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Event: Extra Credit

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:18 pm
by Vutall
All of the Sensei gather on the training grounds and gather in different locations. Agasha Sumiko steps forward to address the students.

"Your time here is almost at an end. Tomorrow, you will be graced with the Master of the Kakita Academy, Kakita Toshimoku-sama, to teach you the Art of the Duel. After, we will have a games day, hosted by Ikoma Ikehata-san. Finally, the day will end with the closing ceremony, and our final thoughts on your progress here at this dojo. You have all done well, and your sensei at home will be very proud of you. This afternoon, you will be given chances to revisit topics you have been taught here, each sensei conducting one test on a skill they have instructed you in."

She bows shallowly and then steps back to observe.
Note: Please only participate in this thread once you have completed the Magistrate Training here: viewtopic.php?f=181&p=1019#p1019

Sensei: All

Students may enter this thread and make a number of rolls at TN20.

You MUST have the skill to call raises or benefit from Exceptional Success.

Raises in this thread are +5 to the TN.

Failure adds 1 Failure point. After 3 Failure points, students are not allowed to make any further rolls.

Special: Players may wear any equipment they wish for this event as it is not a mandatory event, thus no uniforms required.

Special: Players who supported Hida Goroharu in the Garden event gain +10 to any roll marked with a *

The rolls (Pick a skill to roll. You may not roll the same skill twice. If you have less than 3 Failure Points, you may pick a new skill and roll again)

(You may only pick one of the below Athletics skills)
Athletics (Running) / Stamina
*Athletics (Climbing) / Strength
Athletics (Throwing) / Reflexes

(You may only pick one of the below Battle skills)
Battle / Awareness
Battle / Intelligence
Battle / Perception

(You may only pick one of the below Calligraphy skills)
Calligraphy / Awareness
Calligraphy / Intelligence
Calligraphy / Willpower

Courtier / Stamina

(You may only pick one of the below Defense skills)
*Defense / Reflexes
Defense / Stamina
Defense / Agility

(You may only pick one of the below Divination skills)
Divination / Void
Divination / Perception
Divination / Intelligence

Etiquette / Willpower

Horsemanship / Reflexes

Hunting / Awareness

Investigation / Perception

(You may only pick one of the below Juijutsu skills)
*Juijutsu (Martial Arts) / Agility
Juijutsu (Improvised Weapon) / Strength
Juijutsu (Grappling) / Reflexes

(You may only pick one of the below Kyujutsu skills)
Kyujutsu / Void
Kyujutsu / Perception
Kyujutsu / Reflexes

(Each Lore below may be picked once)
Lore: Shugenja / Intelligence
Lore: Architecture / Intelligence
Lore: Gaijin (Pick Ivory Kingdoms, Burning Sands, Yobanjin, Pavarre) / Intelligence - Each type, Ivory Kingdoms.. etc are a different skill
Lore: Ghosts / Intelligence
Lore: Nature / Intelligence
Lore: Nonhuman Culture: Nezumi / Intelligence
Lore: Spirit Realms / Intelligence
Lore: Elements / Intelligence

(You may only pick one of the below lore skills)
Lore: Theology / Stamina
Lore: Theology / Perception
Lore: Theology / Intelligence

Meditation / Void

Sincerity / Awareness

(You may only pick one of the below Tea Ceremony Skills)
Tea Ceremony / Intelligence
Tea Ceremony / Agility
Tea Ceremony / Void

-Passing grants +1 Dojo Points, with each Raise adding +1 Dojo Point.
-Any skill roll that explodes twice gives you +1 to that skill.
-Other than Willpower, as it has not been a Bonus trait, if you have NOT gained the BONUS +1 to a trait/Void, if your roll on a trait/Void roll equals the target number, you gain +1 to that trait (You may only gain this once per trait/Void. Remember, you can always choose what dice you keep)

Threads students could have gained a bonus trait:
Awareness: viewtopic.php?f=181&p=1019#p1019
Reflexes: viewtopic.php?f=157&t=294#p1016

Stamina: viewtopic.php?f=133&t=291

Agility: viewtopic.php?f=109&t=288
Intelligence: viewtopic.php?f=112&t=289

Strength: viewtopic.php?f=100&t=287
Perception: viewtopic.php?f=136&t=292

Void: viewtopic.php?f=160&t=295#p1017

Re: Event: Extra Credit

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 11:31 am
by Mai
Mai starts off with Battle. She proves herself to be skilled if not super impressive. Disappointing...

Mai would work through her disappointment on the climbing portion, proving to be very impressive.

She proved herself adequate on the defensive and jiujutsu portions.

When she came the calligraphy portion, by pure chance, she caught a tiny flaw and fixed it. She felt herself getting brighter.

She avoid embarrassment on the tea ceremony and proved her ability at meditation.

Mai showed herself skilled at investigation, as expected.

But what even surprised her was how well she did at the courtier test.

She then got cocky and pushed her ability at divination and proved a failure. Except the sensei told took a second look. Apparently, she had accidently performed a little known Asako divination. Well, she will take it.

Then Mai picked up the bow. The shot amazed even her.

She showed herself knowledgeable at theology, but incompetent at etiquette and sincerity.

Fortunately, she got her groove back in the saddle.

But not for long. Apparently the answer about her knowledge on ghosts was not "They really hurt."

D9 Dog: Battle/Perception 1 Raise: 6d10o10k4 25 + 2 DP

D9 Dog: Athletics/Strength 3 Raises +10: 6d10o10k4 43 + 10 = 53 (1 Exception Raise) + 5 DP

D9 Dog: Defense/Reflexes 1 Raise +10: 5d10o10k3 31 + 10 = 41 (1 Exception Raise) + 3 DP

D9 Dog: Jiujutsu/Agility 1 Raise +10: 4d10o10k3 25 + 10 = 35 (1 Exceptional Raise) + 3 DP

D9 Dog: Calligraphy/Intelligence VOID: 5d10o10k3 27 (Not Taken)

D9 Dog: Calligraphy/Intelligence VOID Luck!: 5d10o10k3 23 Keeping (9,9,2) to match my TN of 20 for Intelligence Bonus + 1 DP 3/4 Void

D9 Dog: Tea Ceremony/Void: 5d10o10k4 23 + 1 DP

D9 Dog: Meditation/Void 1 Raise: 7d10o10k4 41 (1 Exceptional Raise) + 3 DP

D9 Dog: Investigation/Perception 1 Raise: 6d10o10k4 29 + 2 DP

D9 Dog: Courtier/Stamina: 5d10o10k3 48 (2 Exceptional Successes) +3 DP

D9 Dog: Divination/Perception 1 Raise: 5d10o10k4 21 (Not Taken)

D9 Dog: Divination/Perception 1 Raise Luck: 5d10o10k4 28 + 2 DP Luck Advantage Exhausted

D9 Dog: Kyujutsu/Perception 1 Raise: 6d10o10k4 45 (2 Exceptional Successes) + 4 DP

D9 Dog: Lore; Theology/Perception VOID for skill: 5d10o10k4 31 (1 Exception Success) + 2 DP 2/4 Void

D9 Dog: Etiquette/Willpower: 3d10o10k2 16 1/3 Failure

D9 Dog: Sincerity/Awareness: 3d10o10k2 15 2/3 Failure

D9 Dog: Horsemanship/Reflexes VOID for Skill: 4d10o10k3 34 (1 Exception Success) + 2 DP 1/4 Void

D9 Dog: Lore: Ghosts/Intelligence VOID: 4d10o10k3 18 3/3 Failure 0/4 Void


+ 33 Dojo Points
+ 1 Athletics
+ 1 Courtier
+ 1 Kyujutsu
+ 1 Intelligence

EDIT: I miscounted my Meditation roll's Dojo Points. I had 2 Dojo Points, but I had one called raise and one exceptional success, so it should have been 3 Dojo Points. So, I corrected my counting.

Re: Event: Extra Credit

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 11:37 am
by Utaku Ichiro
For all his failings and 'nearly there's' during the course of the training Ichiro still managed to put on a solid showing.

(Defense/Reflexes 7k4 +10 - 3 raises, TN 35 - Success - 4 Dojo points
Jiujutsu/Agility 7k4 +10 - 3 raise, TN 35 - Success - 4 Dojo points
Athletics/Strength 5k3 +10 - 2 raises, TN30 - Success - 3 Dojo points
Courtier/Stamina 6k4 - 1 raise, TN25 - Success - 2 Dojo points
Kyujutsu/Reflexes 6k4 - 1 raise, TN25 - Success - 2 Dojo points
Meditation/Void 6k4 - 1 raise, TN25 - First Fail
Horsemanship/Reflexes 5k4 TN20 - Exceptional Success 61 - 5 Dojo points, +1 Horsemanship
Lore:Theology/Stamina 5k4, TN20 - Success - 1 Dojo point
Divination/Void 4k4 unskilled, TN20 - Second Fail
Investigation/Perception 3k2, VP for +1k1, TN20 - Success - 1 Dojo point
Battle/Intelligence 3k2, VP for +1k1, TN20 - Exceptional Success 30 - 2 Dojo points, +1 Battle
Sincerity/Awareness 3k2, VP for +1k1, TN20 - Success - 1 Dojo point
Tea Ceremony/Void 4k4 unskilled, VP for Phantom Skill, TN20 - Success - 1 Dojo point
Etiquette/Willpower 3k2, TN20 - Third Fail - Extra Credit ends

+1 Horsemanship
+1 Battle
26 Dojo Points)

Re: Event: Extra Credit

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 11:38 am
by Asako Saburo
One last test.
One last opportunity to impress.
You will not make a collective ass out of yourself in front of all your sensei and shame your mother and entire family by demonstrating that you only know children's lessons, Saburo. You will not fail.

He set to it, tackling his first failure with the determination of a madman. The wall had defeated him once. It WOULD NOT DEFEAT HIM AGAIN!
His martial prowess showed considerable development, both in natural ability, and in skill, though his ability to avoid the strike that followed left much to be desired.
Firming his resolve, demanding nothing but perfection from himself, he calmed on his way to the lessons on lore. And, as one question after another on matters of the subtler points of lore and tactics were asked, he showed that he had at the very least been paying attention to his lessons. It became easier to feel his confidence returning while he worked to decipher and duplicate second century calligrahy samples. The lessons of gaki and Gaki-do were equally within his capacities, getting pleased nods from the sensei, and when he steadied his mind for the last portions of the test, he was able to successfully empty himself, his breaths calming.

What was shocking, however, was when he moved through the courtly tests, taking a brief moment to show his ability to focus with the bow. The Bayushi administering the tests seemed legitimately surprised that he had gained so much, so quickly, and yet he had truly demonstrated a building mastery in the arts of sincerity and the courts.

Finally, he was in the back ranks of the tests, having participated in the majority. Saburo was starting to show some signs of exhaustion, but the many times he had taken tea with Sasaiko were a unique benefit, as had been actually listening to Moto Ichiro talk about his homeland. He remembered how the ceremony was supposed to be performed and its proper order, just as he recalled the name of the marketplace in the city of Ichiro's homeland. Eventually, however, the more and more esoteric the questions got, the more the sheer breadth of his understanding and memory was tested and the questions on the nezumi and yobanjin proved to be his 'undoing.'

By the end of the test he was exhausted enough that he didn't care if he had flubbed a few questions, and that? That was a victory in and of itself.

Required Rolls: Get ready for it...

1) D9 Dog - Extra Credit: Athletics (Climbing)/Strength - Goroharu Bonus +10 (TN 20): 20 (Keeping 7 & 3), Success, +1 DP, +1 Strength
2) D9 Dog - Extra Credit: Jiujutsu (Martial Art)/Agility - Goroharu Bonus 2 CR (TN 30): 42, Exceptional Success, +4 DP
3) D9 Dog - Extra Credit: Defense/Reflexes - Goroharu Bonus 1 CR (TN 25): 24, Failure (1 Failure Point)
4) D9 Dog - Extra Credit: Lore-Elements/Intelligence - (TN 20): 26, Success, +1 DP
5) D9 Dog - Extra Credit: Lore-Theology/Intelligence - (TN 20): 28, Success, +1 DP
6) D9 Dog - Extra Credit: Battle/Intelligence - (TN 20): 34, Exceptional Success, +2 DP
7) D9 Dog - Extra Credit: Calligraphy/Intelligence - (TN 20): 33, Exceptional Success, +2 DP
8) D9 Dog - Extra Credit: Lore-Ghosts/Intelligence - (TN 20): 38, Exceptional Success, +2 DP
9) D9 Dog - Extra Credit: Lore-Spirit Realms/Intelligence - (TN 20): 33, Exceptional Success, +2 DP
10) D9 Dog - Extra Credit: Meditation/Void - (TN 20): 22, Success, +1 DP
11) D9 Dog - Extra Credit: Courtier/Stamina - (TN 20): 31, Exceptional Success/Double Explosion, +2 DP, +1 Courtier
12) D9 Dog - Extra Credit: Kyujutsu/Void - (TN 20): 30, Exceptional Success, +2 DP
13) D9 Dog - Extra Credit: Sincerity/Awareness - (TN 20): 34, Exceptional Success/Double Explosion, +2 DP, +1 Sincerity
14) D9 Dog - Extra Credit: Etiquette/Willpower - (TN 20): 21, Success, +1 DP
15) D9 Dog - Extra Credit: Tea Ceremony/Intelligence - (TN 20) - UNSKILLED: 23, Success, +1 DP
16) D9 Dog - Extra Credit: Lore-Shugenja/Intelligence - (TN 20) - UNSKILLED: 26, Success, +1 DP
17) D9 Dog - Extra Credit: Lore-Nature/Intelligence - (TN 20) - UNSKILLED: 21, Success, +1 DP
18) D9 Dog - Extra Credit: Lore-Architecture/Intelligence - (TN 20) - UNSKILLED: 22, Success, +1 DP
19) D9 Dog - Extra Credit: Lore-Gaijin (Burning Sands)/Intelligence - (TN 20) - UNSKILLED: 26, Success, +1 DP
20) D9 Dog - Extra Credit: Lore-Nezumi/Intelligence - (TN 20) - UNSKILLED: 17, Failure (2 Failure Points)
21) D9 Dog - Extra Credit: Divination/Intelligence - (TN 20) - UNSKILLED: 21, Success, +1 DP
22) D9 Dog - Extra Credit: Lore-Gaijin (Ivory Kingdoms)/Intelligence - (TN 20) - UNSKILLED: 27, Success, +1 DP
23) D9 Dog - Extra Credit: Lore-Gaijin (Yobanjin)/Intelligence - (TN 20) - UNSKILLED: 17, Failure (3 Failure Points)

Net Results:
+30 Dojo Points, +1 Strength, +1 Courtier, +1 Sincerity

Re: Event: Extra Credit

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 11:49 am
by Bayushi Jiro
Bayushi Jiro's player does not have the reservoirs of luck that some other players have. This makes him feel like he has rather let his character down. He goes, now, to contemplate what kharmic misstep has left him with average rolls when others are as gods, cursing fate and seeking sack-cloth to wear and ashes to gnaw.

Defense/Agility=27 +1 Dojo Point.
Tea Ceremony/Agility=23 +1 Dojo Point
Etiquette/Willpower=22 +1 Dojo Point
Perception/Investigation=16 Failure 1
Kyujutsu/Perception=36 Double Explosion, Exceptional Success: +2 Dojo Points, +1 Kyujutsu
Sincerity/Awareness=32 Exceptional Success: +2 Dojo Points
Calligraphy/Awareness=19 Failure 2
Lore: Architecture/Intelligence=29 +1 Dojo Point
Jiujutsu/Agility=13 Failure 3.

+8 dojo points, +1 Kyujutsu

Re: Event: Extra Credit

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 11:52 am
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
Ginkarasu runs at the climbing rope and scampers right up it, hardly delayed at all by gravity. He rings the bell and almost floats back down, his feathered cloak floofing up.

He does spend a little too much time worried that the cloak will be hurt when he's dodging and manages to get thwacked right in the forehead for his troubles when he ducks instead of jumps.

He does manage to strike back well enough, especially with the Hida sensei's coaching.

However, it is in attempting to outlast others while navigating the courts that Ginkarasu proves he is the most stubborn of courtiers, even pointing out to the sensei that saying time is up is not saying that he is right, shiny, skippable rocks are in fact a facet of mono no aware, and he'll keep arguing the point until everyone agrees.

His effort with the bow proves he truly learned the skill well here at the Ruby Champion's Dojo, having never shot an arrow before arriving.

He willingly proves he can find theological minutiae in some old scrolls, taking his time until he finds the exact right information.

The horse they lead him to says neigh.

He apologies at length to the horse, doing so correctly.

This is not the correct battle strategy to impress the sensei, however.

D9 Dog: EC Athletics (Climbing) / Strength 1 Raise, TN 25, HIDA: 5d10o10k3+10 43 ES, +3 Dojo Points
D9 Dog: EC Defense / Reflexes 2 Raises, TN 30, HIDA: 6d10o10k4+10 27 (One Failure)
D9 Dog: EC Juijutsu (Martial Arts) / Agility, TN 20 HIDA: 3d10o10k2+10 23 +1 Dojo Point
D9 Dog: EC Courtier / Stamina 1 Raise, TN 25: 5d10o10k4 52 ESx2 +4 Dojo Points, +1 Courtier
D9 Dog: EC Meditation / Void, TN 20, Void Spent +1k1: 6d10o10k3 20 +1 Dojo Point, +1 VOID! WOO!
D9 Dog: EC Kyujutsu / Reflexes 1 Raise, TN 25: 6d10o10k4 36 ES, +3 Dojo Points
D9 Dog: EC Lore: Theology / Stamina 1 Raise, TN 25: 5d10o10k4 26 +2 Dojo Points
D9 Dog: EC Horsemanship / Reflexes, TN 20: 4d10k4 15 (Second Failure)
D9 Dog: EC Etiquette / Willpower, TN 20: 4d10o10k3 20 +1 Dojo Point
D9 Dog: EC Battle / Perception, TN 20: 4d10o10k3 11 (Third Failure)
Total Dojo Points: 15 Dojo Points
Additional: +1 Void, +1 Courtier

Re: Event: Extra Credit

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 12:46 pm
by Moto Ichiro
Ichiro arrived at the show case and began with his strengths displaying amazing feats of athleticism and strength climbing swiftly and powerfully over the objective. Then putting on an incredible display of hand to hand combat his kicks and punches were almost art work in their textbook nature and obvious power and grace.

he ran through his skills showing an awareness of the battlefield, remarkable defensive ability, a very fine showing of archery and a near flawless understanding of meditation his centered balance was clear to everyone watching.

however problem areas still persisted with a lack of lore, investigative prowess and a miserable lack of social graces. The sensei thanked him for his show case and dismissed him.

D9 Dog extra credit Athletics/str +10 from Hida sensei 3 raises tn 35: 7d10o10k4+10 44 +4 DP +1 athletics

D9 Dog extra credit Battle/per 1 raise tn 25: 6d10o10k4 26 +2 DP

D9 Dog extra credit Juijutsu/agi +10 from Hida sensei 3 raises tn 35: 9d10o10k4+10 64 exceptional success fr +5 DP +1 juijutsu

D9 Dog extra credit Def/agi 1 raise tn 25: 7d10o10k4 32 +2 DP

D9 Dog extra credit kyujutsu/per 1 raise tn 25: 7d10o10k4 34 +2 DP

D9 Dog extra credit Lore:theology/int vp +1k1 tn 20: 4d10o10k3 10 1 failure point 1/3

D9 Dog extra credit Lore:gaijin ivory kingdom/int vp +1k1 tn 20: 4d10o10k3 23 +1DP

D9 Dog extra credit investigation/per tn 20: 5d10o10k4 10 1 failure point 2/3

D9 Dog extra credit meditation void tn 20: 4d10o10k3 42 exceptional success fr +2 DP +1 meditation

D9 Dog extra credit courtier/stam tn 20: 4d10o10k3 8 1 failure point 3/3 event over

18 DP
+1 Athletics
+1 Juijutsu
+1 meditation

Re: Event: Extra Credit

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 12:52 pm
by Kaito Haruki
Haruki had a much weaker start than the Sabaru-San and Mai-San's. It's annoying how the things he does so well at are the things he falls behind in now. Hida sensei is not holding back this time, he expects Haruki to be better than he was before. This is the level of his senpai back home, the Nikutai students. This puts Haruki into the right mindset when he faces Akodo-sensei in shogi. Every piece he sees turns into a classmate of his, every opposite one an enemy, and so Haruki must do everything he can to make sure he takes as many of his opponent's and gives up as few of his own. He then takes on every challenge given to him with what is expected. However, he soon gets distracted from the constant praise to Mai-san and Sabaru, every distant praise is just another reminder of how much Haruki might slip behind. This tires him out so much Doji-sensei stops him before he tries to start his arguments. His proving ground officially over, he walks away, hiding his shame.

D9 Dog: Athletics (Climbing)/Strength, 2 called raises, Helped Hida-sensei, effective TN 30: 10+5d10o10k3 22
D9 Dog: Jiujutsu(Improvised Weapons)/Strength, 2 called raises, Helped Hida-sensei, effective TN 30: 10+6d10o10k3 28
D9 Dog: Battle/Perception, 1 called raise, TN 25: 6d10o10k4 73
D9 Goat: Defenses/Reflexes, Helped Hida-sensei, 2 raises called: 10+6d10o10k3 34
D9 Goat: Horsemanship/Reflexes, Void Point Used, TN 20: 5d10o10k3 22
(Keeping 12,6, and 2 for roll of 20, TN 20, therefore got Reflexes)
D9 Dog: Investigation/Perception, 1 raise called, TN 25: 6d10o10k4 34
D9 Dog: Kyujutsu/Perception, 1 raise called, TN 25: 6d10o10k4 31
D9 Dog: Lore:Theology/ Perception, 1 Raise, TN 25: 6d10o10k4 29
D9 Dog: Meditation/Void, TN 20: 6d10o10k3 27
D9 Dog: Calligraphy/ Intelligence, TN 20: 5d10o10k3 28
D9 Dog: Courtier/Stamina, TN 20: 5d10o10k3 12

17 dojo points
+1 Reflexes
+1 Battle

Re: Event: Extra Credit

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 1:01 pm
by Kakita Kazuko
Kazuko completely flubs at everything.


D9 Dog Calligraphy/Intelligence, TN20: 4d10o10k2 12 FAIL.
D9 Dog Athletics (Throwing)/Reflexes: 4d10o10k2 7
D9 Dog Etiquette/Willpower, TN20: 5d10o10k2 13

Result: +0 DP

Re: Event: Extra Credit

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 2:41 pm
by Asako Sanzo
Sanzo enters, quite nervously; all the sensei were here, after all, and he wanted to put his best foot forward, to show them that their efforts were taken to heart.

The young bushi begins with what else but displays of combat, namely Jiujitsu and Defense, near flawless in his execution of the maneuvers. Next was Kyujutsu, which he actually quite enjoyed. He decided to go with a blind shot, thinking back to the near meditative state he was in. Unfortunately, his aim was a ways off, but a last minute adjustment sends the arrow squarely into it's target.

From there, Sanzo moves into the other lessons he learned during his time here, though with much less confidence than his initial tests. His nerves get the best of him here and there, particularly in the Calligraphy section, where it causes him to completely screw up a character.

Still, once all is said and done, he finds himself satisfied with the outcome, and bows to the sensei in thanks.

Crunchy Bits:

D9 Dog, Extra Credit, Jiujitsu/Agi, 4 raises = TN40, VP: 8d10o10k5 49 +10 = 59 (+6 Dojo Points)
D9 Dog, Extra Credit, Defense/Ref, 2 raises = TN30, VP: 7d10o10k4 42 +10 = 52 (+5 Dojo Points)
D9 Dog, Extra Credit, Athletics/Str, TN20: 4d10o10k3 15 +10 = 25 (+1 Dojo Point)
D9 Dog, Extra Credit, Kyuj/Void, 1 raise = TN25: 6d10o10k4 16 (Rerolling)
D9 Dog, Extra Credit, Kyuj/Void, 1 raise = TN25 luck reroll: 6d10o10k4 37 (+3 Dojo Points)
D9 Dog, Extra Credit, Battle/Per, TN20: 5d10o10l3 7 (Should be 19, but still FAIL #1)
D9 Dog, Extra Credit, Meditation/Void, TN20: 6d10o10k4 37 (+2 Dojo Points)
D9 Dog, Extra Credit, Investigation/Per, TN20, VP: 5d10o10k4 32 (+2 Dojo Points)
D9 Dog, Extra Credit, Theology/Per, TN20, VP: 6d10o10k4 31 (+2 Dojo Points)
D9 Dog, Extra Credit, Tea Ceremony/Void, TN20: 4d10k4 28 (+1 Dojo Point)
D9 Dog, Extra Credit, Divination/Void, TN20: 4d10k4 27 (+1 Dojo Point)
D9 Dog, Extra Credit, Calligraphy/Awa, TN20: 4d10o10k3 11 (FAIL #2)
D9 Dog, Extra Credit, Courtier/Stam, TN20: 4d10o10k3 30 (+2 Dojo Points)
D9 Dog, Extra Credit, Sincerity/Awa, TN20: 4d10o10k3 21 (+1 Dojo Points)
D9 Dog, Extra Credit, Hunting/Awa, TN20: 3d10k3 19 (FAIL #3)

+26 Dojo Points

Re: Event: Extra Credit

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 3:56 pm
by Doji Sakura
Sakura did her best, but it seems she wasn't good enough to earn the extra credits.

D9 Dog extra credit event Athletics(climbing)/Str TN20: 6d10o10k3 10 1/3 fails

D9 Dog extra credit event Jiujutsu/Str TN20: 5d10o10k3 30 3 dojo points

D9 Dog extra credit event Battle/perception+vp TN20: 4d10o10k3 17 2/3 fails

D9 Dog extra credit event Etiquette/willpower TN20 CORRECTED ROLL: 5d10o10k2 22 1 dojo point

D9 Dog extra credit event Sincerity/awareness TN20: 5d10o10k3 14 3/3 fails

4 dojo points

Re: Event: Extra Credit

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 5:16 pm
by Kakita Kenji
Kenji went into the final test with high expectations of himself.
If he had been told that he would fail to hit a pot, he probably wouldn't have appeared at all.
But he did not give up yet.
He sent for an ashigaru to show how much his jiujtsu and his defense had improved since day 1.

Etiquette was also no problem for him and you could easily give him a bow in hand and he would hit his target.

Kenji started struggling as he searched his inner center before he copied a long text. Because he was distracted, the copy was sloppy and useless.

Ashamed, he cleared the place.

D9 Dog Extra Credit Athletics(Throwing)/Reflexes 1 Raise TN25: 6d10o10k4 16 (1/3)Fails
D9 Dog Extra Credit Defense/Reflxes 1 Raise TN25: 7d10o10k4 40 Exceptional! +3 DP 2 Explosions!
D9 Dog Extra Credit Etiquette/Willpower +VP 1 Raise TN25: 6d10o10k4 28 +2 DP
D9 Dog Extra Credit Jiujutsu(Grappling)/Reflexes 1 Raise TN25: 7d10o10k4 58 3EX! +5 DP 3 Explosions!
D9 Dog Extra Credit Kyujutsu/Reflexes 1 Raise TN25: 6d10o10k4 31 +2 DP
D9 Dog Extra Credit Meditation/Void 1 Raise TN25: 6d10o10k3 18 (2/3)Fails
D9 Dog Extra Credit Calligraphy/Willpower +VP 1 Raise TN25: 6d10o10k4 23 (3/3)Fails

+12 DP
+1 Defense
+1 Jiujutsu

Re: Event: Extra Credit

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 11:31 pm
by Kuni Yotsuo
Shosuro Tomoe had taken him to his daily purification during the hour hour of the Rooster due to the scheduled extra credit. Partially to let him participate but mostly so she could be there for grading. Once he got back to the dojo Yotsuo prepared for the extra training and did what he could to show the things he had learned. He started out by playing to what he saw as his strengths, but he ended up flubbing some questions regarding religious matters. It put pressure on him for the remaining few attempts to prove himself, but in the end he just barely failed when he attempted to display his progress on grappling.

He wasn't very pleased with his performance, but he was also secure enough with himself to accept the results gracefully. He thanked the sensei for their time and went off to prepare for bed.


D9 Dog, Battle / Intelligence, 1 CR, TN 25: 6d10o10k4 41 Exceptional Success, +3 DP
D9 Dog, Lore: Spirit Realms / Intelligence, 2 CR, TN 30: 7d10o10k4 48 Exceptional Success, +4 DP, +1 Lore: Spirit Realms
D9 Dog, Lore: Ghosts / Intelligence, TN 20: 5d10o10k4 34 Exceptional Success, +2 DP
D9 Dog, Lore: Shugenja / Intelligence, TN 20: 5d10o10k4 19 Failure 1/3
D9 Dog, Lore: Theology / Intelligence, TN 20: 5d10o10k4 15 Failure 2/3
D9 Dog, Meditation / Void, 2 CR, TN 30: 9d10o10k4 38 +3 DP
D9 Dog, Kyujutsu / Void, TN 20: 6d10o10k4 39 Exceptional Success, +2 DP
D9 Dog, Calligraphy / Intelligence, TN 20: 5d10o10k4 31 Exceptional Success, +2 DP
D9 Dog, Jiujutsu / Strength, VP +1k1, TN 20: 5d10o10k3 19 Failure 3/3

+16 Dojo Points, +1 Lore: Spirit Realms

Re: Event: Extra Credit

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 11:44 pm
by Kokyou
Kokyou only showed how really good he was in the things he was good at, then he gets rather too cocky and tries be smart. Too smart for his hakama.

Hekking Orokos, no good explosions.

D9, Dog, Jiujutsu(Martial Arts)/Agility TN 45 (5 Raises) +Hida Gotoharu 10 bonus +VP: 10d10o10k5+10 45 (keeping 9, 8, 8, 7, 3, +10) Success, +6 Dojo Points
D9, Dog, Defense/Reflex TN 35 (3 Raises) +Hida Gotoharu 10 bonus +VP: 7d10o10k4+10 35 (keeping 8, 7, 7, 3, +10) Success, +4 Dojo Points, +1 Reflex
D9, Dog, Athletics (Climbing)/Strength TN 30 (2 Raises) +Hida Gotoharu 10 bonus: 6d10o10k4+10 49 +3 Dojo Points
D9, Dog, Lore:Theology/Intelligence TN 20: 3d10o10k2 14 - Fail 1/3
D9, Dog, Lore: Gaijin (Pavarre)/Intelligence TN 20: 3d10o10k2 22 +1 Dojo Point
D9, Dog, Lore: Gaijin (Ivory Kingdom)/Intelligence TN 20: 3d10o10k2 18 Fail 2/3
D9, Dog, Battle/Perception TN 20: 5d10o10k3 15 Fail 3/3

+13 Dojo Points
+1 Reflex

Re: Event: Extra Credit

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 2:20 am
by Otomo Nobuko
With Hida-Sensei's guidance the testing started quite well for Nobuko and she drifted between physical activities and mental exercises, giving herself some space between each type to rest either her mind or body. However, she did eventually begin to flag and by the time she strung her bow, she could no longer focus properly and was politely asked to quit the field, having proved herself admirably all things considered.


D9 Dog Athletics (Climbing) / Strength: 3d10o10k2+10 25 +1DP
D9 Dog Defense / Reflexes: 3d10o10k2+10 33 +2DP (Exceptional Raise)
D9 Dog Juijutsu (Martial Arts) / Agility: 3d10o10k2+10 23 - Keeping 7, 3 For total of 20: +1DP, +1 Agility
D9 Dog Calligraphy / Intelligence: 6d10o10k4 22 +1DP
D9 Dog Battle / Intelligence: 5d10o10k4 34 +2DP (Exceptional Raise)
D9 Dog Lore: Theology / Intelligence: 6d10o10k4 25 +1DP
D9 Dog Tea Ceremony / Intelligence: 5d10o10k4 27 +1DP
D9 Dog Lore: Spirit Realms / Intelligence: 5d10o10k4 24 +1DP
D9 Dog Lore: Nature / Intelligence: 5d10o10k4 31 +2DP (Exceptional Raise)
D9 Dog Sincerity / Awareness: 5d10o10k3 37 +2DP, +1 Sincerity (Exceptional Raise, 2 Explosions)
D9 Dog Etiquette / Willpower: 5d10o10k2 15 Failure 1/3
D9 Dog Meditation / Void; Void for 1k1: 4d10o10k3 9 Failure 2/3
D9 Dog Divination / Intelligence: 4d10k4 34 +1DP (Unskilled)
D9 Dog Lore: Shugenja / Intelligence: 4d10k4 22 +1DP (Unskilled)
D9 Dog Kyujutsu / Void: 3d10o10k2 11 Failure 3/3

Totals: 16 DP, +1Agility, +1 Sincerity

Re: Event: Extra Credit

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 4:32 am
by Soshi Shiso
First, Shiso threw a dagger. It missed. Boo.

Dog 9. Athletics/Reflexes. TN20.: 5d10o10k3 16

[+1 Failure point]

Then, Shiso planned an ambush. And it would work if executed for real!

Dog 9. Intelligence/Battle. TN20.: 5d10o10k4 27

[+1 Dojo Point]

Then, Shiso wrote an official document sending a nagging yoriki to the other end of the province. The yoriki would depart the same day!

Dog 9. Intelligence/Calligraphy. TN20.: 5d10o10k4 31

[+2 Dojo Points]

Then, Shiso launched a scathing tirade against some honourless type. The type would be very beaten down by it.

Dog 9. Courtier/Stamina. TN20.: 7d10o10k3 32

[+2 Dojo Points]

And when Shiso's sincerity was challenged, the challenge was refuted!

Dog 9. Sincerity/Awareness. BB. TN20.: 7d10o10k4 23

[+1 Dojo Point]

With some style!

Dog 9. Etiquette/WP. TN20. VP.: 7d10o10k3 20

[+1 Dojo Point]

And with such a poignant theological argument thrown into the mix!

Dog 9. Theology/Int. TN20.: 5d10o10k4 35

[+2 Dojo Points]

But talking about plants right after talking about gods was ill-received.

Dog 9. Nature/Int. TN20.: 5d10o10k4 14

[+1 Failure Point]

Talking about temples went way better.

Dog 9. Architecture/Int. TN20.: 5d10o10k4 23

[+1 Dojo Point]

And that was just a prelude to tell the frigging scariest and scarriest ghost story this whole group had ever heard!

Dog 9. Ghosts/Int. TN20.: 5d10o10k4 52

[+1 Lore: Ghosts, +4 Dojo Points]

To the point Shiso had to point to some omens and portents that they wouldn't be eaten in their sleep by shozaigaki anytime soon.

Dog 9. Unskilled Divination/Int. TN20.: 4d10 32

[+1 Dojo Point]

Alas, their attempt to calm them further with tea ended up in a flop... of the teacup. Oops.

Dog 9. Unskilled Tea/Int. TN20.: 4d10 17

[+1 Failure Point]

And that was enough for the Sensei's strained nerves.


[15 Dojo Points, +1 Lore Ghosts]

Re: Event: Extra Credit

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 4:44 am
by Togashi Dao
Dao tried to perform the Calligraphy task, but gripped the charcoal too tight and it crumbled in his hand. "Ummmm....can I get another piece?"
Doji Murashige just shook his head sadly.
D9 Dog Callig/Int VP for 1k1 TN20: 4d10o10k3 13 FAIL 1

He next tried to impress one of the Brotherhood monks with his study in the lore topics discussed many days ago. His efforts were hit and miss.
D9 Dog Lore: Spirit Realms/Int VP for 1k1 TN20: 4d10o10k3 21 1 dojo point
D9 Dog Lore: Yobanjin/Int VP for 1k1 TN20: 4d10o10k3 17 FAIL 2

Meditation he could do though. That test was easy,
D9 Dog Med/Void TN20: 7d10o10k4 39 1 dojo point, 1dp (exceptional)

But not as easy as grappling things. He squeezed his opponent tighter than a small, cute puppy. Hida-sensei was impressed.
D9 Dog Jui/Reflex TN20: 7d10o10k4 44 1 dojo point +1 juijutsu, 2dp (exceptional)

All the hard work he'd put into reading Leadership with Akodo Eika was also showing as he blew through the battle test as well.
D9 Dog Battle/Per TN20: 7d10o10k3 47 1 dojo point +1 battle, 2dp (exceptional)

Then he threw some knives.
D9 Dog Athletics/Ref TN20: 6d10o10k4 28 1 dojo point

And dodged the ones thrown back at him
D9 Dog Defense/Ref TN20: 6d10o10k4 27 1 dojo point

And did all the pews.
D9 Dog Kyujutsu/Void TN20: 5d10o10k4 49 1 dojo point +1 kyujutsu, 2dp (exceptional)

But after all the physical exertions he was too worn out to remember the passages from the Tao he was asked about.
D9 Dog Lore: Theology/Int VP for 1k1 TN20: 4d10o10k3 15 FAIL 3

14 dojo points
+1 juijutsu
+1 battle
+1 kyujutsu

Re: Event: Extra Credit

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 4:48 am
by Toritaka Sasaiko

Re: Event: Extra Credit

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 5:48 am
by Matsu Qiang
Matsu Qiang easily demonstrated his mastery of hand-to-hand combat, punching and weaving with great skill - as was only fitting, for a young warrior of the Lion Clan.

During the test of might, a seam ripped in Qiang’s practice kimono to expose bulging muscles as his powerful arms worked to pull his weight up the climbing wall. Between the hard physical exercise and a sudden growth spurt, the young Matsu had become one of the strongest of the students in this year’s class.

The Lion student had not neglected intellectual pursuits, however. Akodo-sensei’s teachings paid off, as Qiang came up with a brilliant analysis to a tactical problem, moving model soldiers on a sand table to most efficiently secure a tiny castle that had been set as the test’s objective.

During the courtier test, Qiang’s keen eyes noticed a slight imperfection one of the cups of the tea set. As a result, when the opposing courtier tried to turn the tea cup so the flaw was not so evident. the Lion was ready with a subtle but acerbic remark that gave him complete control of the situation.

Unfortunately, Qiang was not so well-versed in the spiritual side of the tests, and he was unable to impress the divination and theology instructors no matter how many “Bishamon facts” he was able to recite.

Day 9 Extra Credit, Jujitsu with 2 called raises AGI/Jujitsu +Hida +Void Point TN30: 8d10o10k4+10 38 succeeds for 3 DP
Day 9 Extra Credit, Defense with 2 called raises REF/Defense +Hida +Void Point TN30: 7d10o10k4+10 31 succeeds for 3 DP
Day 9 Extra Credit, Athletics with 2 called raises STR/Athletics +Hida +Strength of Honor TN30: 10d10o10k3+10 30 (keep 7, 7 and 6) succeeds exactly for 3 DP and +1 to Strength
Day 9 Extra Credit, Battle with 2 called raises PER/Battle +Void Point TN30: 8d10o10k5 58 exceptional success for 5 DP and +1 to Battle (double explosion)
Day 9 Extra Credit, Meditation with 2 called raises VOID/Meditation +Void Point TN30: 8d10o10k5 38 succeeds for 3 DP
Day 9 Extra Credit, Investigation with 1 called raise PER/Investigation TN25: 5d10o10k4 35 exceptional success for 3 DP and +1 to Investigation (double explosion)
Day 9 Extra Credit, Lore: Theology with 1 called raise PER/Lore: Theology TN25: 5d10o10k4 15 fail #1
Day 9 Extra Credit, Kyujutsu with 1 called raise PER/Kyujutsu TN25: 5d10o10k4 23 fail #2
Day 9 Extra Credit, Courtier with no raises STA/Courtier TN20: 4d10o10k2 34 exceptional success for 2 DP and +1 to Courtier (double explosion)
Day 9 Extra Credit, Tea Ceremony with no raises VOID/Tea Ceremony TN20: 4d10 21 succeeds for 1 DP
Day 9 Extra Credit, Divination with no raises VOID/Divination TN20: 4d10 16 fail #3

Total: 23 Dojo Points
+1 to Strength
+1 to Battle
+1 to Investigation
+1 to Courtier

Re: Event: Extra Credit

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 7:19 am
by Isawa Tanshin
Meh. I rolled bottom to top, roughly.

24 25 Fail -1 0 0 0 Battle D9 Extra Credit - Battle/Intelligence +1 Raise: 6d10o10k4 24 Fail +0 DP

18 20 Fail -2 0 0 0 Defense D9 Extra Credit - Battle / Stamina: 4d10o10k2 18 Fail +0 DP
31 25 Pass 6 1 1 2 Lore: Shugenja D9 Extra Credit - Lore: Shugenja +1 Raise: 5d10o10k4 31 Pass +2 DP
27 25 Pass 2 1 1 2 Lore: Ghosts D9 Extra Credit - Lore: Ghosts +1 Raise: 5d10o10k4 27 Pass +2 DP
21 25 Fail -4 0 0 0 Lore: Spirit Realms D9 Extra Credit - Lore: Spirit Realms +1 Raise: 5d10o10k4 21 Fail +0 DP
33 25 Pass 8 1 1 2 Tea Ceremony D9 Dog - Tea Ceremony/INT +1 Raise: 5d10o10k4 33 Pass +2 DP