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Final Character Sheets (New Winds Part 1 Players ONLY)

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 10:24 pm
by Vutall
Hello everyone, I am beginning to update your character sheets to the end of Day 10, in the post called Final Character Sheet and Math. Once you see a reply in that thread, you should double check to make sure everything is there.

Additionally, I will be posting in this thread how much each character earned, so I can determine the bonus XP you earn for participating in Part 1.
(* could change with school skill selection)

Note: This XP total also includes the starting 25, any bonus from disadvantages (Up to +5), and the +6 earned during game, as well as any other special XP awards (Such as Higher Purpose)

Asako Saburo:
Rings: 158, Skills: 91. Total: 249

Togashi Dao:
Rings: 174, Skills: 61. Total: 235

Moto Ichiro:
Rings: 146, Skills: 79. Total: 225

Rings: 162, Skills: 63. Total: 225

Kaito Haruki:
Rings: 138, Skills: 81. Total: 219

Kuni Yatsuo:
Rings: 150, Skills: 59. Total: 209*

Matsu Qiang:
Rings: 138, Skills: 71. Total: 209

Asako Sanzo:
Rings: 152, Skills: 55. Total: 207

Kakita Kenji:
Rings: 134, Skills: 73. Total: 207

Iuchi Prashant
Rings: 134, Skills: 75. Total: 209

Miya Wyn:
Rings: 126, Skills: 77. Total: 203

Kaiu Aiichiro:
Rings: 142, Skills: 59. Total: 201

Rings: 146, Skills: 50. Total: 196

Utaku Ichiro:
Rings: 142, Skills: 53. Total: 195

Yasuki Ginkarasu:
Rings: 150, Skills: 39 Total: 189

Kaito Kai:
Rings: 106, Skills: 64. Total: 170

Isawa Tanshin:
Rings: 118, Skills: 42. Total: 160

Kakita Kazuko:
Rings: 98, Skills: 57. Total: 155

Rings: 122, Skills: 31. Total: 153

Bayushi Kaiden:
Rings: 106, Skills: 34. Total: 140

Doji Sakura:
Rings: 86, Skills: 49. Total: 135

Bayushi Jiro:
Rings: 78, Skills: 55. Total: 133

Otomo Nobuko:
Rings: 72, Skills: 58. Total: 130

Soshi Shiso:
Rings: 74, Skills: 56. Total: 130*

Utaku Nesrin:
Rings: 64, Skills: 63. Total: 127

Toritaka Sasiko:
Rings: 70, Skills: 54. Total: 124

Yogo Otoko:
Rings: 68, Skills: 35. Total: 103*

Re: Final Character Sheets

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 4:12 pm
by Vutall
Character will gain the following BONUS XP at the end of D10 They may only use the XP in the Ring category to increase Traits/Void, and may only use the XP in the Skills category to increase/purchase skills or emphasis's. Any unused XP may be stored, but may only be used to purchase the category the XP was granted in.

To double check my math:
Highest Ring XP: 174-Ring XP you earned in the post above=Bonus Ring XP
Highest Skill XP: 91-Skill XP you earned in the post above=Bonus Skill/Emphasis XP

In total, when you take your Total XP from the post above and add the bonus ring and skill xp from this post, you should have a total of 265

Asako Saburo:
Rings: 16, Skills: 0.

Togashi Dao:
Rings: 0, Skills: 30.

Moto Ichiro:
Rings: 28, Skills: 12.

Rings: 12, Skills: 28

Kaito Haruki:
Rings: 36, Skills: 10

Kuni Yatsuo:
Rings: 24, Skills: 32

Matsu Qiang:
Rings: 36, Skills: 20

Asako Sanzo:
Rings: 22, Skills: 36

Kakita Kenji:
Rings: 40, Skills: 18

Iuchi Prashant
40 Rings, 16 Skills

Miya Wyn:
Rings: 48, Skills: 14

Kaiu Aiichiro:
Rings: 32, Skills: 32

Utaku Ichiro:
Rings: 32, Skills: 38

Rings: 28, Skills: 41

Yasuki Ginkarasu:
Rings: 24, Skills: 52

Kaito Kai:
Rings: 68, Skills: 27

Isawa Tanshin:
Rings: 56, Skills: 49

Kakita Kazuko:
Rings: 76, Skills: 35

Rings: 52, Skills: 60

Bayushi Kaiden:
Rings: 68, Skills: 57

Doji Sakura:
Rings: 88, Skills: 42

Bayushi Jiro:
Rings: 96, Skills: 36

Otomo Nobuko:
Rings: 102, Skills: 33

Soshi Shiso:
Rings: 88, Skills: 34

Utaku Nesrin:
Rings: 110, Skills: 28

Toritaka Sasiko:
Rings: 104, Skills: 37

Yogo Otoko:
Awaiting Final Character Sheet Updates (See your Private Forum)

Re: Final Character Sheets

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 4:58 pm
by Vutall
Please post your purchases with these in your private forums.


I will look them over and say approved or not, then update your sheet.

THEN you may use that sheet to create your Part 2 character, following the part 2 character creation here: viewtopic.php?f=222&t=1052#p14005

I want you to EMAIL me your part 2 character. Also make sure you use the new character sheet template (Including all the text for bonds, ,aster abilities, advantages and the like), or it will be rejected:

Template here: viewtopic.php?f=222&t=1052#p14011