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Day 4 (August 10-13)

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:47 pm
by Vutall
Day 4
26 Dragon, 1123

-Day 4 is the start of a new session, all X per session abilties refresh.

The fourth day of the championship has all of the contestants meet at the Academy early in the day to conduct their weaponry matches. Additionally, a list stating how the contestants performed on day 3 is posted at the Academy, which can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=225&t=1486

-Weather: Gentle breeze, clear skies, and pleasantly warm

-Moon: The Moon is in its first third, and will be Full in roughly 2 days (Day 6)


Late Morning: Weaponry

Early Afternoon: Artistry

Late Evening: Bar Fight!

Re: Day 4 (August 10-12)

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:50 pm
by Vutall
Day 4 Rumors:

Did you see that poor Mirumoto get trampled by her horse?
I guess the Dragon really don't have much experience with horses...


I heard a bunch of the participants were poisoned by a ronin yesterday!
I saw a few of them puking too.
I wonder why he would do such a thing?


Ide Hazrat has been seen calling to the Kami quite often in this championship. They have no respect for the sanctity of the Kami!


Has anyone noticed how Beautiful, Skilled, and Honorable the three female unicorn contestants are, truly they are what we should strive to be.


Kokyou managed to get swoop that Utaku out of her feet in the Athletics match. Have you seen it?
Which one?
The pretty one.
The sensei?


No one has ever scored so many points in one challenge ever in the Topaz Championship. That Kokyou of the Mantis surely must be some sort of athleticism and fitness Fortune, or blessed by one. Have you seen how muscled and chiseled he is?
He surely is a sculpture of a young man


Everyone's talking about the horsemanship competitions--and not just about Moto Ichiro's outstanding performance! There was an amazing demonstration of Bushido during the contest between Mirumoto Hinata and Ikoma Eichiro. When her horse threw her, the Mirumoto endured with the stoicism expected of a samurai serving her lord, the Ikoma showed the courtesy of ending his efforts to preserve the integrity of the contest, and Yasuki Ginkarasu, Bayushi Jiro, and Iuchi Prashant demonstrated compassion in their efforts to care for both the injured Mirumoto and the balking horse. It was truly inspiring stuff!

Re: Day 4 (August 10-12)

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 2:44 pm
by Vutall
Popup Event: Early Evening