How to use Orokos, our Dice system

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How to use Orokos, our Dice system

Post by Vutall » Tue Apr 28, 2020 1:09 pm

Courtesy of Mindshred, GM of the Hollow Throne Campaign.


We'll be using ~Orokos~ to roll dice for this game. Rolls made on other dice rolling programs will not be considered valid rolls.

I'll go over a brief walkthrough of how Orokos works.

Firstly, you'll want to sign up for an account. Please sign up using your character's name. It's under the "Dice Roller" tab at the top.

When Rolling Dice:
  • * Place your character's name in the Character box.

    * Place "New Winds" in the Campaign box, just like that, without the quotation marks. If you do not do this, the roll will not show up in the New Winds campaign folder, and your roll will not count. Please do not forget this step.

    * Place the description for your roll in the Description box. This is where you note what you're rolling, why, and any Raises that you're calling.

    * Finally, you just need to put your dice code in the Dice to Roll box and hit the "Roll 'em" button. The code is a bit different from invisible castle:

If you want to roll five ten-sided dice and keep two of them, with exploding 10s, that would be 5k2 in L5R terms. To make that work in Orokos, it would look like this:
  • 5d10o10k2
The "5d10" is five ten-sided dice, the "o10" is exploding 10s, and the "k2" is keep highest.

If you wanted to keep the lowest dice, such as when you're sparring, you would use "l2" instead of "k2" in the example above.
  • 5d10o10l2

If you don't want your dice to explode - such as with an unskilled roll - just remove the "o10" part of the equation and go from there:
  • 5d10k2

The most important thing is that you have everything in its specific order: each "rule" must go in the order above (and there's a pull-down help list in the roller to explain it) or you'll just get an error message. For instance, you must have the "5d10" before the "o10" which must be before the "k2."

If you need to roll multiple dice (such as three rolls at once), you would prefix this with N#, where N is the number of times you want to roll. For instance, to roll the 5k2 listed above three times, you would need to put:
  • 3#5d10o10k2

The last bit of coding applies if you're rolling a skill for which you have a relevant emphasis, such as the Honesty emphasis for Sincerity when making a Sincerity (Honesty) roll. In this case, you add the "roZ" coding to ensure that it rerolls dice results of "Z" or lower (in our case, Z will usually equal one). Using the above 5k2, that would look like this:
  • 5d10ro1o10k2

Noting Raises and Purpose

Please remember to note why you're rolling dice and any Raises you might be calling on your roll. If you do not note your number of Raises - or you call one Raise when you intended to call three, or visa versa - then you're out of luck, because what you wrote in the description section is what counts.

If you somehow make a mistake when making a roll, contact a GM before you reroll, so that we understand the circumstances and don't just assume that you're cheating by rolling again. If you make a mistake that when corrected would lead to a better roll, you may NOT roll again. If you make a mistake that when corrected would lead to a worse dice roll, you MUST roll again.

Many players other than the GMs watch Orokos, so do not be tempted to cheat. You will get caught, and you will be removed from the game.

If you have any questions, please feel free to start up a topic in your private forum.
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American pie getting sliced up above us
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Re: How to use Orokos, our Dice system

Post by Vutall » Tue Jun 23, 2020 5:10 am

Starting on game day 2 and forward, ALL rolls must use the following format in the description box:

What day and hour the roll takes place, the skill rolled, the attribute rolled, any modifiers, any raises.

For example:

D2 Ox: Perform: Sing/Awa + Voice, 1 raise.

Additionally, all rolls must be linked in the post you are rolling them for. This can be done by using this option in Orokos, just under your roll results:
See the red highlight on this picture
Primary colors divide us and love us
Eye on the others surviving among us
American pie getting sliced up above us
Trickling down while we're dying of hunger.


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