigy, 2 called raises, TN 25: 8d10o10k4 36 (Pass, 2 raises, 1 exceptional=4 points)
D6 LM: Kyujutsu/Void roll 2, Prodigy, 2 called raises, TN 30: 8d10o10k4 56 (Pass, 2 raises, 2 excpetional=7 points)
D6 LM: Kyujutsu/Void roll 3, Prodigy, 2 void points used, Honor roll, 4 called raises, TN 45: 10d10o10k9 45 (Pass, 4 raises=13 points)
Passed all 3, so +5 Points
Total Before Ring reveal=28 points

Re: (D6, LM) Mandatory Event: Archery

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 2:00 am
by Bayushi Jiro
Bayushi Jiro addressed the target with a blank mind, his discussions with Prashant having helped to clear some cobwebs. [Void chosen]

D6, LM: Kyujutsu/Void, 2 raises Tn: 25: 7d10o10k4 25 +3 Topaz Points
His first shot arced down the pitch and lodged in the right of center. A pedestrian shot, really, leading some in the crowd to think that perhaps this Bayushi, who had shown mere flashes of skill at bushi events before being trounced thoroughly, was again going to disappoint.

D6, LM: Kyujutsu/Void+Void, 2 raises Tn: 30: 8d10o10k5 35 +5 Topaz Points
But then came the second shot, which pierced the center of the target, and then the third, which found its place precisely nestled precisely alongside its predecessor.

D6, LM: Kyujutsu/Void+Void, 1 raise Tn: 30: 8d10o10k5 50 Exceptional Success: +6 Topaz Points

Jiro turned and bowed to the crowd before making his departure from the scene.

14 Topaz Points+5 points success=19 points. Ring to come

Re: (D6, LM) Mandatory Event: Archery

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 2:30 am
by Kitsuki Asahi
Asahi calmed himself and raised the bow. Finding his center, he loosed three arrows in succession. Each hit their mark flawlessly.

- - -
Ring: Void
(D6, LM) Mandatory Event: Archery, Kyujutsu/Void, 2CR on first shot, 1CR on second, TN 25 for all three shots: 3#7d10o10k4
Shot 1: 42 2CR + 1ER = 4 pts
Shot 2: 34 1CR = 3 pts
Shot 3: 33 = 1 pt
+5 for completion

Total: 13 pts

Re: (D6, LM) Mandatory Event: Archery

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 3:30 am
by Bayushi Kaidan

//D6 LM Archery Air 1 raise TN 20: 6d10o10k4 21+2 TP

D6 LM Archery Air TN 20: 6d10o10k4 38 +2TP

D6 LM Archery Air TN 25: 6d10o10k4 32 +1 TP

+5 TP
+5 TP from completing 3 rolls
total TP: 10