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Court Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 8:33 pm
by Vutall
The interior of the Dojo has been set up like a mock court, with the three scorpion sensei presiding as court officials. Each student is asked to present an argument for something they would like to see their clan gain from the Scorpion, then they are asked to refute an argument made by another student, and finally, they are scrutinized on their words, the last official trying to see how convicted they are in their arguments.

The courtiers, who would usually excel at such a task, are dragged off by the Crane Sensei, Doji Murashige, to a smaller, quieter room and taught the proper way to conduct a tea ceremony.
Sensei: Doji Murashige, Shosuro Tomoe, Bayushi Kiriko, Bayushi Moriko
-The rules for this event are as follows: You will need to the following checks, all at TN6.

Players who have the following Disadvantages have these TN's increased by +2: N/A

Players who have the following advantages gain +1 to their rolls: N/A

All Schools EXCEPT Courtier must roll the following:
Courtier / Stamina, to represent your ability to make a lengthy convincing argument
Etiquette / Willpower to represent your ability to refute an opponents argument properly
Sincerity / Awareness to represent your ability to earnestly believe in what you say

Courtiers must roll the following:
Tea Ceremony / Intelligence, to represent your ability to properly set up the ceremony
Tea Ceremony / Agility to represent your ability to gracefully conduct the ceremony
Tea Ceremony / Void to represent your ability to properly conduct the ceremony and ease your mind

Dual tagged schools can choose freely which set of rolls to make.

Special Rule: Non Courtier Participating in the Tea Ceremony rolls:
Convincing a Sensei you belong in a different group for instruction:

There are some students (Shinobi in particular) who may believe that an event would be required for them to know what is being taught despite not being the proper school tag to participate.

In this case, a student may attempt to persuade, or convince, the sensei running the event that you should participate. In order to do so, a student make first make a post in the event and attempt a Courtier (Manipulation) / Awareness roll at a TN of 8. Shinobi characters may add their ranks in Acting to this roll. If they succeed, they are able to participate in the event. On a failure, the sensei reprimands them for their arrogance and they lose 1 dojo point and are forced to participate in the event their school tag allows for.

--Gain +1 Dojo Point per passed roll
--Gain +1 to EACH skill you pass with a raise (may use exceptional roll rule free raise for this, even if you do not have the skill). You may only gain this reward once per skill
--Gain +6 Dojo Points if make raise on ALL rolls (may use exceptional roll rule free raise for this, even if you do not have the skill)
--Special: If you have two dice explode on Courtier / Stamina, Bayushi Moriko will become a temporary 1/1 Ally to be called on at some point during your stay to train you further.
--Special: If you have two dice explode on Etiquette / Willpower, Shosuro Tomoe will become a temporary 1/1 Ally to be called on at some point during your stay to train you further.
--Special: If you have two dice explode on Sincerity / Awareness, Bayushi Kiriko will become a temporary 1/1 Ally to be called on at some point during your stay to train you further.
--Special: If you have two dice explode on ANY Tea Ceremony roll, Doji Murashige will become a temporary 1/1 Ally to be called on at some point during your stay to train you further.

Re: Court Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 12:35 pm
by Asako Saburo
He was no courtier, but Saburo had been growing considerably over the last several days, building upon a mounting understanding of the ways of the court. It changed his perspective considerably in the way that he approached this. With a stiff and cool demeanor, he approached the assigned task with a gravelly, husky voice, recommending the assistance of the Scorpion in jointly tending to the many shrines along the villages that dotted the spine of the world. It was a bit of a dry topic, the sort of thing better left to functionaries of the court, but he knew the topic well, and it would be what was expected of a priest to discuss.

What he lacked in raw sincerity on the subject, which was clear enough under the circumstances if not exceptional, he made up for in a somewhat dizzying and detail-oriented argument that made it difficult to outmaneuver him, and certainly showed a mastery of talking for so long that nobody wished to do anything other than accede to his request... just to end it, gods, please. Just to end it. One of the servants muttered under his breath that the boy had missed his calling as a bureaucrat. Bayushi Moriko seemed to agree...

Required Rolls:
Courtier/Stamina 1 CR, Void for +1k1 [TN 8]: 37 - Exceptionally Exceptional Success
Etiquette/Willpower 1 CR, Void for +1k1 [TN 8]: 34 - Exceptional Success
Awareness/Sincerity 1 CR, Void for Skill [TN 8]: 17 - Success

Net Results:
+3 Dojo Points
+1 Courtier, +1 Etiquette, +1 Sincerity
+1/1 Temporary Ally (Bayushi Moriko)
+6 Dojo Points

Re: Court Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 12:46 pm
by Bayushi Jiro
Having propagated the Tea Ceremony among his close circle of friends, it was perhaps no surprise that Bayushi Jiro crushed it with exceptional successes all the way down. His efforts were impeccably designed, his movements fluid, his every action equal to an effective adult courtier of some experience. One could not help walking away from his tea ceremony with a sense of true inner peace.

Tea Ceremony/Intelligence=32, 1 raise. Exceptional Success x2: +1 Dojo Point

Tea Ceremony/Agility=31, 1 raise Exceptional Success x2: +1 Dojo Point

Tea Ceremony/Void=24, 1 raise Exceptional Success: +1 Dojo Point, +6 Dojo Points

+9 Dojo Points, +1 Tea Ceremony

Re: Court Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:03 pm
by Miya Wyn
Miya Wyn steps forward, as an Artisan he chooses to take part in the debate portion of the training, already knowing how badly he did with Tea Ceremony only yesterday.

He begins a discourse with a request of the Scorpion for the only thing the Emperor should ever ask for from the Scorpion, the only thing the Emperor needs from the Scorpion, the only thing the Scorpion truly have to give. Thier complete and utter Loyalty.

When he is assailed by others asking why the Scorpion should only offer thier loyalty and not other things, he points out that with the Loyalty of the Scorpion they would obviously provide anything else needed freely as part of that transaction.

The Miya seems extremely earnest in this belief, if a little naive, his own idealism comes across clearly in his arguments.

D8 Goat Court Training Bentons 1R TN 8 - Courtier/Stamina: 5d10o10k4 31
Passed, 3 Raises, +1 DP, +1 Courtier, 0 Explosions

D8 Goat Court Training Bentons, Void 1R TN 8 - Ett/Will: 5d10o10k4 31
Passed, 3 Raises, +1 DP, +1 Ettiquette, 0 Explosions

D8 Goat Court Training Bentons, Void 1R TN 8 - Sin/Awarel: 5d10o10k4 28
Passed, 3 Raises, +1 DP +1 Sincerity, 1 Explosion

Total +9 Dojo Points, +1 Sincerity, +1 Etiquette, +1 Courtier, No Allies

Re: Court Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:25 pm
by Utaku Ichiro
He had never though he would prove to have an aptitude for the courts but this week had been full of surprises. With his new clarity of mind and purpose he was able to focus like never before and tasks that would have previously stymied or frustrated him flowed past like water. He stood, moved, and spoke with confidence and poise. He would not shame a courtier, mind you, but for a bushi who had entered the dojo as rough and as brash as him it was a remarkable showing.

(Courtier/Stamina, 1 raise, VP for +1k1, TN8 - Exceptional success, two explosions - +1 Dojo point, +1 Courtier, Bayushi Moriko ally
Etiquette/Willpower, 1 raise, VP for Phantom Skill, Honor Roll for Session 3, Stake your Glory for Session 3, TN8 - Success - +1 Dojo point, +1 Etiquette
Sincerity/Awareness, 1 raise, VP for +1k1, TN8 - Success - +1 Dojo point, +1 Sincerity, +6 Dojo points

9 Dojo Points
+1 Courtier
+1 Etiquette
+1 Sincerity
Bayushi Moriko Temp Ally

Re: Court Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:34 pm
by Mai
Mai was suspicious of this. Why do the Scorpion want to know what their Clans want from the Scorpion? So, Mai made a very convincing case for their friendship. It seemed like a bland of enough subject. She then refuted a rather another student's argument she picked at random. Apparently, her trying to not let the Scorpion know anything without them knowing that is what she was doing was good enough.

Well, she got a passing grade. The Scorpion, being Scorpion, probably saw right through her.

D8 Goat: Courtier/Stamina VOID 1 Raise: 5d10o10k4 37

D8 Goat: Etiquette/Willpower VOID for skill 1 Raise: 3d10o10k2 16

D8 Goat: Sincerity/Awareness VOID for skill 1 Raise: 3d10o10k2 10


+ 9 Dojo Points
+ 1 Courtier
+ 1 Etiquette
+ 1 Sincerity

Re: Court Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 3:18 pm
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
Ginkarasu thinks long and hard about what the Scorpion should give the Crab. There's so much, but what would make a good argument?

"The Crab have much to gain from the Scorpion. But what could compare to their friendship?" He looks to the sensei, daring the Bayushi to say something negative about that.

He does his best to refute another's argument, and manages to hold his own for awhile, but so far the other students requests were airtight.

He does his best to hold his ground. After all, everyone knew that the Scorpion were loyal. And the loyalty of a friend was without measure. One of the things he couldn't imagine point a price of koku on. And if a Yasuki thought it was priceless, that's gotta be true, right?
D8 Goat: Courtier / Stamina, 1 Raise TN 8: 4d10k4 34 +1 Dojo Point, +1 Courtier
D8 Goat: Etiquette / Willpower, 1 Raise, Void for Skill TN 8: 4d10o10k3 20 +1 Dojo Point, +1 Etiquette
D8 Goat: Sincerity / Awareness, 1 Raise, Void for Skill TN 8: 4d10o10k3 17 +1 Dojo Point, +1 Sincerity
Total: +9 Dojo Points, +1 Courtier, Etiquette, Sincerity. No ally, as no Courtier skill. :D

Re: Court Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 3:55 pm
by Moto Ichiro
Ichiro came to the lessons with a more balanced head than he usually came to these kinds of lessons. Since last night he felt more balanced in his approach to life, between finding some kind of center with Kistuki-sensei's lessons and then with a minorly humbling event with the goblins, Ichiro wasn't so resentful of this kind of non martial training.

He did passably well on courtier and etiquette lessons which some would likely regard as a minor miracle in and of itself but when it came to sincerity Ichiro delivered a near flawless performance, he had always been a straightforward individual so his ability to believe his words was something he had always been good at and Bayushi-sensei took notice.

D8 goat Court training courtier/stamina vp for skill 1 CR tn 8: 3d10o10k2 9 +1 courtier +1 DP

D8 goat Court training etiquette/will vp for +1k1 1 CR tn 8: 2d10o10k2 11 +1 etiquette +1 DP

D8 goat Court training Sincerity/awa vp for skill 1 CR tn 8: 3d10o10k2 30 +1 Sincerity +1 Dojo point gain Bayushi Kiriko ally

+1 Courtier
+1 Etiquette
+1 Sincerity
+9 DP
gain Bayushi Kachiko as a temp ally

Re: Court Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 6:12 pm
by Kaito Haruki
Haruki goes into a long list of going-ons in the past week, pointing out the one thing all these things had in common. It might have been dry, but Haruki was able to keep the arguments on topic constantly. He played Fu Leng's advocate to great success, causing others' arguments to be stronger as a result. Like the rock he is, Haruki always had a sincere approach to resolving the theoretical problems the sensei brought up.

D8 Goat: Courtier/Stamina, Raise Called, Void Point used,TN 8: 5d10o10k4 17
D8 Goat: Etiquette/Willpower, Void Point used, Raise Called, TN 8: 4d10o10k3 38
D8 Goat: Sincerity Awareness, void point for skill, 1 raise called, TN 8: 3d10o10k2 13

+9 dojo points
+1 Courtier
+1 Etiquette
+1 Sincerity
Shoshuro Tomoe temporary Ally

Re: Court Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:08 pm
by Kaiu Aiichiro
Court training. Aiichiro expected fully to be a disaster, but it was not that happened. Thanks for the Kaiu nature? He heard some whispers on the backdrop that they sent the least barbarian-like students they could find this year. The little Kaiu ignored this and followed Ginkarasu's good example. He was not good at making speeches or sounding persuasive, but he was good at the kind of discussion the Kaiu did.

Day 8 Goat Court Training (Mandatory Event) - Courtier/Stamina - One raise - TN 8: 3d10o10k2 8
Day 8 Goat Court Training (Mandatory Event) - Etiquette/Willpower - One raise - TN 8: 3d10 24
Day 8 Goat Court Training (Mandatory Event) - Sincerity/Awareness - One raise - TN 8: 2d10 9

+9 Dojo Points
+1 Courtier
+1 Etiquette
+1 Sincerity

Re: Court Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 9:35 pm
by Kuni Yotsuo
The young Kuni monk sets his mind to the task at hand, being centered and focused. He had so much more in reserve now that he had a deeper understanding of himself. He found the tasks to be much clearer and was able to incorporate the lessons with greater ease than on previous days. In particular he showed a capability with his ability to argue his point, impressing the Bayushi sensei who offered to help him hone that craft at some point in the future.


D8 Goat, Courtier / Stamina, VP Phantom Rank, 1 raise, TN 8: 4d10o10k3 40
D8 Goat, Etiquette / Willpower, VP +1k1, 1 raise, TN 8: 4d10o10k3 22
D8 Goat, Sincerity / Awareness, VP Phantom Rank, 1 raise, TN 8: 4d10o10k3 21

+9 Dojo Points, +1 Courtier, +1 Etiquette, +1 Sincerity, Bayushi Moriko temporary ally

Re: Court Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:25 pm
by Doji Sakura
Sakura, being more of an artist than a courtier, wasn't the greatest at the courtly training. She did her best however, and she proved to have very good manners as well as a great understanding of how to be honest and sincere without hurting anyones feelings

(OOc - joining the artisan side)
D8 Goat daily event - Courtier/Stamina+VP. TN6+raise (TN8: 3d10o10k2 7 fail
D8 Goat daily event - Etiquette/Willpower+VP. TN6+raise (TN8: 3d10o10k2 15 - +1 dojo point, 1 rank of Etiquette
D8 Goat daily event - Sincerity/Awareness. TN6+raise (TN8: 4d10o10k3 17 - 1 dojo point, 1 rank of sincerity

2 dojo points, rank of etiquette and rank of sincerity

Re: Court Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 12:36 am
by Toritaka Sasaiko
Sasaiko addresses herself with aplomb and grace to the exercises presented to her. Indeed, her courtly abilities impress Bayushi Moriko, and, after completing her work, Sasaiko asks when she may call upon the sensei for further instruction.

(Courtier / Stamina, TN Raised to 8, Strength of Honor, passed at 27,; +1 Dojo, +1 Courtier, Gained Moriko as an Ally
Etiquette / Willpower, TN Raised to 8, VP, passed at 23,; +1 Dojo, +1 Etiquette
Sincerity / Awareness, TN Raised to 8 2k1, VP, passed at 15,; +1 Dojo, +1 Sincerity
+6 Dojo for Raise on all rolls)

Re: Court Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:48 am
by Bayushi Kaidan
Kaidan thinks that tea ceremony is more suited to his future than the courtly manners. He spoke to Doji sensei to let him take the tea test. He stared by setting up the different objects in the correct place. Then he gingerly poured the water and mixes the tea. As the aroma permeated his senses the young bushi was at ease.

//D8 Goat Courtier Manipulation TN8 +2 from acting: 4d10o10k3+3 28 exceptional roll!

D8 Goat Tea Ceremony INT 1VP phantom skill 1 raise TN8: 4d10o10k3 20 exceptional roll +1 tea ceremony +1DP

D8 Goat Tea Ceremony AGI 1VP phantom skill 1 raise TN8: 4d10o10k3 20 +1 DP

D8 Goat Tea Ceremony Void 1VP phantom skill 1 raise TN8: 4d10o10k3 20 +1 DP

+9 DP +1 Tea Ceremony

Re: Court Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:19 am
by Yogo Otoko
Otoko wasn't trained for the courts. In fact, one could say that even the idea of the courts sent a shiver up her spine, which wasn't easy. Still, she had the strength of character to not mess up too much, even if she hardly seemed earnest.

Courtier/Stamina, Raise TN 8, 3d10 = 13 (Success)
Etiquette/Willpower, Raise TN 8, 3d10 = 10 (Success)
Sincerity/Awareness, Raise TN 8, 2d10 = 5 (Fail)

+2 DP, +1 Courtier, +1 Etiquette

Re: Court Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 4:31 am
by Asako Sanzo
Sanzo walks up to the challenge, petitioning for the Scorpian to support the Phoenix in their efforts to rebuild their shrines, thus restoring some measure of spiritual balance to the Empire. He refutes an argument by noting just how important this is, what with the various disasters going on around Rokugan. Sanzo is quite sincere in his convictions on this matter.

Crunchy Bits:
D8 Goat, Court Training, Court/Stam, VP, 1 raise = TN8: 4d10k4 37
D8 Goat, Court Training, Etiq/Will, VP, 1 raise = TN8: 4d10o10k3 26
D8 Goat, Court Training, Sinc/Awa, VP, 1 raise = TN8: 4d10k4 30

+9 Dojo Points
+1 Courtier
+1 Etiquette
+1 Sincerity

Re: Court Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 9:18 am
by Kokyou
when asked what the Mantis would ask the Scorpion, he smiles, and explains, "The Mantis seek to, well, as Mai-chan said, to befriend the Scorpion. Masters of the court as they are. We would have much to learn."

He looks to his dear friend skin-n-bones and shakes his head. "Asako-san surely oversteps his request when he insinuates the Scorpion is not taking care of the temples in their own lands. Something like that is for the Clan to deal with, and not to be meddled by another."

As the last official begins to question his intentions, he nods firmly, explaining with conviction, "Indeed. The Scorpion is a Clan akin to the Mantis in their pragmatism, yet much more subtle. It is important that we also understand that in order to serve better."

With nods from all the three sensei, Kokyou smirks proudly. He even managed to change his accent entirely to please their ears.

D8, Goat, Courtier/Stamina TN 8 (6, +2 Raise) +Vain +VP for skill: 4d10o10k3-2 17 +1 Dojo Points, +1 Courtier
D8, Goat, Etiquette / Willpower TN 8 (6, +2 Raise) +Vain: 2d10-2 8 +1 Dojo Points, +1 Etiquette
D8, Goat, Sincerity / Awareness TN 8 (6, +2 Raise) +Vain: 3d10-2 21 +7 Dojo Points, +1 Sincerity

+9 Dojo Points
+1 Sincerity
+1 Courtier
+1 Etiquette

Re: Court Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 10:47 am
by Otomo Nobuko
Nobuko took the opportunity presented by the afternoon class to try and redeem herself for her sub-standard performance in the morning class.

When asked to present an argument for what she would ask of the Scorpion, she deftly side-steps the question by reaffirming that as an Otomo, she asks only of the clan what they have promised to the Son of Heaven. She then choose to counter Kokyou's argument that Asako Saburo had overstepped his bounds, as seeking to further ties between the clans is always admirable, and what better way to do so than through the spiritual ties that bind them all as samurai? While her words and manner of speech are no more near as outwardly strong as her fellow Imperial, she has a quiet confidence that still befits her and the convictions she has shown thus far.

D8 Goat Courtier/Stamina; 1 Raise; Void 1k1: 3d10o10k2 16 vs TN8 - Pass; +1DP, +1 Courtier
D8 Goat Etiquette/Will; 1 Raise; Void 1k1: 4d10o10k2 15 vs TN8 - Pass; +1DP; +1 Etiquette
D8 Goat Sincerity/Aware; 1 Raise: 4d10o10k3 15 vs TN8 - Pass; +1DP; +1 Sincerity

Totals: +9DP, +1 Courtier, +1 Etiquette, +1 Sincerity

Re: Court Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:17 pm
by Matsu Qiang
Matsu Qiang stumbled over his own tongue as the court training began, and his courtier opponent scored some easy points. That is, until the Lion remembered himself and managed a few good retorts. Qiang’s overall performance was shaky, but at least he seemed to mean what he said.

Day 8 Goat, Court Training, lengthy convincing argument with 1 raise, STA/Courtier +Void Point TN8: 3d10o10k2 5 failed
Day 8 Goat, Court Training, refute argument properly with 1 raise, WILL/Etiquette +Void Point +Magnificence of Glory TN8: 2d10+1 16 passed
Day 8 Goat, Court Training, earnestly believe with 1 raise, AWA/Sincerity +Void Point TN8: 3d10 17 passed

Total: 2 Dojo Points
+1 to Etiquette
+1 to Sincerity

Re: Court Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 9:03 pm
by Isawa Tanshin
Tanshin was not one for courtly games. He had seen the centering qualities of the Tea Ceremony however.

"Doji-sama, <insert well-reasoned request here> "
D8 Goat - Switch Training Groups + Void: 3d10k3 10

Sometimes raw talent can you get you further than training. In the short term.

Setup Tea TN 8 D8 Court Training - Setup Tea Ceremony + Raise: 4d10k4 30 Pass +1 DP
Conduct Ceremony TN 8 D8 Court Training - Conduct Tea Ceremony + Raise: 4d10k4 24 Pass +1 DP
Ease Mind TN 8 D8 Court Training - Ease Mind + Raise: 3d10k3 27 Pass +1 DP

+6 DP, Pass all with Raise
+1 Tea Ceremony

Total 9 Dojo Points