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Dice results

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 9:03 pm
by Isawa Tanshin
This is my first time doing an RPG with these tools.
I notice many characters posting the die results in the threads - is that required?
I understand the Role-play element, but do we need to display/embed the result of our dice results in the event thread, or is that recording taken care of by the GMs?

Re: Dice results

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 9:14 pm
by Kokyou
If the roll is an Event roll or by GM request, yes it is required.

If it is something that's just fluff, roll as you want. If it is something that affects other character or the game as a whole, probably good to ping the GM.

Roll and dice rules can be found in this link here.