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The Scorpion

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 2:25 pm
by Vutall
Scorpion Champion: Bayushi Shoju (m)

Bayushi Daimyo: Bayushi Shoju (m)
Married to Bayushi Kachiko. Has a son named Bayushi Dairu

Shosuro Daimyo: Shosuro Hametsu (m)
Shosuro Hametsu is the daimyō of the Shosuro family and brother of Bayushi Kachiko.

Soshi Daimyo: Soshi Shiori (f)

Yogo Daimyo: Yogo Junzo (m)
-No Picture

Re: The Scorpion

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 7:03 am
by Vutall
“I will be your villain, Hantei.”
From behind their masks and veils, the Scorpion smile grimly at the performance of their duty, for it is their sacrifice to be hated even as they execute it perfectly. What other clan could perform the role of loyal villain? It was the Scorpion Kami’s contention that enemies need not be external to the Empire, and thus, the Scorpion fight fire with fire. They keep all clans united in hatred against them, yet divided so that no one clan can challenge the line to whom they owe undying loyalty: the Hantei.

To be called junshin, or “pure of heart,” would be high praise everywhere in Rokugan—except within the Scorpion Clan. For such a Scorpion, to be so limited in outlook would be to impede the clan’s means of serving the Emperor. A Scorpion with this label might follow Bushidō strictly and be morally opposed to many of the tactics their clan employs. Depending on their family, they might be shunted away where they cannot interfere with Scorpion activities

Re: The Scorpion

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 4:38 pm
by Vutall
Scorpion Superstitions

Scorpion births are a lavish and celebrated events, especially in the event of twins. Even heimin births are celebrated with great revelry.

While twins are considered extremely lucky, triplets are considered extremely unlucky. A third child will be adopted out or married out early to avoid the ill fortune.

Scorpion celebrations are grand, welcoming, and filled with revelry. Masks are removed, sake is poured, and emotions are allowed to be displayed without hesitation.

The death of a loyal Scorpion is treated as another joyous celebration, for the spirit of the fallen has gone to join Bayushi in the great Cavern of Secrets. Enemies of the dead, especially if they killed him, are invited to this celebration, however, such an invitation is considered an open challenge, and such an enemy has a good chance of never leaving.

As the Scorpion revered the Fortune Daikoku, they see rats as lucky animals. Throw a grain of rice to a rat and you will receive good fortune and great wealth. Those who killed rats were advised to visit a temple of Daikoku, offer some rice, and beg for forgiveness, or poverty will follow. Cats are creatures of ill omen who killed rats and angered Daikoku. However, since they are often necessary, they are given unflattering names by means of apology to Daikoku.

Sprinkling salt on a new garment (especially a mask) will bring the wearer good fortune.

Drinking fresh blood from a rooster will cure indigestion.

As Bayushi was the third to fall in the Great Tournament, the number three is unlucky. Never leave home in a group of three, for this is especially unlucky. It is better by far to find a fourth, or leave in two separate groups.

A girl born with green eyes will never be able to tell a lie.

Whisper a secret in a temple of Benten, and she will help to keep it safe.

When drinking sake, always bring your own cup.

If you have no hatred in your heart, opponents cannot detect the intent to kill.

If you dry your laundry where others can see it, your secrets will one day be exposed.

Being struck by falling bird dung is good luck (the slang word for dung, un, can also mean "luck" if read another way).