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One Last Ohm For the Road - Open

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 9:21 am
by Asako Saburo
So, Saburo hadn't actually mastered that supernaturally wonderful BAM, my inner chi is replenished trick he'd seen demonstrated last night. If he had, this would have been child's play. But, as it was, he'd managed to master his meditative skills enough that emptying himself of thoughts and, once empty headed enough that he could give the Doji a run for her money, he could slowly, but surely begin replenishing his chi.

As his breathing evened and he felt himself renewed, he began to shift out of lotus position, getting slowly to his feet and frowning a bit to himself. Look, it didn't matter if it was his last day. He wanted to practice, damnit. There were strict guidelines about these schedules and he was going to keep to them. And the hour of the serpent was for replenishing your chi and then hitting something with a wooden weapon.

(OOC: +2 Void Points regained)

Re: One Last Ohm For the Road - Open

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 9:37 am
by Mai
Mai wasn't far from him meditating herself. She managed to achieve peace.

Afterwards, she went to find something to do and found Saburo. She bowed. "Hello, Asako-san."

D10 Serpent: Meditation/Void: 7d10o10k4 32

+ 2 Void regained

Re: One Last Ohm For the Road - Open

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 10:19 am
by Toritaka Sasaiko
Seems Mai's not the only one to follow Saburo.

But seeing him again distracts her from her task (Meditation 13) once again.

So she says nothing at the moment.

Re: One Last Ohm For the Road - Open

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 10:21 am
by Kuni Yotsuo
The Kuni was present as well, centering himself for the game training coming up. At this point he was nearing a point where he could simply meditate regardless of his environment. His center was found with ease and he relaxed into the moment. It now no longer felt like time was passing for him, even though it was, as anyone watching his perfectly still form could see.

When he was ready, he rose and nodded to the others, but didn't want to invite himself into Mai's conversation. So he started going through a series of slow moving unarmed kata.


D10 Serpent, Mediation / Void, TN 20: 9d10o10k4 30

Re: One Last Ohm For the Road - Open

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 12:03 pm
by Kaito Haruki
Haruki joins the large group surrounding the number 1 student at this dojo (regardless of how much that annoys Sabaru-San). He takes a place far enough away to be seen but not heard, then begins to meditate, he can't afford to not regain his connection to the universe today. He's got all eyes on him later today. Everyone knows who's making dinner tonight, and Haruki doesn't want to disappoint a Jeweled Champion.

D10 Serpent: Meditation (Void Recovery)/Void, TN 20: 6d10o10k3 37

+2 Void Points

Re: One Last Ohm For the Road - Open

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 3:14 am
by Kakita Kenji
Kenji also joined the large group to meditate a little, but since it was a large group, he could not really center his thoughts.

Instead, he observed the others a little. He felt a little sad that he had to leave tomorrow, it might have been only 10 days, but it felt so much longer and some of the students here really grew fond on him.

D10 Serpent Meditate/Void TN 20: 6d10o10k3 19

Re: One Last Ohm For the Road - Open

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 9:04 am
by Asako Saburo
Hey, it was a great time for everyone to meditate, but with so many present in the room, Saburo didn't wish to interrupt any of their meditations. As his eyes fluttered opened, he would bow to any who had finished and step to the side in case they wished to speak. He was, after all, in no hurry, but at the same time they would need their reserves of chi for the day's trials.

Re: One Last Ohm For the Road - Open

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 9:07 am
by Kaito Haruki
Stepping aside from the crowd, Haruki approaches Sabaru-San and whispers. I heard you are being sent home early, any particular reason why?

Re: One Last Ohm For the Road - Open

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 9:13 am
by Asako Saburo
He leaned in and whispered in turn, nodding in confirmation, but keeping his voice pitched not to disturb after shuffling a little distance away from the others. "Specialized training. I have been found to be Ishiken. Asako Himeya-sama is making very specific arrangements to rush me to training despite how close to gempukku I am." He glanced over at him. He was reasonably certain he didn't need to explain to a Phoenix how rare Ishiken were, like hen's teeth. The Isawa were incredibly possessive of ensuring all were trained by them or somehow under their thumb. They didn't always succeed, but usually they did.

"I'll be missing the graduation ceremony, but ... I intend to attend Topaz if fortunes permit."

Re: One Last Ohm For the Road - Open

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 10:19 am
by Mai
Mai had followed him over, bowing and greeting Haruki as he came over too.

"That is impressive, Asako-san. I hope to see you at the Topaz Tournament."

Re: One Last Ohm For the Road - Open

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 10:23 am
by Kaito Haruki
"I am certain you'll manage ishiken training just as well as this. I look forward to seeing your abilities once your future sensei declares you ready."

Re: One Last Ohm For the Road - Open

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 10:32 am
by Asako Saburo
"If there is one thing I have learned," he murmured, shaking his head. "It is that all the effort in the world will not make me a better Ishiken. If anything, my usual approach probably won't work at all. I have needed to open myself to a different way of looking at things. You... can't bludgeon the void into place through force of will it seems."

Obviously he'd been trying for a while, unknowing.

Re: One Last Ohm For the Road - Open

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 10:39 am
by Mai
"I am sure you will find it. You proved yourself adaptable here. You will with whatever Ishken training is."

Re: One Last Ohm For the Road - Open

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 2:44 pm
by Kakita Kenji
"So you're leaving us early, Saburo-san," Kenji said and walked quietly towards the others.

Re: One Last Ohm For the Road - Open

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 7:38 pm
by Toritaka Sasaiko
Sasaiko overhears, and her face grows still.

Ishiken...I've heard of that, I think.

She nods from where she is. No wonder he did so well!

Re: One Last Ohm For the Road - Open

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 2:10 am
by Asako Saburo
"Unfortunately yes." He caught sight of Sasaiko's reaction and nodded towards her. "I will need to depart after the Ikoma's final lesson immediately. Asako-sama does not way to waste any time in getting me back to Kyuden Isawa. So arrangements were already put into place for my departure."

Re: One Last Ohm For the Road - Open

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 2:16 am
by Toritaka Sasaiko
Sasaiko's face remains still.

Her hand, however, clenches once before she wills it into stillness.

Re: One Last Ohm For the Road - Open

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 2:31 am
by Kakita Kenji
"That's sad to hear. But I'm no less impressed that you've received such a blessing. I, and many others, would have liked to have had your company at the banquet tonight, since we won't see each other again until we reach the topaz," Kenji said, somewhat gloomy. He noticed Sasaiko's behavior but didn't let it show.

Re: One Last Ohm For the Road - Open

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 2:54 am
by Asako Saburo
"We will certainly meet again. I don't have any intentions of missing the Topaz Championship after all. The parting will simply be one that comes slightly sooner than expected," he said, grunting and shrugging. "And when you see me, I will be far better prepared than I am at present. I intend to give you a full challenge." And though he would never think of Void Magic as something to use merely to trump another, it certainly was an ace in the hole, was it not?