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New Mechanic Poll: Titles

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 7:21 pm
by Vutall
In 5th edition, instead of paths, there are Titles that players are awared. I like this idea. Here is an example Title that I have quickly created (Note that this isn't a GOOD title mind you, just something I did fast)


A title is assigned as a result of narrative events, but besides that, it functions much like a school curriculum: a character can spend experience to deepen their understanding of how to fulfill its functions, and eventually unlock a special ability after spending the listed XP. When a character is assigned a title, their status might change based on the Status Award listed in the title. A title exists in parallel to a character’s school, and any skills in the XP Expenditure for a title count as School Skills while you hold the title. A character can only have one incomplete title at a time, but may have multiple completed titles.

Example Title: Emerald Magistrate
Emerald Magistrates are agents of the Emperor’s Law, warrior-sages who dispense wisdom and justice.
Assigned By: The Emerald Champion, the Emperor, and other high-ranking officials in the office of the Emerald Champion can appoint Emerald Magistrates, and do so when a samurai proves worthy of the post or when the need arises for more arbiters of the Emperor’s Justice.

Status Award: +15 (to a maximum of 40)
XP needed to spend to earn Ability: 30 XP

XP Expenditures that count toward title (MUST BE NEW PURCHASES):
Lore: Law Skill
Weapon Skills (Any)
Perform: Oratory

Voice of Authority (Title Ability): Once per game session when making a Social Skill roll to influence others, you may choose additional targets equal to your Glory rank. You cannot choose any additional target with Initiative higher than the highest among your initial targets.

Re: New Mechanic Poll: Titles

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 7:59 pm
by Bayushi Jiro
By "replacing paths," do you mean that paths like the Doji Warrior-Poet or Hida Berserker will no longer be available?

Re: New Mechanic Poll: Titles

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 8:00 pm
by Vutall

In either case, many of the paths you already know will not be available because 5th ed lore doesn't support them, but those that do will make a return.

Re: New Mechanic Poll: Titles

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 9:21 am
by Togashi Dao
One improvement I like in these over paths is that they're not locked to an insight rank. You won't have characters rushing to hit the pre requisites before they go past the spot where they need to take it,

Re: New Mechanic Poll: Titles

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 9:44 am
by Vutall
Out of all the polls, this is definitely the one I feel the most strong about.

Paths are an arbitrary "I take this when I have skills and appropriate insight", which is perfectly fine, but I personally really enjoy the idea of titles being something no one can take, but instead everyone has to earn. Plus, it actually gives some more mechanics behind someone being a Gunso other than just status, for example.

Re: New Mechanic Poll: Titles

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 9:51 am
by Ikoma Shizuru
Titles are a great addition. They give a player something tangible to work toward with their character arc and also provide a reason to invest in some underutilized skills (like Lore: Law). Overall, I think it's a net positive for RP.

Re: New Mechanic Poll: Titles

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 6:28 am
by Mai
I'm voting no because I don't like the idea of replacement.

I actually like the system for things like the EM example. Though some paths are specific schools like I saw a Tensei for example. I'd prefer a hybrid system depending on what we are talking about.

Re: New Mechanic Poll: Titles

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 9:45 pm
by Mirumoto Masuyo
I am leaning towards a hybrid system, and therefore not voting. The loss of some paths would hurt too much, but the method of acquisition for some titles is nice.

Re: New Mechanic Poll: Titles

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 7:34 pm
by Vutall
This poll closes in roughly 16 hours. As of now, we will NOT use the Title rules. (Did not reach 75% Yes)

Re: New Mechanic Poll: Titles

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 8:44 am
by Vutall
Poll closed. We will not be using this rule.