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Phoenix Clan Familes and Schools

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 10:24 am
by Vutall
The Phoenix is a symbol of contradictions: explosive power and great restraint, vast intelligence and deep humility, immolating self-sacrifice and glorious rebirth. These entwined virtues illuminate the path of Rokugan’s most mystical Great Clan, the keepers of the Tao of Shinsei and caretakers of the Empire’s soul.

As the scent of incense wafts unseen to all corners of a shrine, so do the Spirit Realms overlap invisibly with the Realm of Mortals. The Phoenix mediate between the worlds, appealing to the very soul of the lands. Mountains collapse at their whispered requests, dry rivers are convinced to flow again, plagues are banished, restless ghosts are returned to slumber, and crops flourish in previously barren wastelands. Nevertheless, the Phoenix understand that even the purest wish can have unintended and destructive consequences if the elements are brought out of balance. Although others consider the Phoenix too hesitant in their entreaties to the kami, few are foolhardy enough to test the Phoenix’s dedication to peace and harmony.

The Kami Shiba and the priest Isawa were very different sorts of leaders, one humble and the other prideful, one calm in his wisdom and the other fierce in his brilliance. As such, people expect members of the Phoenix Clan to be calm, thoughtful, and scholarly— but also passionate, and sometimes even arrogant due to the vast knowledge their clan maintains. Both Shiba and Isawa were deeply spiritual; this bond has defined the Phoenix Clan since its earliest days, and people still expect members of the Phoenix Clan to be more concerned with cosmic problems than with matters mundane.

The Phoenix Clan values balance and the Tao of Shinsei far more than the other clans, seeking harmony between the mortal and spiritual realms, as well as harmony within themselves. The Phoenix know that every step sends ripples throughout the world, so one must tread lightly and with a peaceful heart, lest one’s actions sow disharmony or even chaos. Such restraint, however, is frequently viewed as cowardice or passivity by the other clans

Phoenix Families
Asako: +1 Awareness
The Asako are a quiet family, viewed as being content to follow their scholarly and philosophical pursuits while the Isawa drive the goals of the Phoenix. The Asako prize knowledge, but they prize wisdom even more, and they use their studies to advance their spiritual evolution as well as their political agendas. The Asako serve as courtiers for the Phoenix, and they are much in demand as court scholars and tutors across the Empire.

Isawa: +1 Willpower
The Elemental Masters who sit on the Council of Five are the true rulers of the Phoenix, and these masters are almost always drawn from the Isawa. As one of the oldest shugenja families in the Empire, the Isawa have had centuries to learn to commune with the spirits and the most effective ways to request their blessings. Some might confuse authority with arrogance, but at heart, they are pious and dutiful, devoted to ensuring harmony and balance.

Kaito: +1 Perception
The small Kaito family has been given the task of safeguarding the many shrines scattered across the Phoenix holdings, from small altars sheltered by a single tree to massive sanctuaries. To fulfill their responsibilities, the Kaito have mastered the use of charmed arrows and prayers to protect the shrines from spiritual foes, and practical archery to fend off more mortal dangers. The Kaito are rarely seen outside the Phoenix lands, as they have so many tasks within, but they occasionally make pilgrimages to visit other shrines.

Shiba: +1 Perception
The Shiba family descends from the Kami Shiba and provides the Phoenix with a champion, but it bent the knee to the Isawa family early in its history and has dutifully served it ever since. The Shiba focus on keeping the Phoenix Clan safe and rely first and foremost on diplomacy before resorting to force. They are expected to be learned in scholarly ways as well as in the warrior arts, and they understand the shugenja they serve better than do most bushi families.

Phoenix Schools
As caretaker of the Empire’s soul, the Phoenix Clan imparts its theological wisdom throughout all its schools. A reverence for the spirits is instilled in the students of every dōjō, and the wisdom of the Tao of Shinsei is a fundamental part of every lesson taught. Just as the four elements combine to form something greater, together the warriors, priests, scholars, and mystics carry out the Phoenix’s mission of ensuring balance and harmony.

Asako Loremaster School [Courtier]
-Asako Loremaster, Core Rulebook
The Asako Loremasters study widely, and from that broad and firm base, they develop their specialties. It is rare for a Loremaster not to have at least passing knowledge of a subject, no matter how obscure. Acting as the courtiers of the Phoenix, the Asako Loremasters marshal arguments based on their expertise in the revered knowledge of the past. One should look for an Asako first in the library and then in court, usually deep in discussion. Few care to challenge an Asako Loremaster on the field of knowledge, but such disputations are often one of the highlights of court.
  • Benefit: +1 Intelligence
  • Skills: Courtier, Etiquette (Courtesy), Lore: History, Lore: Theology (Fortunes), Meditation, sincerity, any Lore Skill.
  • Honor: 6.5
  • Outfit: Sensible Clothing, Wakizashi, Calligraphy Set, Traveling Pack, 5 koku
  • Rank 1: Temple of the Soul
    You gain a Free Raise on any Skill Roll with a Lore Skill. Any time you spend a Void Point on an Etiquette Skill Roll, you gain a bonus of +3k1 to the total of the roll instead of the normal +1k1.
  • Rank 2: From the Ashes
    After spending at least one day observing the events in a particular court, you can roll Lore: History / Perception at TN 20 to gain a bonus +2k0 to the total of all your Social Skill Rolls for the next two days, so long as your remain in that court. (This Technique's effect can be re-activated with another skill roll when it expires - it is not necessary to spend additional days observing so long as you remain in the same court.)
  • Rank 3: Voice of the Universe
    You may spend an hour conversing with a friend or ally and then roll Lore: History / Intelligence at TN 25. With a success, that ally may add your Lore: History Skill Rank to the total of any Social Skill Rolls he makes within the next twenty-four hours. You may Raise twice to affect one (and only one) additional ally, provided that ally also participates in the conversation. (This Technique cannot be used on the same person again until its effect expires.)
  • Rank 4: Invincible Mind
    Any time you fail a Contested Social Skill Roll to resist someone trying to influence your emotions, opinions, or behavior (such as with the Courtier, Temptation, or Intimidation skills), you may re-roll using Intelligence as the Trait for the second roll in place of whichever Trait was originally required. You must keep the result of the second roll. This Technique cannot be used to resist Fear.
  • Rank 5: Wisdom of the Ages
    Any time you are rolling a Lore Skill, including for your other School Techniques, you gain a +5k0 bonus to the total of the roll.
Isawa Elementalist School [Shugenja]
-Isawa Shugenja, Core Rulebooks
No tradition has a more complete mastery of the way of the spirits than that of the Isawa Elementalist School. Since the time before the Kami fell to earth, the priests of the Isawa have sought knowledge and understanding of the kami, the Fortunes, and the very elements themselves. Over the centuries, they have perfected the rituals and supplications to request great boons on behalf of the Phoenix Clan and terrible banes for casting down their enemies. Yet, they know that the spirits require service in exchange for their blessings, making the Isawa Elementalists hesitant to call upon the kami except in times of great need. To do so without cause is to risk upsetting the delicate balance of the natural world—or bring the wrath of the spirits upon them.
  • Benefit: +1 Intelligence
  • Skills: Calligraphy (Cipher), Lore: Theology, any one Lore Skill, Medicine, Meditation, Spellcraft, any one High Skill
  • Honor: 4.5
  • Outfit: Robes, Wakizashi, any 1 weapon, Scroll Satchel, Traveling Pack, 5 koku
  • Affinity/Deficiency: Isawa shugenja may select any element of their choosing, including Void, as their Affinity. They do not have a Deficiency.
  • Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, 3 spells of any one element, 2 spells of any other element, 1 spell of a third element, and 1 spell of a fourth element.
  • Rank 1: Isawa's Gift
    You gain a Free Raise on all Spell Casting Rolls for spells of the element which you chose as your Affinity.
Shiba Artist School [Artisan]
-Shiba Artisan, Emerald Empire
Renowned throughout Rokugan for their deeply spiritual works of art, the Phoenix Clan’s Shiba Artists are highly sought after for festivals and special events, including the Winter Court. Artists expertly perform soulfully crafted song and verse to enthrall onlookers, create unique works of clay or stone for their hosts, or even forge armor before enraptured crowds. Whatever their art, Shiba Artists always make the act of creation a part of the work itself, whether it takes fleeting moments or days of labor. Most Shiba Artists train in a wide range of artistic forms, and they use each new lesson they learn to inspire them in their next endeavor.
  • Benefit: +1 Intelligence
  • Skills: Artisan (pick 2), Calligraphy, Etiquette, Lore (Pick 1), Sincerity, any 1 High or Bugei Skill
  • Honor: 4.5
  • Outfit: Sensible Clothing, Wakizashi, tools necessary to practice your chosen specialty, Traveling Pack, 5 koku
  • Rank 1: Soul of Brilliance
    Select any one Artisan Skill. Whenever you spend a Void Point making a Skill Roll using that Skill, you gain a bonus of +2k2 instead of the normal +1k1.
  • Rank 2: The Way of Sincerity
    Once per month you may make an Artisan Skill Roll against a TN 15. You gain a number of Experience Points equal to the amount by which your roll exceeds the TN, but these Experience Points may only be spent to purchase the Allies Advantage (subject to GM approval). These Allies are temporary and last for a period of time equal to your School Rank in weeks.
  • Rank 3: The Art Speaks
    Choose one Artisan Skill. When you are called to make a Social Skill Roll, you may use your Ranks in the Artisan Skill in place of whatever Social Skill is called for. You gain no Mastery Level benefits when using this Technique, since you do not actually possess ranks in the Social Skill in question.
    There may be social situations where this Technique is not applicable; when in doubt, the GM has the final say.
  • Rank 4: Bounty of the Craft
    Once per day you may make an Artisan Skill Roll against a TN 30. If successful, you and a number of other people up to your School Rank who are present at the time regain all Void Points. This ritualized presentation of your craft requires at least fifteen minutes to complete. This Technique cannot be used in the Shadowlands.
  • Rank 5: The Touch of Destiny
    When your work is on display in court or in the home of a lord, all present in the chamber where it is displayed gain one additional Void Point. If you are present, you gain two additional Void Points, instead, and you may choose to deny the benefit of this Technique to any in attendance. An individual may only receive a maximum of one additional Void Point per day in this manner.
Shiba Guardian School [Bushi, Courtier]
-Shiba Bushi, Core Rulebook, Replace Rank 4 with Shiba Yojimbo, Core Rulebook
As Shiba swore to protect Isawa, so the Shiba Guardian School emphasizes the defense of and cooperation with the Isawa; its members complement and protect priests, shrine keepers, and shugenja. The Shiba Guardians are broadly trained, often as much scholars as warriors, and they approach conflict as a problem to be solved without bloodshed if possible. Those who underestimate them due to their reluctance to take a life usually only do so once: the Shiba Guardians are as devoted to the perfection of the martial arts as any samurai. Their commitment to theological study and long hours of meditation have taught the Shiba Guardians how to dance in harmony with elemental kami called forth by the invocations of the shugenja.
  • Benefit: +1 Agility
  • Skills: Defense, Kenjutsu, Kyujutsu, Meditation (Void Recovery), Spears, Theology, any one Bugei or High Skill
  • Honor: 5.5
  • Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, any 1 weapon, Traveling Pack, 5 koku
  • Rank 1: The Way of the Phoenix
    When spending a Void Point to gain +1k1 on a roll, you may choose to spend 2 Void Points (to gain +2k2) on the roll instead. You may Guard as a Free Action; however, if you do so, your target only adds +5 to his Armor TN instead of +10.
  • Rank 2: Dancing with the Elements
    When you assume your Stance for the Round, you may choose a target within 30'. Whenever your target casts or is the target of a spell, you may choose to increase or decrease the TN of the spell by 5. Additionally, whenever you are the target of a spell, you may immediately choose to increase or decrease the TN of the spell by 5.
  • Rank 3: One With the Void
    This Technique automatically activates during the Reaction Stage of Combat if another character spent a Void Point during this Combat Round. You regain a Void Point. This Void Point may exceed your maximum, but all excess Void Points are lost after combat resolves. You do not learn anything regarding the source of the Void Point or how it was originally spent. this Technique only activates twice per skirmish.
  • Rank 4: Shiba's Sacrifice
    At the start of any skirmish, you may designate one ally as your charge for that skirmish. Any time your charge is hit by a physical or a targeted (non-area-affect) damage-causing spell, if you are within 10' you may make a Defense / Reflexes roll at TN 25. With a success, you take the damage instead of your charge. If you spend a Void Point to reduce this damage, it is reduced by 20 instead of the normal 10.
  • Rank 5: Touch of the Void
    For every Void Point you spend, you gain the effects of spending two, when applicable. Additionally, you may now spend Void Points on enhancements twice in one Turn.
Kaito Shrine Keeper School [Monk]
-New School, created from scratch
Kaito Shrine Keepers work alongside priests to protect temples across Phoenix lands, or keep smaller shrines on their own. The Kaito learn mystical arts to propitiate the kami—sometimes even serving as vessels for them— and practical ones to maintain the shrines. Shrine Keepers make use of protective magic—such as ofuda, paper charms—and spiritually enhanced archery to defend shrines against threats both mystical and mundane
  • Benefit: +1 Reflexes
  • Skills: Divination, Craft: Ofuda, Meditation, Lore: Spirit Realms, Kyujutsu (Yomi), Spellcasting, Any One High or Bugei Skill
  • Honor: 5.5
  • Outfit: Priests Robes, Wakizashi, Paper (10), Yumi and 20 Arrows, Quiver, Traveling Pack, 5 Koku
  • Rank 1:
    You gain two Kiho (free). When you make a successful ranged attack, you may infuse it with a Kiho that requires an Atemi attack by either spending a void point or making a Meditation/Void TN 20 Skill check. If successful, your arrow effects the target with the Kiho. However, instead of rolling for damage, you deal your bows Strength rating instead.
  • Rank 2:
    You gain on Kiho (Free). Additionally, you gain +1k1 to all Kyujutsu rolls when targeting spirits or evil entities
  • Rank 3:
    When making a ranged attack with a yumi, you may ignore all of the target's natural Reduction (e.g. Reduction from armor or natural protection) and half that much Reduction from magical effects.
  • Rank 4:
    When using a bow, your range is increased by 150' (this is applied before applying the 50% range bonus for Kyujutsu Rank 5). Your Raises with a bow are no longer limited by your Void Ring (or Skill Rank if you have Great Potential), and you may perform Called Shots for half the normal number of Raises (rounded up).
  • Rank 5:
    As a complex action, conduct a Meditation/Void roll at TN 30. You may add your ranks in Kyujutsu to this roll. Upon success, you become the vessel for the kami and are possessed by it. You gain a bonus of plus Xk2 to all your rolls, where X is equal to your highest non-void ring. This bonus lasts as long as you maintain a free action meditation/void roll of TN30. You may add your ranks in kyujutsu to this roll as well, but it does not gain the Xk2 from the kami. If you kill a living creature while this bonus is active, the effect ends immediately and you cannot use it again until the start of the next session.

Re: Phoenix Clan Familes and Schools

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 9:00 pm
by Vutall
What Does Your Character Know?
All Phoenix Clan characters have a greater awareness of the following topics:

You have a general awareness of the politics within Phoenix lands. You can name major family heads and other leaders, and you know their respective positions and allegiances.

You are familiar with the religious practices of Rokugan, such as the rites practiced by various priesthoods, the invocations of shugenja, the Tao of Shinsei, and even the traditions that existed before the Kami, such as the Fortunist traditions of the Isawa and the animist practices of the Yobanjin who dwell in the Great Wall of the North Mountains.

You know some of the most significant kami who reside in Phoenix lands by name from stories or perhaps even personal interaction.

You know the names and locations of all major shrines in Rokugan.

What Does Bushidō Mean To Your Clan?
Righteousness drives the samurai of the Phoenix Clan in their pursuits, and they are willing to sacrifice themselves to ensure the right thing is done. They know that when samurai do not govern their lands justly, the Heavens themselves will voice their displeasure. At the same time, some truths must not be revealed to the world, and some mysteries are not meant even for the other samurai clans. The Phoenix Clan takes a selective view of Sincerity, certain in their belief that they are the best equipped to protect and wield certain knowledge