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Mind Fullness (Open)

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 10:08 pm
by Kokyou
Kokyou tried, but it was too difficult to meditate now. The only thing in his head now were Utaku Oichi's extraordinary riding skills while galloping.

Even his own ego was having an issue to find some space in his mind.

D9, Serpent, Meditation / Void TN 20: 4d10o10k3 17

Re: Mind Fullness (Open)

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 10:50 pm
by Kuni Yotsuo
The young Kuni monk, unlike the Mantis, had put most of his effort in training towards meditation even before coming to the dojo. He had little issue with finding his center at this point.

After finishing up, he began practicing his Iai in preparation for the next day's lesson.


D9 Serpent, Meditation / Void, TN 20: 8d10o10k4 58 +2 Void Points

Re: Mind Fullness (Open)

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 10:53 pm
by Kokyou
"Har!" Says Kokyou, noticing that the Kuni started to practice his iai and joins him.

Re: Mind Fullness (Open)

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 12:03 am
by Kuni Yotsuo
"Good afternoon Kokyou-san," the Kuni says with a nod. "How have you been faring?"

Re: Mind Fullness (Open)

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 12:52 am
by Kokyou
"Good afternoon, Kuni-san. I am splendidly heroic, as usual. How 'ave ye been farin'?" He says smirking.

Re: Mind Fullness (Open)

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 2:51 am
by Otomo Nobuko
Nobuko found herself near the other two who were trying to center themselves and sat down to attempt to do the same. Unfortunately, be it nerves or something else, perhaps the noise they made standing up and having a discussion - or her own inability to shut said noise out - she was unable to.

After coming to the realization she would find no short-term inner peace, she folded her hands into her lap and shifted her legs so she could sit more comfortably, looking to watch the two while they practiced... Iai was it?

"Will the two of you be sparring?" she raised her voice just enough to be heard, but not to an inappropriate level.

D9 Serpent Meditation/Void: 3d10o10k2 15

Re: Mind Fullness (Open)

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 2:56 am
by Kuni Yotsuo
"I've been well," he replies to Kokyou.

When the Otomo asked her question he bowed to her. "I had not been planning on it. I was intending on practicing my forms and kata."

Re: Mind Fullness (Open)

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 3:15 am
by Kokyou
Holy kami! Kokyou gasps. There was an Imperial maiden there.

He freezes.

Re: Mind Fullness (Open)

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 3:21 am
by Otomo Nobuko
"Do not keep me from stopping you, then," she pulled her fan from her obi and snapped it open to flutter it a couple times. "I am no expert, of course, but I have spent my schooling years with the Kakita. I am curious how your form differs from theirs."

Nobuko's gaze turned toward Kokyou and a polite smile graced her lips, "Mantis-san, will you be practicing as well?"

Re: Mind Fullness (Open)

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 3:32 am
by Doji Sakura
Suddenly there was another maiden! Having agreed to meet Kokyou at this time, Sakura had gone looking for the boy, finally locating him....and others.

She bowed deeply.

"Ano...good morning mina-sama!"

Re: Mind Fullness (Open)

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 5:02 am
by Kokyou
Kokyou points to himself and raises a rather interested eyebrow looking to Nobuko. Then, he bows. Flourished as usual. A smile frozen in his face as he does it.

The Mantis replies back putting all the swag of his gentleman's skills in a greeting with a flashing grin, "Good morning... Otomo. Sama!"

Dang, he made it. No accent. What an impression! Surely another mission accomplished. The Fortunes would shower graces upon him, as will his Clan.

He turns to Yotsu thinking about getting into a stance, yet Sakura arrives. Kokyou had indeed talked about meeting her today -- at the forge, he thought. He completely forgot it was about his time.

Kokyou bows to the tiny Doji maiden, maintaining that extra puffed up chest of heart conquering glory.

Re: Mind Fullness (Open)

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 5:18 am
by Otomo Nobuko
"Doji-san," Nobuko greeted the girl, giving a shallow bow from her seated position, "Kuni-san and Kokyou-san were about to practice their Iaijutsu stances and kata. Would you like to watch them with me? Or have you had your hour spoken for in another way?"

It was an invitation, but not one that required any kind of acceptance. They were all very busy. If Sakura has business, then she had business.

Re: Mind Fullness (Open)

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 5:25 am
by Doji Sakura
"I would be happy to join you and watch them Otomo-sama" Sakura said with a nod and a smile, already looking forward to the duel. Sakura moved closer to the woman, turning to watch the duelists perform.

Re: Mind Fullness (Open)

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 12:29 am
by Kuni Yotsuo
Yotsuo continued his practice with the steady determination to improve that he had shown during training here. Observers were always present, sensei and other students, so that didn't bother him in the slightest.

"How has the combat training been Kokyou-san? I imagine it's a bit more exciting than the training of shugenja and monks."

Re: Mind Fullness (Open)

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 12:54 am
by Kokyou
"'t has been mighty difficult 'n deadly, jus' the way 'tis supposed t' be. Although I had a bit o' an advantage, as scallywags reckon I 'ave such amazin' shugenja powers." He mentions, putting the bokken at his obi and looking at the girls.

Once neatly prepared, he nods to Yotsu again, asking, "Ready t' spar?"

Re: Mind Fullness (Open)

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 1:23 am
by Kuni Yotsuo
He hadn't really agreed to it and wasn't particularly interested in sparring at the moment, but it wasn't as though it would be bad for him. He nods, tucks his bokken in and turns to face the Mantis before bowing and taking a stance.


D9 Serpent, Initiative: 4d10o10k3 30
D9 Serpent, Assessment, Iaijutsu / Awareness, TN 15: 4d10o10k3 14

Nothing learned

Re: Mind Fullness (Open)

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 1:31 am
by Kokyou
Not knowing that Yotsu wasn't into sparring, but having him doing all the same raised no concerns on Kokyou, or insights. The boy readies himself for a draw.

D9, Serpent, Initiative: 4d10o10k3 32
D9, Serpent, Iaijutsu (Assessment)/Awareness TN 15: 5d10o10k3 13 Nothing
D9, Serpent, Iaijutsu (Focus)/Awareness +1k1+3 Center: 6d10o10k4+3 36

Re: Mind Fullness (Open)

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 1:46 am
by Kuni Yotsuo
Yotsuo's moment comes and passes as he watches Kokyou's eyes. He sees them blink, as in slow motion. Between them closing and opening there is a light smack on his forearm, firm but not overly harmful. After the lightning quick strike, the Kuni steps back once more.


D9 Serpent, Focus, Iaijutsu / Void, Center +1k1+4: 6d10o10k5+4 58
D9 Serpent, Strike, Iaijutsu / Void, Center +1k1+4, 3 Free Raises Extra Damage: 5d10o10k4+4 36
D9 Serpent, Damage, +3k0 Extra Damage: 5d10o10l1 4

Re: Mind Fullness (Open)

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 2:10 am
by Kokyou
Kokyou widens his eyes at the strike and then starts to smile. He bows to Yotsu, saying, "So ye're a bushigenja as well!"

Re: Mind Fullness (Open)

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 2:37 am
by Kuni Yotsuo
The Kuni returns the bow. "Well, a monk actually. The Wardens put a significant emphasis on combat training. But we also delve deeply into understanding the spiritual nature of things."