The Lion

The Lore Behind the Great Clans of the New Winds Campaign
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The Lion

Post by Vutall » Tue Apr 28, 2020 2:04 pm

Lion Clan Champion: Akodo Toturi (m)

Akodo Daimyo: Akodo Toturi (m)

Ikoma Daimyo: Ikoma Anakazu (m)

Kitsu Daimyo: Kitsu Takeko (f)
-No Picture

Matsu Daimyo: Matsu Tsuko (f)
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Re: The Lion

Post by Vutall » Wed Apr 29, 2020 7:05 am

“For my ancestors!”
To be a samurai is to live and breathe Bushidō, but to be a Lion is to exemplify it to all others. The Lion’s roar heralds the call to battle and honor. For centuries, the Lion have dominated the military tactics and strategy of the Empire, pioneering new techniques and battle methods that other clans take years to adopt. Now, this clan’s samurai seek to apply the wisdom of their ancestors to the trials of the modern era.
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Re: The Lion

Post by Vutall » Mon May 18, 2020 4:39 pm

Lion Superstitions

Each child's birth is a glorious event, omens reviewed and ancestries read to guide the child's destiny. If lucky, a child might even have a soden-senzo on hand to tell their destiny. Usually the child is not raised by the parents, who have other duties, but by a high-ranking ashigaru or ji-samurai who acts as their trainer and mentor.

Every Lion dojo has an untouched copy of the Tao, on the orders of the first Hantei. But the Lion are ruled by Bushido and Akodo's Leadership rather than the Little Way.

Although Lion are honored in death, they often are laid to rest in communal pyres while their deeds are noted and treasured in the hall of records and given for the families to honor and reverence. For the greatest of them, the funerals, however, can be truly great events, ending with their statue being placed in the Hall of Ancestors to be remembered by all for all time.

Bushi should always lead with the right foot, to awaken the martial spirit.

Generals should only hold battles under auspicious stars or following specific omens.

Burying a man alive within the foundations of a bridge provides stability. Usually, criminals are used for this purpose. The ghost is believed to be trapped within the bridge and frightens away other spirits.

Before a soldier leaves home, he must eat rice from a tegashiwa leaf. Hanging this leaf above the door will guarantee that the soldier returns home safely.

A tree that glows blue at night is the home of evil spirits.

Taking the head of an enemy is very good luck. If one eye is closed and the teeth are exposed, or the eyes point downward, the head becomes unlucky. (In any case, a samurai who takes the head of an enemy will want to get himself purified later, as it is still unclean).

Spiders are lucky creatures, though being bitten by one is unlucky. Never kill a spider, or its spirit will haunt the home and bring bad luck.
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