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Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 8:23 pm
by Vutall
Daily Spellcasting Training

After the morning duties are completed, a handful of sensei gather the shugenja and bring them to a small secluded part of the parade ground on the southern portion of the complex. They begin the lessons by first going over prayers that can entice the kami, as well as specialized words or terms that a normal rokugani would not know, but make it easier to converse with the Kami. Then, they ask each student to attempt to use their prayers to locate a kami in the area, commune with it, and then manifest it.

NOTE: Monks are NOT spellcasting, but this event represents their inherent mystical ability to interact with the elements. For rules purposes, they can use the three spells as if they were a shugenja. ((YOU DO NOT GAIN SENSE, COMMUNE, OR SUMMON OUTSIDE OF THIS EVENT))
This is a repeatable event, and will happen over multiple days. Each day, you must select a Ring to use, at which point, you may not use that ring again for this event. Players should make a note in their Personal Forum with a topic called "Daily Spellcasting Training " and note which days they used each ring.

Characters with Seven Fortunes Blessing may only use their blessing for one roll per event.

Characters who have the following disadvantages have the following penalties:
-Elemental Imbalance: The TN penalty listed for the disadvantage is +1 instead of +5 during this event
-Wrath of the Kami: If you succeed on the Summon for the element of this disadvantage, it deals 1k1 damage to you before being calmed by one of the sensei.

Only characters with the Monk or Shugenja school tag may enter this event

In order to complete the training, you must do the following:

Select a ring to use (not including Void), not using the same ring you have already selected before for this event.

Then, make a Meditation/Void check at TN6. If you succeed, you gain that ring as a bonus to your rolls for this event.

Then, you must complete the following steps in order:

(To cast the spells, you roll Ring+1, keeping ring, plus the bonus from the Meditation check as detailed above)

Sense, using the element of the ring you selected at TN5.
Commune, using the element of the ring you selected at TN6.
Summon, using the element of the ring you selected at TN7.

  • -For each step you complete, you gain +2 Dojo points
  • -If you complete all three Shugenja steps, you gain +1 to Spellcrafting (Shugenja Only) or Meditation (Monk Only). You may only gain this reward once.
  • -If on the Sense roll you have a roll explode twice, you gain the Friend of the Elements advantage for the element you are using.
  • -If on the Commune roll you have a roll explode twice, you gain the Friendly Kami (Shugenja Only) or Chosen by the Oracles (Monk Only) advantage for the element you are using.
  • -If on the Summon roll you have a roll explode twice, you gain the Elemental Blessing advantage for the element you are using.
  • -At the end of the event, you gain a permanent +1 to the Mental and Physical traits associated with the ring you are using. You may only gain this reward once per Trait.
  • Special: On the final iteration of this event, if you have passed all rolls in at least 3 of the 4 events, you gain the Friend of the Brotherhood Advantage

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 9:19 pm
by Kuni Yotsuo
Yotsuo goes through the instructed steps one more time, for the final time in this manner during this training. His last element is water, and he does what he can to focus his body's water, bringing it into ascendance. He is far more prepared for it this day than on any other day, as he feels the essence of his soul is capable of strengthening himself across all of his endeavors. He pushes himself to succeed and does so.

His efforts over the training thus far seem to impress those brotherhood monks that had been helping to oversee the training, since he has only failed in one single attempt over the 4 different training sessions. His training has earned him their respect and he is told as much by an observing monk when the training session comes to a close. He is offered to be trained in the arts of kiho by them when he is ready.


D8 Dragon, Water, Meditation / Void, TN 6: 8d10o10k4 31
D8 Dragon, Water Sense, Water +1 / Water, VP +1k1, Meditation +1, TN 5: 3d10o10k2+1 11
D8 Dragon, Water Commune, Water +1 / Water, VP +1k1, Meditation +1, TN 6: 3d10o10k2+1 14
D8 Dragon, Water Summon, Water +1 / Water, VP +1k1, Meditation +1, TN 7: 3d10o10k2+1 20

+6 Dojo Points, +1 Water, +Friend of the Brotherhood for succeeding on all rolls during 3 of 4 daily training events

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 10:11 pm
by Isawa Tanshin
Tanshin may have distracted himself a little too much from the task at hand. Earth kami seemed so stubborn.

Meditation TN 6 D8 Spellcasting Training Meditation: 4d10o10k3 16 Pass +0 DP +1 to Rolls
Sense TN 6 D8 Spellcasting Training Sense +1 Void: 3d10o10k2+1 6 Pass +2 DP
Commune TN 7 D8 Spellcasting Training Commune +1 Void: 3d10o10k2+1 15 Pass +2 DP
Summon TN 8 D8 Spellcasting Training Summon +1 Void: 3d10o10k2+1 5 Fail +0 DP
+1 Earth, Friend of the Brotherhood Day 2,4,6

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:40 pm
by Toritaka Sasaiko
Sasaiko steps forward and centers herself once again, finding it easier and easier to do.

Then she focuses on the very air, feeling it about her, hearing it speak in her ears, calling it to her command.

When she is done, the monks bow just a bit deeper to her.

It is a good bit of work for the morning, and she goes off to clean.

(Selected Ring: Air
Meditation/Void, TN6, passed at 24,; +1 to further rolls in thread.
Sense Air, TN5, passed at 10,; +2 Dojo
Commune Air, TN6, passed at 26,; +2 Dojo
Summon Air, TN7, passed at 22; +2 Dojo
+1 Reflexes, +1 Awareness
Passed all rolls in 3/4 events, earning Friend of the Brotherhood)

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:29 am
by Yogo Otoko
Otoko had grown closer to the fire kami over the past week's training, and they supported her now. It was enough.

Meditation/Void, TN 6, 4k2 = 20 (+2 to rolls)
Sense, Fire, TN 5, 3k2+2 = 12 (Success)
Commune, Fire, TN 6, Void +1k1, 4k3+2 = 17 (Success)
Summon, Fire, TN 7, Void +1k1, 4k3+2 = 26 (Success)

+1 Fire, +6 DP, Friend of the Brotherhood

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 7:15 am
by Zashi
"Please sensei, something happened while I was meditating. I think I need to try it once more" The sensei offers a tired look at the enthusiastic Fox.

"Fine, fine, fine..."

Zashi throws himself into meditating. Water Ring is the toughest, and the one that had thrown him off balance before. There is...something pushing him on, and at the end he feels a new sense of balance around him.

D8 Dragon-Courtier/Awareness-TN 8-Enter Monk group: 3d10 16 Entered into Monk Group
D8 Dragon-Spellcasting Training-Meditation/Void-TN 8: 4d10 19 Water Ring added to rolls (+1)
D8 Dragon-Spellcasting training-Sense(Water)-VP spent-+1 from water ring-TN 5: 3d10o10k2 9 (Pass)
D8 Dragon-Spellcasting training-Commune(Water)-VP spent-+1 from water ring-TN 6: 3d10o10k2+1 12 (Pass)
D8 Dragon-Spellcasting training-Summon(Water)-VP spent-+1 from water ring-TN 7: 3d10o10k2 13 (Pass)
+6 Dojo Points
+1 Meditation
+1 Perception/Strength

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 5:03 am
by Vutall
This event closes in 7 hours from this post.

Kuni Yotsuo: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Water, +Friend of the Brotherhood
Isawa Tanshin: +4 Dojo Points, +1 Earth, +Friend of the Brotherhood
Toritaka Sasaiko: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Air, +Friend of the Brotherhood
Yogo Otoko: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Fire, +Friend of the Brotherhood
Zashi: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Meditation, +1 Water
Iuchi Prashant: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Earth + Friend of the Brotherhood
Kaito Kai: +4 Dojo Points, +1 Earth

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 7:14 am
by Iuchi Prashant
Prashant came to the last day of Spellcasting training with greater confidence than before - or maybe only feeling more natural about it. He had already dealt with the element which he felt less comfortable with, and he had already used the Meishodo he had crafted during his traning at home.

Now was the time to create new Amulets - amulets to deal with precisely that element which he felt was his usual guide, and which his school would lead him to attune more strongly to.

Unlike in the other sessions, he took the three amulets not from his usual satchel, but from another pouch. He placed all three in front of him - a seemingly simple rock, which he had received from Dao in his first day here; a relatively elaborate clay ring with four rocks surrounding it on all sides; a circular ornament suitable for a pendant or brooch, made of clay, reddish and sparking slightly, with odd gaijin letters in its centre.

Eyes closed, he felt the usual feeling of the ground below him, focused on it, concentrated on his connection with the Earth.

He starts with the clay ring. Touches it, whispers something, touches the ground, brings his hand up as if lifting something. He then delicately touches each of the four stones around the ring, and they seem to shine for a moment, then become... 'more'. It is as if their essence was purer, or stronger.
He places the ring on one finger, whispers something again - and the other sources of Earth all around answer to him, laying themselves bare. His Talisman for Sensing the Earth was ready.

He bows to it, thanks the spirits in a whisper, then slowly and respectfully places the ring back - now inside his satchel.

He then takes Dao's rock. He looks at it for a moment, whispering again, then moves it around and finds an appropriate niche for it in the ground. He then takes another small pebble, using it to mark the Kanji of 'Earth' on the surface of the rock. "Chi". The essence of companionship and friendship, hardy and reliable as solid ground. He whispers some more words, the kanji gains a garnet-like colour, and the kami inside it answers. He thanks it for its trust and companionship, bowing his head deeply. He had his Talisman for Communing with the Earth. He places his hand above it for a moment, lets it feel the silence and quiet, then respectfully puts it inside his satchel.

Finally, the circular ornament. He places it on the ground, prays quietly again. He then says it again, slowly and only a bit more loudly - the poem in the Charm itself, and its translation.

""Mäkceu ykeṣṣa kektseñe || tāu kenaṣṣe satāṣlñe""
"Wherever the place-held body lies
The earthly exhalation this land comprises"

"The earth is all around us, it is our ground, from whence we rise and return to every day. May we learn from its calm and purity. Chi-no-kami-sama, this one kindly asks for your company and help"...

The reddish tint and slight sparkle on the amulet glows a bit brighter. He places it over the ground again, touches its centre, and the earth around it lifts, forming a circle around it. His Talisman for Summoning the Earth was done, and he smiled. Calmly, resolutely.

He used his hands to flatten the circle of earth around him, took the amulet from the ground, put a string on it, then moved it to his satchel.

As he finally gets up and bows to the Sensei, he notices some interest on some of the monks assisting the training, and bows to them as well, smiling warmly.

Day 8 Dragon - choosing Earth. Meditation/ Void TN 6 for bonus on rolls: 8d10o10k3 22
Day 8 Dragon - Artisan: Meishodo/ Earth + 2 for Meishodo for Sense Earth.: 4d10o10k2+2 20
Day 8 Dragon - Artisan: Meishodo/ Earth + 2 for Meishodo for Commune with Earth. TN 6: 4d10o10k2+2 27
Day 8 Dragon - Artisan: Meishodo/ Earth + 2 for Meishodo for Summon Earth. TN 7: 4d10o10k2+2 18

Passed all rolls - 6 DP
+1 Earth (+1 Stamina, +1 Willpower)
+ Friend of the Brotherhood (passed all rolls on 4/4 sessions)

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 11:48 am
by Kaito Kai
Kai focused intensely on the small mount of dirt and rocks stacked before them. Kai's focus, though, was lacking this day: seeing the end of this school, thoughts turned to home and the future.

Earth disapproved of the lack of Kai's enduring focus. A pebble rolled from the top disapprovingly.

Kai bowed in apology to the earth.


D8 Dragon - Daily Spellcasting Training - Meditation/Void TN6: 9d10o10k4 28 Exceptional Roll

D8 Dragon - Daily Spellcasting Training - Sense TN6: 2d10o10k1+1 5 Fail
D8 Dragon - Daily Spellcasting Training - Commune AND Summon VP +1k1 TN6 and 7: 2#3d10o10k2+1 24 14 ER on Commune

+4 Dojo Points
+1 Earth