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Event: Goblin Attack!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 6:00 am
by Vutall
As night begins to fall, there are shouts from the forge. After a few minutes, a large group of "goblins" comes rushing out of the building, eager to kill!

This event has a risk of death!

This event requires 4 students, however for every extra student who is in the event over 4, an additional pair of goblin enemies are added.

All Goblins will act on the same initiative.

After a number of rounds equal to the participants, some of the dojo's sensei will enter the fight, as well as a mountain goblin per sensei. The number of sensei added is equal to the number of students divided by 4, rounded down.

Characters begin the fight outside of the student barracks, which is 100ft from the goblins. Each student may begin the fight armed with a wooden weapon of their choice, which is 0k1.

Re: Event: Goblin Attack!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 6:24 am
by Vutall
Taint Rules:
Earth Ring roll or gain Taint if the following occur:

Open wounds exposed to tainted blood: TN 10

Injured (bitten/stung/clawed) by a Tainted creature: TN 15

A character who carries a piece of jade on his person gains a +10 bonus to all rolls to resist gaining the Taint. Likewise, touching jade to a potentially Tainted wound within a minute of the injury will award a +10 bonus to a roll made to resist being Tainted.

Goblin (Initially 6, add 2 extra every student over 4)
AIR: 1




Initiative: 3k2

Attack: 4k2 (Simple) NOTE: Will only attack as complex during Part 1
Damage: 4k2 (knife)
Armor TN: 15
Reduction: 3

0-8: Healthy
9-17: +5
18: Dead

Taint Rank: 2
-1 Minor Power
c Master of Shadows:
You have an unnatural affinity for darkness and shadows. You may add your Taint Rank in unkept dice to all Stealth Skill rolls you make. You gain the Discolored Skin mutation if you do not already have it, as your skin develops a dark and shadowy tone.

Stealth 2.

Special Abilities:
Swift 2.

SWIFT: A creature which is Swift moves at a faster speed than its physical abilities would seem to permit. This may be due to supernatural gifts or it may be the result of sheer energy and rage. Creatures with Swift are considered to have a higher Water – one Rank higher for each Rank of Swift they possess – for purposes of calculating how far they can move with a Free or Simple Move Action.

Mountain Goblin (1, enters fight on round sensei enter)




Initiative: 4k3

Claws 4k3 (Complex),
Weapon 4k3 (Complex)

Damage: 4k2 (claws)
Damage 5k1 (Club)

Armor TN: 20
Reduction: 5

0-9: +0
10-19: +5
20-34: +10
35: Dead

Taint Rank: 3
-2 Minor Power
Master of Shadows:
You have an unnatural affinity for darkness and shadows. You may add your Taint Rank in unkept dice to all Stealth Skill rolls you make. You gain the Discolored Skin mutation if you do not already have it, as your skin develops a dark and shadowy tone.

Child of Darkness:
The power of the Taint protects you from other servants of Jigoku. Shadowlands creatures will not attack unless you threaten them first. If you can communicate with them, they might obey your commands, especially if you seem powerful or persuasive.

-1 Shadowlands mutation
Foul Odor:
You manifest an exceptionally putrid and disgusting body odor, impossible to ignore. No amount of bathing or perfume can suppress it. You suffer a –1k0 penalty to all Social rolls.

Skills: Stealth 4.

Special Abilities:

Night Vision: Mountain goblins can see equally well in near-darkness as in normal light.

Regeneration: Mountain goblins heal 5 Wounds during the Reactions Stage of each Round, continuing to heal until they are killed. They can reattach a severed limb in 2 rounds, as long as the limb and the stump are held together continuously for that time

Swift 2

SWIFT: A creature which is Swift moves at a faster speed than its physical abilities would seem to permit. This may be due to supernatural gifts or it may be the result of sheer energy and rage. Creatures with Swift are considered to have a higher Water – one Rank higher for each Rank of Swift they possess – for purposes of calculating how far they can move with a Free or Simple Move Action

Re: Event: Goblin Attack!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 6:34 am
by Vutall
When you join this thread, please post the following:

Void Available
Current Wounds / Max Wounds
Normal Armor TN
Attack Roll
Damage Roll
Air Ring
Earth Ring
Water Ring
Juijutsu Skill
Defense Skill
Any special advantages you have that effect your stats

Note, you may not change your stance until Round 2.

When this event unlocks, players will have 12 hours to join before combat begins, after which no additional players may join.

Re: Event: Goblin Attack!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 6:56 am
by Vutall
In addition to the above requested information in your first post, please include instructions for the GM to Ghost (play your character) in case you are away.

Characters will be ghosted if they have not made a reply within 15 minutes of the newest post in the thread.

Re: Event: Goblin Attack!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 8:40 am
by Kokyou
D7, Dog, Initiative: 4d10o10k3 21
Stance: Defense
Void Available: 1
Current Wounds / Max Wounds: 0/39
Normal Armor TN: 20 (26 with Defense)
Attack Roll: 5k4 Any Weapon (7k4 Unarmed)
Damage Roll: 3k1 Training / 3k2 Kama* (4k1 Unarmed)
Air Ring: 3
Earth Ring: 2
Water Ring: 2
Juijutsu Skill: 3
Defense Skill: 3
Any special advantages you have that effect your stats: Quick, Crab Hands, Daredevil
Ghosting Instructions: Use kama is possible, else unarmed (only grapple 1 to 1). Use defense stance and Zokujin Stone to swallow a goblin?

Re: Event: Goblin Attack!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 8:42 am
by Utaku Ichiro
Ichiro, of course, was not going to back down from a fight! He grabs a yari from the practice weapons and hefts it to get a feel for its weight.

Initative: 26
Stance: Defense
Void Available: 2/2
Current Wounds / Max Wounds: 0/39
Normal Armor TN: 20 (25 with Defense)
Attack Roll: 7k4
Damage Roll: 4k1
Air Ring: 2
Earth Ring: 1
Water Ring: 2
Juijutsu Skill: 3
Defense Skill: 3
Any special advantages you have that effect your stats: Quick

Round 1: Free move forward 10
Round 2 assuming Goblins closed 60: Attack, throw yari with two raises for damage, free move back 15
Round 3 assuming goblins have closed: Void for armor, Attack stance - jiujutsu with two raises for knockdown
Round 4+: Attack stance - jiujutsu with two raises for knockdown
Final void for damage 10+ or to prevent going to down whichever happens first.

Re: Event: Goblin Attack!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 8:50 am
by Kaito Haruki
Haruki is on it!

Initiative: 37
Stance: Defense
Void Available: 1/1
Current Wounds/ Max Wounds: 0/39
Normal Armor: 20 (25 in defense)
Attack Roll: 6k3
Damage Roll: 3k1
Air Ring: 2
Earth Ring: 2
Water Ring: 2
Kenjutsu Skill: 3
Jiujutsu Skill: 3
Defense Skill: 3
Special Advantages: Quick
Weapon: Practice sword

AFK Instructions: move closer to target, shift to attack stance, and hit ones most likely to drop quickly. Use increased damage maneuver, keeping highest dice. If needed, use void point to reduce damage by 10.

D7 Dog: Initiative Roll: 4d10o10k3 37

Re: Event: Goblin Attack!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:14 am
by Togashi Dao
D7 Goblin Attack Initiative: 4d10o10k3 16
Stance: Defense (+4 Armor TN)
Void Available: 2
Current Wounds / Max Wounds: 0/38
Normal Armor TN: 20 (5x Reflexes +5)
Attack Roll: 7k4 Unarmed
Damage Roll: 5k2 Unarmed
Air Ring: 2
Earth Ring: 1
Water Ring: 3
Juijutsu Skill: 3
Defense Skill: 2
SPECIAL: Quick, Hands of Stone, Crab Hands, STRENGTH 4 (for opposed Strength rolls)

GHOSTING: Punch goblins in attack stance! If not currently engaged, move and attack mountain goblin if available or healthiest existing goblin. 2 raises for knockdown.

Re: Event: Goblin Attack!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:15 am
by Vutall
This event will begin in roughly 12 hours from this post, at which time no additional students may join.

Every student who joins after this post will add an additional 2 goblins to the goblin pack.

D7 Dog, Initiative: 3d10o10k2 15

Kaito Haruki: Initiative 37 (+2 if not first each round), TN: (25)20, Void: 1, Stance: Defense, 100ft from Goblin Pack
Kakita Kenji: Initiative 27 (+2 if not first each round), TN: (25)20, Void: 0, Stance: Defense, 100ft from Goblin Pack
Utaku Ichiro: Initiative 26 (+2 if not first each round), TN: (25)20, Void: 2, Stance: Defense, 100ft from Goblin Pack
Kokyou: Initiative 21(+2 if not first each round), TN: (26)20, Void: 1, Stance: Defense, 100ft from Goblin Pack
Kaiu Aiichiro: Initiative 20 (+2 if not first each round), TN: (19)15, Void: 1, Stance: Defense, 100ft from Goblin Pack
Togashi Dao: Initiative 16 (+2 if not first each round), TN: (24)20, Void: 2, Stance: Defense, 100ft from Goblin Pack
Moto Ichiro: Initiative 16 (+2 if not first each round), TN: (20)15, Void: 1, Stance: Defense, 100ft from Goblin Pack
Goblin Pack: Initiative 15, TN: 15, Reduction: 3, Stance: Attack, 100ft from players
Otomo Nobuku: Initiative 13, TN: (21)15, Void: 1, Stance: Full Defense, 100ft from Goblin Pack
Kakita Kazuko: Initiative 8 (+2 if not first each round), TN: (19)15, Void: 1, Stance: Defense, 100ft from Goblin Pack

Goblin Health
1: 0/18
2: 0/18
3: 0/18
4: 0/18
5: 0/18
6: 0/18
7: 0/18
8: 0/18
9: 0/18
10: 0/18
11: 0/18
12: 0/18
13: 0/18
14: 0/18
15: 0/18
16: 0/18

Player Health
Kokyou: 0/39
Utaku Ichiro: 0/39
Kaito Haruki: 0/39
Togashi Dao: 0/39
Kaiu Aiichiro: 0/39
Kakita Kenji: 0/57
Otomo Nobuku: 0/39
Kakita Kazuko: 0/39
Moto Ichiro: 0/39

Re: Event: Goblin Attack!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:41 am
by Kaiu Aiichiro
Time to Crab.
D7 Goblin Attack Initiative: 3d10o10k2 20 (+2 if not first each round)
Stance: Defense (+4 to TN)
Void Available: 1
Current Wounds / Max Wounds: 0/39
Normal Armor TN: 15 (5x Reflexes +5)
Attack Roll: 4k2 Bokken (Katana)
Damage Roll: 3k1
Air Ring: 2
Earth Ring: 2
Water Ring: 2
Fire Ring: 2
Kenjutsu Skill: 2
Defense Skill: 2
Lore: Shadowlands Skill: 1
Special Advantages: Great Potential (Kenjutsu), Crab Hands, Quick

GHOSTING: Round one: roll Battle and tell people to try to make a line to improve our defenses when they arrive. Defense.
Round two: Full Attack. Delay turn and attack when they get in range. Shoving maneuver.
Round three: Full Attack with shoving maneuver lowest hp goblins that aren't already shoved.
OOC: Can we go call the sensei before?

Re: Event: Goblin Attack!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 2:34 pm
by Kakita Kenji
He was there when the hole was created, he will fight to defend the dojo

D7 Goblin Atteck Initiative: 4d10o10k3 27
Stance: Defense (+5 to TN)
Void Available: 1
Current Wounds / Max Wounds: 0/57
Normal Armor TN: 20 (5x Reflexes +5)
Attack Roll: 7k4 Bokken (Katana)
Damage Roll: 3k1 (Strength 2 + Master Ability)
Air Ring: 2
-Refelexes 3
Earth Ring: 3
Water Ring: 1
-Strength 2
Fire Ring: 2
-Agility 4
Kenjutsu Skill: 3
Defense Skill: 3
Jiujtsu Skill: 3

Special Advantages: Great Potential (Kenjutsu, Athletics), Quick

Ghosting: Attack the nearest Goblin. Make two Raises for extra Damage at each attack until wound penalitis get to +10.
If wound penalitits go to +15 go full defense. If Kazuko gets to Injured Guard her.

Re: Event: Goblin Attack!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 2:57 pm
by Otomo Nobuko
For some reason, a large number of the Bushi students were hanging out near the dorms during the hour of the Dog. Nobuko took advantage of this fact and sat herself down to watch them in case some of them decided to put extra training in... and perhaps to see if a certain Unicorn showed up to do the same.

Instead, she was there when the goblins burst forth, sending the dojo into chaos and the amassed students into fight mode!

D7 Dog Initiative!: 3d10o10k2 13
Stance: Full Defense 21
Void Available: 1
Current Wounds / Max Wounds: 0/39
Normal Armor TN: 15 (Currently 21 | 15 + 6 { Def/Ref 12/2})
Attack Roll 3k2 (Improvised Weapon or straight Jiujutsu, or random thrown object with Athletics/Agil)
Damage Roll 2k1
Air Ring 2
Earth Ring 1
Water Ring 2
Juijutsu Skill 1
Defense Skill 1

Ghosting: She will stay in Full Defense during Round 1, and then, if there are no goblins immediately in melee range, she will start moving back into the room during subsequent rounds and grabbing screens and other random objects to chuck at any goblins that get past the bushi line. Any time a goblin gets within melee range of her, she'll return to Full Defense.

Also, if she can attempt to roll Battle/Perception in Round 1 to get a feel for the skirmish to have a better idea of what to do to help and/or direct people?

Re: Event: Goblin Attack!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 3:33 pm
by Kakita Kazuko
Kazuko isn't going to simply watch and let her friends fight alone. Besides, the "got tricked by the crazy ronin" gang is almost all here and she's not one to be left out.

Initative: D7 Dog Insight/Reflex: 3d10o10k2 8
Stance: Defense
Void Available: 3/3
Current Wounds / Max Wounds: 0/39
Normal Armor TN: 15
Attack Roll: 5k3 Kenjutsu (Katana)/Agility
Damage Roll: 1k1
Air Ring: 2
Earth Ring: 2
Water Ring: 1
Juijutsu Skill: 1
Defense Skill: 2
Special Advantages: Quick, Crab Hands
Ghosting: Stay in defense and behind Togashi Dao in order to guard him as my initiative and damage is really low. Spend void to negate damage of 10+. If Togashi goes into the 15+ wound bracket/is otherwise unable to attack or if I am surrounded by 3 or more goblins, switch to attack and focus down the weakest goblin. Call 2 raises for increased damage against regular goblins and 1 against mountain goblins and subtract 1 raise every time I go into a higher wound bracket. If wounds go to 15+ or if hit more than 2 times, switch to defense and start retreating to throw items with Nobuko.

Re: Event: Goblin Attack!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 3:39 pm
by Moto Ichiro
Ichiro hears the commotion and rushes out of A near by building he glares at the amassed goblins and he sees Nobuko there and moves to stand in front of her "Stay behind me." He growls as he falls into a stance. He had grabbed no weapons and cracks his knuckles ready to put these monsters down.

Initative: D7 Dog goblin attack initiative: 3d10o10k2 16
Stance: defense
Void Available: 1
Current Wounds / Max Wounds
Normal Armor TN 15 (20 in defense)
Attack Roll 9k4
Damage Roll 5k2
Air Ring 2
Earth Ring 1
Water Ring 4
Juijutsu Skill 5
Defense Skill 3
Any special advantages you have that effect your stats: Hands of Stone, Quick, Strength of Earth, Large, Great potiential: juijutsu

Ghosting stuff: keep myself between Nobuko and goblins, wait until they are within 20' then engage. 5 raises for extra attack, 3 raises for damage if second attack goes off. Any exceptional success raises go for damage.

Re: Event: Goblin Attack!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 8:45 pm
by Kakita Kenji
(Kenji has 1 void point as I was unaware of the void recovery after the mediation event)

Re: Event: Goblin Attack!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:02 pm
by Vutall
((No more students may join))

The goblins all pour out of the forge in a writhering, snarling mass. Wide eyed and battle frenzied, they set their sights on the students across the training grounds.

Combat Round 1
Kaito Haruki: Initiative 37 (+2 if not first each round), TN: (25)20, Void: 1, Stance: Defense, 100ft from Goblin Pack
Kakita Kenji: Initiative 27 (+2 if not first each round), TN: (25)20, Void: 1, Stance: Defense, 100ft from Goblin Pack
Utaku Ichiro: Initiative 26 (+2 if not first each round), TN: (25)20, Void: 2, Stance: Defense, 100ft from Goblin Pack
Kokyou: Initiative 21(+2 if not first each round), TN: (26)20, Void: 1, Stance: Defense, 100ft from Goblin Pack
Kaiu Aiichiro: Initiative 20 (+2 if not first each round), TN: (19)15, Void: 1, Stance: Defense, 100ft from Goblin Pack
Togashi Dao: Initiative 16 (+2 if not first each round), TN: (24)20, Void: 2, Stance: Defense, 100ft from Goblin Pack
Moto Ichiro: Initiative 16 (+2 if not first each round), TN: (20)15, Void: 1, Stance: Defense, 100ft from Goblin Pack
Goblin Pack: Initiative 15, TN: 15, Reduction: 3, Stance: Attack, 100ft from players
Otomo Nobuku: Initiative 13, TN: (21)15, Void: 1, Stance: Full Defense, 100ft from Goblin Pack
Kakita Kazuko: Initiative 8 (+2 if not first each round), TN: (19)15, Void: 1, Stance: Defense, 100ft from Goblin Pack

Goblin Health
1: 0/18
2: 0/18
3: 0/18
4: 0/18
5: 0/18
6: 0/18
7: 0/18
8: 0/18
9: 0/18
10: 0/18
11: 0/18
12: 0/18
13: 0/18
14: 0/18
15: 0/18
16: 0/18

Player Health
Kokyou: 0/39
Utaku Ichiro: 0/39
Kaito Haruki: 0/39
Togashi Dao: 0/39
Kaiu Aiichiro: 0/39
Kakita Kenji: 0/57
Otomo Nobuku: 0/39
Kakita Kazuko: 0/39
Moto Ichiro: 0/39

Re: Event: Goblin Attack!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:10 pm
by Kaito Haruki
So many . . . Best to close the distance first, keep that sword in between you and those things. "Aiichiro, how fast can they move?"

Simple action move x2, 40 ft closer. 60 ft in between Haruki and goblins.

Re: Event: Goblin Attack!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:11 pm
by Vutall
Ghosting Kenji:

Delay until Kaiu gives a battle plan

Re: Event: Goblin Attack!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:34 pm
by Vutall
Ghosting Utaku Ichiro

Moves up 10ft

Re: Event: Goblin Attack!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:39 pm
by Kokyou
Bunkered down with a hand on the ground, Kokyou runs with all his might in the same fashion he did several times these days to swab the dojo's floor clean. As he moves, his hand touching the earth creates a pit in front of the students, forming a nasty roadblock to the goblins and conferring his classmates an advantageous terrain to fight from.

Too bad he's damaging the dojo floor. Collateral.