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A Brush and a Thought (Closed)

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 6:42 pm
by Kakita Kazuko
Kazuko hasn't forgotten the calligraphy lesson just a few days ago, even though so much has happened since then. She's elated to get away from her peers for a while as every day has had so much activity crammed into them with barely a break, it feels like it's been weeks. Don't get her wrong, she loves talking and training with the other students, even Kokyou of all people, but even a bushi needs a break every once in a while. She wouldn't be surprised if others are also seeking some personal time, especially after the attack on the dojo last night. She sets her utensils down in the library and breaths in the scent of fresh paper and ink before getting to work. Ahhhh, how calming. It doesn't take long for her to design a certificate for the Go tournament, but she feels unsatisfied... She doesn't want to just write up a rigid certificate, she wants to have the liberty to create something of her own. She takes a glance at the clock. Time shouldn't be a problem here. The only issue is whether or not she'll be able to be able to properly convey her feelings and thoughts by using only her brush. Taking a moment to meditate, she visualizes what she wants to create in her mind's eye. Able to clearly envision the final product in front of her, she's able to spot out and correct any flaws or unattractive parts before her brush even touches the scroll. She dedicates her full attention to making a piece of art that will impress even the old, arrogant bat, working with a fire in her eyes that only starts to fade after she deems the calligraphy finished. She takes a step back to admire her own work, half surprised at how well it turned out before carefully rolling it up and packing her stuff. She's got to show this to Kenji, he'd be so impressed.

D8 Serpent Calligraphy/Intelligence, TN19 (2 Raises + Void): 5d10o10k3 20