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Completion Celebration (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 8:37 pm
by Vutall
The training yard has been decorated elegantly and all of the various sensei have gathered. As the students gather, they are lined up in ranks. Agasha Sumiko steps forward once all are assembled and addresses them, the sensei, Kakita Toshimoku, and the Hirosaka Governor all watching her.

"You have all performed exceedingly well over these past 10 days, and I am proud to report to the Emperor this experiment has shown your sensei at home have raised an excellent generation coming forward. It is my pleasure then to inform you all that you will be invited to the Topaz Championship next spring in Tsuma, where Kakita Toshimoku-sama will be conducting the honored tradition. Over your time here, you will have noticed we have been ranking each student and have provided a number to each of you. First I must make a special call out to Asako Saburo-san. He performed the best of anyone here, but he was required to leave shortly before this graduation to attend to Ishiken training."

"For making it through the training, everyone will have their scores increased to the next 10's place. For example, if you are at 89, you will have 90. 24, 30, and 43 50. Then, each of you will come forward and redeem your points for various awards to better yourself in service to the Empire..."

She contines on, describing the various rewards before stepping back and bowing to all of the students, the sensei following suit. Then, she motions for the students to come forward and claim their rewards.
During this event, dojo points grant players advantages

Prodigy will be granted to the top 10% of players with the highest Dojo Point score.

Prodigy Award:
Iuchi Prashant
Kaito Haruki
Miya Wyn
Asako Sanzo
Kuni Yotsuo

The remaining dojo points may be used as a "currency" to purchase advantages. A player may purchase as many of the following provided they have enough points to cover the cost, but can only select each entry once:

Player Points:
Mai: 120
Iuchi Prashant: 110
Kaito Haruki: 110
Miya Wyn: 110
Asako Sanzo: 110
Kuni Yotsuo: 110
Soshi Shiso: 100
Otomo Nobuko: 100
Utaku Nesrin: 100
Togashi Dao: 100
Utaku Ichiro: 100
Kaito Kai: 100
Kaiu Aiichiro: 100
Kakita Kenji: 90
Bayushi Jiro: 90
Moto Ichiro: 90
Matsu Qiang: 90
Zashi: 90
Yasuki Ginkarasu: 90
Isawa Tanshin: 90
Toritaka Sasaiko: 90
Kokyou: 80
Yogo Otoko: 80
Kakita Kazuko: 70
Bayushi Kaidan: 70
Doji Sakura: 60


Allies - Imperial Dojo Sensei (3/3): 50 Dojo Points
Darling of the Court (Imperial Courts): 30 Dojo Points
Fame: 35 Dojo Points
Imperial Spouse - You get this advantage for free at a later time IF you choose to accept the betrothal: 45 Dojo Points

Inheritance:- You get this advantage when you undergo your gempuku: 45 Dojo Points
Chrysanthemum fans for courtiers (Benefits Etiquette)
Chrysanthemum engraved tools for artisans (benefits Artisan)
Seppun prayer beads for shugenja (benefits Spellcraft)
Chrysanthemum engraved instrument for performers (benefits perform)
"Acting" (disguise) kit for shinobi (benefits Acting)
a copy of the Tao, written by Imperial Scribes for monks (benefits meditation)
Chrysanthemum engraved katana for bushi (Benefits Kenjutsu/Iaijutsu skill rolls, not attacks)

Multiple Schools - Imperial Schools. You get this advantage for free at a later time IF you choose to enter the school: 70 Dojo Points
Perceived Honor: 30 Dojo Points

Sacred Weapon - You get this advantage when you undergo your gempuku: 50 Dojo Points
The sacred blades, crafted by Seppun artisans, are 3k2 wakizashi and is considered to be equivalent to crystal for the purposes of harming otherworldly/nonhuman opponents.

Sacrosanct (You must meet the honor requirements for this purchase): 40 Dojo Points
Social Position: 50 Dojo Points

Re: Completion Celebration (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 10:36 am
by Toritaka Sasaiko
This time, at least, Sasaiko will be first.

As she steps forward, bowing and thanking the Lady Ruby for the opportunity, she says, "If I may, I would request the favor of the Seppun Blade, for I will work the work of my Family in the Empire, and I will hope to be recalled fondly in the courts of the future."

She bows again deeply and withdraws.

(Could only spend 80 Dojo Points--50 for the Blades, 30 for Darling of the Court. If I can transfer the remaining 10 to a friend, I will happily do so.)

Re: Completion Celebration (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 10:43 am
by Vutall
Leftover Dojo Points are converted to Zeni

Re: Completion Celebration (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 11:34 am
by Utaku Ichiro
Ichrio is gifted a Seppun blade and, when tales of his success in battle reach home, a promotion upon his gempukku.

(100 - Sacred Blade (50), Social Position (50) - 0 remaining)

Re: Completion Celebration (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 11:57 am
by Bayushi Jiro
Bayushi Jiro's success in ensnaring the Ruby Champion and the provincial governor reached the ears of Lord Shoju, who gave him a position in his personal entourage. A junior position, for now, but there were whispers aplenty in the halls of the Scorpion and the Otomo about how far Bayushi Jiro would ascend--and how fast. [Social Position-50 points]

The ripples of infamy reached the right ears and issued from the right mouths--many even in the Imperial Court wished to befriend this young man. Some did so out of hope that his luck--for surely it had to be luck--would adhere to them. Some did so out of a genuine desire to learn from him. Some did so out of a deep-seated fear that if they did not, they would learn just what made Lord Bayushi favor him so. Jiro would make space for them all. [Darling of the Court--Imperial Courts; 30 points]

Re: Completion Celebration (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 12:28 pm
by Kaiu Aiichiro
The Zokujin attack was a pretty determining on his future. Because when the three test subjects reported the dojo was saved by students, and Aiichiro reported that he led all those who would obey and none under his command suffered injuries, it called attention over him. -50 DP (Social Position)
As well, the Seppun weapons would be useful and less offensive to carry around than straight up jade. -50 DP (Sacred Blade)

Re: Completion Celebration (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 12:39 pm
by Mai
With Mai's success, she gained an elevated position within the Mantis. [Social Position] [-50 Dojo Points]

Mai also leaves with a friendship with Akodo Eiko. What will that mean for her or even the Mantis? Who knows? But she does hope to learn more about battles and tactics. [Ally: Akodo Eiko 3/3] [-50 Dojo Points]

Her parents give her a little spending money to go celebrate her success. [20 zeni = 2 Bu] [-20 Dojo Points]

Re: Completion Celebration (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 12:44 pm
by Kuni Yotsuo
The Kuni's duty saw them facing otherworldly opponents often. Because of this the ability to cut them down more effectively with a blade blessed by the heavens was among the most useful boons that the Kuni could receive. Aside from that, he wished only to convey his thanks to the many sensei, particularly that of the one that had helped him to ensure his spiritual purity throughout the training. He had developed a great appreciation for Shosuro Tomoe.


+Sacred Weapon: Seppun Blade (50 points)
+Allies - Shosuro Tomoe (3/3) (50 points)
+10 zeni (10 points)

Re: Completion Celebration (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 1:50 pm
by Togashi Dao
With the closeness of the Dragon and Unicorn, how could Dao not follow the Clan direction and make a close ally out of Utaku Oichi.

The fact he made such a sensible decision was noted by Kitsuki-sensei, who recommended him for a fast tracked promotion.

((Social position + Ally (Utaku Oichi) selected with dojo points))

Re: Completion Celebration (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 2:47 pm
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
"Gee, thanks Agasha-sensei! There's lots of real potential in what you're offering. Oh! Did you get a chance to try any of my family's mochi? What'd you think?"

Ally - Hiruma Kagehiro (3/3) (50pts)
Darling of the Court (Imperial Courts) (30pts)
90-80=10; 1 Bu.

Re: Completion Celebration (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 2:48 pm
by Yogo Otoko
The Yogo ever had troubles arranging marriages, so Otoko accepted an arrangement with an Imperial spouse. She'd seemed quite honorable as well for a Scorpion...

(80 = Imperial Spouse 45, Perceived Honor 30, 5 zeni)

Re: Completion Celebration (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 5:39 pm
by Kaito Kai
Word of Kai's accomplishments made their way back to the Kaito province, with the miko-to-be promised a suitable representation of their honor and social class to be created for awarding when the necessary rites of adulthood had been performed.

Social Position + Sacred Weapon: Seppun Blade (100 pts, 0 remaining)

Re: Completion Celebration (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 10:34 pm
by Bayushi Kaidan
He knew of his spiritual affliction and thus he decided that to better protect him and his clan from outside this realm forces he must forgo what he wanted. Kaidan decide to take the Seppun Blades.

//+Seppun Blades (50)
+20 zeni

Re: Completion Celebration (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 2:56 am
by Kakita Kenji
Kenji went to the Ruby Champion and bowed very low. "I thank Agasha-sama for your time in teaching us here, it was a great experience and I am very grateful to have been part of it. I desire nothing more than to serve the Empire faithfully and devotedly," Kenji said to her.

This would probably give him a promotion after his gempukku.

Besides, there was the matter Nobuko was talking about, that she would put in a good word for him at the imperial court, he had no idea what a wave his act that evening would cause.

Taking Social Position (50) and Sacrosanct (40) Leaving me with 0 Dojo Points.

Re: Completion Celebration (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 8:41 am
by Otomo Nobuko
She was not the top in the class, but she was close. She was satisfied with her placing. It proved that despite some setbacks, she was not unfit to have been there. And she had achieved much more in her time here than she thought possible. Particularly with skills she had never focused on before because they were deemed unnecessary for personage of her station and role in life. Which was true enough, of course, but she still appreciated having a sense of what actually went into such training and skills.

Nobuko graciously accepted the accolades bestowed upon her, bowing deeply to the Ruby Champion and murmuring a quiet thank you for the opportunity given to them all.

She was not at all surprised by the letter from her father that came later, speaking of how impressed several of his superiors in the family were of how she comported herself and the issues she brought up about the Governor. While it was not unexpected that her word had value - she was an Otomo, after all - her father wrote that certain higher ups would now be watching her and hoping to hear her opinion on occasion. A high honor indeed.

And of course, when her Honored Cousin, the Most High Under Heaven, heard word of her reaching the end of her schooling, she received his blessing. She had always been something of a favorite when she was little. It was nice to know he still thought of her fondly, when he did have time to think of her.

Social Position (50DP) + Sacrocanct (40DP)= 90DP
10 DP = 10 zeni

Re: Completion Celebration (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 8:43 am
by Matsu Qiang
When Matsu Qiang was called up, he bowed low and said simply, "Attending this school was the greatest honor. This one has learned so much while here, I cannot ask for more."

"You must accept something," the sensei said mildly.

"I wish only to do my duty to my clan," Qiang said, bowing again.

After the teachers conferred, their decision was recorded in a ledger. The young Lion would be issued a sword and a wife, and it would be his duty to accept them both.

Inheritance: Katana
Imperial Spouse

Re: Completion Celebration (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 9:20 am
by Utaku Nesrin
Considering her highly martial future, and desire to travel, Nesrin was thrilled to receive Imperial blades of such quality. Those blades that could be inherited within her family had already gone to her elder sisters, and these would be well worth passing to her own daughters someday.

Inheritance: Chrysanthemum engraved katana for bushi (Benefits Kenjutsu/Iaijutsu skill rolls, not attacks) (45 points)
Sacred WEapon: Seppun Blade (50 points)

5 remaining points = 5 zeni

Re: Completion Celebration (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 9:43 am
by Vutall
When Nobuko and Qiang claim their rewards, Agasha Sumiko pulls Nobuko aside.

"He has requested an Imperial bride. Would you take him, or is there someone else you have in mind, Otomo-san?"

Re: Completion Celebration (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 10:39 am
by Kaito Haruki
Haruki approaches the sensei and bows. He knows that his actions here affect his entire clan. For that reason he listens to the advice any courtier will give you: make sure you have a Doji Diplomat as an ally. "Doji-sensei, I would like your help in ensuring a marriage to a Seppun maiden, I wish to be better protect the empire."

(Spend 50 for Doji Murashige as an ally and 45 for imperial spouse)

110-95=15 points remaining = 1 bu and 5 zeni

Re: Completion Celebration (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 11:01 am
by Otomo Nobuko
Vutall wrote:
Mon Jul 20, 2020 9:43 am
When Nobuko and Qiang claim their rewards, Agasha Sumiko pulls Nobuko aside.

"He has requested an Imperial bride. Would you take him, or is there someone else you have in mind, Otomo-san?"
Nobuko bowed deeply to Agasha Sumiko, "Agasha-dono, as you informed me two days ago that I had been given the privilege of choosing potential candidates for my marriage, I then extended several invitations for fellow students to deliver to their nakodos that they might discuss the matches. I do not doubt any here are worthy spouses, so I will happily ask that such an invitation be delivered to any who is determined deserving of such an honor. But I cannot, nay, would not dream of choosing one person so directly. Those who are more experienced and aware of all the considerations needed must be consulted. It is they who will know best, not the whims of a child still half a year from her gempukku."

Which was both a denial of making an immediate decision from among several samurai - and perhaps even more as the night went on - and an acknowledgment that while she did have a first choice, she wasn't going to go against whatever was decided for her. Hopefully the Ruby Champion would see her words as both mature, and the proper stance to take in such matters. Rushing into marriages without the blessing of a nakodo always seemed to end badly in pillowbooks and plays.