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What remains

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 7:56 pm
by Kakita Kenji
Kenji stood at the stake that Eta had heaped up. The flames lusted after the bodies of the creatures.
He stared absently into the flames. He still had his bokken firmly in his grasp.

In his head he played over and over again the situation with Nobuko. Could he have protected her? If so, how? Would she be all right? If so, how would he be punished for his failure? If not, what would the Imperial Clan demand from his clan?

And then there was the thing with Kazuko. He had done it. He had admitted his feelings, but he hadn't waited for an answer, it all went faster than he had thought it would. Luckily, neither he nor she had been hurt. What would happen now?

Kenji's heart felt strangely heavy. So many feelings were still shooting through his body. Fear, love, anger, it was a bit much for him.

He continued to stare absently at the flames.

Re: What remains

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 3:25 pm
by Kakita Kazuko
Kazuko sidles up to Kenji, the flickering tendrils of light reflecting in her eyes as she gives him a sidelong glance. He had seemed so determined and indomitable when he confessed his love for her, ready to fight for them without a second thought. But now? Now he just looked like he needed a hug. The adrenaline rush long gone, she too felt the aftermath of the battle but she makes an effort to stand up straight. She has to, if not for her pride then for Kenji. Kenji was strong for her when she was brought down and she would not hesitate when the roles were reversed. Her eyes water slightly. Is it from the heat? Or is it something else?

"...You know, for something so foul, the goblins sure make a good campfire. It's surprising how beauty can spring forth even from something so... horrifying and dark. We just have to keep our heads up and look for it. That's our specialty as Cranes, after all."

She smiles wistfully before putting her arm around Kenji and hugging him tightly. They both needed it.

Re: What remains

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 4:02 pm
by Kakita Kenji
"Whether it be storm, snow or drought. The crane keeps his head up and his back straight, no matter what," he replied before she put her arms around him.

Kenji dropped the bokken before he firmly embraced Kazuko. "I meant what I said before and I won't take it back," he whispered.

Shall the others gossip, for him only one thing was important and that was in his arms.

Re: What remains

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 4:56 pm
by Kakita Kazuko
Kakita Kenji wrote:
Mon Jul 13, 2020 4:02 pm
"Whether it be storm, snow or drought. The crane keeps his head up and his back straight, no matter what," he replied before she put her arms around him.

Kenji dropped the bokken before he firmly embraced Kazuko. "I meant what I said before and I won't take it back," he whispered.

Shall the others gossip, for him only one thing was important and that was in his arms.
Kazuko takes a moment to listen to the crackle of the flames, their entwined shadows dancing crazedly to the tune. Listening to the corpses of your enemies burn is... strangely comforting.

"Thank you, Kenji-san. For everything. And..."

Was she ready for the commitment? To declare it out loud for everyone to hear? To spend the rest of her life with someone as amazing and courageous as Kenji, even if it means more nights potentially filled with regret like this? She takes in a deep breath and all the sorrow she felt tonight before letting it all go. She wasn't sure what the future has in store or where they're headed, but she knew that she wanted Kenji by her side for it, and that was enough for her to make her decision.

"...I love you too."

Kazuko buries her face into Kenji's shoulder as she says it, filling up with an odd mixture of euphoria and self-consciousness. Well, she's not quite ready to announce it to the rest of the world but Kenji heard and that's all that matters. She keeps her face buried until she's confident that she doesn't look like she suddenly reincarnated as a tomato before pulling back and looks at Kenji in the eyes, a corner of her mouth curved upward in a curious smile. In this moment, it's just two lovers ready to take on anything.

"No take backs. Come on, let's not breathe in dead goblin for too long."

Her eyes flicker back down as she takes your hand in hers, pulling you to the roof which is missing a distinctive number of tiles... Well, that's a problem for another day.

"Wanna watch the sunset together? It'll be fun."

She's already making her way up the roof as she says that, lowering a hand ready to help you up.

D7 Dog Athletics/Strength, TN7: 3d10o10k1 7

Re: What remains

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 5:54 pm
by Kakita Kenji
Kenji's heart was about to explode. If he was asked if he had just received Benten's blessing he would agree wholeheartedly. How could he deny it? Kazuko was strong, proud and beautiful. The future might be uncertain, but those were tomorrow's worries.

"Nothing would be better than that" he said and took her hand.

They were lucky that the sensei were running around like wild chickens and didn't notice that they were climbing on the roof.
He did not really need her hand, but accepted it gratefully. After all, they must have been a couple now...

What a day. Between kyujutsu, meditation, tears and this battle, this day seemed to last forever.
He sat down next to Kazuko. In the distance, Eta and Sensei, the other students and the crackling of the fire could be heard, but he slowly faded it out.
He put his hand into Kazukos while Lady Sun slowly but surely exchanged her place with Lord Moon.

He smiled warmly at her, kinda lost in her eyes,...

D7 Dog Athletics/Strength: 4d10o10k2 10