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Waiting........ As usual... (Day1 EM open)

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 11:22 pm
by Ikoma Nijiro
Ikoma Nijio arrived to the House of the Laughing Carp, flustered and scowling.

"Harumph, I only let him check out that one vendor by himself, and NOW he is not here, so typical." Standing near the entrance, he scans the area around the Inn, searching for the lone lost lion who must be coming around soon.

Re: Waiting........ As usual... (Day1 EM open)

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 10:10 am
by Asako Saburo
What better way to start the mornings with a scowling than for another grumbling, scowling thunderhead to come into view. This one wasn't a Lion, though. It had Phoenix colors and was coming to the inn looking like it had eaten a sour plum. Admittedly, there wasn't any particular reason that they were in a bad mood. They were always just a little sour was all.

Catching sight of the young Ikoma, Saburo paused and turned, bowing once to him. "Ah, Lion-san. Good morning." It had the wooden, distant sound of the forms everyone went through every time they met someone new for the first time. Given the orders, the lodgings set aside and his youth? Saburo made a hip-shot assumption. "I take it you are here for the tournament as well? I am not interrupting am I?"

Re: Waiting........ As usual... (Day1 EM open)

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 10:21 am
by Ikoma Nijiro
The Lion gave a deep bow " Oh no interruption at all, Phoenix sama, honor to those who discern the mystery's of the Empire."

Righting from the bow his on has returned, his impassioned face shows as he fidigts with the multiple layers of clothing necessary for his trip here. "And yes, I am to be a contestant, though it is my brother that would be the real hope for the Lion." His face turns into a smile, and he mumbles "If he ever finds his way here."

Realizing he forgot one simple aspect of etiquette, he blushes as he intones "Forgive me, sama, I am known as Ikoma Nijiro, and it is a pleasure to meet you."

Re: Waiting........ As usual... (Day1 EM open)

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 8:29 pm
by Asako Saburo
"Asako Saburo. Likewise," he said, turning somewhat to stand at an appropriate distance and look out over the streets for another lion. He was rigid in his stance, more out of habit than anything else. His eyes had a sort of distant quality to them, gazing off as if at nothing at times. "If you've received the invitation do not sell yourself short. One does not get invited to perform their gempukku in this ceremony lightly. Sometimes, surprising faces rise to prominence at these things. I've met others who have performed remarkably well despite expectations."

He was not, in fact, talking of himself. his thoughts were going to a Mantis girl he'd known at a previous engagement who had performed well beyoond anyone's thoughts. Including her own. He wondered if she'd be here. He only knew one for sure that he would see.

Re: Waiting........ As usual... (Day1 EM open)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 3:21 am
by Ikoma Nijiro
" Well, one cannot question of the wisdom of the Phoenix, so I accept your words." He smiled faintly, as if trying to be pleasant to his superior. "In any case, I know that my brother will do well, so I was sent mostly to just encourage him. Sensei thinks he has a real chance at being Topaz champion."

He leans in close to the phoenix and whispers "If he can learn to find his way to the events, that is....."

Re: Waiting........ As usual... (Day1 EM open)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 7:23 am
by Asako Saburo
Saburo suppressed a dry chuckle and there was a hint of a smile at the whispered words. "The town, I am told, explodes with life at this time of year. What should be a simple village births all manner of last minute additions every year. I suspect it would make a Shinjo of the cartographers seethe in irritation." He glanced over at him and nodded. "I have been told that the Crane are bringing their best in force this year. Your brother will have quite the challenge ahead of him. If I heard right, there are no less than four of their duelists among the challengers this year. Does make for quite the contest in Iai."

He... was actually almost glad they had chosen to include a Taryu Jiai element for shugenja. He'd studied Iai, but not to that degreee.

Re: Waiting........ As usual... (Day1 EM open)

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 12:55 am
by Ikoma Nijiro
"Hmmm" Nijiro mused, rubbing his hairless chin. "It is good then, for it will mean when My brother does so well he truly faced the greatest the Crane had to offer!!!"

Glancing around, he continued to look for the wayward Lion, "Except if it comes to streets, navigation may be his downfall." Returning his focus to the gaze of the phoenix he added " But then, one cannot discount the power of the Phoenix, is it really true they teach you a spell in training that can level whole village with a motion of your pinkie?"

Re: Waiting........ As usual... (Day1 EM open)

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 3:30 am
by Asako Saburo
He blinked. He blinked a second time. And then he burst out laughing. It was a snickering, raucous and far too loud thing, like listening to a hyena. It made a couple heimin jump. Putting his hand to his forehead, he couldn't help it, his whole body shaking from mirth before he ended it with a cough into his hand. "Oh kami forgive me. I am sorry... what phoenix trainee told you that yarn? They don't teach us that sort of spell until our second year after gempukku," he said, managing a pretty big smile. It wasn't a natural thing on his face, but it still came easily enough.